Drupal - Change From address for email to user awaiting administrator approval? - drupal

Users awaiting administrator approval are sent an email from the site's default email address. Is it possible to change the from address for these emails only?
UPDATE - Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.

Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.


Wordpress ecommerce email

I have to deliver a WordPress eCommerce website but what if I give the role of editor to my client will he still get emails about the orders received on the website? Actually this is my first eCommerce website
The e-commerce email (the address that receives the order notification) should have it's Name and password, it is sure that he can receive the received order notification from the email if you provide him with the credentials of this email address. If he could access the website on the backend he could also access the orders.
You just have to write the email of the client in the Settings section of the WordPress. Your client will still get emails.
He can even get the emails without getting the complete access to the wordpress. This is how I am doing it for my client at maheenandco. You just need to put his email address. You can use multiple emails. You will find the option in woo commerce settings.

No send activation link after registering account on Wordpress

I register MailGun and configure mail for my domain by MailGun (via SMTP). I test via MailGun plugin for Wordpress, the configuration is ok (success message). I use another SMTP plugin to test, it's ok too. I can send email from administrator#mydomain.com to any email addresses.
However, when a user register account on my site, I received an notification email (send from administrator#mydomain.com to my personal email). But I check email that user registered, there is no activation email was sent. What is this? I don't understand the registering process on wordpress: it should be user register > send activation email > click on activation link to complete registration If it's true, why did not my user receive the activation email. How can I fix this?
I google it, but I cannot find out the answer. The mail sending is ok, just Worpress didn't send the activation code to user, just send the notification email to administrator.
You can use plugins like SMTP to send email from your wordpress website. Many hosting providers stop email via php mail().
use following plugin it ight be usefull

I want new user should verify his email before login

I am using wp-members plugin for user registration and login. But I have to send a verification link in mail when user registers. How can I do that?
you can also use theme my login so you can easily achiv this.
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon registration
one of this plugin options

Wordpress email not sent to user but sent to admin

I'm encountering some issues with my wordpress setup.
When a new user is registered a mail is sent to the admin to notify him that an user registered. But the user do not recieve the password.
I do not see where is the issue :( ! Can you please assit me on fixing this?
I'm loosing customer ...
I used the plugin TML: Theme My Login all issue solved

Wordpress Contact form - Gmail issue

I am using Contact Form 7 on wordpress. When using any other email account apart form my gmail account in the to: address(where users send their queries to), I get the emails. just not gmail that is not receiving my form emails...
Why is that?
I am just using that plugin and no other mail/smtp plugins...
Any ideas?
.. just not gmail that is not receiving my form emails... Why is that?
Because Gmail refuses to accept an email destined for a Gmail user, claiming to be from a Gmail user, delivered without authentication. That is, delivered through a server other than smtp.gmail.com.
It's Spam rules are (correctly) denying your 'forged' sender address.
When using any other email account apart form my gmail account [...] I
get the emails
Obviously accounts that aren't Gmail have no way of verifying if the Gmail address is the true sender, so they have no grounds to reject the email.
You HAVE to use an SMTP plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/postman-smtp/
