A pointerless node in c++ - pointers

How could you make a pointerless node. A node that does not contain pointers.
This would be user for a linkedlist or something
Also how can you insert into a pointerless node.
The other parts can have pointers. Just the node cannot.

The question is a bit vague. A linked list uses pointers by definition. So pointerless nodes cannot exist and would be pointless. You could split out the pointer stuff from the rest of the payload so that the pointer structure contains pointers to previous, next and payload; is that what you mean? Like this:
struct payload
// data defs but no pointers
struct node
struct node *next, *prev;
struct payload *payload;


Can someone explain how the recursion in this structure works?

What is "next" here? Please explain how recursion works here? Thanks
typedef struct node {
int val;
struct node * next;
} node_t;
next is a pointer called next to a struct node.
The definition is recursive because you use a reference of what you define inside the definition.
From Wikipedia
recursive data type (also known as a recursively-defined, inductively-defined or inductive data type) is a data type for values that may contain other values of the same type.
It's like saying a node_t is a data type that consists in a struct that has two fields, one is an int called val, the other called next by the programmer is a pointer to a node_t (here is the recursive definition).

Store all the node pointers in an array of pointers for Binary Search Tree

Recently I was trying to manipulate the binary search tree and got stuck here. I want to have an array(array of pointers) inside which I want to store the pointers of each node of the binary search tree in in-order fashion. I DON'T NEED THE VALUE OF EACH NODE I need the pointers so that I can access their value, left subtree and right subtree. What I have done is
struct node{
int key;
struct node *left, *right;
node **arr;
int x=0;
void inorder(struct node *root){
if (root != NULL){
//cout<<"X : "<<x<<endl;
arr[x] = root;
printf("%d \n", root->key);
Please help. Thanks.
You can do that, but if sorted array of node pointers satisfies your needs, then you don't need a binary search tree: you can perform binary search on the array. This data structure has the same access speed as a tree (can be even slightly faster because data is tightly packed in memory) and is very memory efficient. But insertion of new data is costly: o(n). So this solution is not appropriate if many insertions are expected. But in this case by maintaining that sorted array you loose all benefits of tree structure.

How to make a generic struct to contain any CSS properties' values

I want to write my own simplified CSS parser for my own purposes. It have to recognize a few properties (not all of them, of course). So, I projected the architecture, and now want to project the minor details.
Right now I need to create the universal structure which can contain the value of any CSS property. I thought about union with structs for every possibly processing property, but it looks like square wheel for me - there are ~146 different properties (I want to provide support for only about 20-40, but that doesn't matter) - so I will need to create a union with 146 different structures and moreover describe this structures. My project is about 60 KB right now, I don't want to make it grow up to 60 MB yet.
I thought about char value[255], but it makes a limit for every value to be less then 255 (or N) symbols. What can I do to solve this little problem?
One (rather simple) way would be to approach it like so
struct CSS {
char *property;
char *value;
Then, while parsing a CSS doc or whatever way you want to fill it, allocate the structure with malloc.
You could on top/aside from that include a linked list, so that when you want to free the allocated memory you simply walk through the list and free all the allocated char* variables. The struct could then look like this:
struct CSS_property {
char *property;
char *value;
struct CSS_property *next;
Where next would contain a pointer to the next struct if there is one or NULL if there ain't
Finally, I suppose you'd need a type to hold the matcher. Maybe it could look like this:
struct CSS_matcher {
char *matcher;
struct CSS_property *properties;
struct CSS_matcher *next;
The properties pointer would point to the first property of this block, the CSS_matcher could in itself be yet another linked list for all matchers you'd encounter in a CSS file.
I'm not familiar with the right CSS terminology, I'm sure they don't actually call matchers matchers...

