Subsetting data by multiple date ranges - R - r

I'll get straight to the point: I have been given some data sets in .csv format containing regularly logged sensor data from a machine. However, this data set also contains measurements taken when the machine is turned off, which I would like to separate from the data logged from when it is turned on. To subset the relevant data I also have a file containing start and end times of these shutdowns. This file is several hundred rows long.
Examples of the relevant files for this problem:
file: sensor_data.csv
sens_A,17/12/11 06:45,32.3321
sens_A,17/12/11 08:01,36.1290
sens_B,17/12/11 05:32,17.1122
sens_B,18/12/11 03:43,12.3189
file: shutdowns.csv
17/12/11 07:46,17/12/11 08:23
17/12/11 08:23,17/12/11 09:00
17/12/11 09:00,17/12/11 13:30
18/12/11 01:42,18/12/11 07:43
To subset data in R, I have previously used the subset() function with simple conditions which has worked fine, but I don't know how to go about subsetting sensor data which fall outside multiple shutdown date ranges. I've already formatted the date and time data using as.POSIXlt().
I'm suspecting some scripting may be involved to come up with a good solution, but I'm afraid I am not yet experienced enough to handle this type of data.
Any help, advice, or solutions will be greatly appreciated. Let me know if there's anything else needed for a solution.

I prefer POSIXct format for ranges within data frames. We create an index for sensors operating during shutdowns with t < shutdown_start OR t > shutdown_end. With these ranges we can then subset the data as necessary:
posixct <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, format="%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
sensor_data$time <- posixct(sensor_data$time)
shutdowns[] <- lapply(shutdowns, posixct)
ind1 <- sapply(sensor_data$time, function(t) {
sum(t < shutdowns[,1] | t > shutdowns[,2]) == length(sensor_data$time)})
#Measurements taken when shutdown
# sens_name time measurement
# 1 sens_A 2011-12-17 06:45:00 32.3321
# 3 sens_B 2011-12-17 05:32:00 17.1122
#Measurements taken when not shutdown
# sens_name time measurement
# 2 sens_A 2011-12-17 08:01:00 36.1290
# 4 sens_B 2011-12-18 03:43:00 12.3189


R: Is there a way to subset a file while reading

I have a huge .csv file, its size is ~ 1.4G and reading with read.csv takes time. There are several variables in that file and all i want is to extract data for few variables in a certain column.
For example, suppose ABC.csv is my file and it looks something like this:
Date Variables Val
2017-11-01 X 23
2017-11-01 A 2
2017-11-01 B 0.5
2017-11-02 X 20
2017-11-02 C 40
2017-11-03 D 33
2017-11-03 X 22
So , here the variable of interest is X and while reading this file i want the df$Variables to be scanned reading only the rows with X string in this column. So that my new data from will look something like this:
> df
Date Variables Val
2017-11-01 X 23
2017-11-02 X 20
Any Help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Check out the LaF package, it allows to read very large textfiles in blocks, so you don't have to read the entire file into memory.
data_model <- detect_dm_csv("yourFile.csv", skip = 1) # detects the file structure
dat <- laf_open(data_model) # opens connection to the file
block_list <- lapply(seq(1,100000,1000), function(row_num){
goto(dat, row_num)
data_block <- next_block(dat, nrows = 1000) # reads data blocks of 1000 rows
data_block <- data_block[data_block$Variables == "X",]
your_df <-"rbind", block_list)
Admittedly, the package sometimes feels a bit bulky and in some situations I had to find small hacks to get my results (you might have to adapt my solution for your data). Nevertheless, I found it a immensely useful solution for dealing with files that exceeded my RAM.
Just wondering if doing this works. It worked for my code but I am not sure whether it is first reading in the entire data and then subsetting or is it only reading the part of the file where Variables == 'X'.
temp <- fread('dat.csv')[Variables == 'X']
I would say that most of the time you can probably just read in the entire file, and then subset within R:
df <- read.csv(file="path/to/your/file.csv", header=TRUE)
df.x <- df[df$Variables=='x', ]
R operates completely in memory, so an exception to what I said above might occur if you have a file whose total size is so massive that it cannot fit into memory, but for some reason the subset of interest can.

