CSS Changing Postition Dynamically in IE9 - css

Is there anyway to change the position style of an element dynamically from 'absolute' to 'fixed' dynamically in IE 9 and before?
In other words we want an element to move vertically on the page till a point when it would reach at the top of the window and then at that point make it fixed so it wont just go up anymore? Makes sense?

It just works in my copy of IE 9.
document.getElementById('foo').style.position = 'fixed';

What you're looking for is a way to change this value based on another in-page condition.
I'd suggest what you need is something akin to this (using jQuery):
var targetElement = $('#your-fixed-absolute-element');
var togglePixelY = 100; // change to suit your needs
$(window).bind('scroll resize',function(){
if($(this).css('scrollTop') <= togglePixelY && !targetElement.hasClass('absolute')) {
} else if($(this).css('scrollTop') > togglePixelY && !targetElement.hasClass('fixed')) {
Here is another useful question you can read up on:
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link?
or Position of a div relative to the window?
and there are plugins for this (look for 'sticky sidebar' for example) and a nice tutorial for it here: http://designwoop.com/2011/01/how-to-create-a-jquery-sticky-sidebar/

Using jQuery?


CSS Hide object Scroll Percentage

Does anyone know how to hide an object depending on how much the user has scrolled down the page?
I have some floating social buttons on my website and I want them to hide when the scroll reaches the footer (the very bottom) and then appear once they scroll back up.
Can't be done with CSS alone, you have to use javascript to keep track of how much the user has scrolled.
If you can use jQuery, you have to do something like this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {
} else {
See jsfiddle. However, this is just a guess of what you need as you didn't provide the proper code. If you need a javascript only solution (without jQuery) let me know.

Space in the center of a Horizontal wordpress menu

I am looking for a solution to a unique problem. I have a wp_menu underneath the "Network Menu" on a theme I developing for a multisite build. There is a little ring in the center of the menu that holds the logo, and I am curious if there is a way to get a transparent list item to hold that place, and allow all other "legitimate" list items to wrap around that, so either to the left or right.
I already have a filter that inserts a list item that I can customize by adding css, I just don't know how to make one list item in particular hold the place where the circle exists.
The website is:
Any help, or even just ideas would be great!
Thanks everyone.
Since you're using jQuery you could do some math on the menu.
EDIT: Put this before ending of your head tag
LAST_EDIT: Here's the JS fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/BsnFW/14/. Last try :)
$(document).ready(function() {
menuBreakPoint = 200; //width in px after which you want to insert the space (experiment with this)
menuWidth = 0;
rightMenuStart = 600; //width in px from left of menu container div to the right
$('.sub_site_menu li').each( function() {
menuWidth += $(this).width();
if (menuWidth >= menuBreakPoint) {
$(this).css('margin-left', (rightMenuStart - menuWidth));
return false; //break out of each loop
Use this.
Can you not breakup the list into two? float one left and the other right. Provide the appropriate ul margins so nothing shows up on the logo?
I am going to go with the jquery solution as it will most likely render the best results across all browsers. But I did stumble across this other resource regarding a soon to be implemented feature in CSS3
Included is a script that forces compatability with the new CSS3 "column" functionality.

How to get an overlay texture over inline image without extra mark-up using CSS?

