Why isn't my subscription adding data to Meteor.user()? - meteor

I'm publishing this user information (as a test FYI, not going to reveal all this information in production)
Meteor.publish('user.private', function userPrivate() {
if (!this.userId) {
return this.ready();
return Meteor.users.find({
_id: this.userId
}, {
fields: {
'services.microsoft': 1,
'services.google': 1
I'm subscribing like this:
Template.App_body.onCreated(function appBodyOnCreated() {
I've confirmed that this exact query works and returns data using meteor mongo, yet this information does not appear in the Meteor.user() call on the client. What am I doing wrong?

try changing the publication name to null to make it automatically publish.
Meteor.publish(null, function () {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {
fields: { /** ... fields here */ }


How to access server aggregate on the client side within meteor

Bit of a noob question. I'm using meteor-native-mongo on the server to access the aggregate function in MongoDB, however, I'm not sure how I return and access the results on the client side. In the past subscribing and then accessing the collections on the client was pretty straightforward using the collection.find({}) function, however, I don't understand how to do it with the aggregate function. Can someone please explain.
Meteor.publish('companies', function(limit) {
db.collection('companies').aggregate([{ $group: { _id: { location: "$google_maps.geometry_location" }, companies: { $addToSet: { name: "$company_name" } }, count: { $sum: 1} } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }]).toArray((err, result) => {
return result;
Use this.added, this.changed, this.removed from https://docs.meteor.com/api/pubsub.html#Subscription-added ...
Meteor.publish('companies', function(limit) {
var subscription = this;
db.collection('companies').aggregate([{ $group: { _id: { location: "$google_maps.geometry_location" }, companies: { $addToSet: { name: "$company_name" } }, count: { $sum: 1} } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }]).toArray((err, result) => {
subscription.added('companies-aggregate', 'geometry-grouping', {result: result});
// On the client:
var CompaniesAggregate = new Mongo.Collection('companies-aggregate');
// Inside a reactive context, like a helper
var result = CompaniesAggregate.findOne('geometry-grouping').result;
Naturally, to make it reactive, you'd have to know when the results of the aggregations would change. There is no automatic way to do that--you would have to resolve that logically, with your own code.
The best way to do that is to save the subscription variable in an array somewhere in a higher scope, and called changed on all the subscriptions for 'companies' for the geometry-grouping document, computing an updated result.
The commenter's solution won't be realtime; in other words, if one user makes a change to the e.g. company name or location, another user won't see those changes.

Client data not being updated in Meteor application

I have a Meteor application with a publish of:
Meteor.publish('my_items', function() {
var selector = {owner_id: this.userId};
var items = ItemOwnership.find(selector, {fields: {item_id: 1}}).fetch();
var itemIds = _.pluck(items, 'item_id');
return Items.find({
_id: {$in: itemIds},
item_archived_ts: { $exists: false }
and a subscription of this:
The application allows for the user to add items to the 'Items' collection and this is done by calling a server method. The Items collection on the server is updated with the new record, but the client-side equivalent collection is not showing the new record. Is there anything obviously wrong with what I am doing, or some way to debug this?
p.s. there are no client/server-side errors occurring?
I found a way to accomplish this using the reywood:publish-composite Meteor package. Here is the publish that achieves this:
Meteor.publishComposite('my_items', {
find: function () {
var selector = {owner_id: this.userId};
return ItemOwnership.find(selector, {fields: {item_id: 1}});
children: [
find: function(IOrecord){
return Items.find({
_id: IOrecord.item_id,
item_archived_ts: { $exists: false }

iron-router except fails?

