R date to Excel based number - r

I know that I can get a date from an Excel based number (days since 1899-12-30) in the following way:
as.Date(41000, origin = "1899-12-30")
which will give me "2012-04-01". I want however the opposite. As a user I would like to input a date as a string and get the number of days since "1899-12-30".
Something along the lines
as.integer(as.Date('2014-03-01', origin="1899-12-30"))
which I hoped would result in 41000 and not in the R based days since 1970-01-01 which is 15431.
Maybe this is silly as I realize that I can add the days manually by writing something like:
as.integer(as.Date('2012-04-01')) + 25569
I just wondered if there is a function which does this?

I think you want difftime as in:
difftime(as.Date('2012-04-01'), as.Date("1899-12-30"))
## Time difference of 41000 days

Do it by hand, simpler and safer:
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
d1 <- as.Date('2014-10-28')
as.integer(d1 - d0)
##[1] 41940 # This is interpreted by Excel as '2014-10-28'
Of course, you can write a function to convert a R date to an Excel one:
convert_to_excel_date <- function(d) {
# Converts a R date value to an Excel date value
# Parameters:
# d: a R date object
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
return(as.integer(d - d0))
# Example:
# convert_to_excel_date(as.Date('2018-10-28'))


Subsetting data by multiple date ranges - R

I'll get straight to the point: I have been given some data sets in .csv format containing regularly logged sensor data from a machine. However, this data set also contains measurements taken when the machine is turned off, which I would like to separate from the data logged from when it is turned on. To subset the relevant data I also have a file containing start and end times of these shutdowns. This file is several hundred rows long.
Examples of the relevant files for this problem:
file: sensor_data.csv
sens_A,17/12/11 06:45,32.3321
sens_A,17/12/11 08:01,36.1290
sens_B,17/12/11 05:32,17.1122
sens_B,18/12/11 03:43,12.3189
file: shutdowns.csv
17/12/11 07:46,17/12/11 08:23
17/12/11 08:23,17/12/11 09:00
17/12/11 09:00,17/12/11 13:30
18/12/11 01:42,18/12/11 07:43
To subset data in R, I have previously used the subset() function with simple conditions which has worked fine, but I don't know how to go about subsetting sensor data which fall outside multiple shutdown date ranges. I've already formatted the date and time data using as.POSIXlt().
I'm suspecting some scripting may be involved to come up with a good solution, but I'm afraid I am not yet experienced enough to handle this type of data.
Any help, advice, or solutions will be greatly appreciated. Let me know if there's anything else needed for a solution.
I prefer POSIXct format for ranges within data frames. We create an index for sensors operating during shutdowns with t < shutdown_start OR t > shutdown_end. With these ranges we can then subset the data as necessary:
posixct <- function(x) as.POSIXct(x, format="%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
sensor_data$time <- posixct(sensor_data$time)
shutdowns[] <- lapply(shutdowns, posixct)
ind1 <- sapply(sensor_data$time, function(t) {
sum(t < shutdowns[,1] | t > shutdowns[,2]) == length(sensor_data$time)})
#Measurements taken when shutdown
# sens_name time measurement
# 1 sens_A 2011-12-17 06:45:00 32.3321
# 3 sens_B 2011-12-17 05:32:00 17.1122
#Measurements taken when not shutdown
# sens_name time measurement
# 2 sens_A 2011-12-17 08:01:00 36.1290
# 4 sens_B 2011-12-18 03:43:00 12.3189

The data in the time series is different from the data I entered. How do I get outputs in a similar scale as my inputs?

