I am having trouble with my function. When I call the function, it only seems to have looped through first value in my for loop and does not continue to fill my matrix. Here is the code. The output should be a matrix filled with 1's.
binfunction <- function(y) { #Set up a function that takes a vector input and puts the elements into bins
L <- length(y)
x <- c(0, cumsum(y))
U <- runif(1, min = 0 , max = sum(y))
for(i in 1:L) {
if(x[i] <= U && x[i+1] > U){
randomgraph <- function(n, beta) {
mat <- matrix(0,n,n)
mat[1,2] <- 1
mat[2,1] <- 1
for(i in 3:n) { #Loop that fills matrix
degvect <- colSums(mat[ , (1:(i-1))])
degvect <- degvect^(beta)
j <- binfunction(degvect)
mat[i,j] <- 1
mat[j,i] <- 1
I get the error message "Error in dist.mat[j, i] <- d :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length" when I run the script:
uncenter.distance <- function(X) {
n <- nrow(X)
dist.mat <- matrix(0, n, n)
xj <- X[1,]
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
yj <- X[j,]
d <- 1 - sum(xj %*% yj) / sqrt((xj)^2 * (yj)^2)
dist.mat[j,i] <- d
dist.mat[i,j] <- d
xj <- X[1+i,]
sqrt((xj)^2 * (yj)^2) returns a vector of length n, thus d is also a vector of length n, dist.mat[j,i] expects a single value, that is why dist.mat[j,i] <- d cannot work. Did you forget to sum (or mean or whatever function that returns a length 1 vector) the part with the square root ?
You also need to add an if before assigning xj, in case i=n (1+n row does not exist)
uncenter.distance <- function(X) {
n <- nrow(X)
dist.mat <- matrix(0, n, n)
xj <- X[1,]
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
yj <- X[j,]
# I put a sum inside the sqrt
# you can change it to what you meant to do
d <- 1 - sum(xj %*% yj) / sqrt(sum((xj)^2 * (yj)^2))
dist.mat[j,i] <- d
dist.mat[i,j] <- d
# add an if statement for last column
if (i<n){
xj <- X[1+i,]
It runs now :
> uncenter.distance(matrix(1:6,nrow=2))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.3163105 -0.3591645
[2,] -0.3591645 -0.4142136
I was trying to maximize my Likelihood with the R package 'optimx'. Here is my code. With the initial value (5,5) and (1,1), I got different Maximized likelihood. I also have tried different method like 'Nelder=Mead', but the estimated log likelihood are different under different methods...
X = matrix(runif(225),ncol=1)
e2 = matrix(runif(225,0,2),ncol=1)
This is the function to generate some data I will use
get_mls_basis<- function(p){
depth <- ceiling(runif(1)*p)
knot <- matrix(rep(0,depth+1),ncol=1)
lr <- runif(1) > 0.5
x <- matrix(rep(0,n),ncol=1)
not_finished <- 1
while (not_finished == 1) {
data_indx = ceiling(runif(1)*n)
var = matrix(rep(0,depth),ncol=1)
for (j in 1:depth) {
not_ok <- 1
while (not_ok == 1) {
ind <- ceiling(runif(1)*p)
if (!is.element (ind,var[1:j]))
var[j] <- ind
not_ok <- 0
x_v <- as.matrix(X[data_indx, var])
knot[1:depth] <- rgamma(depth,1,1)
knot[1:depth] <- knot[1:depth] / sqrt(sum(knot^2))
knot[depth+1] <- -x_v %*% knot[1:depth]
ones <- matrix(rep(1,n),ncol=1)
temp <- as.matrix(cbind(X[,var], ones)) %*% knot
if (lr == 0) {
for (i in 1:n)
temp[i] <- max(0,temp[i])
else {
for (i in 1:n)
temp[i] <- min(0,temp[i])
x <- temp
not_finished <- all(x==0)
mx <- mean(x)
stx <- sd(x)
x <- (x-mx)/stx
This is my log likelihood
Lik1<-function(theta, basis){
Here I used 5 as initial value
optimx(par=c(5,5), Lik1,
basis=basis1,method='bobyqa',control = list(maximize=TRUE))
I have a large list that stored measurements (a product of other lapply() runs). I now want to gather these measurements and calculate median/mean/sd etc but I don't know how to access them. The structure of this list is like this:
I can't figure out a function that would return e.g. mean of $bar (but not of $x) and keep relation the values of the indices i,j,k.