Passing a pointer based struct to cuda

I have C code which uses a pointer to a struct. I'm trying to figure out how to pass it to cuda without much luck.
I have
typedef struct node { /* describes a tip species or an ancestor */
struct node *next, *back; /* pointers to nodes */
} node;
typedef node **pointptr;
static pointptr treenode;
In my code I iterate through all of these, and I'm trying to figure out how to pass them to the kernel so I can perform the following operation:
for (i = 1; i <= nonodes; i++) {
treenode[i - 1]->back = NULL;
But I can't figure out how to pass it.
Any ideas?
The problem is that in order to use your tree inside the kernel, your next and back should probably point somewhere in device memory. Assuming you construct your tree on the host and then pass it, you could do something like:
node* traverse(node*n){
if (n==NULL)
return NULL;
node x, *d;
x.back = traverse(n->back);
x.next = traverse(n->next);
cudaMalloc(&d, sizeof(node));
cudaMemcpy(d, &x, sizeof(node), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
return d;
and by calling it on the root you'd end up with a pointer to the root of the tree in device memory, which you could pass to your kernel directly. I haven't tested this code, and you'd have to write something similar to delete the tree afterwards.
Alternatively, you could store your tree nodes contiguously inside an array, with indices in the back and next instead of pointers (possibly changing them back to pointers in device code if necessary).
Check this question:
Copying a multi-branch tree to GPU memory
Although it does not answer your question exactly, I think it may clear some things out and ultimately help you tackle your problem.

How to link Two Multi-Dimensional arrays using pointers?

I need to basically merge a Binary Heap, and Linear Probing Hashtable to make a "compound" data structure, which has the functionality of a heap, with the sorting power of a hashtable.
What I need to do is create 2 2 dimension arrays for each data structure (Binary Heap, and Hash) then link them to each other with pointers so that when I change things, such as deleting a value in the Binary Heap, it also gets deleted in the Hash table.
Therefore, I need to have one row of the Heap array pointing from the Heap to the Hastable, and one row of the hashtable array pointing from the hashtable to the heap.
Create a container that contains both, with accessor functions/methods (depending on your language of implementation) that performs all the operations required of your algorithm.
Delete from container: does a delete from Binary and from hash.
Add to container: adds to binary and to hash.
Oh, an assignment - fun! :)
I'd do this:
still implement a container. But, instead of using a standard library for btree/hash, implement them like this:
Make a type that can be put in your data member that has a pointer to the BTree node and the Hashtable Node that the data element lives in.
To delete a data element, given a pointer to it, you can perform the delete algorithm on a btree (navigate to parent from node pointer, delete child (left or right), restructure tree) and on the hash table (delete from hash list). When adding a value, perform the add algorithm on btree and hash, but be sure you update the node pointers in the data before you return.
Some pseudocode (I'll use C, but i'm not sure what language your using):
typedef struct
BTreeNode* btree
HashNode* hash
} ContianerNode;
to put data in your container:
typedef struct
ContainerNode node;
void* data; /* whatever the data is */
} Data;
a BTreeNode has something like:
typedef struct _BTreeNode
struct _BTreeNode* parent;
struct _BTreeNode* left;
struct _BTreeNode* right;
} BTreeNode;
and a HashNode has something like:
typedef struct _HashNode
struct _HashNode* next;
} HashNode;
/* ala singly linked list */
and your BTree would be a pointer to a BTreeNode and your hastable would be an array of pointers to HashNodes. Like this:
typedef struct
BTreeNode* btree;
HashNode* hashtable[HASHTABLESIZE];
} Container;
void delete(Container* c, ContainerNode* n)
ContainerNode* add(Container* c, void* data)
ContainerNode* n = malloc(sizeof(ContainerNode));
n->btree = add_to_btree(n);
n->hash = add_to_hash(n);
I'll let you complete those other functions (can't do the whole assignment for you ;) )
Why bother with the links?
You have two associative structures just duplicate any operation on one to the other (ensuring that if one operation excepts you either crash the whole thing or leave the object in a valid state if you care about such things)
Unless you can make use of the structure of one to help you with the other (and I don't see how you can since either one can entirely rearrange it's internal state on any modification operation) this is just as effective and much simpler.
Of course this means that the O() cost of any modification operation is the cost of the most expensive and memory costs are doubled but that is true of the original plan unless their is some trick I'm missing.
