Drupal website backup without access to FTP server - drupal

Is it possible in Drupal to make a copy of existing live website via CMS only and download it to my machine and then restore it in the other server? I read about
backup_migrate module
but will it work for me when I don't have credentials to FTP? Does this feature include in the copy of the website all the resources/images/theme of the website, the css/scripts/icons files etc.?

You can get database dump for sure, but I'm not 100% sure about the files, so better try it out.
BTW how can you install backup & migrate if you don't have ftp access?
Also, if you have access to hoster's control panel probably there is an option to download the files.
When making back-up of files you can fine tune what files exactly you want to export. I.e. by default cache files are excluded from backup.


Unreal file in Cpanel

I see an unknown tar file in cpanel file manager. The thing that is bothering me whether or not I delete this file.
Recently I found some malicious files in my wordpress website and the hosting provider sent me a message to look over the whole website. Can anyone tell me if this unreal file was responsible or not?
Unreal file
This is a unusual filename (with tar.gz). This isn't wordpress file also. I think is better to delete this file.
The file seems very odd and is not part of any installation.
It is also uploaded in your Home Directory - which no application does.
If you have not uploaded the folder yourself you should indeed delete it.
Afterwards it is nice to go through your access log files to see if there aren't any POST requests made to your website that seem odd.
You can also look through the file called .lastlogin in your cPanel's Home Directory - it contains all IP addresses that have accessed your cPanel account.

Change the path where Apache WAMP access to PHPMyAdmin

We work with a WordPress in Apache but we need to work with the same DataBase and files in differents PCs.
To do this, I know how change the path where apache search the files (Wordpress in that case) where we put in a Dropbox but I don't know how I can change the path to PHPMyAdmin to add it in Dropbox.
Sharing phpMyAdmin files will not help you. What you need is a centrally located mysql server which is shared and accessed by different PCs (on which code is developed). If you just want to share the database file (with out collaborating) then you can just export the database in .sql format and upload it to dropbox for others collaborators to download and use.

Checking Wordpress core files

Is there a script or something that can check if all core files are installed properly. I am installing a Wordpress site on clients hosting, and for some reason around 100 files were not transferred due to the connection time out. Now I am moving them one by one, but still I would like to check somehow, once I am done, that all files transferred are there and their size is more than 0b.
Since you are using Filezilla, drag and drop all files again into the folder.
Then when the file exists message shows up, pick Overwrite if different size and check apply to current queue only. Then only the ones with different sizes (or the ones that weren't transferred) will be overwritten/updated.
There's an easier way:
If you have access to some kind of control panel like cPanel, you can make a .zip file and upload it only via Filezilla.
Then on cPanel, go to File Explorer and unzip from there. Will be faster and you just have to upload one file (rather than opening tons of connections and giving you timeout).
Or if you have shell access, you can login with your key using Terminal(mac) or Putty(win), browse the folder and run the unzip command.

Maintaing Images when switching servers

I just changed the server one of my sites is hosted on. In doing so, I lost all the images. The CCK file upload fields show "ghost" data but contain no actual image data as they did before the site transfer.
All my data is fine, however.
Is there a way to prevent this so all my images are maintained?
You can transfer files with rsync directly or use drush to rsync. You'll need to have ssh access to the servers to get this to work.
Here's some info on setting up your drush aliases:
If you're performing this task once you could also use scp to copy files from the destination:
If you're on a shared hosting platform, just FTP the files over old school style.

Drupal: imagecache doesn't generate images

So, I have a strange issue with Drupal imagecache.
When I upload an image, the image is correctly stored in a folder, but imagecache doesn't generate the other cached images.
It doesn't work anymore after I moved the website from development server to the production environment.
The production server is IIS7.
All the "files" subfolder have both write/read permissions, imagecache module is supposed to create folders inside "files" folder.
The GD toolkit is correctly enabled (in Drupal report, imagecache module is correctly enabled). It is php 5.2.
Check out Imagecache's troubleshooting guide in the handbooks. In particular, check the logs for errors explaining where the process is breaking down.
Also, check the paths that are included in your pages and make sure they are still correct, now that you've moved the site to a production server. This issue has some more tips, specific to the path problem.
Finally, if none of that helps, check the issue queue. There are several issues related to IIS.
99% of the time when I have an issue with imagecache not creating images it has something to do with file system permissions. Verify that your web server is able to write to all of the files/imagecache directories recursively.
