Selling tickets using WordPress + WPML + WooCommerce - wordpress

I have specific (technical + process) issue on one e-commerce project.
We have fully active and working WordPress + WooCommerce, internationalized with premium WPML plugin (everything setup) + Events plugin for events.
We tried to find premium plugin for selling tickets over WooCommerce, but none of the solutions seems to be WPML complient. Events plugin (create by Modern Tribe) have Event Tickets Plus plugin but it doesn't support WPML (it doesn't work).
Does anyone have idea for a good premium plugin to do this, or some patch or workaround for this business process?
So ticket buying process is somewhat like this:
Read text -> choose ticket type (can be several tickets of different types) -> register people for each ticket – custom fields for every ticket type (or skip this by clicking a button and register later) -> pay (chose payment option and pay for the ticket)
Ideas? :)

Original issue wasn't related to translations, but to fact that Events plugin from Tribe is not working with WPML (it crashes). That is later confirmed by Tribe (plugin creators) and WPML translations aren't a way to fix this.
Anyway, after several days we managed to find a good workaround. I'll describe it here, in case anyone has the same issue (I noticed people are complaining about Event Tickets from Tribe aren't supporting WPML.
So, we did this:
We kept original Event plugin (free version)
We removed Event Ticket and Event Ticket Plus plugins (we don't use
We decided to simulate different Tickets with Product variations
There is category called Ticket. Product is now ticket for one specific event, and each variation is
type for that ticket.
We created separated template for category for Ticket where we
removed all WooCommerce things that we don't need for ticket.
We purchased plugin for presenting variations in table view
and customized it according to our needs.
Now, we have all functionalities that we needed without Tickets plugin from Tribe, everything is WPML ready and we have possibility to customize it even more according to our Use Cases.
Example of our implementation can be found at link:


Woocommerce Subscriptions pay without logging in

I'd like to allow anyone to pay for their initial subscription order without having to log in.
I've tried adding this snipet to my website but it doesn't work:
It works for orders but not for parent orders of a subscription.
After exploring WooCommerce Subscriptions Core code I'm convinced that this it not possible. The plugin enforces that the user needs to be logged in to pay for the parent order of a subscription.
See wcs-cart-initial-payment
The solution mentioned in the article you linked to only works for regular WooCommerce orders and not for subscriptions, which are a separate product type in WooCommerce and have different payment requirements.
You may find this guide on guest checkout for WooCommerce subscriptions helpful:
Or, if you are more of a visual learner, follow along with this video tutorial that outlines everything described in the article:

Wordpress post view format for filter grid

I am a complete newb to wordpress. I am trying to help a friend out. She asked me to help her move her wordpress instance to another hosting provider.
I have done that for the most part. My issue is the original provider implemented a not-so-obvious way of an isotope filter on some UI elements.
Specifically the object is a company. Each company has a logo, the name of the company, a short description and a contact name / email.
These companies service states / areas and the idea behind the page is to select the state and only the companies for that state are visible.
From the brief searching I have done - there seems to be an overwhelming amount of plugins to support this.
I have tried creating a simple post with a featured image and adding in the text in the excerpt.
My problem is the links. I don't want the links to go back to the post - rather I want the links to go to a custom URL.
Is there a plugin that will allow me to define a custom post type (to include categories) and then filter on it similar to Isotope type of filtering?
There are many free plugins but if you are using the Elementor page builder. I am not advertising my product but as I saw your requirement matches a plugin that I am selling in the market.
The frontend filtering feature is not yet available to the released version but will be released soon. It basically allows you to build a custom grid as you like.
Is it something similar?
You have to create a custom post, there should be a custom field(custom URL) as well.
Or, You may create a WordPress query.
also, coding will be required for filtering

Woocommerce global product (multisite)