I need to give an overlay texture to 100+ images
like this.
I have transparent .PNG texture file. if i use this as background then it will go behind the <img>. And I don't want to add another <img> or any extra span, div for texture and z-index.
Is there any other way to achieve it in CSS?
I need to use specific texture .png so i cannot use CSS gradient only.
I don't want to use main product image as background.
I'm afraid you're going to have a very hard time getting that texture overlaid on the image without some added element to put it on. If you can't affect the html output, a little javascript would do the trick.
Another option is to place the texture over the top of the other image with absolute positioning. It's hard to know if that's a viable option without more context, however. Here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/cPSFQ/1/.
Glad your post is tagged with CSS3
You have to create a reverse mask of the overlay. I tested this in FF9 and Chrome 16
-webkit-mask-box-image: url(http://koivi.com/php-gd-image-watermark/watermarks/Sample-trans.png);
-o-mask-image: url(http://koivi.com/php-gd-image-watermark/watermarks/Sample-trans.png);
-moz-mask-image: url(http://koivi.com/php-gd-image-watermark/watermarks/Sample-trans.png);
mask-image: url(http://koivi.com/php-gd-image-watermark/watermarks/Sample-trans.png);
You can try this.
In this all I am doing is displaying an image and a div in which we can use the texture image as background and absolute positioning to display over the actual image.
There is no pure css solution to your question that's cross browser compatible. I realize that this answer doesn't meet your original criteria, but I figured I'd supply it anyways so that you could have it as an option.
Using pseudo elements (:before) would be a logical choice for CSS3, but alas, they don't work on img tags.
You'll have to do something, rather change the mark-up or add some javascript. Assuming you can't edit the mark-up (sometimes you can't control your source data), but can control the javascript, you could do it with pure javascript like this:
var transparentImage = "http://rd.cas.de/tim/native/image.png";
var imageList = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
var arrImages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++ ) {
// store the images as is first, otherwise the list is living and
// you loop forever...
for (i = 0; i < arrImages.length; i++ ) {
// first wrap all the images in a relative positioned div.
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
var newImg = document.createElement("img");
newImg.setAttribute("src", transparentImage);
newImg.style.position = "absolute";
arrImages[i].parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, arrImages[i]);
Here's a jsfiddle that does what you want (but with javascript).

