Filter Data in Oracle Goldengate Replicat Side - oracle-golden-gate

I have a requirement to setup CDC from Source(Oracle) to Target(BigQuery) using Goldengate.
I can have only option to filter data in replicat side based on Specific column name .
As per the below link :
I have setup the replicat like below
TARGETDB LIBFILE SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def
export SOUVIKPOC='Smith'
But I am getting below error
2020-02-19 05:47:37 ERROR OGG-01157 Error in WHERE clause for ARADMINPI.TPOC.
Is there anything I am doing wrong here?

For Parameter Substitution to work, you'll need to enclose ?SOUVIKPOC in quotes, like this:
There should also be additional information about the failure earlier in the report file.
Another Example Using #GETENV
Another option is to use the #GETENV function instead of Parameter Substitution. Here, the MAP statement uses a FILTER clause instead of the WHERE clause:
Unless you set the SOUVIKPOC environment variable prior to running GGSCI (and executing START MGR), you need to add a SETENV statement to your parameter file:
Putting it all together:
TARGETDB LIBFILE SET property=dirprm/bqpoc.props
SOURCEDEFS /app/oracle/ogg_bigdata/dirdef/poc.def


How can I get different environment values according to different OS in one premake5.lua?

In my project, I want to get different environment value according to different OS, just like get A from Windows and get B from Linux, I try to use filter function like the code shown below:
filter {"system:windows"}
local value = os.getenv("A")
filter {"system:linux"}
local value = os.getenv("B")
or use configuration like that:
configuration {"windows"}
local value = os.getenv("A")
configuration {"linux"}
local value = os.getenv("B")
When I run the premake5.lua, it will return an error: attempt to concatenate a nil value.
Is there anything I misunderstand? How can I implement it correctly?
Another option:
if"windows") then
else if"macosx") then
else if"linux") then
Use os.get to determine which platform you are currently running on.
if os.get() == "windows" then

Definition of OSCOMPSTAT values

I've tried to find a table with the definition for each COMPSTAT (related to the tool Control-M workload Automation) return code but without any success.
Can anyone tell me if such a table exists?
Thank you.
It's the return code from whatever task was being executed at that time. By convention, a zero value means 'OK', and anything non-zero means an error of some kind.
Different utilities (i.e. external commands) have different possible return codes, so if the command were SCP then you would look up the code in the SCP documentation, and find that for example, '67' meant 'key exchange failed'.
There is no table that contains the definition of each COMPSTAT return code.
OSCOMPSTAT stand for Control-M Operating System Completion Status.
The value of COMPSTAT is set by the exit code of the command that was called.
After calling the command [cat file1.txt] the value of COMPSTAT will be:
0 if the file "file1.txt" is found
1 if the file "file1.txt" is not found
After calling the command [ctmfw] the value of COMPSTAT will be:
0 if the specified file is found
7 if the specified file is not found

Package input parameter SQL Developer

I am trying to create a package in Oracle SQL Developer and want to have a public input parameter that another user can input a date to. I tried the following code -
Create PACKAGE Assignment_1_Pack is
vstartDate date := to_date('&startDate', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
vendDate date := to_date('endDAte', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
When I try to run it I get the following message
Empty package Assignment_1_pack definition (no public members).
I was expecting the window that pops up to prompt for an input but I haven't used packages before so I am not sure what it is I am doing wrong
run set define on;
Use a command create OR REPLACE package Assignment_1_Pack ...
SET DEFINE ON/OFF toggles the substitution variables on or off. Probably the substitution of variables was turned off, so SQLDeveloper doesn't ask for the value
See this for details:
SET DEF[INE] {& | c | ON | OFF} Sets the character used to prefix
substitution variables to c.
ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus will scan commands for
substitution variables and replace them with their values. ON changes
the value of c back to the default '&', not the most recently used
character. The setting of DEFINE to OFF overrides the setting of the
SCAN variable.
create OR REPLACE package ... prevents from errors in a case when the package has already been created. Simple CREATE PACKAGE xxx command fails if the package already exists. If you create the package for the first time, then all subsequent attempts will fail. Create OR REPLACE ... drops the package if it already exists, and then creates it again, so it newer fails.

