connecting to gazebo model database - simulator

I'm using gazebo simulator on Ubuntu 14.04.4.
I'm having problem to connect to the model database.
while I run gazebo I get the following errors:
Warning [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds.
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
Error [] Unable to download model[model://sun]
Error [] File or path does not exist[""]
Error [] Unable to find uri[model://sun]
Warning [] Getting models from[]. This may take a few seconds.
Msg Connected to gazebo master #
Msg Publicized address:
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
Error [] Unable to download model[model://ground_plane]
Error [] File or path does not exist[""]
Error [] Unable to find uri[model://ground_plane]
[ INFO] [1462749167.054486531, 0.024000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1462749167.150879357, 0.095000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
Error [] No tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
I tried looking up for the errors but I got no helpful answer.
In the "Insert" tab I see "conneting to model database..."

You can download all the models here:, then save all the model files in ~/.gazebo/models.
Then two problem about manifest and database.config are left. In fact i don't know how to solve it, but it seems that it just doesn't matter.


Getting: "Failed to fetch metadata" when starting up Jupyter

I am using JupyterLab as my IDE and I have a couple of packages installed. Namely, the 'jupyterlab-dash' and 'juptyerlab-plotly' packages. My issue is when I go to launch 'juptyer lab' from terminal, I notice the following error:
Failed to fetch package metadata for 'jupyterlab-dash': URLError(gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))
I'm not sure why this error is popping up but I've noticed this error only pops up when I have no internet connection (working on a train etc.). Could it be because these packages are trying to call something as I launch and because I don't have an internet connection it raises the error?
In the end I am able to use JupyterLab and the packages as intended (at-least it seems), but I'm curious why this error to 'fetch metadata' appears?

R Studio crashing not at initialization. Error: Error occurred during transmission

Some context on my environment:
I am running R Studio in a docker container called rocker/verse.
I downloaded this dataset from Kaggle, which has about 470 MB.
When working with it, at some point RStudio restart. It does't happen after a specific call, and I've seen the same problem when working with other projects. Though it is not related to my code, I am posting it bellow.
fraud<- fread("path.csv")
fraud1<- sort(sample(nrow(fraud), nrow(fraud)*.7))
train<- fraud[fraud1, ]
test<-fraud[-fraud1, ]
Usually on the console this message is printed:
Error: Error occurred during transmission
And, this pop up is also showed:
I have no idea what is causing it. I would appreciate any help.
Delete the .Rhistory files associated with the installation and any open project.
You have a problem with your user data files for Rstudio. Follow the hints given here: and here:

I am getting a pathing error that I do not understand regarding the "diskImageR" package

I am getting an error when trying to run the diskImageR package, specifically the IJMacro function, regarding an inability to locate ImageJ. This is what I think the error is stating although I do not know for sure.
I already tried changing the path and by following the pdf associated with running the package, but I still get the same error.
IJMacro("newProject",imageJLoc ="C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\ImageJ")
[1] "Searching for application name or filepath: ImageJ"
Error in ij$runScript(paste(script, IJarguments)) :
The imageJ binaries have not been located. Re-initialise the imageJInterface object with the correct location for the imageJ binaries
In addition: Warning message:
In setFilePath(filePath) :
The ImageJ application could not be found in the common install location on your system

Unable to work with R-extension in NetLogo

I downloaded and installed the R-3.3.0 extension for windows. But when i run a netlogo code with extensions [r matrix] (BEFERGYONET MODEL), an error occurs. The error is
Error in R-Extension: Error in runOnce: java.lang.NullPointerException
I read the documentation in the doc folder and various similar posts, then understood that some global environment variables (R_HOME, JRI_HOME and PATH) are need to be changed. But i did not understood how to make these changes and what exactly have to write for these variables. Is there any specific editor and commands to do so.

Getting Error in config.txt file of NetSim Simulator

When I open NetSim's Config.txt file after Simulation I get the following error:
Error in config file ---
1) Unknown xml tag "UPDATE_TIMER" in line number 166.
However, Simulation runs Successfully. What does this mean?
You need to specify the missing parameters in the Configuration file which are mentioned in the "ConfigLog.txt". Since, NetSim will crash if all the required parameters are not configured, NetSim addresses this issue by enabling default values where ever required. Error produced in the "ConfigLog.txt" because the value for the "UPDATE_TIMER" for "ROUTING_PROTOCOL" is not specified in the Configuration file. In order to obtain accurate metrics for the desired scenario you need to update your Configuration.xml file.