Click through div to underlying elements

I have a div that has background:transparent, along with border. Underneath this div, I have more elements.
Currently, I'm able to click the underlying elements when I click outside of the overlay div. However, I'm unable to click the underlying elements when clicking directly on the overlay div.
I want to be able to click through this div so that I can click on the underlying elements.
Yes, you CAN do this.
Using pointer-events: none along with CSS conditional statements for IE11 (does not work in IE10 or below), you can get a cross browser compatible solution for this problem.
Using AlphaImageLoader, you can even put transparent .PNG/.GIFs in the overlay div and have clicks flow through to elements underneath.
pointer-events: none;
background: url('your_transparent.png');
IE11 conditional:
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='your_transparent.png', sizingMethod='scale');
background: none !important;
Here is a basic example page with all the code.
Yes, you CAN force overlapping layers to pass through (ignore) click events.
PLUS you CAN have specific children excluded from this behavior...
You can do this, using pointer-events
pointer-events influences the reaction to click-, tap-, scroll- und hover events.
In a layer that should ignore / pass-through mentioned events you set
pointer-events: none;
Children of that unresponsive layer that need to react mouse / tap events again need:
pointer-events: auto;
That second part is very helpful if you work with multiple overlapping div layers (probably some parents being transparent), where you need to be able to click on child elements and only that child elements.
Example usage:
.parent {
.child {
<div class="parent">
I'm unresponsive
I'm clickable again, wohoo !
Allowing the user to click through a div to the underlying element depends on the browser. All modern browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, understand pointer-events:none.
For IE, it depends on the background. If the background is transparent, clickthrough works without you needing to do anything. On the other hand, for something like background:white; opacity:0; filter:Alpha(opacity=0);, IE needs manual event forwarding.
See a JSFiddle test and CanIUse pointer events.
I'm adding this answer because I didn’t see it here in full. I was able to do this using elementFromPoint. So basically:
attach a click to the div you want to be clicked through
hide it
determine what element the pointer is on
fire the click on the element there.
var range-selector= $("")
.css("position", "absolute").addClass("range-selector")
.click(function(e) {
In my case the overlaying div is absolutely positioned—I am not sure if this makes a difference. This works on IE8/9, Safari Chrome and Firefox at least.
Hide overlaying the element
Determine cursor coordinates
Get element on those coordinates
Trigger click on element
Show overlaying element again
$('#elementontop').click(e => {
$(document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY)).trigger("click");
I needed to do this and decided to take this route:
var left = $(window).scrollLeft();
var top = $(window).scrollTop();
//hide the overlay for now so the document can find the underlying elements
//use the current scroll position to deduct from the click position
$(document.elementFromPoint(e.pageX-left, e.pageY-top)).click();
//show the overlay again
I currently work with canvas speech balloons. But because the balloon with the pointer is wrapped in a div, some links under it aren't click able anymore. I cant use extjs in this case.
See basic example for my speech balloon tutorial requires HTML5
So I decided to collect all link coordinates from inside the balloons in an array.
var clickarray=[];
function getcoo(thatdiv){
var offset=$(this).offset();
I call this function on each (new) balloon. It grabs the coordinates of the left/top and right/down corners of a link.class - additionally the name attribute for what to do if someone clicks in that coordinates and I loved to set a 1 which means that it wasn't clicked jet. And unshift this array to the clickarray. You could use push too.
To work with that array:
event.preventDefault();//if it is a a-tag
var x=event.pageX;
var y=event.pageY;
var job="";
for(var i in clickarray){
if(x>=clickarray[i][0] && x<=clickarray[i][2] && y>=clickarray[i][1] && y<=clickarray[i][3] && clickarray[i][5]==1){
clickarray[i][5]=0;//set to allready clicked
// --do some thing with the job --
This function proofs the coordinates of a body click event or whether it was already clicked and returns the name attribute. I think it is not necessary to go deeper, but you see it is not that complicate.
Hope in was enlish...
Another idea to try (situationally) would be to:
Put the content you want in a div;
Put the non-clicking overlay over the entire page with a z-index higher,
make another cropped copy of the original div
overlay and abs position the copy div in the same place as the original content you want to be clickable with an even higher z-index?
Any thoughts?
I think the event.stopPropagation(); should be mentioned here as well. Add this to the Click function of your button.
Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.
Just wrap a tag around all the HTML extract, for example
<a href="/categories/1">
<img alt="test1" class="img-responsive" src="/assets/photo.jpg" />
<div class="caption bg-orange">
in my example my caption class has hover effects, that with pointer-events:none; you just will lose
wrapping the content will keep your hover effects and you can click in all the picture, div included, regards!
An easier way would be to inline the transparent background image using Data URIs as follows:
.click-through {
pointer-events: none;
background: url();
I think that you can consider changing your markup. If I am not wrong, you'd like to put an invisible layer above the document and your invisible markup may be preceding your document image (is this correct?).
Instead, I propose that you put the invisible right after the document image but changing the position to absolute.
Notice that you need a parent element to have position: relative and then you will be able to use this idea. Otherwise your absolute layer will be placed just in the top left corner.
An absolute position element is positioned relative to the first parent
element that has a position other than static.
If no such element is found, the containing block is html
Hope this helps. See here for more information about CSS positioning.
You can place an AP overlay like...
#overlay {
position: absolute;
top: -79px;
left: -60px;
height: 80px;
width: 380px;
z-index: 2;
background: url(fake.gif);
<div id="overlay"></div>
just put it over where you dont want ie cliked. Works in all.
This is not a precise answer for the question but may help in finding a workaround for it.
I had an image I was hiding on page load and displaying when waiting on an AJAX call then hiding again however...
I found the only way to display my image when loading the page then make it disappear and be able to click things where the image was located before hiding it was to put the image into a DIV, make the size of the DIV 10x10 pixels or small enough to prevent it causing an issue then hiding the containing div. This allowed the image to overflow the div while visible and when the div was hidden, only the divs area was affected by inability to click objects beneath and not the whole size of the image the DIV contained and was displaying.
I tried all the methods to hide the image including CSS display=none/block, opacity=0, hiding the image with hidden=true. All of them resulted in my image being hidden but the area where it was displayed to act like there was a cover over the stuff underneath so clicks and so on wouldn't act on the underlying objects. Once the image was inside a tiny DIV and I hid the tiny DIV, the entire area occupied by the image was clear and only the tiny area under the DIV I hid was affected but as I made it small enough (10x10 pixels), the issue was fixed (sort of).
I found this to be a dirty workaround for what should be a simple issue but I was not able to find any way to hide the object in its native format without a container. My object was in the form of etc. If anyone has a better way, please let me know.
I couldn't always use pointer-events: none in my scenario, because I wanted both the overlay and the underlying element(s) to be clickable / selectable.
The DOM structure looked like this:
<div id="outerElement">
<div id="canvas-wrapper">
<canvas id="overlay"></canvas>
<!-- Omitted: element(s) behind canvas that should still be selectable -->
(The outerElement, canvas-wrapper and canvas elements have the same size.)
To make the elements behind the canvas act normally (e.g. selectable, editable), I used the following code:
canvasWrapper.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
outerElement.addEventListener('mousedown', event => {
const clickedOnElementInCanvas = yourCheck // TODO: check if the event *would* click a canvas element.
if (!clickedOnElementInCanvas) {
// if necessary, add logic to deselect your canvas elements ...
wrapper.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
return true;
// Check if we emitted the event ourselves (avoid endless loop)
if (event.isTrusted) {
// Manually forward element to the canvas
const mouseEvent = new MouseEvent(event.type, event);
return true;
Some canvas objects also came with input fields, so I had to allow keyboard events, too.
To do this, I had to update the pointerEvents property based on whether a canvas input field was currently focused or not:
onCanvasModified(canvas, () => {
const inputFieldInCanvasActive = // TODO: Check if an input field of the canvas is active.
wrapper.style.pointerEvents = inputFieldInCanvasActive ? 'auto' : 'none';
it doesn't work that way. the work around is to manually check the coordinates of the mouse click against the area occupied by each element.
area occupied by an element can found found by 1. getting the location of the element with respect to the top left of the page, and 2. the width and the height. a library like jQuery makes this pretty simple, although it can be done in plain js. adding an event handler for mousemove on the document object will provide continuous updates of the mouse position from the top and left of the page. deciding if the mouse is over any given object consists of checking if the mouse position is between the left, right, top and bottom edges of an element.
Nope, you can't click ‘through’ an element. You can get the co-ordinates of the click and try to work out what element was underneath the clicked element, but this is really tedious for browsers that don't have document.elementFromPoint. Then you still have to emulate the default action of clicking, which isn't necessarily trivial depending on what elements you have under there.
Since you've got a fully-transparent window area, you'll probably be better off implementing it as separate border elements around the outside, leaving the centre area free of obstruction so you can really just click straight through.