Using Get Time in Robot Framework Test cases

How to Use a particular Time For all the test cases in RF.Suppose i have to give time in some field of UI(User Interface).
I have to give that as current time plus 15 mins across all the test cases..How can this be done?
I have declared global variable in Resources.txt and this is being imported across all the test case files
${hr}= Get Time hour NOW + 15min
${min}= Get Time min NOW + 15min
When i run the test case, am getting the following error :
Setting variable '${hr}' failed: Creating a scalar variable with a list value in the Variable table is no longer possible. Create a list variable '#{hr}' and use it as a scalar variable '${hr}' instead.
Setting variable '${min}' failed: Creating a scalar variable with a list value in the Variable table is no longer possible. Create a list variable '#{min}' and use it as a scalar variable '${min}' instead.
But when i use the same in Test1.txt they are working fine..
If the code you are using is in the *** Variables *** section, the format is wrong. Within the variables table you cannot call keywords. What you're doing is creating a list named ${hr} with the literal value of ["Get Time", "hour", "NOW + 15min"]
From the robot framework user's guide:
The most common source for variables are Variable tables in test case
files and resource files. Variable tables are convenient, because they
allow creating variables in the same place as the rest of the test
data, and the needed syntax is very simple. Their main disadvantages
are that values are always strings and they cannot be created
You will need to call the Get Time keyword from within a keyword or test case. Since you want to do this at startup, you can call the keyword in the suite setup.
*** Keywords ***
initialize timestamp variables
${hr}= Get Time hour NOW + 15min
${min}= Get Time min NOW + 15min
set suite variable ${hr}
set suite variable ${min}
*** Settings ***
Suite setup initialize timestamp varaibles
If you do this in multiple suites, it's entirely possible that not all suites will use exactly the same value. An alternative solution would be to set a global variable, and only set it once. Each suite could detect if it's been set yet, and only set it if it hasn't been set.
You could also do this through a python based variable file.
Note: this solution only sets the variable for the current suite. If you do this in a suite initialization file (eg: mysuite/__init__.robot), you will need to use Set Global Variable rather than Set Suite Variable.

remove log information from report and save report in desire location

I am new to robot framework and wanted to see if i can get any simple code for custom report. I am also fine with answer to my problem. I went through all questions related to report but could not find any specific answer to my problem. currently my report contains log and wanted to see if i can remove log information from reports and save report in specific location. I just want to get PASS/FAIL information in my report. Can any one give me example how i can overcome this problem? I also need to know how i can save my report in different location. Any example would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
There is a tool called Rebot which is part of Robot Framework.
By default, Robot Framework creates XML reports. The XML reports are automatically converted into HTML reports by Rebot.
You can set the location of the output files in the execution by specifying the parameter --outputdir (and thus set a different base directory for outputs).
From the documentaiton:
All output files can be set using an absolute path, in which case they are created to the specified place, but in other cases, the path is considered relative to the output directory. The default output directory is the directory where the execution is started from, but it can be altered with the --outputdir (-d) option. The path set with this option is, again, relative to the execution directory, but can naturally be given also as an absolute path. Regardless of how a path to an individual output file is obtained, its parent directory is created automatically, if it does not exist already.
You can call Rebot yourself to control this conversion.
You can also run Rebot after the test was run in order to create new output on a different location.
See documentation in:
The following example shows how to store the HTML reports in a different location and including only partial data:
rebot --include smoke --name Smoke_Tests c:\results\output.xml --outputdir c:\version1.0\reports
In the example above, we process the file c:\results\output.xml, create a new report called Smoke_Tests that includes only tests with the tag smoke and save it to the output folder c:\version1.0\reports
In addition you can also set the location of the log file (HTML) from the execution.
The command line option --log (-l) determines where log files are created.
The command line option --report (-r) determines where report files are created
Removing log lines can be done a bit differently. If you run rebot --help you'll get the following options:
--removekeywords all|passed|for|wuks|name: * Remove keyword data
from all generated outputs. Keywords containing
warnings are not removed except in `all` mode.
all: remove data from all keywords
passed: remove data only from keywords in passed
test cases and suites
for: remove passed iterations from for loops
wuks: remove all but the last failing keyword
inside `BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`
name:: remove data from keywords that match
the given pattern. The pattern is matched
against the full name of the keyword (e.g.
'MyLib.Keyword', 'resource.Second Keyword'),
is case, space, and underscore insensitive,
and may contain `*` and `?` as wildcards.
Examples: --removekeywords name:Lib.HugeKw
--removekeywords name:myresource.*
--flattenkeywords for|foritem|name: * Flattens matching keywords
in all generated outputs. Matching keywords get all
log messages from their child keywords and children
are discarded otherwise.
for: flatten for loops fully
foritem: flatten individual for loop iterations
name:: flatten matched keywords using same
matching rules as with
`--removekeywords name:`
