I am trying to create a package in Oracle SQL Developer and want to have a public input parameter that another user can input a date to. I tried the following code -
Create PACKAGE Assignment_1_Pack is
vstartDate date := to_date('&startDate', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
vendDate date := to_date('endDAte', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
When I try to run it I get the following message
Empty package Assignment_1_pack definition (no public members).
I was expecting the window that pops up to prompt for an input but I haven't used packages before so I am not sure what it is I am doing wrong
run set define on;
Use a command create OR REPLACE package Assignment_1_Pack ...
SET DEFINE ON/OFF toggles the substitution variables on or off. Probably the substitution of variables was turned off, so SQLDeveloper doesn't ask for the value
See this for details: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14357/ch12040.htm#sthref2736
SET DEF[INE] {& | c | ON | OFF} Sets the character used to prefix
substitution variables to c.
ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus will scan commands for
substitution variables and replace them with their values. ON changes
the value of c back to the default '&', not the most recently used
character. The setting of DEFINE to OFF overrides the setting of the
SCAN variable.
create OR REPLACE package ... prevents from errors in a case when the package has already been created. Simple CREATE PACKAGE xxx command fails if the package already exists. If you create the package for the first time, then all subsequent attempts will fail. Create OR REPLACE ... drops the package if it already exists, and then creates it again, so it newer fails.
I have a requirement to setup CDC from Source(Oracle) to Target(BigQuery) using Goldengate.
I can have only option to filter data in replicat side based on Specific column name .
As per the below link :
I have setup the replicat like below
TARGETDB LIBFILE libggjava.so SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def
export SOUVIKPOC='Smith'
But I am getting below error
2020-02-19 05:47:37 ERROR OGG-01157 Error in WHERE clause for ARADMINPI.TPOC.
Is there anything I am doing wrong here?
For Parameter Substitution to work, you'll need to enclose ?SOUVIKPOC in quotes, like this:
There should also be additional information about the failure earlier in the report file.
Another Example Using #GETENV
Another option is to use the #GETENV function instead of Parameter Substitution. Here, the MAP statement uses a FILTER clause instead of the WHERE clause:
Unless you set the SOUVIKPOC environment variable prior to running GGSCI (and executing START MGR), you need to add a SETENV statement to your parameter file:
Putting it all together:
TARGETDB LIBFILE libggjava.so SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def
I have added to R a global option $blogdown.hugo.dir = "C:/Hugo"
which makes devtools::check() crash.
-- Checking ------------------------------------------ eurobarometer --
Setting env vars:
-- R CMD check -------------------------------------------------------------
Error: 2:39: unexpected symbol
2: options(blogdown.hugo.dir = 'C:/Hugo').Last
Execution halted
I tried to set
options(blogdown.hugo.dir = 'C:/Hugo')
I re-installed with clear startup options RStudio and R, but I cannot remove the global option. I can change it, but not remove it.
Can anyone point me out how to completely remove an element from options, or to get a fresh option. Many packages re-set settings, but only for standard ones, not custom options.
Look at ?options. You should see a third item in the Usage list, .Options. That's actually the name of the structure that holds the names and values of options so you should be able to set a particular one to NULL which is the standard R method to remove items from lists. I tried with:
.Options$demo.ask <- NULL
I thought that that using options(key = NULL) will leave an entry in the .Options tree, since NULL is a valid value for a list item, but I was wrong. There's no such named value after that operation.
I've tried to find a table with the definition for each COMPSTAT (related to the tool Control-M workload Automation) return code but without any success.
Can anyone tell me if such a table exists?
Thank you.
It's the return code from whatever task was being executed at that time. By convention, a zero value means 'OK', and anything non-zero means an error of some kind.
Different utilities (i.e. external commands) have different possible return codes, so if the command were SCP then you would look up the code in the SCP documentation, and find that for example, '67' meant 'key exchange failed'.
There is no table that contains the definition of each COMPSTAT return code.
OSCOMPSTAT stand for Control-M Operating System Completion Status.
The value of COMPSTAT is set by the exit code of the command that was called.
After calling the command [cat file1.txt] the value of COMPSTAT will be:
0 if the file "file1.txt" is found
1 if the file "file1.txt" is not found
After calling the command [ctmfw] the value of COMPSTAT will be:
0 if the specified file is found
7 if the specified file is not found
we have recently upgraded to oe rdbms 11.3 version from 9.1d. While generating
reports,i found the field value of a field comes as 2'239,00 instead of
2,239.00.I checked the format its >,>>>,>>9.99.
what could be the reason behind this?
The admin installing the database didn't to it's homework and selected wrong default numeric and decimal separator.
However no greater harm done:
Set these startup parameters
-numsep 44 -numdec 46
This is an simplified database startup example with added parameters as above:
proserve /db/db -H dbserver -S dbservice -numsep 44 -numdec 46
When you install Progress you are prompted for the numeric format to use. That information is then written to a file called "startup.pf" which is located in the install directory (C:\Progress\OpenEdge by default on Windows...)
If you picked the wrong numeric format you can edit startup.pf with any text editor. It should look something like this:
#This is a placeholder startup.pf
#You may put any global startup parameters you desire
#in this file. They will be used by ALL Progress modules
#including the client, server, utilities, etc.
#The file dlc/prolang/locale.pf provides examples of
#settings for the different options that vary internationally.
#The directories under dlc/prolang contain examples of
#startup.pf settings appropriate to each region.
#For example, the file dlc/prolang/ger/german.pf shows
#settings that might be used in Germany.
#The file dlc/prolang/ger/geraus.pf gives example settings
#for German-speaking Austrians.
#Copy the file that seems appropriate for your region or language
#over this startup.pf. Edit the file to meet your needs.
# e.g. UNIX: cp /dlc/prolang/ger/geraus.pf /dlc/startup.pf
# e.g. DOS, WINDOWS: copy \dlc\prolang\ger\geraus.pf \dlc\startup.pf
# You may want to include these same settings in /dlc/ade.pf.
#If the directory for your region or language does not exist in
#dlc/prolang, please check that you have ordered AND installed the
#International component. The International component provides
#these directories and files.
-cpinternal ISO8859-1
-cpstream ISO8859-1
-cpcoll Basic
-cpcase Basic
-d mdy
-numsep 44
-numdec 46
Changes to the startup.pf file are GLOBAL -- they impact all sessions started on this machine. If you only want to change a single session then you can add the parameters to the command line (or the shortcut icons properties) or to a local .pf file or to an ini file being used by that session.
You can also programmatically override the format in your code by using the SESSION system handle:
session:numeric-decimal-point = "."
session:numeric-separator = ","
display 123456.999.
(You might want to consider saving the current values and restoring them if this is a temporary change.)
(You can also use the shorthand session:numeric-format = "american". or "european" for the two most common cases.)
I am trying to use the special variable .RECIPEPREFIX in order to avoid the hard to see tabs, but it does not seem to work. My simple test makefile is:
+ #echo OK
but I get the message:
xxx:4: *** missing separator. Stop.
Which version of gnu make are you using? 3.81?
The .RECIPEPREFIX is only supported since 3.82. I've tested out your sample on 3.82 and it works.
New special variable: .RECIPEPREFIX allows you to reset the recipe
introduction character from the default (TAB) to something else. The
first character of this variable value is the new recipe introduction
character. If the variable is set to the empty string, TAB is used again.
It can be set and reset at will; recipes will use the value active when
they were first parsed. To detect this feature check the value of