How to present NSWindow without title bar while keeping the system buttons - nswindow

How can one remove the title bar from a NSWindow while keeping the system buttons such as close, minimize and maximize?
How to make the Window slightly transparent?
This is the look & feel that I'd like to achieve:

I figured out how to achieve the desired design:
In the storyboard, set NSWindow's Full Size Content View property to true
Via code, set NSWindow's titlebarAppearsTransparent property to true


Appmaker panel & canvas height

I have a long form in a panel with lots of controls, however the Canvas/panel editor has a limited height of about 1000px and refuses to scroll to allow adding more controls.
I am able to make the panel 2000px and enable overflow to get the panel itself to scroll once the app is deployed, but how do I manage to drag/drop new controls/widgets?
At the bottom of the canvas is a round control which allows it to be extended beyond the default and therefore allows long controls.
A page's main panel should have a dimension property in the property editor, that specifies height and width. I'm able to set it to much larger values (e.g. 5000 pixels).
Once the main panel is large enough, you should be able to scroll down in it and drop new widgets where you need them to be.
It's also easy to accidentially drop in new panels and then stuff new widgets into the wrong panel, so make sure the panel structure is really what you believe it is (e.g. via the structure editor).

How to show several QTableViews(without scrollbar) in QListWidget(or other similar widgets)?

I have a problem with showing multiple tables(without their own scrollbars) under one scrollbar. Is there any workaround or a good way to resolve this issue in Qt?
I've tried to do what you ask, and found this. So, here is a solution:
add QScrollArea to a form
set the property widgetResizable to true
put QWidget to scroll area
right click on widget -> Set ancestor -> [your scroll area]
add vertical layout to a widget
scroll area will collapse, epand it with a mouse
insert into the widget as many tables as you want
set vertical size policy for each table to Minimum and set minimal vertical size.
Here is how it looks:

Why the layout in qt avoid to show full image of background image for pushbutton

I have problem with layout. I put image for QPushButton background but when I add my button to each layout, it avoid to show full image.
Use size Policy and minimum Height-width. for example you want to expand the button. first select the button and after that choose size Policy to change the size. select Expanding for each property(vertical|horizontal Policy) you want to change. Also you can set the vertical|horizontal stretch. if you want to set limit for it's size you can set minimum and maximum size for your button.
Just look at your object properties, Also look at here. :)

UISearchBar in UINavigationController introduces ~60px offset in SearchResultsTable

As soon as I display my search bar in the navigation controller, the behavior of the search results table changes - the table content is offset vertically by about 60px.
Changing the table's contentOffset on the delegate ResultsWill/Did Appear makes no difference.
Setting displayInNavigationController = false restores expected alignment of results (directly below search bar with no gap).
The blank area appears to be part of the table/scrollview, as I can force the results cells to temporarily display in the blank section by scrolling down.
Any idea how to get those first result cells to display at the top of the results window?
It looks like you have viewController.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets set, but you don't actually want this adjustment. You can turn this option off via either Interface Builder (find "Adjust scroll view insets" checkbox) or programmatically.

qt unexpandable layout?

Ok, here is my problem:
I have a vertical layout which contains a QPlainTextEdit and a horizontal layout (containing 2 QPushButtons) below the text edit.
The vertical layout is just a part of GUI, and gets resized depending on screen resolution. Btw. it is a mobile app, so I don't have a lot of space on screen.
Push buttons have some text which is dynamically set, I don't know it from the beginning to code it manually.
My problem occurs when the text in push buttons is big, and my whole vertical layout is expanded to fit the buttons.
How can I make the vertical layout unexpandable? note, that this is different from "fixed" because of different screen resoulutions.
I'd just like the clip the buttons if they do not fit, but keep the layout width untouched.
Anyway to do this?
You'll need to set the maximum width for the buttons, not the layout, which is only widening to fit the wider buttons. Check out the docs on QPushButton and look for QWidget inherited functions called setMaximumSize or setMaximumWidth.
You can always GetWidth() on the button when it is an appropriate size, then setMaximumWidth using that value since you wouldn't ordinarily know this. Pick an appropriate default text size/val and use that to create your "dynamic" default since this is going on screens of varying size.
