I'm using Google compute cloud to build website for my clients after i setup the website it is not accessible from some countries such as IRAN ( I mean the site it self like example.com not the Google cloud control panel )
It simple says connection time out. I'm using instances for all the region's which are US,Europe, and Asia .
How can I access to these site from all around the world ?
Due to export restrictions Google restricts access to and from some countries, including Iran.
Google restricts access to some of its business services in certain countries or regions, such as China, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Check following link for description.
Countries or regions with restricted access
I created a wordpress website on google cloud platform.
I bought my domain from google domains.
But people in some countries cannot access my website, they have to use VPN.
Is there any way to unblock that countries?
Unfortunately there's no way to unblock traffic. It's not a Google's decision, but US government'. For more information have a look at the documentation Google Cloud Platform Territory List and Countries or regions where Google Workspace is available. As a result, VPN is the only option.
I have an application that works nicely in the UK, using "https://route.api.here.com/routing/7.2/calculateroute.json" for the routing, and "https://pde.api.here.com/1/index.json" for gathering the list of ADS tiles.
I also need it to work in China. Using "https://route.hereapi.cn/routing/7.2/calculateroute.json" is the replacement for the routing URL, but there is no documentation for the equivalent ADS tile API?
Any URL's I have found don't return any results for the linkId's returned using routing. I have appropriate app id's and codes for both UK and China.
Fleet Telematics ADS isn't available in China yet. China only has very limited services for ADS now.
I am building a hybrid which needs to be released across globe including china. I have started development with GCM and later came to know that GCM won't work in china. I have two questions
Like china is there any other country that GCM won't work ?
If not GCM, which is best push notification services which will work in china as well as outside china ?
Please suggest.
For your first question, I don't think any other country except China has banned it completely although some Arab countries have their own reason for blocking or banning some of Google's products.
Google restricts access to some of its business services (like YouTube, Gmail, Blogger, Maps) in certain countries or regions, such as Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Pakistan and almost all Arab countries.
Screenshot from here
For your second question, from AWS SNS ( Simple Notification Service),
SNS Mobile Push lets you use Simple Notification Service (SNS) to
deliver push notifications to Apple, Google, Fire OS, and Windows
devices, as well as Android devices in China with Baidu Cloud Push.
I need to implement a feature on our landing pages so users can enter their address or opt to use current location and we will display the location of our business nearest to the address entered or their current location.
I've read about the Google places API web service but I only need to look up the locations for our specific business, around 35 total brick and mortar stores spread across 5 major metros.
I've also read multiple answers on here about how to do this in a mobile app but this implementation is for a responsive website.
I also found the Google GeoLocation API which will auto-detect the users location but I am not sure if it allows the user to enter a different location in case they are looking up a location that is close to their home address while they are at work for example.
The site is running on Wordpress.
I have a website hosted by an USA company.
I set Portugal as destination country of my site in google webmasters
I am using a social network (like facebook, twitter, etc) to advertise the website only to 2 countries: Brazil and Portugal.
But Google analytics only shows that I get only traffic from USA, Russia and others and NONE from Brazil and Portugal
Can somebody hep me here?
If you are not getting any hits from your Country, not even yours, then you have to check that the tracking code is correctly installed.
The best way to check it is by going to your website through your mobile (without wifi), and check if you see your visit in the real-time reports, if you don't see anything, then there is a problem with the code.
Besides from your tracking code being correctly installed. You must certainly have spam. Check your referral reports and look for unusual traffic, like share-buttons, traffic2cash, there are hundreds of spammers.
To keep clean your data you have to create a filter. You can find instruction on how to create this filter here. https://stackoverflow.com/a/28354319/3197362
Hope it helps,