SIM900 AT Commands response parsing - arduino

I am using SIM900 GPS/GPRS module shield connected to an Arduino Uno, how will I be able to parse the response of my AT commands? Or how will I be able to remove the 1st line printed in the serial after sending an AT command?
+CMGL: 1,"REC READ","+XXXXXXXXXX","","16/04/25,15:20:59+32"
Hilp akp si ralphh the pogi one mmalit mi pizza hehehehehe
+CMGL: 2,"REC READ","+XXXXXXXXXX","","16/04/25,21:51:33+32"
Example on the output above, I want to get rid of the AT+CMGL="ALL" and then parse the data left. What is the best way in parsing?

How will I be able to parse the response of my AT commands?
Yes, this is the right question to ask.
How will I be able to remove the 1st line printed in the serial after sending an AT command?
No, this is the wrong question to ask, because if you care about whether echo is on or not you are doing it wrong.
The correct strategy for parsing AT command output is as follows:
Send the AT command line (correctly terminated with "\r").
Read one and one character received from the modem until you have a complete line terminated with "\r\n" and then parse that line.
If the line equals a final result code, then all output from the command line is finished (and the modem is ready to receive new commands). This must be the first thing you test for!
If the AT command running has a prefix for its information text response lines (almost all have) check if the line starts with that, and if so process the line else ignore it.
If the AT command running does not have a prefix you probably want to print everything until the final result code is received. This applies only for legacy commands like ATI, and for parsing these you might legitimately care about echo or not.
Now for the AT+CMGL command it is a little bit more work since the responses are split on multiple lines.
First of all, the best source of information should be the manufacturer specific AT documentation, the second best being the official 3GPP 27.005 specification that standardize the AT+CMGL command.
The response for AT+CMGL in text mode is specified as
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<oa/da>,[<alpha>],[<scts>][,<tooa/toda>,
+CMGL: <index>,<stat>,<da/oa>,[<alpha>],[<scts>][,<tooa/toda>,
hence after receiving a line starting with "+CMGL: " all the lines following until you read a blank line ("\r\n") belongs to this.
See this answer on the general code structure and flow, although as written above the multi-line property of the response needs a bit more handling. I would have used something like the following (untested code):
enum CMGL_state {
// Extra prototype needed because of Arduino's auto-prototype generation which often breaks compilation when enums are used.
enum CMGL_state parse_CMGL(enum CMGL_state state, String line);
enum CMGL_state parse_CMGL(enum CMGL_state state, String line)
if (line.equals("\r\n") {
return CMGL_NONE;
if (line.startsWith("+CMGL: ") {
if (state == CMGL_PREFIX || state == CMGL_DATA) {
return CMGL_DATA;
return CMGL_NONE;
goto start;
do {
CMGL_state = parse_CMGL(CMGL_state, line);
switch (CMGL_state) {
process_prefix(line); // or whatever you want to do with this line
process_data(line); // or whatever you want to do with this line
line = read_line_from_modem();
} while (! is_final_result_code(line))

The first line AT+CMGL="ALL" seems to be the echo. You can disable it by sending ATE0 to your module in your setup function.
As for the rest of the data, it all have the same format. You can easily write your parser using different string manipulation functions.

If you are using arduino I would recommend to use a good library! You don't need to deal about these stuff. Try or you can find any other you like.
I will include one example here.
#include "SIM900.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//If not used, is better to exclude the HTTP library,
//for RAM saving.
//If your sketch reboots itself proprably you have finished,
//your memory available.
//#include "inetGSM.h"
//If you want to use the Arduino functions to manage SMS, uncomment the lines below.
#include "sms.h"
//To change pins for Software Serial, use the two lines in GSM.cpp.
//GSM Shield for Arduino
//this code is based on the example of Arduino Labs.
//Simple sketch to send and receive SMS.
int numdata;
boolean started=false;
char smsbuffer[160];
char n[20];
void setup()
//Serial connection.
Serial.println("GSM Shield testing.");
//Start configuration of shield with baudrate.
//For http uses is raccomanded to use 4800 or slower.
if (gsm.begin(2400)){
else Serial.println("\nstatus=IDLE");
//Enable this two lines if you want to send an SMS.
//if (sms.SendSMS("3471234567", "Arduino SMS"))
//Serial.println("\nSMS sent OK");
void loop()
//Read if there are messages on SIM card and print them.
if(gsm.readSMS(smsbuffer, 160, n, 20))


How to program own Wifi "Mute" Stomp Box to remote control a Behringer X32 Rack?