So i'm just getting started with iron-router, and I've been building a login system. It works via a .onBeforeAction hook before every route, checking if the user is logged in. However, there are a few routes I want public, so I've added an except option, as per the docs. Except the problem is it doesn't work :( can anybody see why?
Router.route('/new', function () {
name: 'new',
Router.route('/c/:_id', {
name: 'compPage',
data: function() { return Comps.findOne(this.params._id); }
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
name: 'embed',
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
function loginFunction(){
// all properties available in the route function
// are also available here such as this.params
if (!Meteor.user()) {
// if the user is not logged in, render the Login template
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise don't hold up the rest of hooks or our route/action function
Router.onBeforeAction( loginFunction, {
except: ['embed'] // this aint working
The problem seems to be in your route definition, the name param should be in the third param of Router.route(), like this (so your route actually didn't have a name, thus the except:['route.name'] doesn't work):
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
}, {
name: 'embed',
More info about named routes here: http://eventedmind.github.io/iron-router/#named-routes

Unable to pass result to router after calling Meteor.methods

I encounter an error using Meteor. I call an Method.method.
'click #btn-findgame': function(e) {
console.log('clicked find game button');
Meteor.call('allocateGame', function(error, id) {
if (error) {
} if (id) {
Router.go('gameRoom', {_id: id})
With my Method, I check if there is an room available, create one when the isn't otherwise join. And return the ID of this room.
allocateGame: function () {
console.log('allocateGame method called')
var user = Meteor.user();
// find game where one player is in the room
var gameWaiting = Games.findOne({players: {$size: 1}})
if (!gameWaiting) {
console.log('no game available, create a new one');
var newGameId = Games.insert({players: [user._id], active: false, finished: false});
GameDetails.insert({gameId: newGameId, gameData: []});
return newGameId
} else {
if (_.contains(gameWaiting.players, user._id)) {
console.log('Cannot play against yourself sir')
} else {
console.log('Joining game');
Games.update({_id: gameWaiting._id}, {
$set: {active: true},
$push: {players: user._id}
return gameWaiting._id;
And my Router:
Router.map(function () {
this.route('welcome', {
path: '/',
controller: WelcomeController})
this.route('gameRoom', {
path: '/game/_:id'
The Error I recieve is:
Exception in delivering result of invoking 'allocateGame': TypeError: Cannot read property 'charAt' of null
at Object.IronLocation.set (http://localhost:3000/packages/iron-router.js?e9fac8016598ea034d4f30de5f0d356a9a24b6c5:1293:12)
And indeed, If I don't return an ID the Routing will continue as normal. However when I return an ID in my WelcomeTemplate an error will occur.
Even thought my MongoDB is updating my MiniMongo DB is empty. There must be a problem with syncing. Any idea where to look?
In the route, you set the path to be '/game/_:id', that is, a parameter with the name id. In your call to Router.go, you pass a parameter with the name _id.
Don't know if this solves your problem, but it's an error.
This kind of embarrassing taking in account how many hours I've spent on fixing this. The error was created because of an error in my routers.js
this.route('gameRoom', {
path: '/game/_:id'
Should be:
this.route('gameRoom', {
path: '/game/:_id'
Happy coding.

Do Meteor-Roles and Iron-Router play nicely together?

I have a Meteor app with an editor page that should only be accessible to editors. I am using Iron-Router and my Router.map looks like the following. However, this is not working in an odd way. If I provide a link to the editor page, then all is well, but if I try entering the /editor url, then it always redirects to home, even if the user role is correctly set.
(One thing I ruled out was if Meteor.userId() is not set before Roles.userIsInRole is called in before.)
Anyone know why this would be?
Router.map(function() {
this.route('editor', {
path: '/editor',
waitOn: function() {
//handle subscriptions
data: function() {
//handle data
before: function() {
if ( !Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'editor') ) {
The Roles package sets up an automatic publication that sends the roles property on the Meteor.users collection. Unfortunately, you can't get a subscription handle for automatic publications, so you'll need to make your own.
Set up a new subscription that publishes the required data of a user, then configure Router to check that the data is ready before showing any page.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("user", function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
_id: this.userId
}, {
fields: {
roles: true
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var userData = Meteor.subscribe("user");
Router.before(function() {
if (Meteor.userId() == null) {
if (!userData.ready()) {
this.next(); // Needed for iron:router v1+
}, {
// be sure to exclude the pages where you don't want this check!
except: ['register', 'login', 'reset-password']
