Determinant in Fortran95 - recursion

This code in fortran calculates the determinant of a nxn matrix using the laplacian formula (expansion by minors). I understand fully how this process works.
But could somebody give me an insight into how the following code operates over, say a given iteration, this section of the code contains the recursive function determinant(matrix) - assume some nxn matrix is read in and passed through and another function to call the cofactor. There are aspects of the code I understand but its the recursion that is confusing me profoundly. I've tried to run through step by step with a 3x3 matrix but to no avail.
! Expansion of determinants using Laplace formula
recursive function determinant(matrix) result(laplace_det)
real, dimension(:,:) :: matrix
integer :: msize(2), i, n
real :: laplace_det, det
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cf
msize = shape(matrix)
n = msize(1)
if (n .eq. 1) then
det = matrix(1,1)
det = 0
do i=1, n
allocate(cf(n-1, n-1))
cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)
end do
end if
laplace_det = det
end function determinant
function cofactor(matrix, mI, mJ)
real, dimension(:,:) :: matrix
integer :: mI, mJ
integer :: msize(2), i, j, k, l, n
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cofactor
msize = shape(matrix)
n = msize(1)
allocate(cofactor(n-1, n-1))
k = 1
do i=1, n
if (i .ne. mI) then
l = 1
do j=1, n
if (j .ne. mJ) then
cofactor(k,l) = matrix(i,j)
l = l+ 1
end if
end do
k = k+ 1
end if
end do
end function cofactor
The main section im struggling with is these two calls and the operation of the respective cofactor calculation.
cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)
Any input for an explanation would be greatly appreciated (like i said an example of one iteration). This is my first post in stack-overflow as most of my question reside in mathstack (as you can probably tell by the mathematical nature of the question). Although I do have experience programming, the concept of recursion (especially in this example) is really boggling my mind.
If any edits are required please go ahead, im not familiar with the etiquette on stack overflow.

Let us suppose that we pass the following 3x3 matrix to determinant():
2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8
In the routine, the following two lines are executed iteratively for i = 1,2,3:
cf = cofactor(matrix, i, 1)
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix(i,1) * determinant(cf)
which corresponds to the Laplace expansion with respect to the first column. More specifically, one passes the above 3x3 matrix to cofactor() to get a 2x2 sub-matrix by removing the i-th row and 1st column of the matrix. The obtained 2x2 sub-matrix (cf) is then passed to determinant() in the next line to calculate the co-factor corresponding to this sub-matrix. So, in this first iterations we are trying to calculate
Note here that the three determinants in the right-hand side are yet to be calculated by subsequent calls of determinant(). Let us consider one such subsequent call, e.g. for i=1. We are passing the following sub-matrix (stored in cf)
5 3
1 8
to determinant(). Then, the same procedure as described above is repeated again and independently of the Laplace expansion for the parent 3x3 matrix. That is, the determinant() now iterates over i=1,2 and tries to calculate
Note that the i in this subsequent call is different from the i of the previous call; they are all local variables living inside a particular call of a routine and are totally independent from each other. Also note that the index of dummy array argument (like matrix(:,:)) always start from 1 in Fortran (unless otherwise specified). This kind of operations are repeated until the size of the sub-matrix becomes 1.
But in practice, I believe that the easiest way to understand this kind of code is to write intermediate data and track the actual flow of data/routines. For example, we can insert a lot of print statements as
module mymod
implicit none
recursive function determinant(matrix) result(laplace_det)
real :: matrix(:,:)
integer :: i, n, p, q
real :: laplace_det, det
real, allocatable :: cf(:,:)
n = size(matrix, 1)
!***** output *****
print "(a)", "Entering determinant() with matrix = "
do p = 1, n
print "(4x,100(f3.1,x))", ( matrix( p, q ), q=1,n )
if (n == 1) then
det = matrix(1,1)
det = 0
do i = 1, n
allocate( cf(n-1, n-1) )
cf = cofactor( matrix, i, 1 )
!***** output *****
print "(4x,a,i0,a,i0,a)", "Getting a ", &
n-1, "-by-", n-1, " sub-matrix from cofactor():"
do p = 1, n-1
print "(8x, 100(f3.1,x))", ( cf( p, q ), q=1,n-1 )
print "(4x,a)", "and passing it to determinant()."
det = det + ((-1)**(i+1))* matrix( i, 1 ) * determinant( cf )
end do
end if
laplace_det = det
!***** output *****
print *, " ---> Returning det = ", det
end function
function cofactor(matrix, mI, mJ)
.... (same as the original code)
end function
end module
program main
use mymod
implicit none
real :: a(3,3), det
a( 1, : ) = [ 2.0, 9.0, 4.0 ]
a( 2, : ) = [ 7.0, 5.0, 3.0 ]
a( 3, : ) = [ 6.0, 1.0, 8.0 ]
det = determinant( a )
print "(a, es30.20)", "Final det = ", det
end program
then the output clearly shows how the data are processed:
Entering determinant() with matrix =
2.0 9.0 4.0
7.0 5.0 3.0
6.0 1.0 8.0
Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
5.0 3.0
1.0 8.0
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
5.0 3.0
1.0 8.0
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 8.0000000
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 3.0000000
---> Returning det = 37.000000
Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
9.0 4.0
1.0 8.0
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
9.0 4.0
1.0 8.0
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 8.0000000
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 4.0000000
---> Returning det = 68.000000
Getting a 2-by-2 sub-matrix from cofactor():
9.0 4.0
5.0 3.0
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
9.0 4.0
5.0 3.0
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 3.0000000
Getting a 1-by-1 sub-matrix from cofactor():
and passing it to determinant().
Entering determinant() with matrix =
---> Returning det = 4.0000000
---> Returning det = 7.0000000
---> Returning det = -360.00000
Final det = -3.60000000000000000000E+02
You can insert more print lines until the whole mechanism becomes clear.
BTW, the code in the Rossetta page seems much simpler than the OP's code by creating a sub-matrix directly as a local array. The simplified version of the code reads
recursive function det_rosetta( mat, n ) result( accum )
integer :: n
real :: mat(n, n)
real :: submat(n-1, n-1), accum
integer :: i, sgn
if ( n == 1 ) then
accum = mat(1,1)
accum = 0.0
sgn = 1
do i = 1, n
submat( 1:n-1, 1:i-1 ) = mat( 2:n, 1:i-1 )
submat( 1:n-1, i:n-1 ) = mat( 2:n, i+1:n )
accum = accum + sgn * mat(1, i) * det_rosetta( submat, n-1 )
sgn = - sgn
end function
Note that the Laplace expansion is made along the first row, and that the submat is assigned using array sections. The assignment can also be written simply as
submat( :, :i-1 ) = mat( 2:, :i-1 )
submat( :, i: ) = mat( 2:, i+1: )
where the upper and lower bounds of the array sections are omitted (then, the declared values of upper and lower bounds are used by default). The latter form is used in the Rosetta page.


