Buttons are shifted away from the line - css

I am making a website currently, and when I created a row of buttons a few of them were slightly shifted from the line.
My website: (unfortunately just a template so I can't really send you the link)
It seems weird to me as the buttons are set 100% of the height of their container, so technically they aren't suppose to get out of it anyway. I tried messing with the width and height of the container, but nothing seems to work. Perhaps I am missing something simple.
If any other parts of the stylesheet needed I can post it.
I'm not sure if everyone got my problem. I'm saying that it's pretty weird that while the button's height is set 100%, a few of the buttons still manage to move slightly down from the majority of buttons.

I believe the issue is your margin.
The GameBtn puts a margin on all sides, whereas the MenuBtn sets a margin to the left only. This will jack things up.
Not sure, however, why you position the container element absolute. But, that may be another discussion. Also, you have a top AND a margin-top property set in the container element. You can remove one of those. If you meant to center the container element, you can just position it relative and set the margin to margin: 65px auto 0;


CSS Padding not working in on html5 web page

I have been searching for an answer to this for some time.
i want to add space to the bottom of my web page, as content sits too close to edge.
I have tied 'padding-bottom' in wrapper tag, in body tag and in style tag.. not working.
any help on this appreciated..
you have a serious design problem.
all your elements are relatively position with top offset, that cause the wrapper and body to be actually smaller then you think. because this offset is not taken in consideration when determining the wrapper height. (so the height of the wrapper is only the sum of his children height, without the offset between them)
when you add padding-bottom to the wrapper or the body, it works (of course), but you don't see it. because your elements overlaps the wrapper..
you will be able to see that I'm right by setting overflow:hidden; to the wrapper (or inspecting your site with a tool). suddenly, half of your content disappears..
you need to remove the position:relative; from your elements, and use margin-top instead of top to make the desired space between the elements.
That way: the wrapper and body height will be set right, and the padding will work as you expect it.
You're positioning relatively all your elements. That's causing the padding/margin problems too. Why would you position your elements like this?
Try removing relative positioning and add top/bottom margins to your elements. The results will be the same in terms of visual effect.
It will also be much simpler adding new sound boxes, as you don't have to calculate a top positioning for each one.

How to set margins on floated DIVS

This is a problem that for some odd reason I run into only sometimes. But how would I set a floated DIV's margin? I use negative pixels and seem to achieve the results, but when I view the page in the editor window of a CMS (ezPublisher) it looks totally disgusting and broken, but in the browser it is fine (being broken in the editor window will not fly here)
When I set an element to float:right, it kicks it way far to the left of the page, when I set the margin-left dimensions, it doesn't go anywhere.
So in short, I'm trying to ask: when I float an element to the right, what side to I set the dimensions on? margin-left? or margin-right?
Here is the page with
.articleCover {
Furthermore, I always though that you place floated elements before the element that they float next to in the markup. However, I see it either way sometimes. Thanks for the help, and I hope I was clear on my issue.

Why won't the padding go away?

I have been really stumped on coding this mybb theme. So first off there seems to be a constant padding around the entire container. With firefox I used the identify and the container is only reading my screen to be like 1583 wide while my screen in actuality is 1,600. It has padding for the height as well. Also it seems that whenever I adjust the width to a smaller width it is weighted to the left. I don't want everything floating to the left.
In this photo provided I have all container, and body set to 100% width. The menu seems to go past it only because I said the width of that to 9,000px wide. But it refuses to go any more left.
it's a margin, not a padding, it's set in some browsers by default in the body tag, just add this to your CSS:
To add to the answer above, you should really considering using and adding normalize.css with all your projects/code in order to avoid these issues in the future.

How can I use CSS to make a div float over my text whilst remaining in the right spot?

This looks a lot easier than I am probably making it sound. I have a content div, 600px wide. It is constantly, for the sake of this argument, in the middle of my page. It is set in the middle using
margin: 0px auto;
In the top right hand corner of this div, I have set a second div, which contains options (it will be share options, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.). It is currently controlled using CSS, no Javascript. When my cursor is away from the Options div, it remains as a button. When my cursor is over the Options div, it expands. I want for it to expand over my content, but for my content to still wrap around the original (in this case) 50px square box.
I have two test pages currently uploaded:
Test 1 - This displays the Options div in the correct place (set using float: right;), but when I roll over it, the content wraps around the reiszed div.
Test 2 - This makes sure my div floats over my content, but it is set using position: absolute, and it remains at the top right hand corner of the page.
I have missed something, I know I have. Are there any suggestions as to how I can get it working together? I would prefer solely CSS, but I am not opposed to Javascript, either standalone or using jQuery (I'd prefer that, since other scripts I use in my site use the jQuery framework). Code is 100% inline for this example, CSS is using and not tags, so if you wish to look, it's all there.
Test 2 would be perfect if you set position: relative; on the containing div and then added a spacer div that remained in the flow of the document: http://jsfiddle.net/sl1dr/GyvM4/
use z-index with absolute postion. Set the z-index to be higher than the content.
Try this fiddle
It's 1:30am where I am so this is not my best work. Hopefully it should be cross browser compatible.
note I changed #options to options for re-use.
http://jsfiddle.net/7T2c6/ I got it with no extra DOM. However I did move the location of the anchor tag. Outer div no longer provides style, just spacing. Inner elements are position absolute and provide all style. Just my variant. :)
Use position:absolute without defining a top/right/left/bottom value, and add a z-index value. This will keep it in an absolute position but since it's not really specified, it will remain at the required location, causing it to overlap other objects. Play with margin to move it around.

Need help with stacking my website design

I'm having one of those pull-my-hair-out moments that has become an all consuming obsession at work and I can't figure it out for the life of me.
I'm working on a site where I have a repeating background image (gradient of blue) and I need to put another image on top of that which goes beneath my "container" div. The large image that I'm having to put the "container" on top of has designs that appear to pop out of the sides.
The trouble that I'm having is this: when the user shrinks the window size, my buttons (that are within the container div) get all jumbled up and go one on top of another when I do this in IE and Firefox. I would like it to stay in the same spot on top of the large image in its spot despite the size of the window.
I think it has to do with absolute position, something that I'm not too familiar with, but I'm wondering if this is possible. I have also never used tables and have just used div tags to create sites. Fairly new at this - just have been designing websites for about a year now.
I am answering this without seeing an example, so bear with me.
It sounds as though the container div does not have a width assigned to it.
Since the container div doesn't have a width, it is shrinking and expanding causing the buttons to jumble up. Also, make sure that your buttons and such are positioned absolutely inside of your container div. Your container div must have position:relative; set in its style in order to absolutely position items inside of it. However, it sounds as though you have your positioning already set accordingly, it is just worth re-mentioning.
