Change the path where Apache WAMP access to PHPMyAdmin - wordpress

We work with a WordPress in Apache but we need to work with the same DataBase and files in differents PCs.
To do this, I know how change the path where apache search the files (Wordpress in that case) where we put in a Dropbox but I don't know how I can change the path to PHPMyAdmin to add it in Dropbox.

Sharing phpMyAdmin files will not help you. What you need is a centrally located mysql server which is shared and accessed by different PCs (on which code is developed). If you just want to share the database file (with out collaborating) then you can just export the database in .sql format and upload it to dropbox for others collaborators to download and use.


How to restore database file to joomla local database?

I am supposed to migrate a website from joomla to wordpress and to do so I have to restore the website backup to joomla. I have the complete(I suppose) backup of the website database which I was given in a .tar file. I figured the backup was created from plesk(do not know if this is important) and it was sent to me in the .tar format. When I installed Joomla I created a database on phpmyadmin localhost page which I used to install Joomla.
My question is how do I restore the database to my local Joomla installation.
This is the structure of the .tar file I have.
In the databases folder I have 2 subfolders, each of which have .tgz, file and they in turn have a a file with no extension called backup_xxxx(some different number).
I know that a backup file has .sql extension so what is the correct way to restore this website backup as a whole
What I would do is to create a new empty data base and pull the sql into it. Then see if the structure matches the structure of what you installed in your Joomla instance. If so, go to global configuration and switch to the data base you imported. Note that there are a number of settings in the global configuration file that you will have to change including the data base name, the prefix, the user and the password.

Drupal website backup without access to FTP server

Is it possible in Drupal to make a copy of existing live website via CMS only and download it to my machine and then restore it in the other server? I read about
backup_migrate module
but will it work for me when I don't have credentials to FTP? Does this feature include in the copy of the website all the resources/images/theme of the website, the css/scripts/icons files etc.?
You can get database dump for sure, but I'm not 100% sure about the files, so better try it out.
BTW how can you install backup & migrate if you don't have ftp access?
Also, if you have access to hoster's control panel probably there is an option to download the files.
When making back-up of files you can fine tune what files exactly you want to export. I.e. by default cache files are excluded from backup.

Unreal file in Cpanel

I see an unknown tar file in cpanel file manager. The thing that is bothering me whether or not I delete this file.
Recently I found some malicious files in my wordpress website and the hosting provider sent me a message to look over the whole website. Can anyone tell me if this unreal file was responsible or not?
Unreal file
This is a unusual filename (with tar.gz). This isn't wordpress file also. I think is better to delete this file.
The file seems very odd and is not part of any installation.
It is also uploaded in your Home Directory - which no application does.
If you have not uploaded the folder yourself you should indeed delete it.
Afterwards it is nice to go through your access log files to see if there aren't any POST requests made to your website that seem odd.
You can also look through the file called .lastlogin in your cPanel's Home Directory - it contains all IP addresses that have accessed your cPanel account.

How to change the default Wordpress upload folder to a shared network one?

I have a webserver setup in 2 separate pc's .
First machine holds the MySql server and folder for uploads, shared on the network, that i can access using UNC path like //PC1/uploads.
Second machine holds the ISS server and the Wordpress files.
I can use file:// to embed existing images, etc from the first machine in the wordpress site.
What I don't know is how to setup Wordpress to change it's default upload folder to //PC1/uploads instead of the default local folder.
I have tried with define('UPLOADS','file://PC1/uploads'); and with a ftp server
define ('UPLOADS','ftp://User:pass#pc1.ip');
I get and error Is its parent directory writable by the server?
The upload folder has Everyone read/write in permisions setting , and I can use mput to upload files with ftp.
Thank you
Turns out it was really simple.
Move the entire webroot on the shared folder, set the UNC path and credentials in ISS and define('WP_CONTENT_DIR,'\\\\ServerName\\SharedFolder\\'.'/wp-content');
The above answer isn't exactly right for WordPress 4.7. I got it with including both the following in wp-config.php:
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://url-to-virtual-directory/wp-content' );

Drupal: change path to uploaded files

I copied a site files to test host for further developement.
And I want uploaded files to be loaded from old host.
For example, files a re stored in drupal_folder/sites/default/files/ (
I need this files to be accessible from other site (
I mean I want to change path to all files on a new host (
I tried to change path to all files in database with command
UPDATE `files` SET `filepath` = REPLACE(`filepath`, "sites/default/files/", "");
but URLs are like after this.
I hope it makes sence.
How can I do it?
Use ln to create the link to that directory if you are using linux.
