How do I extend an array with the Flow type checker? - flowtype

In a React project I'm playing around with the MobX library. One thing it allows you to do is to write your code like you are working with the primitives but under the hood MobX is doing some observable magic. I'm also using Flow in this project and am having a hard time figuring out the right syntax to apply to the MobX observable arrays which have at least two extra methods, replace and peek.
The TS file for this code is pretty in depth and I'm fairly new to typing. The TS file can be found here:
None of the syntax that I've tried in Flow will work, it is probably all pretty naive/ignorant.
interface ObservableArray {
join(str: string): string;
replace(arr: Array<any>): ObservableArray;
map(mapFunction: Function): Array<any>;
reduce(reducerFunction: Function, initialValue: any): any;
peek(): Array<any>;
type MobxArray = ObservableArray;
interface ObservableArray extends Array {
peek(): Array<any>;
replace(arr: Array<any>): MobxArray<any>;
type MobxArray = ObservableArray;
Most of the time I get this error "Expected polymorphic type instead of type 'MobxArray'." I'm getting this error when I'm trying to declare the props for a component:
type MyComponentProps = {
myArray: MobxArray<string>;
const MyComponent = observer(({ myArray }: MyComponentProps) => (
<div>{ ... code ... }</div>

I probably had this solution long ago but my ESLint config was complaining and I probably never flow checked the results of this because of the no-undef error.
interface MobxArray<V> extends Array<V> {
replace(arr: Array<V>): MobxArray<V>;
peek(): Array<V>;

I don't know whether automatic conversion of TypeScript .d.ts files to flow is possible, but if you look into the package itself, you will find all interfaces in .d.ts files in the lib/ directory, that probably makes the conversion easier (those are not on github as they are generated during build)
Edit: maybe you can even refer directly to mobx/lib/index.d.ts, the flow syntax for interfaces seems pretty similar.


What is a good practice for adding flow type annotations on project specific named exports

Please correct me if i am wrong. As far as i understand it up till now; type annotations can be added to a file or in libdefs (for shareable code)
For example in a project specific file helpers.js
// #flow
export function square(value: number): number {
return value * value
export function someOtherFunction(arg: string): string {
And in a libdef helpers.js
declare module 'helpers' {
declare export function square(value: number): number;
declare export function someOtherFunction(arg: string): string;
What would be a good practice for writing flow annotations on project specific code and especially lots of code. For example helpers exposing 20+ named exports, as this is the point where i am starting to think having a libdef would be more clearer to reason about.
And is it at all possible to use that libdef file as the single entry? I've fooled around a bit and i always had to annotate in the file itself even though i had added the libdef and told flow through the config to include these libdefs.
In our project, we use the following approach:
// #flow
export const square: SquareType = (value) => {
return value * value;
So you can declare SquareType in the helpers.js file just above the function or you can move it to a separate file and import it then into helpers.js
Many third-party modules don’t have types or only TypeScript types.
And libdefs need for one reason. To declare types for untyped modules!
More info:

Is it a good idea to nest constants in Redux?

In our Product we use Angular 6 together with NgRX 6. Instead of defining our constants as export const strings, we use an object to encapsulate them:
export const ACTION_CONSTANTS = {
As the ACTION_CONSTANTS object gets bigger and prefixes get longer ('DROPDOWN_ACTION_SKIP_SET_INIT_STATE'), I would prefer to nest constants e.g. by feature:
export const ACTION_CONSTANTS = {
'MODAL' : {
Is it a good idea or are there any downsides? I could not find anything on formatting constants on the Redux FAQ.
I don't think it is a bad idea, as long as you're able to keep it all organized. But I would suggest grouping your actions into different files. I find this the best way to keep things organized.
I usually keep actions in different files, roughly aligned with models & reducers. And i have a naming convention like:
So, for example, to load model of type ProductGroup i would have actions:
export const ActionTypes = {
LOAD_PRODUCTGROUP: enforceUnique("[ProductGroup] Laod ProductGroup"),
LOAD_PRODUCTGROUP_SUCCESS: enforceUnique("[ProductGroup] Load ProductGroup Success")
LOAD_PRODUCTGROUP_FAILURE: enforceUnique("[ProductGroup] Load ProductGroup Failure")
enforceUnique is a function that caches all registered actions and make sure there are no duplicates across the whole app.
Now, when you import actions for certain model, you import only those from file you need (e.g. import ProductGroupActionTypes from 'actions/ProductGroupActions') and use them like ProductGroupActionTypes.LOAD_PRODUCTGROUP.
Usually, first one (without outcome suffix) is the one to initiate action and set some pending flag in reducer to show loader and also to initiate http calls in #Effects.
Second one, with success suffix is handled in reducer to change state.
Third one is error handling, whatever way you want to do it.

