CSS Hide object Scroll Percentage - css

Does anyone know how to hide an object depending on how much the user has scrolled down the page?
I have some floating social buttons on my website and I want them to hide when the scroll reaches the footer (the very bottom) and then appear once they scroll back up.

Can't be done with CSS alone, you have to use javascript to keep track of how much the user has scrolled.
If you can use jQuery, you have to do something like this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {
} else {
See jsfiddle. However, this is just a guess of what you need as you didn't provide the proper code. If you need a javascript only solution (without jQuery) let me know.


Overflow to the left?

Is it possible to set a horizontal scrolling feature so that it scrolls to (overflow, I'm assuming, unless there is another way) the left as well as the right. Sort of like this picture:
a horizontal scrolling feature
... except I want to load the object just like it is in that photo but have other objects (images rather than the divs pictured) back behind to the left of that first object), so you can scroll to unseen things in both directions.
EDIT: in response to some of the people offering to help here (thanks), I have composed a fiddle (in the comments below). The hope is that I could load this horizontal feature with the blue-border box at far left (on initial load) and people could scroll back or forth). I'd prefer (but I'll take either one) it to be marked to load on that box rather than css it so it would load after a certain width or something like that, because I want to it to function this way universally (regardless of how many objects are hidden to the left) but, again, I'll take either solution, because I can probably make it work with either.
Here is a quick mockup of something like that. It can be extended to use scroll events. Used jquery but it can be done in pure js too. Just made the body hide the overflow like this
body {
overflow: hidden;
I have buttons to move it around but as I said you can do it with scroll events too.
function left () {
var div = document.getElementById('scrollContainer');
$(div).animate({ "right": "+=100px" }, 500);
function right () {
var div = document.getElementById('scrollContainer');
$(div).animate({ "right": "-=100px" }, 500);
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hna6jkzk/
And obviously the divs can be images too.
A fiddle with no JS and visible scrollbar: http://jsfiddle.net/hna6jkzk/1/
A fiddle with no JS and hidden scrollbar: http://jsfiddle.net/hna6jkzk/2/

Resize menu when scrolling down

I'm currently restyling my Wordpress theme and would like to implement a fixed navbar. I managed to implement that by adding position:fixed to the header area.
Since the menu is quite big in the first place, I would like to make it smaller when scrolling down, i.e. when the user visits the website, the menu has a height of 75px and when scrolling down it decreases to around 40-50px.
Quick sketch: http://i.imgur.com/iICQkfF.png
Any suggestions on how I may implement this?
Since you're asking about WordPress I guess you're OK with using jQuery.
You just need to listen for the $(window).scroll() event and resize the menu based on how much the user has scrolled (which you can get via $(window).scrollTop()). A quick demo:
(it's not an actual menu, but just showing the functionality work)
var moved = false;
if( $(this).scrollTop() < 2000 ){
$('.header').height(200 - (200 * $(this).scrollTop() / $('body').height()));
if (!moved && $('.header').height() < 170)
$('.header').animate({top:"-40px"}); moved = true;
} else if (moved && $('.header').height() > 170)
$('.header').animate({top:"0px"}); moved = false;
And here's the DEMO
Additionally, you might want to check out these tutorials instead of inventing the wheel yourself:
How to create a resizing menu bar
Animated Resizing Header On Scroll

Space in the center of a Horizontal wordpress menu

I am looking for a solution to a unique problem. I have a wp_menu underneath the "Network Menu" on a theme I developing for a multisite build. There is a little ring in the center of the menu that holds the logo, and I am curious if there is a way to get a transparent list item to hold that place, and allow all other "legitimate" list items to wrap around that, so either to the left or right.
I already have a filter that inserts a list item that I can customize by adding css, I just don't know how to make one list item in particular hold the place where the circle exists.
The website is:
Any help, or even just ideas would be great!
Thanks everyone.
Since you're using jQuery you could do some math on the menu.
EDIT: Put this before ending of your head tag
LAST_EDIT: Here's the JS fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/BsnFW/14/. Last try :)
$(document).ready(function() {
menuBreakPoint = 200; //width in px after which you want to insert the space (experiment with this)
menuWidth = 0;
rightMenuStart = 600; //width in px from left of menu container div to the right
$('.sub_site_menu li').each( function() {
menuWidth += $(this).width();
if (menuWidth >= menuBreakPoint) {
$(this).css('margin-left', (rightMenuStart - menuWidth));
return false; //break out of each loop
Use this.
Can you not breakup the list into two? float one left and the other right. Provide the appropriate ul margins so nothing shows up on the logo?
I am going to go with the jquery solution as it will most likely render the best results across all browsers. But I did stumble across this other resource regarding a soon to be implemented feature in CSS3
Included is a script that forces compatability with the new CSS3 "column" functionality.

