Woocommerce user defined product meta - wordpress

I was wondering if it where possible to allow users to fill in product meta using an input fields on the products page. The values of these input fields only have to be saved in that specific order.
I started using product attributes but I couldnt find a way of saving the inputs to the attributes, without affecting the global attributes of that product.
Currently i've created post meta fields, but I'm still stuck at the process of saving these values to the current order.
Any ideas anyone?

I recommend you use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-fields-factory/
It does what you are asking for.
If you are more inclined to write your own code, then take a look at this answer from a year ago https://stackoverflow.com/a/27443698/1456997


Wordpress: get previous_post_link() based on custom field value

I have a custom post type. Pages of this custom post type are displayed via a special template. in this template i use previous_post_link() and next_post_link() to create links to previous/next posts of this custom post type.
Since I currently only want to show a few of these custom-post-type pages to my users, I created a custom field called release with a boolean true/false value to indicate if these posts should be shown.
Obviously, the previous/next_post_link() functions should also be aware of that. However, they are not currently. That means they also link to pages where the custom field released is set to false. How can I tell these functions to only use pages where a custom field (released) has a specific value (true).
Update: I know that the solution is to apply some filters to the default functions and to somehow adapt the SQL query which is used to retrieve previous/next posts. However I do not know how to put together the puzzle pieces (where/how to apply the filters and how to adapt the SQL)
This may be related to this question, however I dont really know what to do: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/8823/how-to-order-adjacent-posts-prev-next-by-custom-field-value
This seems also to be related: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/96670/custom-post-type-navigation-on-custom-field
couldn't get it to work even though I know how it SHOULD work: addFilter() for get_{$adjacent}_post_join and get_{$adjacent}_post_where with custom SQL query code..
However, this plugin did the trick for me: http://www.ambrosite.com/plugins/next-previous-post-link-plus-for-wordpress
I used the in_same_meta key.

woocommerce: how to add new fields to variations form and show them on frontend

using last versions of wordpress, woocommerce and cheope (theme).
the question: how to
add some extra fields in variations form (text and image field types)
show them on frontend so that their values change accordingly on changing of attributes-select values.
e.g.: the site sells candles and uses variable products, for each kind of candle has several dimensions (with specific different prices), each of which has different duration.
The duration is an important element that I want the user to be informed about.
The same to show the available colors all together.
Unluckily in the standard variation form there is no field where I can insert these or other features.
some help please?
updated 07-August-2013
I succeeded in adding to variations form a new field displayed on back-end, as you can see here, by inserting the code you can find here (please see the comments too) in the function.php file of the theme.
Now, what I’m not able to do is get this field to display with each proper value on front-end (please take a look to the last comment in the above linked page).
Any tip or trick?
1)Add product attribute and check checkbox Used for variations and Visible on the product page
2)go to variations and add new and fill all fields price and stock must add on them
Your producr display variations and their data

Poll type form in Wordpress?

I'm looking for a way to display simple poll type survey on dedicated page, but haven't found an answer to this problem for 2 days now.
Survey needs to have text and dropdown fields, also answers must be visible to logged-in members and must be editable by admins.
Any ideas?
Ok I found a Beta plugin called Extra Comment Fields that should work, but I'm having trouble with the database! Extra fields are not stored anywhere! Table this plugin uses (and should create) is called wp_comments_extra, but this table is nowhere to be found. Is there any way to manually crate correct table by backwards- engineering plugin's .php file?

dynamic WordPress custom meta boxes

I'll try and give an example what i want:
(this isn't what I'm doing, but it seems like a decent example of how I'd like it to work)
Imagine we have a custom post type (CPT) of 'houses' and one of the custom meta options for this CPT is 'bedrooms' - obviously, different houses have different amount of bedrooms, all of which have different properties. So, I'd like to be able to allow the user to add several different properties about a bedroom i.e.
Dimensions, aspect, number of windows and floor type
When the user has added these details for the first bedroom, if the house has a second bedroom then I would like them to have an 'add bedroom' button and another set of these meta boxes is added so they can fill out the details about bedroom 2.
I understand that I'll need some javascript to add this facility (and something I don't mind writing) but what I'm struggling with in my poor, useless brain is how to save these to the database. I want to achieve this using WordPress meta so that I don't add any unnecessary database tables and I'm sure it's possible I just can't quite fathom the principles of how to save the data.
Pointers to any tutorials would be brilliant, or some examples of plugins which already do this kind of thing would be very gratefully received.
here is a screenshot to get an idea what i want to do.
I have found solution here, it might be helpful for someone.
You are basically after repeater metaboxes. A few metabox classes support repeating fields. One worth checking out is http://www.farinspace.com/wpalchemy-metabox/
I wrote a plugin that uses repeating metabox fields that doesn't use wp-alchemy if you want to dig through it. http://code.google.com/p/css-thumbnail-sprites/

Wordpress: custom post types: using custom fields or taxonomies?

I'm thinking about using WP custom post types to create a basic real estate website.
The post type will be for property listings. I've decided to have one post type for For Sale and one for Rentals, simple because they have somewhat different property information.
A typical listing will need to specify some information, ie, is it a house, an apartment or maybe it's just a piece of land.
What are the pros and cons of specifying this info using custom fields (meta data) versus using taxonomy (categories and tags)?
I can see that it's easy to search based on taxonomy, but custom post types meta data can also be queried.
Also, it seems that this question applies to any post data where discrete choices are required: meta data checkbox, select or taxonomy.
Any thoughts?
My preference for what you're trying to do would be taxonomy for the following reasons:
SEO and User Friendly URLs
With categories and tags, WordPress permalinks are setup to put that information in the URL for you. This will go a long way towards the SEO and usability of your site because you'll be able to create URLs like:
I don't know if you have the need for it, but building a hierarchy with categories is easy. This will give you lots of flexibility when it comes to organizing your posts.
Theme Coding
As you said, it's possible to perform custom queries for meta data, but WordPress has many out-of-the-box functions to query and display based on tags and categories. This will mean that you'll have to write less code to get your theme to do what you want.
I've done exactly what you are talking about, both ways (using Custom Fields versus Categories). My view is you should use a mix - use Categories for the most important information (eg For Sale, Type of Property etc) and use Custom Fields for the actual data for the listing.
Wordpress then has many built in functions to organise that data in a really intuitive way, and allows you to easily group properties of the same type together, in exactly the way a user wants to browse the data.
