How to find a Guile package? - guile

I found a code example in the webs, that solves a current problem of mine by using the the os process module.
(use-modules (os process))
That's cool, except I don't have that module, and don't know where and how to get it.
Can you help?
(I use Guile 2.0, on Debian.)

The module/library you are looking for is called "Guile Library" (guile-lib) and is introduced here (
The function run-with-pipe is documented here and the library may be downloaded here.


Unable to execute R code on U-SQL using R extensions

I have been trying to execute R code on U-SQL using the R extensions mentioned in the documentation (
When I try to execute the example scripts mentioned in the link above, it throws the error:
C# error CS1739: The best overload for 'Reducer' does not have a parameter named 'rReturnType'
And when I remove the rReturnType parameter I am unable to make sense of the output.
Are there any other Extension.R parameters which will serve the same purpose?
Which version of the extensions have you installed? if you installed them some while ago, the parameters of the libraries may have changed and be out of date with the documentation. I am pinging the owner of the documentation page to make sure that the docs are in sync with the latest released version.
UPDATE: I checked and the documentation is aligned with the latest version. Please go to the ADLA Portal and reinstall the U-SQL Extensions. Please make sure that you read up on the release notes in case you or someone else uses the older version.

How do I use GSL in Julia?

the general questiĆ³n would be how do I to use any library non-standar in Julia, e.g. libraries exported from C, specifically I downloaded the GNU Scientific Library from, according the Julia Manual I think it can be used, but I readed the INSTALL file from the GSL folder and I tried follow the steps, however I could not finish them because I did'nt understand some steps.
If anyone could give me some advice to use this library in Julia, I would appreciate it very much.
some details.
-OS: Windows10
-Julia version: 0.6
In the general case,
calling compiled code is done using ccall
For the case of GSL, for most operations you shouldn't be using GSL.
The (almost all) the functionality provided by GSL is well covered by the Julia standard library or by well maintained julia packages.
Mostly with implementation in pure julia.
Pure julia implementations will normally be basically as fast as the C/Fortran implementations.
Plus they will have other good features like working well with the optimiser,
and supporting custom types via multiple dispatch
For example supporting Dual numbers means that ForwardDiff.jl will just natively allow Auto differentiation to work with them.
For some code ducktyping will even let them work with things like TensorFlow..
As to how to install GSL, I think that is a seperate question from how to use GSL with julia.
Conviently though, if you are in a position you absolutely need to call GSL from julia,
there is already a julia package wrapping it. GSL.jl
And particularly conveniently, it will automatically download and install GSL for you when you run Pkg.add("GSL.jl"),
so you don't have to worry about installing it yourself.
If the package isn't working for you, raise an issue on their repo.
(Julia packages tend to be good like that, just installing all their dependencies so you don't have to fiddle around with things. I've been really impressed a few times when colleges have come to me saying "I love R library Foo but I can't using it on windows as I can't get the Fortran backend to work"; and I'll be like "Foo.jl does the same thing using the same fortran backend, also it automatically installs that backend, and does so in a way that just works even on windows.")

PhantomJS compile with WebGL

I am trying to compile PhantomJS to add WebGL. Apparently it is possible because of:
post on
post on
However, I have no idea how to do this. I have looked in all the configuration for compiling and I tried and found nothing.
Should I compile QTWebKit separately with the necessary options and then compile PhantomJS with this WebKit?
I'm on Mac OSX Lion.
It would be really nice to have a bit of help.
As you well may know, Phantomjs has is no longer being actively developed.
I suggest you move to Puppeteer which uses Chromium:
This was opened by ariya who also commented on the Google Groups thread as a GitHub issue.
According to this comment by a project collaborator on that issue:
That's not that easy. WebGL requires OpenGL. OpenGL requires XCB on Linux. That means that you will not be able to use PhantomJS in full headless environment. I doubt that this will be implemented in near future.
It seems to me like this is the final answer to the OP's question. The OP has not addressed whether SlimerJS would actually work in their situation.

Rcpp upgrading legacy code questions

I am taking over a project which involves upgrading to the latest version of Rcpp and thus I have to upgrade all the old style API calls (which is compatible with the CLassic version I believe). As there is no full API documentation, I am having to do this by trial and error and noting any "undefined reference" errors on linking and then looking through the vignettes/examples. The compile works fine but the errors arise on linking against \inst\libs\RLink.dll. I have manged to convert a lot of the code (mainly using Rcpp::List to extract and pack incoming and outgoing function parameters) but I simply cannot get equivalents for the following:
Rprintf or Rf_error and forward_exception_to_r.
I am using Code::Blocks 10.05 IDE with RTools installed and Mingw64 referenced explicitly in the toolchain with the GNU GCC Compiler selected. I'd be grateful for any heads up. Thanks.
I do have #include and before that and (there was a series of errors that were occuring because I had included iostream before Rcpp, which was strange.
Can you please provide some concrete examples, maybe even on the rcpp-devel list? The porting approach works, I too have ported legacy code from the 'classic' Rcpp API, and so have others on the list.
But you do not have to port. The short vignette in the RcppClassic package has details on how to use it in case you want to maintain the old API.


While building Qt and Qt-based software on windows, it seems important to set MINGWDIR environment variable. But i'm not very pleased with doing something like 'voodoo magic', without knowing the reasons. Unfortunately, searching google reveals that it's a lot of tutorials and examples that sets MINGWDIR, but no documentation about this environment variable itself. Is it required by mingw32-make? Is it required by Qt? Is it not required at all? Maybe some guru knows WHAT exactly this environment variable is for and can point me to some mingw/gcc documentation or any article about it?
As you know, MinGW is a compiler. This enironment variable is used to point to the installation folder for it.
Does this article help ?