Position:fixed in iOS5 Moves when input is focused

I have a div at the top of my mobile application that is position:fixed so it will stay on the top of the browser (it scrolls away in ios 4 and lower which is fine). When an input is focused and brings up the keyboard, the div moves down to the middle of the page. See screenshots:
Here is a simplified test page:
<div class="fixed"><input type="text" /></div>
<div class="content"></div>
.fixed { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; background:#ccc; }
.content { width:100%; height:1000px; background:#efefef; }
Unfortunately you are probably best off using absolute positioning for your fixed elements when working with IOS. Yes, IOS5 does claim to support fixed positioning, but it all falls down when you have interactive controls within that fixed element.
I had the same problem with the search box on my switchitoff.net site. In IOS5 the fixed header would jump down the page if the search box gained focus while the page was scrolled. I tried various workarounds, and the one I currently have is a <div> which sits over the search box. When this <div> is clicked the following occurs:
The page is scrolled to the top
The fixed header is changed to absolute
The <div> covering the search box is hidden
The search <input> is focused
The above steps are reversed when the search box loses focus. This solution prevents the header jumping down the page when the search box is clicked, but for a simpler site you are probably better using absolute positioning in the first place.
There is another tricky issue with IOS5 and fixed positioning. If you have clickable elements on your fixed area with body elements scrolled behind them, this can break your touch events.
For example, on switchitoff.net the buttons on the fixed header became unclickable when interactive elements were scrolled behind them. touchstart was not even being fired when these buttons where tapped. Luckily onClick still seemed to work, although this is always a last resort for IOS because of the delay.
Finally notice how (in IOS5) you can click on the fixed header and scroll the page. I know this emulates the way you can use the scroll wheel over a fixed header in a normal browser, but surely this paradigm doesn't make sense for a touch-UI?
Hopefully Apple will continue to refine the handling of fixed elements, but in the meantime it's easier to stick with absolute positioning if you have anything interactive in your fixed area. That or go back to IOS4 when things were so much easier!
Using the JohnW recomendation to use absolute instead of fixed I came up with this workaround:
First set up a bind to detect when the input is onFocus, scroll to the top of the page and change the element position to absolute:
$('#textinput').bind('focus',function(e) {
scrollTop: 0
Note that I'm using the id textinput for the input and textinput-container for the div top bar that is containing the input.
Set up another bind to detect when the input is not on focus anymore to change the position of the div back to fixed
$('#textinput').bind('blur',function(e) {
I've been using a similar solution for a bar fixed at the bottom of the page, the code posted should be working for a bar fixed at the top but I didn't test it
Modified version of pablobart's solution but without scrolling to top:
// Absolute position
$('#your-field').bind('focus',function(e) {
$('section#footer').css('top',($(window).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight) - $('section#footer').height());
}, 100);
// Back to fixed position
$('#your-field').bind('focusout',function(e) {
The simple CSS:
*{ position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; height:42px }*
This solution works pretty well for me. All the code does is wait until the user taps on a text field, then changes the element identified by the 'jQuerySelector' parameter from a 'fixed' to 'static' position. When the text field looses focus (the user tapped on something else) the element's position is changed back to 'fixed'.
// toggles the value of 'position' when the text field gains and looses focus
var togglePositionInResponseToInputFocus = function(jQuerySelector)
// find the input element in question
var element = jQuery(jQuerySelector);
// if we have the element
if (element) {
// get the current position value
var position = element.css('position');
// toggle the values from fixed to static, and vice versa
if (position == 'fixed') {
element.css('position', 'static');
} else if (position == 'static') {
element.css('position', 'fixed');
And the associated event handlers:
var that = this;
// called when text field gains focus
// called when text field looses focus
The reason the buttons are becoming unclickable is because they have actually scrolled invisibly with the content. They are still there, just not at the location they were originally, nor where you see them.
If you can guess how much the button has moved (based on how much the content has moved) you can click on the invisible button and it will function normally. In other words, if the content has scrolled by 50 pixels, click 50 pixels away from the button and it will work.
You can scroll the content manually (even by a tiny amount) and the buttons will again work as expected.
Just hide your fixed element on focus and then show it again on focusout. I bet your users don't need to see it when focused. I know this is not a solution but I think it is a better approach. Keep it simple.

CSS Changing Postition Dynamically in IE9

Is there anyway to change the position style of an element dynamically from 'absolute' to 'fixed' dynamically in IE 9 and before?
In other words we want an element to move vertically on the page till a point when it would reach at the top of the window and then at that point make it fixed so it wont just go up anymore? Makes sense?
It just works in my copy of IE 9.
document.getElementById('foo').style.position = 'fixed';
What you're looking for is a way to change this value based on another in-page condition.
I'd suggest what you need is something akin to this (using jQuery):
var targetElement = $('#your-fixed-absolute-element');
var togglePixelY = 100; // change to suit your needs
$(window).bind('scroll resize',function(){
if($(this).css('scrollTop') <= togglePixelY && !targetElement.hasClass('absolute')) {
} else if($(this).css('scrollTop') > togglePixelY && !targetElement.hasClass('fixed')) {
Here is another useful question you can read up on:
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link?
or Position of a div relative to the window?
and there are plugins for this (look for 'sticky sidebar' for example) and a nice tutorial for it here: http://designwoop.com/2011/01/how-to-create-a-jquery-sticky-sidebar/
Using jQuery?