Infragistics UltraWebGrid - ASP.Net - Grids position fixed and are not scrolling with page

I have two grids on a page that seem to always be position:fixed.
I want them to scroll with the page when an overflow scrollbar appears on the body. The grids however ALWAYS stay in the same place and don't scroll with the rest of the page content.
Is there any way to get an UltraWebGrid to be relative and scroll up the page with the rest of the page's content?
This seems to work in IE6 but not in IE8. All jQuery/CSS hacks haven't been successful.
Very similar issue(s) and related reference links that may be helpful for any who also land here:
This one cracked it for me, changed my head to runat=server and magically the overflow and scrolling are working again. This is not a good practice, but a work-around. This is because
“…. The page’s controls collection is created differently if the page has inline expressions. In a page without inline expressions, the first element in the controls collection is a Literal control that has all of the html between the top of the page and the first server control. When there’s an inline expression, the first element in the controls collection is the first server control on the page (usually the element or the ).
The grid needs the literal with all that markup to figure out what doctype the grid has because it needs to render slightly differently depending if the page is in quirks mode or standards mode. One of the big differences is it adds a “position:relative” style to the scrolling area to prevent the problem with the rows spilling out of the grid.
The way to fix it is to move the inline code to the code behind. Use the Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock method to generate the javascript based on the Request.Params["expired"] value. ……”
This one didn't seem to help me, but ymmv
http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/p/21880/79596.aspx :
The grid uses relative positioning. Its containers should have
position:relative as well so the grid does not stick out.
Just in case it could be useful for anyone. I found that, for some reason, every single object in the table created by the component has the attribute "position: relative". When you remove it, the table behaves as it should.
Thus I've written this code to remove this attribute. I copied and paste the name of the table created by Infragistics, so change it (or find a better way to get it ^^)
function removeRelativePosition(item) {
var elt;
if(item == '') {
elt = document.getElementById('ctl00xmasterContentPlaceHolderxwPanReportsxuwGridReport_main');
else {
elt = item;
//Call this function recursively on every child
if(elt.childNodes !== undefined) {
for(var i=0;i< elt.childNodes.length; i++) {
//Then remove the attribute
if(elt.style !== undefined) {
elt.style.position = '';
//Run this function when your page is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