I´m totally new to coding, this is even my first post here. Im tryng this because nobody sells what I want/need ;-).
I achived already quite a bit, but at this moment I´m getting lost with a lot of things (I read a lot about coding in general and in special with Arduino the last 8 dayas)... but let me explain first what my intention on this project is:
I want to build a "Stomp Box" to mute a Behringer X32 Rack (wireless) Channels/Mutegroups/Buses, just Mute On/Off.. nothing else.
This Box should have 4-6 "stompers" (buttons), each of this buttons should have a different Mute function.
Also the current state of the Channel/Mutegroup/Bus should be indicated by LED´s green if unmuted or red if muted.
Therfore the box needs to evaulate the current state of the designated Channel/Mutegroup/Bus, because it could change also from other remote devices.
And then switch to the opposite state when pressing/stomping on designated button.
I´d like to have code where I can easily change the action of a button, Like:
button1 = /ch/01/mix/on ,i 1
button2 = /config/mute/1 ,i 1
button3 = /dca/1/on ,i 1
so in case I need a differnt Channel/Mutegroup/Bus for another event simply edit and recode my ESP32 Node Kit
So here is my code I already have:
#include "WiFi.h"
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <OSCMessage.h> //
#define WIFI_NETWORK "xxxxxxxxxx" //SSID of you Wifi
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "xxxxxxxxxxx" //Your Wifi Password
#define WIFI_TIMEOUT_MS 20000 // 20 second WiFi connection timeout
#define WIFI_RECOVER_TIME_MS 30000 // Wait 30 seconds after a failed connection attempt
int muteOn = 0;// 0=Mute
int muteOff = 1;// 1=Unmute
int input;
WiFiUDP Udp;
const IPAddress outIp (192, 168, 10, 129); //Mixers IP
const unsigned int outPort = 10023; //X32 Port
//variables for blinking an LED with Millis
const int led = 2; // ESP32 Pin to which onboard LED is connected
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
const long interval = 300; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
int ledState = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED
void connectToWiFi(){
Serial.print("Zu WLAN verbinden...");
unsigned long startAttemptTime = millis();
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && millis() - startAttemptTime < WIFI_TIMEOUT_MS){
if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
Serial.println("Nicht Verbunden!");
//optional take action
Serial.print("WLAN Verbunden mit ");
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP( ));
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Port defaults to 3232
// ArduinoOTA.setPort(3232);
// Hostname defaults to esp3232-[MAC]
// ArduinoOTA.setHostname("myesp32");
// No authentication by default
// ArduinoOTA.setPassword("admin");
// Password can be set with it's md5 value as well
// MD5(admin) = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
// ArduinoOTA.setPasswordHash("21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3");
.onStart([]() {
String type;
if (ArduinoOTA.getCommand() == U_FLASH)
type = "sketch";
else // U_SPIFFS
type = "filesystem";
// NOTE: if updating SPIFFS this would be the place to unmount SPIFFS using SPIFFS.end()
Serial.println("Start updating " + type);
.onEnd([]() {
.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
void loop(){
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
ledState = not(ledState);
// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
digitalWrite(led, ledState);
if (input=='0'){
// welcher status hat der kanal?
// wenn Kanal gemutet dann unmute und umgekehrt
sendMute(); //send Mute to Mixer
if (input=='1'){
void sendMute() {
//the message wants an OSC address as first argument
OSCMessage msg("/ch/01/mix/on");
Udp.beginPacket(outIp, outPort);
msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message
void sendUnMute() {
//the message wants an OSC address as first argument
OSCMessage msg("/ch/01/mix/on");
Udp.beginPacket(outIp, outPort);
msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message
So I testet this via serial Monitor, when I input "0" and click send, the mixer mutes channel 1 and on input "1" channel 1 becomes unmuted, so far so good... (OSCMessage msg("/ch/01/mix/on"); ... section.
