iron-router except fails? - meteor

So i'm just getting started with iron-router, and I've been building a login system. It works via a .onBeforeAction hook before every route, checking if the user is logged in. However, there are a few routes I want public, so I've added an except option, as per the docs. Except the problem is it doesn't work :( can anybody see why?
Router.route('/new', function () {
name: 'new',
Router.route('/c/:_id', {
name: 'compPage',
data: function() { return Comps.findOne(this.params._id); }
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
name: 'embed',
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
function loginFunction(){
// all properties available in the route function
// are also available here such as this.params
if (!Meteor.user()) {
// if the user is not logged in, render the Login template
if (Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise don't hold up the rest of hooks or our route/action function;
Router.onBeforeAction( loginFunction, {
except: ['embed'] // this aint working

The problem seems to be in your route definition, the name param should be in the third param of Router.route(), like this (so your route actually didn't have a name, thus the except:[''] doesn't work):
Router.route('/c/:_id/embed', function () {
this.render('compEmbed', {
data: function () {
return Comps.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
}, {
name: 'embed',
More info about named routes here:


Why isn't my subscription adding data to Meteor.user()?

I'm publishing this user information (as a test FYI, not going to reveal all this information in production)
Meteor.publish('user.private', function userPrivate() {
if (!this.userId) {
return this.ready();
return Meteor.users.find({
_id: this.userId
}, {
fields: {
'': 1,
'': 1
I'm subscribing like this:
Template.App_body.onCreated(function appBodyOnCreated() {
I've confirmed that this exact query works and returns data using meteor mongo, yet this information does not appear in the Meteor.user() call on the client. What am I doing wrong?
try changing the publication name to null to make it automatically publish.
Meteor.publish(null, function () {
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {
fields: { /** ... fields here */ }

what is the difference of subscribing collection under waitOn , subscriptions and onBeforeAction

I would like to the difference if any in the following ways of subscribing data,
using waitOn
Meteor.subscribe('//some published function)
using onBeforeAction
Router.onBeforeAction : function(){
Meteor.subscribe('//some published function)
using subscriptions
subscriptions: function() {
If you want to publish data only for authorized users, it is possible that you check (if user is authenticated) for a route, in onBeforeAction. Something like:{
this.route('home', {
path : '/',
template : 'home'
this.route('register', {
path : '/register',
template : 'register'
this.route('login', {
path : '/login',
template : 'login'
this.route('requestlisting', {
path : '/requestlisting',
template : 'requestlisting',
waitOn : function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('RequestsPublication');
var requireLogin = function () {
} else {;
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {only: ['requestlisting',...]});
In this example, in onBeforeAction, routing occurs for 'requestlisting' only if a user logged in, after then it makes sense to subscribe to any data.

Meteor User profile undefined error during iron router's logout

I'm using Meteor.user().profile in helper. When i do logout, i gets error profile undefined. My code below:
workList: function() {
if (Meteor.user().profile.yetki == 1) {
return Work.find({})
} else {
return Work.find({
username: Meteor.user().username
I'm doing logout in listedWork page for example: localhost/listedWork. That is iron router render code
Router.route('/listedWork', {
action: function() {
onBeforeAction: function() {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
} else {;
When i logout here, Meteor.user().profile is call by workList that's why i get this error.
login template render in onBeforeAction for logout. Why listedWork template helper call this here.
Thank you for all helps.
The reason Meteor.user().profile is undefined after logout is because you no longer have a Meteor.user(). You need to check for this in your helper and do an appropriate action if Meteor.user() returns null.
workList() {
if( !Meteor.user() ) {
// Handle the case. Redirect to /login or something.
else {
// Your current helper code here.

Meteor + Iron-Router - how do I update my template's data context in response to events the user generates in my template?

So I have a route that sets my template
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
audit_obj = Audits.findOne({_id: this.params.audit_id});
lineitems = LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query));
return {
audit_obj: audit_obj,
lineitems: lineitems
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
Now, when my user takes certain actions on the page rendered by the audit template, I would like to update the audit object and also update the data context that the page is running with. Is this possible?
Something like:{
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
current_context.audit_obj.something = 'new something';
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
onRun: function() {
Session.set('audit', Audits.findOne(this.params.audit_id));
Session.set('lineitems', LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query)).fetch());
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
return {
audit_obj: Session.get('audit'),
lineitems: Session.get('lineitems')
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
Session.set('audit', {..});
But you'll need to decide how to handle changes that come from the server, and may interfere with changes on the front end. So a better approach might be to leave the first part of the code (router) as is:
Router.route('audit', {
path: '/audit/:audit_id/',
template: 'audit',
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
return {
audit_obj: Audits.findOne(this.params.audit_id),
lineitems: LineItems.find(JSON.parse(audit.query))
waitOn: function () {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('lineitems', this.params.audit_id),
and just change the front end to update the collection:{
'click .something-button': function() {
// update the data context for the current audit template.
Audits.update(, {..} );
Of course, that will update the data on the server, too.

Do Meteor-Roles and Iron-Router play nicely together?

I have a Meteor app with an editor page that should only be accessible to editors. I am using Iron-Router and my looks like the following. However, this is not working in an odd way. If I provide a link to the editor page, then all is well, but if I try entering the /editor url, then it always redirects to home, even if the user role is correctly set.
(One thing I ruled out was if Meteor.userId() is not set before Roles.userIsInRole is called in before.)
Anyone know why this would be? {
this.route('editor', {
path: '/editor',
waitOn: function() {
//handle subscriptions
data: function() {
//handle data
before: function() {
if ( !Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'editor') ) {
The Roles package sets up an automatic publication that sends the roles property on the Meteor.users collection. Unfortunately, you can't get a subscription handle for automatic publications, so you'll need to make your own.
Set up a new subscription that publishes the required data of a user, then configure Router to check that the data is ready before showing any page.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish("user", function() {
return Meteor.users.find({
_id: this.userId
}, {
fields: {
roles: true
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var userData = Meteor.subscribe("user");
Router.before(function() {
if (Meteor.userId() == null) {
if (!userData.ready()) {
}; // Needed for iron:router v1+
}, {
// be sure to exclude the pages where you don't want this check!
except: ['register', 'login', 'reset-password']