How to implement redux-search

I am trying to implement a search filter in my application which uses react/redux using redux-search. The first gotcha I get is when I try to add the store enhancer as in the example.
// Compose :reduxSearch with other store enhancers
const enhancer = compose(
// Configure redux-search by telling it which resources to index for searching
resourceIndexes: {
// In this example Books will be searchable by :title and :author
books: ['author', 'title']
// This selector is responsible for returning each collection of searchable resources
resourceSelector: (resourceName, state) => {
// In our example, all resources are stored in the state under a :resources Map
// For example "books" are stored under state.resources.books
return state.resources.get(resourceName)
I understand evarything up to the resourceSelector, when I tried to get a deep dive into the example to see how it works but I can barely see how they are generated and the last line returns an error, Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
My state object looks like this
state: {
//books is an array of objects...each object represents a book
//a book has these properties
{name, id, author, datePublished}
Any help from anyone who understands redux-search is helpful
If this line:
return state.resources.get(resourceName)
Is causing this error:
Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
That indicates that state.resources is not defined. And sure enough, your state doesn't define a resources attribute.
The examples were written with the idea in mind of using redux-search to index many types of resources, eg:
state: {
resources: {
books: [...],
authors: [...],
// etc
The solution to the issue you've reported would be to either:
A: Add an intermediary resources object (if you think you might want to index other things in the future and you like that organization).
B: Replace state.resources.get(resourceName) with state[resourceName] or similar.

Hashable tuple-like collections in TypeScript

I'm writing a (toy) hash-and-cache decorator in TypeScript and can't find a good means of creating a solid generic one.
The code I have so far is
function cache
(target: Object,
propertyKey: string,
// Likely we can do better than <any> here -- <Function<any>> maybe?
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>)
let cacheMap = new Map();
let wrappedFn = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
if (cacheMap.has(args)) {
console.log("Short-circuiting with result: " + cacheMap.get(args));
return cacheMap.get(args);
let result = wrappedFn.apply(this, args);
cacheMap.set(args, result);
console.log("cacheMap %o", cacheMap);
return result;
return descriptor;
Naturally this fails, since args is not a tuple but a list, which is mutable[1]. So each input, even if it's the same over and over, gets its own list/array in its own memory location with its own hash value, wherever that comes from.
I haven't found a Tuple type in TypeScript (or JS) yet -- is there one? Is there another workaround for this sort of problem?
Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right? That's the point of types -- to raise this issue before it takes a bunch of time out of your life.
Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right?
No. Object identity is a real and well-defined thing in JavaScript; TypeScript doesn't attempt to force you to pretend it doesn't exist.
If the ECMAScript committee thought it was appropriate to enforce non-object-identity-based keying in maps, they could have restricted Map keys, but they didn't.

How do I type a function with input and output objects with the same keys but different value types?

Basically, I have a function that will transform an object into a different object, and it's like a dictionary, but I don't know how to type it.
var myFunctions = {
a: () => something1,
b: () => something2,
gets transformed into
var myObject = {
a: something1,
b: something2
With Flow 0.33+ you can use $ObjMap
type ExtractCodomain = <V>(v: () => V) => V;
declare function f<O>(o: O): $ObjMap<O, ExtractCodomain>;
I don't think you can do this with Flow. The closest you can get is probably this:
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: boolean)
That function is typed to return an object with the same key as input object, but with boolean-only values (as an example, you can specify another type). Sorry to disappoint, but it's hard to type highly dynamic code with Flow in general.
Note that the $Keys feature is undocumented because it's not part of the public API, so its behavior is defined solely by its implementation (in other words, it can change anytime).
If you're interested in the details of Flow's type system, check out the typings that come with flow in its own /lib directory, for example – you'll see that some things like Object.assign are special-cased, so you might not be able to re-implement such things in your own code.
Also, check out for other "dollar features" such as $Shape and $Diff – it's partially outdated, but can give some good pointers.
#Nikita gave you the best answer for now. That said, the use-case you talked about is being discussed in the issues on the FlowType repository. It may land soon.
As of right now, if you've got mixed type, I'll just fallback to any
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: any)
This way, at least the key names are validated. I expect within a few more versions of Flow, this problem will get solved.
