Expired password in OAuth2 and Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant - spring-security-oauth2

I'm using Spring Security OAuth2 to implement username/password authorization. The problem is that the error in case of invalid password and expired password is the same: 'invalid_grant'.
I want that the clients of my API can distinguish between both cases and act accordingly. If the password is invalid, ask for password again. If the password is expired, ask to change the password.
Is there any better way than to check the error_description (which is different in both cases)?


What is the best practice for firebase resending sendEmailVerification()?

My auth flow:
Firebase sendEmailVerification() needs an already authenticated user to work as the first arg.
My auth flow at the moment works like this.
Signing up the user with email and password signUpWithEmailAndPassword()
Now the firebase auth object contains the currentUser
Sending a verification mail to the just signed up user sendEmailVerification()
Logging him out and redirecting him to /email-verification where he can send the verification mail again.
Now the problem. When the user now wants to request to send the email verification again I have three options for what I know.
Store email and password in state before logging him out -> and then logging him in again on sendAgain and logging him out afterward. Would that be a security concern?
Let him logged in the whole time. Which doesn't feel too good as he wouldn't be able to log himself out again as he officially isn't signed in till he verifies his email.
Force him to input his email and password again every time he wants to send the verification mail again, which feels redundant and old school.
If you require that the user verifies their email address in order to sign in, consider using the email link provider of Firebase Authentication.
Let him logged in the whole time. Which doesn't feel too good as he wouldn't be able to log himself out again as he officially isn't signed in till he verifies his email.
This logic may apply to your application, but it is simply not how the email+password provider in Firebase Authentication works. When the user enters the correct credentials, they are signed in to Firebase Authentication. If your app requires them to have verified their email address before they can use it, that's the exact check I'd recommend implementing.
So if you want to continue using the email+password provider, reframe the statement to:
In order to use the app, the user needs to sign in with their credentials and verify their email address.
You can then implement that in these two steps:
Ask them to sign in if they're not signed in already.
Then if the account doesn't have a verified email address, ask them to find the email and click the link - and give them to option to send another verification email.

Login with OneTimePassword after ChangePassword API with 2FA enabled

How does FusionAuth work if you just completed the Change Password API, tried to re-login using the Login API with the oneTimePassword token, but you have two-factor enabled? Because, from my understanding, it sounds like I would need to interrupt the re-authentication flow for the user to get their two-factor code, after they just changed their password while already being logged in. Is this desired behavior? This line in the docs makes me think this is unintentional:
For this reason, this API will return a oneTimePassword that is intended to be used programatically after a Change Password request completes to keep the user logged in and provide a better user experience. A successful login will return you a new access token (JWT) and a refresh token. This will allow you to make the change password workflow seamless to the user.

Evernote SCIM API - Password reset

I can update the user attributes like userName, familyName, givenName, formatted, active and displayName using API [Method=PUT , URL=https:///scim/v2/] and I tried to do the same with the password attribute , It responds with status [200 - OK] , but the user's password is not updated.
Is there any other API is available for password reset?
Try doing GET request on /v2/ServiceProviderConfig and looking for the returned data. changePassword.supported should be false, which will confirm that changing password is not supported.
Now, SCIM is supposed to be only available when Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled on a business account (see this Help Center article). This means that users sign in using the SSO provider and are not supposed to have any Evernote-specific passwords. It's SSO provider that needs to take care about password management.

Firebase ID Token change when password reset

I use Firebase ID Tokens to show data on my site when someone is logging in.
I save the token in a cookie on the client side and when the client accesses the website it takes the token from his cookie file and sends it to my backend server.
I would like to remove all ID Tokens when a password is reset so all the logged in clients using that username and password would disconnect.
Is this option valid? If so how can you do it? They don't seem to mention it in their docs.
When a user's password is reset, changed or the associated email is updated, Firebase Auth will invalidate all existing sessions for that user for security reasons. This effectively invalidates that user's ID token from the perspective of Firebase Auth backend. The refresh token will also not be able to issue a new ID token.
Also I agree with Scott. You should use currentUser.getIdToken() to get the ID token instead of storing it yourself. This API takes care of refreshing the ID token for you when it expires.

Security cookies ASP.NET

I've a code to persist information in cookies about users like UserName and password.
Question is:
Its not secure to store information like that plain text in cookies.My DB store hashed passwords,so i could save those hashs in cookies and retrieve them later,but if i do that i wouldnt be able to fill password's textbox cause the hash string would be too long for it.
Is there any solutions?
You never should store Passwords in plain text, and even a hashed password can be vulnerable to reverse-lookup unless it is salted correctly. ASP.NET Forms Authentication already lets you create a Persistent authentication cookie that will allow the user to stay logged in, so you should use that instead. See the Timeout, expires, and IsPersistant properties when Creating the Forms Authentication Cookies.
Alternatively you could setup a token based authentication system, by which users get a security token after they enter their login information and this token is valid for a specified amount of time. This is how Live ID and Google Accounts work, and they usually store the tolken in a cookie that is valid for weeks at a time.
