Web scraping with Hippo CMS - web-scraping

I am looking for web scraping plugins like Web Scraper and MyCurator which can be integrated with Hippo CMS.I need the same functionality which is provided by the above mentioned plugins but with Hippo.Any suggestions?

You can integrate anything you want in Hippo. Not sure what your usecase is, but I would run a scraper as an independent service and have it communicate with Hippo through rest. You can also write a Daemon service There is no default functionality or current plugin (known to me) that provides this.


OpenStack custom Dashboard

I am looking for way to create simple multiuser Dashboard for OpenStack as alternative to Horizon. Idea is keep Horizon for administrators and manage users in another aplication with possibility to create (with admin confirmation) custom system.
My idea is create a web aplication (Node.js) which would communicate with OpenStack REST API because we need some extra feature (messaging, LDAP/AC Auth).
I also looked for some projects like alternative to Horizon, but cant find anything .
My question is, what is better idea? Create custom solution or use some already created Dashboard(which one?) and only modify it?
Take a look at this open source project:
So its frontend is based on ReactJS and BackboneJS and the backend is the Django and DRF which consumes the OS python client API.
As for your question, it depends. The horizon project has a very good plugin registration service that let you easily create custom dashboards and you don't have to worry about many other details.
However, create a new dashboard on your own also sounds cool but it needs a lot more effort and time than using the horizon.

is there a drupal module that enables a live chat in a drupal site?

is there a drupal module that enables a live chat in a drupal site?
I recommend drupalchat, it is the most maintained and complete version. It uses node.js as the server. It works on Drupal 6 and 7 and has many features.
Drupal.org has an excellent search, a simple search revealed these candidates.
I use ClickDesk on my Wordpress site as a plugin, It's just copy pasting the code; I guess it should work with Drupal as well.
Have a look at bowob chat it gives you an interface which would be useful for implementing chat in a social networking environment. If you exam the api you can see what other modules bowob will go with well.
You can use the Drupal Olark module
I believe it can handle visitors when you are offline too.
You should try LetsSyncro Live Chat & Image interaction Module for Drupal. This module adds image interaction to the traditional Live chat functionality.
You can find the installation guide in the following link: http://letssyncro.com/AddOns/Drupal
Zopim will provide you with the admin panel to administer you online and offline chat, but on their site only. Helped me a lot. Hope this will help you too.
Check chatroom module. It doesn't depend on any third party services and it offers a lot flexibility. You can make both - a site support chat and a community open chat room with it.
Version for D7 requires node.js I think.
Most of others depend on third party services which require registration and membership.
Yes i'm actually using a facebook like chat that's easy to configure with YUI
I'm actually using drupalchat: a facebook like chat and easy to configure with yui
At our website we used Mibbit to embed chat events. It is based on the old IRC system so it has zero learning curve for that audience. It worked really well and the cost was minimal, might be zero for most regular users.
Their staff was also extremely helpful and just generally cool to work with. They are always on their own support chat channel and so you get instant answers. We eventually stopped doing corespondent interviews so the system is not used now, but I would use them again without hesitation.

Integrating Drupal with OpenERP

We have a requirement that we need to integrate OpenERP with Drupal.
I investigated but could not find any Drupal addon/module which will do the desired job.
I also investigated and found that OpenERP is based on client server architecture, where Server exposes XMl-RPC/SOAP based webservices and client uses these services for all business operations and all user actions.
More information can be found here.
As per from the document, all the business processing is done on the server.
So considering this design in mind, and considering that we can create custom modules in drupal which can perform xml-prc/soap operations, it seems we can integrate drupal with OpenERP.
Is this the only way, or i am missing something.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
for your information OpenERP doesn't support SOAP web services, so thats sure you need to develop drupal module using XML-RPC Web Services !
Here is an example provided by openerp_doc for PHP integration using xml-rpc web services
I don't have any experience in integrating OpenERP with other applications but web services should be the way to go. May be you can benefit from studying how others did to link OpenERP with other solutions like Magento, Prestashop, ezPublish...
Lastly an other interesting solution appeared for OpenERP EAI, Terminatooor.
And by the way, seems like others are working on this too: http://openerp.netquatro.com/openerp_cms
Anyway, it would be great to have a Drupal integration module !
Hope it helps

Does anyone know a library similar to Openinviter but for connecting your asp.net site to social networks

we are currently developing a website which will heavily involve connections to several social networks. I name a few (facebook, youtube, flickr, google contacts, windows live contacts, twitter,...)
i know (from collegues) that a library exists for php. called openInviter (http://openinviter.com)
though this site has to be in asp.net and probably with the CMS Umbraco (http://www.umbraco.org)
Instead of targetting each site trough its own (or custom community build) library we were wondering if anyone knows a similar library that target all or many social networks at once. Greatly simplifying the work and complexity of the project.
Depending on what you're looking at doing with the Social Networks, you might want to check out YQL - Yahoo! Query Language - this allows you to work with one API to access a whole host of supported and custom APIs, which might well simplify things for you.
Have you seen RPXNow? There is a .NET library available.

Real time chat implementation for SharePoint

I have a client interested in a real time chat application for a SharePoint intranet portal to enable online interview style chat sessions.
Has anyone got reccomendations for a product on the Microsoft Stack that does this? Something that is integrated into SharePoint would be prefferable, but any ASP.NET product would suffice.
The solution would need to be pretty robust as we would expect over 1000 users during a given session.
Microsoft Office Communication Server is the way Microsoft intended chat for SharePoint. I dont know if its just for 1 to 1 communcation or if there is a good multi-user support.
Another way to implement chat (or IM) in SharePoint is to use Windows Live Messanger and the green precense icon which shows up to the left of all names in SharePoint. But this is probably not the way you want to use chat.
We initially turned to handy Windows Live Messanger, However we dropped it because of security concerning.
We are using Groove, which look advisable so far.
There is ChatterBox. It's more of a demo app but the source code is available. The latest version is dated 2007 and is in beta with AJAX support.
As you have the source code, I'm sure you could take it and turn it into something nice.
I did a little work into this but dropped it because it take alot work to implete all needed features.
The easiest way looked to use IRC. IRC client software is available as asp.net, use via an iframe or make into a custom web part, there are also flash or java clients which could be imbedded.
You would need to setup a IRC server.
There is a third party product for SharePoint 2010 called GameTime that supports real-time web based chat integrated into SharePoint.
