Drupal Webform Submissions - drupal

I have created a Job Application webform on Drupal and it contains the usual input fields: Name, Email and Attach CV. The form itself works fine, user completes the form and on submission both the user and myself an automated email acknowledging the submission.
Is there a way to:
Add a tick box next to each individual submission in Drupal
Email the selected users (preferably directly from Drupal)
Cheers for your help guys,

You can do all those using form_alter hook for the webform. Don't give this facility for anonymous users because anybody can make you send email to anybody else(spamming).


Advanced Forms (Free version) question notification email

I’m using the great Advanced Forms plugin (Version: 1.9.1) for Wordpress for a client.
Therefore I have a question. How can I send the current page/post title inside the notification email where the form is completed in? https://www.docuconcept.nl/documentoplossingen/digitaal-ondertekenen/ It's about the green "Demo aanvraag" button which will open in a pop-up.
I know that I can use {all_fields} for the filled fields. But can I somehow also retrieve the source page title? So that the client knows on which page the user was? I know that with another form plugin like WPForms it's possible with some special tags.
Thanks already!
I tried multiple tags like [url] [page_title] etc but nothing works.

Wordpress Two Steps Autoresponders Form Submition

Need some wordpress gurus insight here!
Basically, I've a plugin call Contact Form 7 to display a form on my site.
May I know how can I achieve these steps :-
User click submit, they will auto-receive a mail containing activation link.
User click the activation link, they will auto-receive another email to containing some text to ask them to upload a picture.
On my end, I'll only receive the lead only when the user completing the 2nd step.
Is it possible to do it with wordpress plugins? Or I need some external api or something?
You can get more information to set up the points for Autoresponders Form Submission
Go Through the link - https://www.formget.com/send-copy-of-message-to-form-submitter-use-auto-responder/

Allow Gravity Form users to login and Edit their own entries front end

I have created a form using GravityForm here http://magicsoft.us/appathon/registration in the wordpress site.
After a user submit an entry an account will be automatically created. I need users to login with their username and password submitted through form and Can Update the form data they submitted.
How can i do this? I tried with Gravity View but it shows other users data also.
Thanks in advance
How can i do this? I tried with Gravity View but it shows other users data also. Thanks in advance
Then you didn't have Gravity View set up properly. You need the Advanced Filter add-on for Gravity View and with that installed, you can filter any view to only show entries created by the currently logged in user. I use that feature all of the time and it works great.

Drupal conditional field display in content type

I am busy developing a job board. I am using drop jobs and recruiter distributions as a guide. my Q: In recruiter you can select the application method, based on that selection it will show the next field.
For example: you select application method: email link -> it displays a field called email address link
when you select use built in application system it should show a field for additional email notification.
How can I do this purely in creating a content type? I know they did it somehow but I don't know how.
Help would be appreciated.
You may want to look into a module like: Conditional Fields

Two different form login templates

my question is: is it possible to have two different login templates using the same firewall in symfony2? You may ask why do I need this? Well, one of them should be rendered typically after clicking sign in button. In turn the second one would appear when user starts his checkout process clicking on button in his shopping cart. Then ideally he should be able to choose on the same page to login normally or to continue buying as a guest. So this is the difference between these two templates:
Pure symfony2 login form
Pure symfony2 login form + option to choose buying as a guest
Any idea guys how to distinct them with symfony2 login structure hidden magic? Or maybe it should be solved somehow differently? I will appreciate any help.
you can have as many login form as you want, only constraints with login form is to post to check_path.
