Making a responsive web page - css

I am working on responsive web. I have an image that have content in front of that image. But, when I zoom out or zoom in to the max width, I found that the content ( in this case is text ) did not place on its first spot.
Do you have any idea how to make a web more responsive ? I mean responsive in here is whether we zoom in or zoom out, the position will be the same but the size maybe change.
Any idea will be appreciated. Big Thanks!
*I already am using bootstrap
Here the example of the code:
<div class="image-one">
<img src="" style="padding:5px"/>
<h2 style="vertical-align:middle;margin-left:150px;margin-top:-150px;position:absolute;color:#ff0000">Kuta</h2>

Not sure I have a clue what you're asking, but take a look at this for a more responsive structure:
<div class="image-one" style="position: relative;display: inline-block;">
<img src="" style=" max-width:100%; ">
<h2 style="vertical-align:middle;left: 31.5%;top: 50%;position:absolute;color:#ff0000;">Kuta</h2>

Not quite sure what´s your issue exactly. You want the text and/or the image rezie? Maybe this will help you:
<div class="image-one" style="background-image:url('');background-size: contain;background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative;width: 100%;height: 100%;">
<div class="centered_text" style="position: absolute;top: 50%; left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);">
<h2 style="color:#ff0000">Kuta</h2>


Bootstrap cols shorter than content

Lately, I've run into a problem when trying to get my web aps to work with small devices. Even then, this doesn't seem to always be an issue, it will depend upon the orientation of the phone. What I'm seeing is say I have a Bootstrap 4 ROW with a col-3 col-6 col-3 setup. The center col has more height and includes images where fade in and out of opacity, so the height is constant. When BS does its thing for smaller displays, the first col-3 breaks properly, leaving space for the col-6. The problem is the col-6 seems to break at the col-3 height and I get over lapping. When using the dev tools, I can see this is the case but I dont want to set a hard height because that makes the spacing go weird and defeats the whole BS purpose. Here are some examples:
<div class="row" style="margin: 0vh 5vw;">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-12 text-center wow fadeInLeft">
<i class="fa fa-eye features-icon"></i>
<h2 style="color: white; font-size: 3vmin">Something</h2>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 text-center wow" style="height: 53vh;">
<img id="img1" src="myImage.jpg" alt="dashboard" class="img-fluid img1" style="margin-top: 3vh;
display:block; position:absolute; opacity: 1;">
<img id="img2" src="~/anotherImage.png" alt="dashboard" class="img-fluid img2" style="margin-top:
3vh; display:block;position:absolute; opacity: 0;">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-12 text-center wow fadeInRight">
<i class="fa fa-database features-icon"></i>
<h2 style="color: white; font-size: 3vmin">More blah blah</h2>
This image shows where col is over lapping (blue icon)
BTW, I've set the center col height because without it, I get no height to that col. I've tried manipulating it, but it seems that whatever I do, it will fix it for one layout orientation and mess up the others. I must be missing something simple in BS. Thanks in advance for your help.
That row has an inline style defining a margin, maybe the view units are causing the problem. Try changing that around to % or px to see how it behaves or remove that margin all together and use bootstrap's margin utilities. Other thing I can think of would be to try and wrap the overlapping elements in two different .container-fluid
So, I ended up doing what I consider a cheat using jQuery. I gave the col div an id of #mcsCol and put this in my $(document).ready(function)
$("#mcsCol").css({ "height": $("#img1").css("height") });
So essentially, it will check the height of the image and set the col to the same height. If you have a more native solution, I'd love to see it.

CSS overlay not appearing over <img>?

The main structure I'm using is:
<div class="portfolio-thumbs">
<div class="col-md-4 thumb-item">
<a href="#">
<div class="thumb-img">
<img src="./img/portfolio/rocksea.jpg" class="img-responsive" />
<div class="thumb-overlay"></div>
I've created a full JS Fiddle here
I'm looking to add a semi-transparent overlay to the image (will later be adding transition and some content to slide in from bottom of each image), yet can't seem to get it to appear.
Have compared to couple of other articles on SO but none seemed to fit the bill.
I've done this a thousand times before, any idea what's going wrong with this?
With help of #ZachSaucier , adding 100% height to all elements in tree. Also adding:
div.latest-work div.portfolio-thumbs div.thumb-item a div.thumb-img div.thumb-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
Made the overlay sit on top of the img.
Updated fiddle here