What bothers me here in special is, I had to hardcode the command "/ch/01/mix/on", because I am not able to declare a variable? for this string? I am already so confused that I don´t know if I even have the terms right :-(
BTW: There are a lot solutions out there how to do it with MIDI, but MIDI is not wireles and I think for my project overkill. I also did some some research on but I don´t get it... (crying)...
I found also a post here, but this didn´t helped either... :-(
Any advice on that how I can reach my goal?--
Any help is much apprceiated... even in German (my native language... )
PS: Yes I´m a begginner and I admit it. But at least I managed how to connect and flash this thing even via OTA in the last 8 days, so please be easy on me.
Not wanting to hardcode your commands is a good instinct.
The Arduino language is C++, which is (mostly) a superset of C. C and C++ use a preprocessor which lets you define constants and test for their presence.
For instance, you could write:
#define CHAN01_MIX_ON_COMMAND "/ch/01/mix/on"
and then use CHAN01_MIX_ON_COMMAND anywhere you want to use that constant, like so:
void sendMute() {
//the message wants an OSC address as first argument
Then if you ever need to change the string "/ch/01/mix/on" you can just change it in one location and not worry about finding every instance of it in your code.
Writing the names in #define statements is a convention people usually follow in order to make it more clear that they're constants.
You have to write the #define line before you use the constant you defined, so putting it at the start of the file (after any #include lines and before your first function) is a good practice. Or if you have several you might put them all in their own file called something like commands.h (the .h means header file)and then include that at the start of any file that needs it like so:
#include "commands.h"
This #include statement would insert the contents of the file commands.h into the file that the statement is in.
When you have several #define statements, keeping them all together in one place (whether it's at the top of the file or in their own file) is also a good practice so that you have one central place to find them and update them if you need to.
Some people will assign the string constant to a variable like so:
char *channel01_mix_on_cmd = "/ch/01/mix/on";
Here char means "a character" - like one letter or number or symbol. The * means pointer to, which lets you use an array of characters. Simple strings in C and C++ are just arrays of characters (or a pointer to the first character), with a special hidden character at the end set to numeric value 0 (not the character '0'). C++ also has a string datatype called std::string and Arduino programs have String but those are both overkill here. They all let you work with strings; String is much easier to use than char * but both have strengths and weaknesses.
Like the #define, you'd also place that outside a function near the start of the file. It defines a global variable that would be available to any function that references it.
You'd also use the variable anywhere they want the string. It's the same idea as using #define, just done slightly differently. For instance:
void sendMute() {
//the message wants an OSC address as first argument
OSCMessage msg(channel01_mix_on_cmd);
Using a variable here is an attempt to save storage by not having multiple copies of the string. It's not necessary; C/C++ compilers have for a very long time detected this and stored only one copy of the string. It might save space if your code is split into multiple files.
Saving space on CPUs like the ESP32 and ESP8266 is important because they have so little memory. #define is fine here because the compiler does it automatically for you.
You can create the command string with sprintf.
so for example:
#define CHANNELON "on"
#define CHANNELOFF "off"
int channel;
int mute;
char messageString[100];
// some code that calculates the channel number and the mute state:
channel = 1;
mute = 1;
// then check the mute state and create the command string:
if (mute)
// to turn off a channel:
// to turn on a channel:
// send the command:
OSCMessage msg(messageString);
the %02d will substitute an integer with a zero in front,
if it's smaller than 10 and that is always 2 characters long.
so if channel is 1, the result would be 01

