Integrating Drupal with OpenERP - drupal

We have a requirement that we need to integrate OpenERP with Drupal.
I investigated but could not find any Drupal addon/module which will do the desired job.
I also investigated and found that OpenERP is based on client server architecture, where Server exposes XMl-RPC/SOAP based webservices and client uses these services for all business operations and all user actions.
More information can be found here.
As per from the document, all the business processing is done on the server.
So considering this design in mind, and considering that we can create custom modules in drupal which can perform xml-prc/soap operations, it seems we can integrate drupal with OpenERP.
Is this the only way, or i am missing something.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

for your information OpenERP doesn't support SOAP web services, so thats sure you need to develop drupal module using XML-RPC Web Services !
Here is an example provided by openerp_doc for PHP integration using xml-rpc web services

I don't have any experience in integrating OpenERP with other applications but web services should be the way to go. May be you can benefit from studying how others did to link OpenERP with other solutions like Magento, Prestashop, ezPublish...
Lastly an other interesting solution appeared for OpenERP EAI, Terminatooor.
And by the way, seems like others are working on this too:
Anyway, it would be great to have a Drupal integration module !
Hope it helps


Web scraping with Hippo CMS

I am looking for web scraping plugins like Web Scraper and MyCurator which can be integrated with Hippo CMS.I need the same functionality which is provided by the above mentioned plugins but with Hippo.Any suggestions?
You can integrate anything you want in Hippo. Not sure what your usecase is, but I would run a scraper as an independent service and have it communicate with Hippo through rest. You can also write a Daemon service There is no default functionality or current plugin (known to me) that provides this.

Which are limits of Community version of the eZ Publish CMS?

I am currently looking for informations about eZ Publish Community version and its limits to develop a public portal.
Can I use Oracle database? Should I prefer ezoracle to any Symfony extension?
Can I integrate an antivirus solution? If yes which one?
Can I use 2 different instances, one to write and export contents, and another one to import and update contents?
Which newsletter system do you suggest?
Is back-end IE8 and IE9 compatible?
Can I (de)activate contact forms on demand?
Can I integrate a more powerful anti-spam solution than visual CAPTCHA? (ex: reCAPTCHA)
Can the webmaster modify layout elements, such as logos, bannes, aso.
Thank you for your help!
Latest community version is using Doctrine DBAL (through new stack) which supports Oracle. But so far there is no information that someone tried it as the Doctrine support is quite new. ezoracle extension is a legacy extension which might be used but not if new stack is being utilised.
Anti-virus solutions are not something that makes sense to integrate with CMS-es. Those are either client software (CMS runs on web servers) or server side software which is installed on the web server and monitors uploaded files.
You probably describe a content staging kind of setup for which there is no out-of-the-box solution. But the CMS is quite flexible and some solution could be possible to develop.
Solid and integrated one is the cjw_newsletter, but its legacy based. There is nothing similar in the new stack, there might be some Symfony based bundles that could be integrated but would require some development effort. Depends on the integration needed. If not much integration is needed external services are an option
Legacy admin interface is, for the new editor UI which is under development at the moment I am not sure what will be the oldest IE supported. IE8 probably not, maybe just with graceful degradation.
If you mean legacy collected info based forms yes. You can hide the node of the forms for example. In new stack there are no similar implementation yet.
Yes, although it would probably require some web development knowledge. If you use legacy collected info forms you can try to install some of the existing legacy extension that deal with that (e.g. but to do it in new stack (Symfony based) you will probably need to dig deeper with Symfony Forms and custom controllers or find and integrate bundles that implement this
This depends on how the front-end is implemented. If done properly it should be possible, yes
For more detailed help feel free to use the community forum:

Architecture for Web-App development aimed at aiding interoperability between CMS systems. Has it been done?

I'm thinking about attempting to design a new framework architecture aimed at allowing a web app to later be easily ported into a system such as Drupal or Joomla while maintaining the independence of the original app such that updates to core functionality would require only one release or otherwise minimal extra work.
Before I start on this however, I would like to see what work has previously been done that comes closest to what I am proposing. So an answer to this question would come in the form of a reference to the most similar work or if possible a definitive 'no' that this has not been done before.
Clarification by example: MediaWiki is a common web app that has become one of the most highly recommended of its kind. However, site admins building their sites with Drupal would be required to hack MediaWiki in order for it to play nicely with Drupal in terms of sharing a user base for example. Imagine that MediaWiki has decided to do a complete rebuild of their system, what design could be used to make this interaction simply require a Drupal module or Joomla component and thus make MediaWiki available to more users?
I'm using MediaWiki as just an example, I think modules and components already exist that solve this particular problem but I hope I am able to get my idea across. It is a problem I have encountered many times during web development now that CMS systems are appearing more and more enterprise-like.
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an OASIS Specification that you can use to imrprove the data portability and interoperability of a CMS. If your system has (or your provide) a CMIS interface, you can move content to / from other CMS systems that also provide CMIS interfaces.

Media chase vs. aspdotnetstorefront

I'm starting an ecommerce project that has very heavy backend integration requirements. I need an ecommerce package that is easy to customize and can function at the enterprise level. If you are familiar with Media Chase and Aspdotnetstorefront, could you let me know what your experience has been and if you lean towards one or the other (or if you recommend a total different platform). Has to be .net. Thanks!
I represent AspDotNetStorefront and we've built thousands of Web sites with dozens of third-party back-end integrations.
If you let me know what kind of integration you're looking to do, I can put you in touch with someone in our authorized developer network to hear about their experience developing for the platform.
We also have a strong community in our forums:
I'm sure they'd be willing to relate their personal experiences with the specific kind of development you're looking to do as well.
Good luck with your project!
If you are in need of a .net based enterprise level ecommerce platform I would recommend Microsoft Commerce Server. It is a highly customizable platform, rich in features, and it has many options for back end integration as it uses web services for communication with the back end. If you choose you could also use BizTalk as middleware, and you could then leverage the built-in adapters for commerce server, as well as the adapters for many other systems (ERP, warehouse, etc).

How do I architecture an multi web-site solution?

I have a web site solution ( that runs on a SQL server database. I have several of those installations running and i want to create an administration module which can monitor and interact with them all. - and if all goes well - push/upgrade an installation to FTP/SQL.
What is the best approach to architecturing this?
SHould i simpley just integrate with the database on each installation (easiest approach as i see it) but this will give problems when/if I upgrade the database model
Should I write a webservice which interacts with the database and i "simply" connect with this webservice on each website when i need to administer it?
Any solutions i havent thought about is very welcome
The latter would be a better approach as this would give you independence from any underlying customisations to the installations.
I agree abstract the implementation into a webservice, and then use something like the enterprise library to interact with the datastore.
This will give you a good framework to work from and should help decouple your application, resulting in more flexiblity moving forward.