How to position img element in bootstrap

I have a block:
<section id="why">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<img src="img/image.png" alt="image">
.container have a margins of left and right, and i can't position image on left of body.
I need to pull image on left of body, and i need to make it responsive.
it looks like this
Give this a try.
You don't need the container, row or col divs.
<section id="why" class="text-left">
<img src="img/image.png" alt="image">
To make an img responsive use this:
<img src="..." class="img-responsive" alt="Responsive image">
The .container has a padding of 15px on each side. By using a tool like Chrome Inspector, you can see the styles that each div has.
If not inspector, try removing each div that you have, one at a time and seeing how each one works. The time it took to ask this question, you could have narrowed it down by simply experimenting.
The official website is more than useful, is very well-documented, and it will clear up a lot of things if you take a little bit to read through it.
give this a try
<div id="why" class="pull-left">
<img src="..." class="img-responsive">
you will now have a responsive image. But take note that the class img-responsive by default is display: block. if you want to resize the image, just set the width and height of the image.

CSS DIV word-wrap issue

I have a DIV that I want to use to display some formatted content in. However, I have problems with some text TAGs inside the DIV.
You can see my problem in jsfiddle.
Can you please help me solve this?
I need the content of the second "column" to be able to word-wrap and when it would do that, I want the next "line" to be moved down so it would not overlap it.
Basically I want to text to look normal inside the DIV.
<div class="container-right">
<div class="topul" style="background-color:#2ecc71; width:352px;"></div>
<div class="parent" style="min-width:350px; width:350px; height:445px;">
<p class="myp" style="color:#2ecc71; font-size:2em; margin-bottom:0px"> <b>Worker information</b>
<div class="topul2" style="float:left; background-color:#2ecc71;"></div>
<div class="d-table">
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71">Name:
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71"><b>Some name</b>
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71;">Address:</p>
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71; display:inline-block"><b>Here goes a long text as address that does not word-wrap and exits the DIV</b>
<div class="d-tablerow">
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:right; width:30%">
<p class="myp3" style="color:#2ecc71">Other info:</p>
<div class="d-tablecell" style="text-align:left; width:70%;">
<p class="myp4" style="color:#2ecc71; "><b>Here is other information</b>
You can see the CSS in the jsfiddle link above.
I give up... I am a newbie with CSS and HTML and so far this is done manually by me after digging on google. But now I have no idea how to solve this.
Please help.
The problem is with your .myp4 styles
To avoid the overlap remove height: 2px;
To avoid bleeding from the div set max-width: 200px;
As mentioned above set heights are a bit of a nightmare unless you're going for a specific look. It's better to use min-height or max-height
NOTE: You should seriously split all your CSS into a separate file rather than having them in the elements
Also is there a particular reason for you to use crazy displays? You could achieve the same effect easily by having a div wrapping two other divs that are float left. display: block; will give you less of a hard time if you're a newbie. Aim for less code, not more.
Try setting min-height instead of height on the rows and/or cells.
The width of the table is the culprit, it's allowing its children to run wild on your page. .d-table {
width: 350px;

Stick image to the div bottom

I have one div that should contain text and bellow it one image.
I don't want that image to ever go out of that div. Just to the bottom.
That image maximum should be 128px.
But when text on top of the div is too large image should become smaller.
I have tried something but this stick image to the bottom of the browser:
<div style="width:250px; height:300px;background:#ff0000;">
<div style="background:#00ff00;">hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/></div>
<img src="" style="position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
set left: 0;
height: 24px;"/>
<div style="width:250px; height:300px;background:#ff0000;">
<div style="background:#00ff00;">hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>
<img src="" style="position: relative;bottom: 0;left: 0; height:100%;"/>
For your needs use "float" instead. Remember to use the "clear" after floats so you dont break the page. Heres your code, working with textwrapping
<div style="position:relative;width:250px; min-height:300px;background:#ff0000;">
<div style="background:#00ff00;">hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hjg<br/>jhg</div>
<img src=""style="float:bottom;
bottom: 0;left: 0; background:#0000ff;max-height: 100%;"/>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
For making the picture shrink/grow. Use Javascript. Maybe jQuery will be easiest for you. Make a new tread here at Stackoverflow if you find any troubles using it.
Best Regards
Try this:
<div style="width:250px; height:300px;background:#ff0000;position: relative;">
<div style="background:#00ff00;">hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>hello<br/>
<img src="" style="position: absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0; height:100%;"/>