I set in wordpress the property multisite and activated woocommerce on my network.
My network is formed by a primary site and a subsite.
I would like to see from the subsite see the products on the primary site, and products, attributes and categories in the admin bar corresponding products.
Does anyone know how to do?
Yes, you can do it with the WooCommerce MultiStore plugin.
These are a few of the plugin's main features:
Any Product can be replicated across network, making it available to any other store
A product can have different product description and price for each store.
Each store can use different language, currency, payment options and all other options that are included in a standard stand alone WooCommerce store.
Unique Product Stock management for an easy inventory evaluation. The stock synchronization option allows you to synchronize the stock values of the same products across all the stores in the network.
Product management available at the main product, or possible to update / adjust for any other places
One main WooCommerce orders panel with all domains store orders
All product meta data available for other blogs, including content images, product galleries and featured thumbnail.
Any product type as Simple, Grouped, External or Variation
Theme customization in the main admin
From one single WordPress admin panel you can manage as many Woocommerce stores that you want, there are no limits.
You can read the plugin documentation here.
Yes #Zakir is right.
There is no way to share product databases, checkout and user accounts in WooCommerce right now.
There are many people looking for this solution, a WooCommerce MultiSite and Multi Store feature is a must.
I was looking for the very exact thing, since I need to create a website that works like or and this is what I have found so far:
1. These guys have done some research:
WooCommerce Multisite Global Cart
WooCommerce Multisite Stores
WooCommerce Single Cart Multisite
Since it is really hard to create a fully working WooCommerce MultiSite and global cart plugin (if not impossible) there is the need of a WooCommerce version that is meant to do just that.
I tried to understand with the WooCommerce guys if there is the possibility to have such a feature in WooCommerce in a reasonable amount of time, but looks like this is something that may take ages, since the WooCommerce developers are focusing on other things.
Recently I have found: [Link removed, site no longer exists]
2. WooMU MultiSite WooCommerce Fork
This is an Open Source project that aims to do just that, a Multi Site and MultiStore version of WooCommerce. Looks promising, since they want to keep compatibility with future releases of WooCommerce but focusing on MultiSite and Multi Store features.
I am contributing to this project right now. They are still in Alpha stage and looking for ideas and to grow the community.
The Beta launch is set for 31 Dec 2015.
Hope this helps :)
While you can network activate plugins, like WooCommerce and it's extensions, you wouldn't be able to share product databases, checkout, user accounts, etc... across the sites in the network at this time.
For more details please check the official answer here -

Wordpress Woocommerce option plugin

I make a e-commerce website with wordpress woocommerce. my client want subscription option like this page option a link.
is it already exist simlilar with this plugin?
There are plugins out there that can provide that functionality, Woocommerce Subscriptions is one of them
WC Subscriptions makes it easy to create and manage products with recurring payments. Create a subscription product just like any other WooCommerce product, and you’re ready to start selling subscriptions.
WooCommerce doesn't have this feature in its original WooCommerce plugin, however you do have two options. You can add a custom function in your child's theme to implement and organize subscriptions, or you can add WooCommerce Subscriptions (among many other plugins, but I would recommend using WooCommerce's own plugins as they work well together).
If you need any help with either of these feel free to ask and I can help.
I would also recommend using MailChimp along with MailChimp for WooCommerce
(By MailChimp). This allows you to add all your subscribed email addresses to a campaign and send a mass email to all your customers with a newsletter, advert, updates etc. With MailChimp you also get some Analytics showing you the amount of emails that were successfully sent, how many bounced, how many were opened, how many clicked a button in the emails to take a look at your site, and how many purchased directly from your email. Which allows you to keep track of your email success!
Hope this helps!
You can use this link to create woocommerce campaign without plugin
Woocommerce Campaign List

Building a "lecture notes" website with wordpress

I wish to build a "lecture notes" website using wordpress. And would love for any advice on what plugins to use, other considerations to have or website that perform a similar task with WP.
The website should have a form that will allow users to upload their lecture files. The results should be a new "post". When submitting the form, the users should be able to tag their subject matter so to allow others to search it.
I would search for a "Members" type plugin, that lets you really fine-tune the roles and capabilities of each user type. Then you can let your users sign up as "contributor" or other lower level, and then use the Posts as your notes pages. Each post would have the ability to upload a file (not sure what formats are accepted, you might need a doc/pdf type plugin for that). You could also narrow it down by pre-specifying categories. Then you could use the comments as a discussion forum for each "lecture". Depending on the depth of customization you wanted, this could be fairly easy, or extremely complicated. ;)
If the WordPress site is on, then you can set the site so that you can publish via email. You might create a separate category for each person that is going to post to the site. There are "shortcodes" (see WordPress Support page "post-by-email" below for a list) which can be added to each email that will direct that post to one or more categories [one category might distinguish the poster, while other categories might group postings by topics, etc.]. Another shortcode can make the posting a "draft" or "private", while I think the default is to make the posting live immediately. *If you post by email, then all posters do not have to have Admin access to the site, they just have to have the unique WP site email posting address. *If you want to try the "Audio Post" feature (call from any phone and enter unique WP site key code), I don't think there is a way for the caller to direct the audio posts to a category via the call. An admin would have to add the category to any audio posts later. **All WP site "categories" automatically have an RSS feed created for them, so each of your posters would have their own chronological list of postings.
