I want new user should verify his email before login - wordpress

I am using wp-members plugin for user registration and login. But I have to send a verification link in mail when user registers. How can I do that?

you can also use theme my login so you can easily achiv this.
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon registration
one of this plugin options


Creating WordPress account based on email only submit

Is it possible to create a WordPress account for users who submit an email (no password or username) through an email collection form?
I am looking at sending the user a link to their email to set a password and setup the account in full. The use case is content locking to signed up/logged in users without requiring them to go through the full sign up process. Thanks
I would recommend one of two options: 1) search wordpress.org for a frontend user registration form that may allow you to customize the password options or 2) simply use a generic form or subscription plugin to collect user info, create the new user on the backend manually and then send them an email with a link to change their password

Is there a way to reset password with Firebase Auth INSIDE a flutter app?

Firebase Auth has a method to send a verification email so the user can reset his/her password. This link redirects the user to a website where the new password will be written and saved.
Is there a way to reset a user's password using flutter and firebase inapp? I mean, could I send a verification code through SMS or email that would be then typed into the app and the user would choose a new password all inside the app?
Thank you!
To be able to change a user's password directly through the API, the user will have to enter their current password in order to be able to update it.
If you use the Admin SDK however you can implement whatever flow you want, and update the password at the end of the flow. But of course in that case it is up to you to ensure you do it securely.
You can do so by using custom email handlers along with dynamic links to open them in your app. This might require a custom domain to do so. Once the user visits your application on the custom route/page, you can then use applyActionCode method to process the email action. Checkout my answer here for a detailed explanation on processing the email actions:
How to build a custom Email action handler in Flutter for Firebase Authentication

woocommerce user registration form without email

I want to customers can register on woocommerce registration form without email instead of it they can register with username(not email) and password.
how i can do that?
Any help would be appreciated
Email is required filed for every user in WordPress. Woocommerce registration - create users. Emails needed for recovery pass, notifications, etc..
But login possible by username, without email.

Auto Login After Registration Wordpress

I would like that the user after clicking on the registration link sent via email (after the complete the registration form), log-in automatically without that he must enter your username and password.
How can I do?
Thanks in advance
That is a security issue. You should verify the appropriate person received the email by asking for credentials. At most, you could probably store email in local storage/cookie and retrieve it on the login page. But please dont auto login.

Drupal - Change From address for email to user awaiting administrator approval?

Users awaiting administrator approval are sent an email from the site's default email address. Is it possible to change the from address for these emails only?
UPDATE - Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.
Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.
