How to use AWS CLI to only copy files in S3 bucket that match a given string pattern - r

I'm using the AWS CLI to copy files from an S3 bucket to my R machine using a command like below:
"aws s3 cp s3://my_bucket_location/ ~/my_r_location/ --recursive --exclude '*' --include '*trans*' --region us-east-1"
This works as expected, i.e. it copies all files in my_bucket_location that have "trans" in the filename at that location.
The problem that I am facing is that I have other files with similar naming conventions that I don't want to import in this step. As an example, in the list below I only want to copy the first two files, not the last two:
File list
If I was using regex I could make it more specific like "^trans_\\d+" to bring in just the first two files, but this doesn't seem possible using AWS CLI. So my question is there a way to have more complex pattern matching using AWS CLI like below?
"aws s3 cp s3://my_bucket_location/ ~/my_r_location/ --recursive --exclude '*' --include '^trans_\\d+' --region us-east-1"
Please note that I can only use information about the file in question, i.e. that I want to import a file with pattern "^trans_\\d+", I can't use the fact that the other unwanted files contain sum_ at the start, because this is only an example there could be other files with similar names like "check_trans_120215.csv".
I have considered other alternatives like below, but hoping there is a way to adjust the copy command to avoid going down either of these routes:
Listing all items in the bucket > using regex in R to specify the files that I want > Only importing those files
Keeping the copy command as it is > delete unwanted files on the R machine after the copy

The alternatives that you have listed are the best options because S3 CLI doesn't support regex.
Use of Exclude and Include Filters:
Currently, there is no support for the use of UNIX style wildcards in
a command's path arguments. However, most commands have --exclude
"" and --include "" parameters that can achieve the
desired result. These parameters perform pattern matching to either
exclude or include a particular file or object. The following pattern
symbols are supported.
*: Matches everything
?: Matches any single character
[sequence]: Matches any character in sequence
[!sequence]: Matches any character not in sequence

Putting this here for others to find, since I just had to figure this out. Here's what I came up with:
s3cmd del $(s3cmd ls s3://[BUCKET]/ | grep '.*s3://[BUCKET]/[FILENAME]' | cut -c 41-)
You can put the regex in the grep search string. For instance, I was searching for specific files to delete (hence the s3cmd del). My regex looked like: '2016-11-04.*s3.*[DN][RS].*'. You may have to adjust the cut for your use. Should also work with s3cmd get.


Can I use conditional "or" statements in selecting files to download with wget

I'm trying to download a bunch of files via ftp with wget. I could do this manually for each of the variables that I am interested in, or I was wondering if I could specify these in an "or" type conditional statement in the filepath name.
For example, I would like to download all files that contain the strings "NRRS412", "NRRS443", "NRRS490", etc. I had planned to do individual calls to wget for each of these, like this:
wget -r -A "L3m*NRRS412*.nc" ftp://username:password#ftp.address
I cannot simply use "L3m*NRRS*.nc", as there are other "NRRS" strings that I don't want.
Is there a way to download all of my target strings in a single call to wget?
Thanks for any help
OK, I figured out the solution, which is to create several possible strings separated by commas:
wget -r -A "L3m*NRRS412*.nc, L3m*NRRS43*.nc, L3m*NRRS490*.nc" ftp://username:password#ftp.address

How to select all files from one sample?