I had a column of data as follows:
I used the ts() function to convert this data into a time series.
Aclines <- read.csv(file.choose())
Aclinests <- ts(Aclines[[1]], start = c(2013), end = c(2015), frequency = 52)
head(Aclines) gives me the following output:
1 146785
2 143667
3 65560
4 88524
5 148422
6 151664
head(Aclinests) gives me the following output:
[1] 26 16 83 87 35 54
The output of all my further analysis including graphs and predictions are scaled to how you can see the head(Aclinets) output. How can I scale the outputs back to how the original data was input? Am I missing something while converting the data to a ts?
It is typically recommended to have a reproducible example How to make a great R reproducible example?. But I will try to help based what I'm reading. If it isn't helpful, I'll delete the post.
First, the read.csv defaults to header = TRUE. It doesn't look like you have a header in your file. Also, it looks like R is reading data in as factors instead of numeric.
So you can try a couple of parameters to reading the file -
Aclines <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Then to get your time series
Aclinests <- ts(Aclines[, 2], start = c(2013), end = c(2015), frequency = 52)
Since your data looks like it has 2 columns, this will read the second column of your data frame into a ts object.
Hope this helps.

Plot a histogram of subset of a data

!The image shows the screen shot of the .txt file of the data.
The data consists of 2,075,259 rows and 9 columns
Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some sub-metering values are available.
Only data from the dates 2007-02-01 and 2007-02-02 is needed.
I was trying to plot a histogram of "Global_active_power" in the above mentioned dates.
Note that in this dataset missing values are coded as "?"]
This is the code i was trying to plot the histogram:
data <- read.table("household_power_consumption.txt", header=TRUE)
my_data <- data[data$Date %in% as.Date(c('01/02/2007', '02/02/2007'))]
my_data <- gsub(";", " ", my_data) # replace ";" with " "
my_data <- gsub("?", "NA", my_data) # convert "?" to "NA"
my_data <- as.numeric(my_data) # turn into numbers
After running the code it is showing this error:
Error in hist.default(my_data["Global_active_power"]) :
invalid number of 'breaks'
Can you please help me spot the mistake in the code.
Link of the data file : https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/exdata%2Fdata%2Fhousehold_power_consumption.zip
You need to provide the separator (";") explicitly and your types aren't what you think they are, observe:
data <- read.table("household_power_consumption.txt", header=TRUE, sep=';', na.strings='?')
data$Date <- as.Date(data$Date, format='%d/%m/%Y')
bottom.date <- as.Date('01/02/2007', format='%d/%m/%Y')
top.date <- as.Date('02/02/2007', format='%d/%m/%Y')
my_data <- data[data$Date > bottom.date & data$Date < top.date,3]
Gives as the plot. Hope that helps.
Given you have 2m rows (though not too many columns), you're firmly into fread territory;
Here's how I would do what you want:
data<-fread("household_power_consumption.txt",sep=";", #1
na.strings=c("?","NA"),colClasses="character" #2
][Date %in% seq(from=as.Date("2007-02-01"), #3
numerics<-setdiff(names(data),c("Date","Time")) #4
data[,hist(Global_active_power)] #5
A brief explanation of what's going on
1: See the data.table vignettes for great introductions to the package. Here, given the structure of your data, we tell fread up front that ; is what separates fields (which is nonstandard)
2: We can tell fread up front that it can expect ? in some of the columns and should treat them as NA--e.g., here's data[8640] before setting na.strings:
Date Time Global_active_power Global_reactive_power Voltage Global_intensity Sub_metering_1 Sub_metering_2 Sub_metering_3
1: 21/12/2006 11:23:00 ? ? ? ? ? ? NA
Once we set na.strings, we sidestep having to replace ? as NA later:
Date Time Global_active_power Global_reactive_power Voltage Global_intensity Sub_metering_1 Sub_metering_2 Sub_metering_3
1: 21/12/2006 11:23:00 NA NA NA NA NA NA
On the other hand, we also have to read those fields as characters, even though they're numeric. This is something I'm hoping fread will be able to handle automatically in the future.
data.table commands can be chained (from left to right); I'm using this to subset the data before it's assigned. It's up to you whether you find that more or less readable, as there's only marginal performance differences.
Since we had to read the numeric fields as strings, we now recast them as numeric; this is the standard data.table syntax for doing so.
Once we've got our data subset as we like and of the right type, we can pass hist as an argument in j and get what we want.
Note that if all you wanted from this data set was the histogram, you could have condensed the code a bit:
][Date %in% ok_dates,hist(as.numeric(Global_active_power))]