A sample list can be generated with the following R code:
metrics <- function(y){
tt10r <- median(y)
list(y, flatten(list(bar = tt10r)))
example_list <- list()
for (i in 1:10)
v <- list()
for (j in 1:10)
w <- 1:10
v[j] <- list(w)
example_list[[i]] <- v
foo <- list()
for (i in 1:length(example_list))
u <- list()
values <- list()
for (j in 1:length(example_list[[i]]))
u[[j]] <- lapply(example_list[[i]][[j]], function(x) mean(x))
values[[j]] <- lapply(u[[j]], function(x) metrics(x))
foo[[i]] <- values
The following code works nicely, but I am not sure if it is efficient (loops!). Gives the anticipated result:
final <- matrix(nrow = tail(cumsum(unlist(lapply(foo, function(x) lengths(x) -2))), n=1), ncol = 3)
final <- data.frame(final)
all_js <- c(0, cumsum(lengths(foo)))
starts <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(lapply(foo, function(x) lengths(x) -2)))) + 1
ends <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(lapply(foo, function(x) lengths(x) -2))))
for (i in 1:length(foo))
a <- foo[[i]]
for (j in 1:length(a))
b <- a[[j]]
data <- unlist(lapply(lapply(b[1], '[', 2), '[[', 1))
for (k in 2:c(length(b)-2))
data <- rbind(data,unlist(lapply(lapply(b[k], '[', 2), '[[', 1)))
row.names(data) <- NULL
colnames(final) <- c("i", "j", colnames(data))
first <- starts[all_js[i] + j]
last <- ends[all_js[i] + j+1]
final[first:last,] <- data.frame(cbind(i = i, j = j, data))
A have code that creates a random graph in the form of a matrix. Now I would like it to create many, say m, random graphs so the output is m matrices. I am trying to do this with a for loop. This would be my preferred method however I am open to other suggestions (apply family?). Here is my code, where n is the number of nodes/vertices the graph has and beta is the amount of preferential attachment (keep this between 0 and 1.5)
multiplerandomgraphs <- function(n, beta, m) {
for(k in 1:m) {
randomgraph <- function(n, beta) {
binfunction <- function(y) {
L <- length(y)
x <- c(0, cumsum(y))
U <- runif(1, min = 0 , max = sum(y))
for(i in 1:L) {
if(x[i] <= U && x[i+1] > U){
mat <- matrix(0,n,n)
mat[1,2] <- 1
mat[2,1] <- 1
for(i in 3:n) {
degvect <- colSums(mat[ , (1:(i-1))])
degvect <- degvect^(beta)
j <- binfunction(degvect)
mat[i,j] <- 1
mat[j,i] <- 1
You can define your randomgraph function as randomgraph <- function(i, n, beta) {} with the body the same as your definition, leaves the parameter i as a dummy parameter. And then use apply function as listOfMatrix <- lapply(1:m, randomgraph, n, beta) which return a list of matrix.
I am trying to create a function to calculate the Box-Cox transformation in R, where you iterate values of lambda (lambdas) in a formula to maximize L. What I ultimately want is a vector of L, such that for all i in lambda, there is a corresponding L value.
y <- c(256,256,231,101,256,213,241,246,207,143,287,240,262,234,146,255,184,161,252,229,283,132,218,113,194,237,181,262,104)
df <- 28
lambdas <- seq(-3,3,0.001)
L <- c(rep(NA,length(lambdas)))
for(i in lambdas) {
if(i != 0) {
yprime <- (((y^i)-1)/i)
} else
{ yprime <- log(y)
st2 <- var(yprime)
L <- (((-df/2)*(log(st2))) + ((i-1)*(df/n)*(sum(log(y)))))
What I typically end up with L as a vector of 1, with the final iteration calculated.
Use seq_along to generate an index for lambdas[] and L[]
for(i in seq_along(lambdas)) {
if(i != 0) {
yprime <- (((y^lambdas[i])-1)/lambdas[i])
} else {
yprime <- log(y)
st2 <- var(yprime)
L[i] <- (((-df/2)*(log(st2))) + ((lambdas[i]-1)*(df/n)*(sum(log(y)))))