Arduino: while (Serial.available()==0) gives input

I am trying to input GPS coordinate into the serial monitor to use in my drone project
However, whenever I try to input GPS coordinate, it automatically writes one of the GPS coordinates without my input. For example, GPS latitude is shown as 0.00, but the program waits for GPS Longitude info.
For a detailed situation please look at the picture attached.
int GPSNumCor;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.print("What is the number of your GPS Coordinate? ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSNumCor = Serial.parseInt();
delay (200);
float GPSLat[GPSNumCor], GPSLon[GPSNumCor];
for (int i = 0; i < GPSNumCor; i++)
if (i == 0)
Serial.println("What is your 1st GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 1)
Serial.println("What is your 2nd GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 2)
Serial.println("What is your 3rd GPS Coordinate");
if (i > 2)
Serial.print("What is your ");
Serial.print(i + 1);
Serial.println(" th GPS Coordinate");
Serial.print ("Latitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLat[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
Serial.print("Longitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLon[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
It has to wait for all input until I make an input to the program, but it does not wait.
I know while (Serial.available()==0) is a way to go, but I do not know why it would not work.
First, there's no reason to use while (Serial.available() == 0);. The parseFloat function you are about to use waits for data to be available and, if it didn't, merely checking for zero wouldn't be sufficient anyway because that would stop waiting as soon as a single character was available.
So here's why that while loop is a bad idea:
If you really do need to wait for the input before calling parseFloat, this won't do it. It only waits until at least one character is received and the coordinates may be more than one character.
The parseFloat function doesn't return until it has read an entire float anyway. So it already waits for you.
But that's not your problem. Think about the input stream, say it's "11.0<newline>22.0newline44.0". Where is the code to read the spaces between those numbers? When parseFloat tries to read a space, it returns a zero, as the documentation says. That's why you're getting zeroes -- you don't have any code to do anything with the separators between the floats.
Think about how parseFloat must work when it reads "12.34newline". First it reads the 1 and has no idea whether that's the whole number of not, so it keeps checking. Then it reads the "2.34" and still has no idea it has the whole number. Not until it sees the newline does it know that 12.34 is the correct float to return. But it does not consume the newline. Why? Because that might mean something.
With the code you showed, your next call to parseFloat will then try to read the newline and see that this is not a valid character to be part of a floating point number. So, as the documentation says, it will return zero.
Look closely at parseFloat's documentation to find out how to correctly match the delimiters in your serial stream. The parseFloat function has the ability to behave differently, consuming and ignoring delimeters rather than returning zero.
I don't know how it work, I just add in every time I want to read.
If u don't want to add, u can also use old version like 1.6.0, it still work fine but it don't work when u make like C# Serial app.
Just add, it work fine every place.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int r=Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(r);; // it work fine
int g=Serial.parseInt();
In the Serial Monitor window, in the drop-down menu on the bottom-right, change from "Newline" to "No line ending" and that will solve the problem (by preventing the Serial Monitor from automatically entering zero value(s)).
Both the parseInt() and parseFloat() have a hard time reading other data types (this also includes white spaces such as new lines) than the ones specified, and as a result they automatically return zero.
Reference: This page on Programming electronics offers valuable, detailed explanations (look for a paragraph with bold text):

Saving endless loop EKG data as .txt file

I am using Olimex EKG Shield with Arduino Uno.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
// Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 - 5V):
float value = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// print out the value you read:
With this code provided here, I am getting a voltage value from 0-5V.
Since its a loop, the data keep shows in the serial monitor until it is disconnected.
So, what I am trying to do is that measure ECG for a certain amount of time (let's say 5 min) or data points (let's say a million points), and then save this data into a .txt file.
//From Arduino to Processing to Txt or cvs etc.
import processing.serial.*;
PrintWriter output;
Serial udSerial;
void setup() {
udSerial = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
output = createWriter ("data.txt");
void draw() {
if (udSerial.available() > 0) {
String SenVal = udSerial.readString();
if (SenVal != null) {
void keyPressed(){
I found this processing code that imports data from Arduino serial monitor and saves as a .txt file, but it doesn's work somehow.
I think I need to make some change to the code on Arduino side and also on Processing side.
If anyone can help with me, I would really appreciate.
Thank you.
You need to be more specific than saying "it doesn't work somehow" - we have no idea what that means. What exactly did you expect this code to do? What exactly does it do instead?
You also need to split this up into smaller problems.
Can you create a simple example program that simply sends the values to Processing? Just print them to the console for now.
Can you create a separate example program that stores values in a text file? Just use hard-coded values or random values for now- don't worry about the arduino yet.
When you have both of those working perfectly, then you can think about combining them into one program that does both: sends values from the arduino and saves those values to a text file.
You can't just "find code" and expect it to work. You have to break your problem down and then approach each individual step by itself. Then if you get stuck on a specific step, you can post a MCVE and we can go from there. Good luck.