Select a value from time series by date in R

How to select a value from time series corresponding needed date?
I create a monthly time series object with command:
producers.price <- ts(producers.price, start=2012+0/12, frequency=12)
Then I try to do next:
value <- producers.price[as.Date("01.2015", "%m.%Y")]
But this doesn't make that I want and value is equal
[1] NA
Instead of 10396.8212805739 if producers.price is:
producers.price <- structure(c(7481.52109434237, 6393.18959031561, 6416.63065650718,
5672.08354710121, 7606.24186413516, 5201.59247092013, 6488.18361474813,
8376.39182893415, 9199.50916585545, 8261.87133079494, 8293.8195347453,
8233.13630279516, 7883.17272003961, 7537.21001580393, 6566.60260432381,
7119.99345843556, 8086.40101607729, 9125.11104610046, 10134.0228610828,
10834.5732454454, 9410.35031874371, 9559.36933274129, 9952.38679679724,
10390.3628690951, 11134.8432864557, 11652.0075507499, 12626.9616107684,
12140.6698452193, 11336.8315981684, 10526.0309052316, 10632.1492109584,
8341.26367412737, 9338.95688558448, 9732.80173656971, 10724.5525831506,
11272.2273444623, 10396.8212805739, 10626.8428853062, 11701.0802817581,
NA), .Tsp = c(2012, 2015.25, 12), class = "ts")
So, I had/have a similar problem and was looking all over to solve it. My solution is not as great as I'd have wanted it to be, but it works. I tried it out with your data and it seems to give the right result.
Turns out in R time series data is really stored as a sequence, starting at 1, and not with yout T. Eg. If you have a time series that starts in 1950 and ends in 1960 with each data at one year interval, the Y at 1950 will be ts[1] and Y at 1960 will be ts[11].
Based on this logic you will need to subtract the date from the start of the data and add 1 to get the value at that point.
This code in R gives you the result you expect.
producers.price[((as.yearmon("2015-01")- as.yearmon("2012-01"))*12)+1]
If you need help in the time calculations, check this answer
You will need the zoo and lubridate packages
Get the difference between dates in terms of weeks, months, quarters, and years
Hope it helps :)
1) window.ts
The window.ts function is used to subset a "ts" time series by a time window. The window command produces a time series with one data point and the [[1]] makes it a straight numeric value:
window(producers.price, start = 2015 + 0/12, end = 2015 + 0/12)[[1]]
## [1] 10396.82
2) zoo We can alternately convert it to zoo and subscript it by a yearmon class variable and then use [[1]] or coredata to convert it to a plain number or we can use window.zoo much as we did with window.ts :
## [1] 10396.82
## [1] 10396.82
window(as.zoo(producers.price), 2015 + 0/12 )[[1]]
## [1] 10396.82
coredata(window(as.zoo(producers.price), 2015 + 0/12 ))
## [1] 10396.82
3) xts The four lines in (2) also work if library(zoo) is replaced with library(xts) and as.zoo is replaced with as.xts.
Looking for a simple command, one line and no library needed?
You might try this.
as.numeric(window(producers.price, 2015.1, 2015.2))