R readr package - written and read in file doesn't match source

I apologize in advance for the somewhat lack of reproducibility here. I am doing an analysis on a very large (for me) dataset. It is from the CMS Open Payments database.
There are four files I downloaded from that website, read into R using readr, then manipulated a bit to make them smaller (column removal), and then stuck them all together using rbind. I would like to write my pared down file out to an external hard drive so I don't have to read in all the data each time I want to work on it and doing the paring then. (Obviously, its all scripted but, it takes about 45 minutes to do this so I'd like to avoid it if possible.)
So I wrote out the data and read it in, but now I am getting different results. Below is about as close as I can get to a good example. The data is named sa_all. There is a column in the table for the source. It can only take on two values: gen or res. It is a column that is actually added as part of the analysis, not one that comes in the data.
gen res
14837291 822559
So I save the sa_all dataframe into a CSV file.
write.csv(sa_all, 'D:\\Open_Payments\\data\\written_files\\sa_all.csv',
row.names = FALSE)
Then I open it:
sa_all2 <- read_csv('D:\\Open_Payments\\data\\written_files\\sa_all.csv')
g gen res
1 14837289 822559
I did receive the following parsing warnings.
Warning: 4 parsing failures.
row col expected actual
5454739 pmt_nature embedded null
7849361 src delimiter or quote 2
7849361 src embedded null
7849361 NA 28 columns 54 columns
Since I manually add the src column and it can only take on two values, I don't see how this could cause any parsing errors.
Has anyone had any similar problems using readr? Thank you.
Just to follow up on the comment:
write_csv(sa_all, 'D:\\Open_Payments\\data\\written_files\\sa_all.csv')
sa_all2a <- read_csv('D:\\Open_Payments\\data\\written_files\\sa_all.csv')
Warning: 83 parsing failures.
row col expected actual
1535657 drug2 embedded null
1535657 NA 28 columns 25 columns
1535748 drug1 embedded null
1535748 year an integer No
1535748 NA 28 columns 27 columns
Even more parsing errors and it looks like some columns are getting shuffled entirely:
100000000278 Allergan Inc. gen GlaxoSmithKline, LLC.
1 1 14837267 1
No res
1 822559
There are columns for manufacturer names and it looks like those are leaking into the src column when I use the write_csv function.

R - Aggregate Values Based on a Date Interval and 3 Factor Variables

I have ExpandedGrid 11760 obs of 4 variables:
Date - date format
Device - factor
Creative - factor
Partner - factor
I also have a MediaPlanDF 215 obs of 6 variables:
Interval - an interval of dates I created using lubridate
Partner - factor
Device - factor
Creative - factor
Daily Spend - num
Daily Impressions - num
Here is my trouble.
I need to sum daily spend and daily impressions in respective columns in MediaPlanDF, based on the following 2 criteria:
Criterion 1
- ExpandedGrid$Device matches MediaPlanDF$Device
- ExpandedGrid$Creative matches MediaPlanDF$Creative
- ExpandedGrid$Partner matches MediaPlanDF$Partner
Criterion 2
- ExpandedGrid$Date falls within MediaPlanDF$Interval
Now I can pull this off for each criteria on its own, but I am having the hardest time putting them together without getting errors, and my search for answers hasn't ended in very much success (a lot of great examples but nothing I have the skill to adapt to my context). I've tried a variety of methods but my mind is starting to wander towards overly complicated solutions and I need help.
I've tried indexing like so:
indexb <- as.character(ExpandedGrid$Device) == as.character(MediaPlanDF$Device);
indexc <- as.character(ExpandedGrid$Creative) == as.character(MediaPlanDF$Creative);
indexd <- as.character(ExpandedGrid$Partner) == as.character(MediaPlanDF$Partner);
index <- ExpandedGrid$Date %within% MediaPlanDF$Interval;
KEYDF <- data.frame(index, indexb, indexc, indexd)
KEYDF$Key <- apply(KEYDF, 1, function(x)(all(x) || all(!x)))
KEYDF$Key.cha <- as.character(KEYDF$Key)
outputbydim <-, lapply(KEYDF$Key.cha, function(x){
index <- x == "TRUE";
list(impressions = sum(MediaPlanDF$Daily.Impressions[index]),
spend = sum(MediaPlanDF$Daily.Spend[index]))}))
Unfortunately this excludes values from being summed correctly, but the sum values for those that are true are incorrect.
Here is a data snippet:
Date Device Creative Partner
2015-08-31 "Desktop" "Standard" "ACCUEN"
Interval Device Creative Partner Daily Spend Daily Impressions
2015-08-30 17:00:00 PDT--2015-10-03 17:00:00 PDT "Desktop" "Standard" "ACCUEN" 1696.27 1000339.17
Does anyone know where to go from here?
Thanks in advance!