How to capture a variable stream of characters and process them on a Arduino using serial?

I'm trying to read variable streams of characters and process them on the Arduino once a certain string of bytes is read on the Arduino. I have a sample sketch like the following, but I can't figure out how to compare the "readString" to process something on the Arduino. I would like the Arduino to process "commands" such as {blink}, {open_valve}, {close_valve}, etc.
// Serial - read bytes into string variable for string
String readString;
// Arduino serial read - example
int incomingByte;
// flow_A LED
int led = 4;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(2400); // Open serial port and set Baud rate to 2400.
Serial.write("Power on test");
void loop() {
while (Serial.available()) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char c =; // Gets one byte from serial buffer
readString += c; // Makes the string readString
if (readString.length() > 0) {
Serial.println( readString); // See what was received
if (readString == '{blink_Flow_A}') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level).
delay(1000); // Wait for one second.
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW.
delay(1000); // Wait for a second.
Some definitions first:
SOP = Start Of Packet (in your case, an opening brace)
EOP = End Of Packet (in your case, a closing brace)
PAYLOAD = the characters between SOP and EOP
SOP = {
EOP = }
Your code should process one character at a time, and should be structured as a state machine.
When the code starts, the parser state is "I'm waiting for the SOP character". While in this state, you throw away every character you receive unless it's equal to SOP.
When you find you received a SOP char, you change the parser state to "I'm receiving the payload". You store every character from now on into a buffer, until you either see an EOP character or exhaust the buffer (more on this in a moment). If you see the EOP char, you "close" the buffer by appending a NULL character (i.e. 0x00) so that it becomes a standard NULL-terminated C-string, and you can work on it with the standard functions (strcmp, strstr, strchr, etc.).
At this point you pass the buffer to a "process()" function, which executes the operation specified by the payload (1)
You have to specify the maximum length of a packet, and size the receive buffer accordingly. You also have to keep track of the current payload length during the "payload receive" state, so you don't accidentally try to store more payload bytes into the temporary buffer than it can hold (otherwise you get memory corruption).
If you fill the receive buffer without seeing an EOP character, then that packet is either malformed (too long) or a transmission error changed the EOP character into something else. In either case you should discard the buffer contents and go back to "Waiting for SOP" state.
Depending on the protocol design, you could send an error code to the PC so the person typing at the terminal or the software on that side knows the last command it sent was invalid or not received correctly.
Finally, the blink code in you snipped should be replaced by non-blocking "blink-without-delay"-style code (look at the example that come with the Arduino IDE).
(1) Example of a "process" function:
void process(char* cmd) {
if (strcmp(cmd, "open_valve") == 0) {
else if (strcmp(cmd, "close_valve") == 0) {
else {
print_error("Unrecognized command.");
It seems you are comparing the string in this statement:
if( readString == '{blink_Flow_A}' )
So I don't get your question re :
but I can't figure out how to compare the "readString" to process something
Are you really asking:
How do I extract the commands from an incoming stream of characters?
If that is the case then treat each command as a "packet". The packet is enclosed in brackets: {}. Knowing that the {} brackets are start and end of a packet, it is easy to write a routine to get at the command in the packet.
Once the command is extracted just go through a if-then-else statement to do what each command is supposed to do.
If I totally misunderstood your question I apologize :)
if( readString == "{blink_Flow_A}" ) should be correct syntax.
Since you have a statement
Serial.println( readString);
you should see the string received.

sending 'A' character by using bitbanging method

i am trying to send 'A' character by using bitbanging method. Can anyone help me to write this code in send_serial() function
void send_serial()
//send data
void main()
setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);// This device COMP currently not supported by the PICWizard
//Setup_Oscillator parameter not selected from Intr Oscillator Config tab
//c6 pin using for data transfer
//config tris
//'A' on ascii 0x41
This is fully described in Microchip's Application Note AN510 for PICs without a built in UART. However, if you can change to one which has a UART you would find the code much easier and it eases the timing restriction since the bits are sent by the hardware. The description of how to use a built in UART is described in the PIC datasheet or AN774.