unused arguments error using apply() in R

I get an error message when I attempt to use apply() conditional on a column of dates to return a set of coefficients.
I have a dataset (herein modified for simplicity, but reproducible):
ADataset <- data.table(Epoch = c("2007-11-15", "2007-11-16", "2007-11-17",
"2007-11-18", "2007-11-19", "2007-11-20", "2007-11-21"),
Distance = c("92336.22", "92336.23", "92336.22", "92336.20",
"92336.19", "92336.21", "92336.18))
Epoch Distance
1: 2007-11-15 92336.22
2: 2007-11-16 92336.23
3: 2007-11-17 92336.22
4: 2007-11-18 92336.20
5: 2007-11-19 92336.19
6: 2007-11-20 92336.21
7: 2007-11-21 92336.18
The analysis begins with establishing start and end dates:
############## Establish dates for analysis
#4.Set date for center of duration
StartDate <- "2007-11-18"
as.numeric(as.Date(StartDate)); StartDate
EndDate <- as.Date(tail(Adataset$Epoch,1)); EndDate
Then I establish time durations for analysis:
#5.Quantify duration of time window
STDuration <- 1
LTDuration <- 3
Then I write functions to regress over both durations and return the slopes:
# Write STS and LTS functions, each with following steps
#6.Define time window- from StartDate less ShortTermDuration to
StartDate plus ShortTermDuration
#7.Define Short Term & Long Term datasets
#8. Run regression over dataset
my_STS_Function <- function (StartDate) {
STAhead <- as.Date(StartDate) + STDuration; STAhead
STBehind <- as.Date(StartDate) - STDuration; STBehind
STDataset <- subset(Adataset, as.Date(Epoch) >= STBehind & as.Date(Epoch)<STAhead)
STResults <- rlm( Distance ~ Epoch, data=STDataset); STResults
STSummary <- summary( STResults ); STSummary
# Return coefficient (Slope of regression)
STNum <- STResults$coefficients[2];STNum
my_LTS_Function <- function (StartDate) {
LTAhead <- as.Date(StartDate) + LTDuration; LTAhead
LTBehind <- as.Date(StartDate) - LTDuration; LTBehind
LTDataset <- subset(Adataset, as.Date(Epoch) >= LTBehind & as.Date(Epoch)<LTAhead)
LTResults <- rlm( Distance ~ Epoch, data=LTDataset); LTResults
LTSummary <- summary( LTResults ); LTSummary
# Return coefficient (Slope of regression)
LTNum <- LTResults$coefficients[2];LTNum
Then I test the function to make sure it works for a single date:
myTestResult <- my_STS_Function("2007-11-18")
It works, so I move on to apply the function over the range of dates in the dataset:
mySTSResult <- apply(Adataset, 1, my_STS_Function, seq(StartDate : EndDate))
...in which my desired result is a list or array or vector of mySTSResult (slopes) (and, subsequently, a separate list/array/vector of myLTSResults so then I can create a STSlope:LTSlope ratio over the duration), something like (mySTSResults fabricated)...
> Adataset
Epoch Distance mySTSResults
1: 2007-11-15 92336.22 3
2: 2007-11-16 92336.23 4
3: 2007-11-17 92336.22 5
4: 2007-11-18 92336.20 6
5: 2007-11-19 92336.19 7
6: 2007-11-20 92336.21 8
7: 2007-11-21 92336.18 9
Only I get this error:
Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : unused argument(s) (1:1185)
What is this telling me and how to do correct it? I've done some looking and cannot find the correction.
Hopefully I've explained this sufficiently. Please let me know if you need further details.
Ok, it seems the problem is in the additional arguments to my_STS_Function as stated in your apply function call (as you have defined it with only one parameter). The date range is being passed as an additional parameter to that function, and R is complaining that it is unused (a vector of 1185 elements it seems). Are you rather trying to pull a subset of the rows restricted by date range first, then wishing to apply the my_STS_Function? I'd have to think a bit on an exact solution to that.
Sorry - I did my working out in the comments there. A possible solution is this:
subSet <- Adataset[Adataset[,1] %in% seq(StartDate:EndDate),][order(na.exclude(match(Adataset[,1], seq(StartData,EndDate))),]
Adapted from the answer in this question:
R select rows in matrix from another vector (match, %in)
Adding this as a new answer as the previous one was getting confused. A previous commenter was correct, there are bugs in your code, but they aren't a sticking point.
My updated approach was to use seq.Date to generate the date sequence (only works if you have a data point for each day between the start and end - though you could use na.exclude as above):
dates = seq.Date(as.Date(StartDate),as.Date(EndDate),"days")
You then use this as the input to apply, with some munging of types to get things working correctly (I've done this with a lamda function):
mySTSResult <- apply(as.matrix(dates), 1, function(x) {class(x) <- "Date"; my_STS_Function(x)})
Then hopefully you should have a vector of the results, and you should be able to do something similar for LTS, and then manipulate that into another column in your original data frame/matrix.