I have a problem figuring out how to make the input directive only select all {samples} files in the rule below.
rule MarkDup:
expand("Outputs/MergeBamAlignment/{samples}_{lanes}_{flowcells}.merged.bam", zip,
bam = "Outputs/MarkDuplicates/{samples}_markedDuplicates.bam",
metrics = "Outputs/MarkDuplicates/{samples}_markedDuplicates.metrics",
"gatk --java-options`pwd`/tmp \
MarkDuplicates \
$(echo ' {input}' | sed 's/ / --INPUT /g') \
-O {output.bam} \
--METRICS_FILE {output.metrics} \
--TMP_DIR Outputs/MarkDuplicates/tmp"
Currently it will create correctly named output files, but it selects all files that match the pattern based on all wildcards. So I'm perhaps halfway there. I tried changing {samples} to {{samples}} in the input directive as such:
expand("Outputs/MergeBamAlignment/{{samples}}_{lanes}_{flowcells}.merged.bam", zip,
but this broke the previous rule somehow. So the solution is something like
But clearly this doesn't work.
Is it possible to collect all files that match {sample}_*.bam with a function and use that as input? And if so, will the function still work with $(echo ' {input}' etc...) in the shell directive?
If you just want all the files in the directory, you can use a lambda function
from glob import glob
rule MarkDup:
lambda wcs: glob('Outputs/MergeBamAlignment/%s*.bam' % wcs.samples)
Just be aware that this approach can't do any checking for missing files, since it will always report that the files needed are the files that are present. If you do need confirmation that the upstream rule has been executed, you can have the previous rule touch a flag, which you then require as input to this rule (though you don't actually use the file for anything other than enforcing execution order).
If I understand correctly, zip needs to be applied only to {lane} and {flowcells} and not to {samples}. In that case, use two expand instances can achieve that.
zip, lanes=samples['lane'], flowcells=samples['flowcell']),
PS: output.tmp file uses {sample} instead of {samples}. Typo?

How to search for a pattern in a file from the end of a directory using grep?

I need to search for files containing a pattern in a directory (to search from the end of the directory to the start).
This is the command I use now,
grep -rl 'pattern'
Is there any command to search for a pattern from the last file of a directory to the first file?
If you want to grep to search in some order, you need to pass it a list of file names in the order you want. If you want the files in the current directory in reverse order of name, ls -r would do the job. How about something like this?
ls -1br | xargs grep 'pattern'
Note the -b, which is needed to mitigate problems with spaces and metacharacters in file names.
Note also that this won't cope well with sub-directories. But the principle is sound - generate a list of files in the order you want and pass it to grep using xargs.

Split files linux and then grep

I'd like to split a file and grep each piece without writing them to indvidual files.
I've attempted a couple variations of split and grep and no such luck; any suggestions?
Something along the lines of:
split -b SIZE filename | grep "string"
I've attempted grep/fgrep to find the string but my shell complains that the files are too large. See: use fgrep instead
There is no point in splitting the file if you plan to [linearly] search each of the pieces anyway (assuming that's the only thing you are doing with it). Consider running grep on the entire file.
If however you plan to utilize the fact that the file is split later on, then the typical way would be:
Create a temporary directory and step into it
Run split/csplit on the original file
Use for loop over written fragment to do your processing.

How to use mv command to rename multiple files in unix?

I am trying to rename multiple files with extension xyz[n] to extension xyz
example :
mv *.xyz[1] to *.xyz
but the error is coming as - " *.xyz No such file or directory"
Don't know if mv can directly work using * but this would work
find ./ -name "*.xyz\[*\]" | while read line
mv "$line" ${line%.*}.xyz
Let's say we have some files as shown below.Now i want remove the part -(ab...) from those files.
> ls -1 foo*
So the expected file names would be :
> ls -1 foo*
Below is a simple way to do it.
> ls -1 | nawk '/foo-bar-/{old=$0;gsub(/-\(.*\)/,"",$0);system("mv \""old"\" "$0)}'
for detailed explanation check here
Here is another way using the automated tools of StringSolver. Let us say your first file is named[1] a second named[1] and a third named ghi.jpg (not the same extension as the previous two).
First, filter the files you want by giving examples (ok and notok are any words such that the first describes the accepted files):
filter[1] ok[1] ok ghi.jpg notok
Then perform the move with the filter it created:
mv --filter --all
The second line generalizes the first transformation on all files ending with .xyz[1].
The last two lines can also be abbreviated in just one, which performs the moves and immediately generalizes it:
mv --filter --all[1]
DISCLAIMER: I am a co-author of this work for academic purposes. Other examples are available on youtube.
I think mv can't operate on multiple files directly without loop.
Use rename command instead. it uses regular expressions but easy to use once mastered and more powerful.
rename 's/^text-to-replace/new-text-you-want/' text-to-replace*
e.g to rename all .jar files in a directory to .jar_bak
rename 's/^jar/jar_bak/' jar*