R date to Excel based number

I know that I can get a date from an Excel based number (days since 1899-12-30) in the following way:
as.Date(41000, origin = "1899-12-30")
which will give me "2012-04-01". I want however the opposite. As a user I would like to input a date as a string and get the number of days since "1899-12-30".
Something along the lines
as.integer(as.Date('2014-03-01', origin="1899-12-30"))
which I hoped would result in 41000 and not in the R based days since 1970-01-01 which is 15431.
Maybe this is silly as I realize that I can add the days manually by writing something like:
as.integer(as.Date('2012-04-01')) + 25569
I just wondered if there is a function which does this?
I think you want difftime as in:
difftime(as.Date('2012-04-01'), as.Date("1899-12-30"))
## Time difference of 41000 days
Do it by hand, simpler and safer:
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
d1 <- as.Date('2014-10-28')
as.integer(d1 - d0)
##[1] 41940 # This is interpreted by Excel as '2014-10-28'
Of course, you can write a function to convert a R date to an Excel one:
convert_to_excel_date <- function(d) {
# Converts a R date value to an Excel date value
# Parameters:
# d: a R date object
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
return(as.integer(d - d0))
# Example:
# convert_to_excel_date(as.Date('2018-10-28'))

Ensuring temporal data density in R

ISSUE ---------
I have thousands of time series files (.csv) that contain intermittent data spanning for between 20-50 years (see df). Each file contains the date_time and a metric (temperature). The data is hourly and where no measurement exists there is an 'NA'.
date_time temp
01/05/1943 11:00 5.2
01/05/1943 12:00 5.2
01/05/1943 13:00 5.8
01/05/1943 14:00 NA
01/05/1943 15:00 NA
01/05/1943 16:00 5.8
01/05/1943 17:00 5.8
01/05/1943 18:00 6.3
I need to check these files to see if they have sufficient data density. I.e. that the ratio of NA's to data values is not too high. To do this I have 3 criteria that must be checked for each file:
Ensure that no more than 10% of the hours in a day are NA's
Ensure that no more than 10% of the days in a month are NA's
Ensure that there are 3 continuous years of data with valid days and months.
Each criterion must be fulfilled sequentially and if the file does not meet the requirements then I must create a data frame (or any list) of the files that do not meet the criteria.
I wanted to ask the community how to go about this. I have considered the value of nested if loops, along with using sqldf, plyr, aggregate or even dplyr. But I do not know the simplest way to achieve this. Any example code or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I think this will work for you. These will check every hour for NA's in the next day, month or 3 year period. Not tested because I don't care to make up data to test it. These functions should spit out the number of NA's in the respective time period. So for function checkdays if it returns a value greater than 2.4 then according to your 10% rule you'd have a problem. For months 72 and for 3 year periods you're hoping for values less than 2628. Again please check these functions. By the way the functions assume your NA data is in column 2. Cheers.
checkdays <- function(data){
for(i in 1:(length(data[,2])-23)){
checkmonth <- function(data){
for(i in 1:(length(data[,2])-719)){
check3years <- function(data){
for(i in 1:(length(data[,2])-26279)){
So I ended up testing these. They work for me. Here are system times for a dataset a year long. So I don't think you'll have problems.
> system.time(checkdays(RM_W1))
user system elapsed
0.38 0.00 0.37
> system.time(checkmonth(RM_W1))
user system elapsed
0.62 0.00 0.62
I took the time to run these functions with the data you posted above and it wasn't good. For loops are dangerous because they work well for small data sets but slow down exponentially as datasets get larger, that is if they're not constructed properly. I cannot report system times for the functions above with your data (it never finished) but I waited about 30 minutes. After reading this awesome post Speed up the loop operation in R I rewrote the functions to be much faster. By minimising the amount of things that happen in the loop and pre-allocating memory you can really speed things up. You need to call the function like checkdays(df[,2]) but its faster this way.
checkdays <- function(data){
for(i in 1:(length(data)-23)){
> system.time(checkdays(df[,2]))
user system elapsed
4.41 0.00 4.41
I believe this should be sufficient for your needs. In regards to leap years you should be able to modify the optimized function as I mentioned in the comments. However make sure you specify a leap year dataset as second dataset rather than a second column.