Solve a system of N equations with N unknowns using Julia

I have :
a set of N locations which can be workplace or residence
a vector of observed workers L_i, with i in N
a vector of observed residents R_n, with n in N
a matrix of distance observed between all pair residence n and workplace i
a shape parameter epsilon
Setting N=3, epsilon=5, and
d = [1 1.5 3 ; 1.5 1 1.5 ; 3 1.5 1] #distance matrix
L_i = [13 69 18] #vector of workers in each workplace
R_n = [27; 63; 10]
I want to find the vector of wages (size N) that solve this system of N equations,
with l all the workplaces.
Do I need to implement an iterative algorithm on the vectors of workers and wages? Or is it possible to directly solve this system ?
I tried this,
w_i = [1 ; 1 ; 1]
n =1
while er>1e-3
L_i = ( (w_i ./ d).^ϵ ) ./ sum( ( (w_i ./ d).^ϵ), dims=1) * R
er = maximum(abs.(L .- L_i))
w_i = 0.7.*w_i + 0.3.*w_i.*((L .- L_i) ./ L_i)
n = n+1
If L and R are given (i.e., do not depend on w_i), you should set up a non-linear search to get (a vector of) wages from that gravity equation (subject to normalising one w_i, of course).
Here's a minimal example. I hope it helps.
# Call Packages
using Random, NLsolve, LinearAlgebra
# Set seeds
# Variables and parameters
N = 10
R = rand(N)
L = rand(N) * 0.5
d = ones(N, N) .+ Symmetric(rand(N, N)) / 10.0
d[diagind(d)] .= 1.0
ε = -3.0
# Define objective function
function obj_fun(x, d, R, L, ε)
# Find shares
S_mat = (x ./ d).^ε
den = sum(S_mat, dims = 1)
s = S_mat ./ den
# Normalize last wage
x[end] = 1.0
# Define loss function
loss = L .- s * R
# Return
return loss
# Run optimization
x₀ = ones(N)
res = nlsolve(x -> obj_fun(x, d, R, L, ε), x₀, show_trace = true)
# Equilibrium vector of wages
w =

To understand how Gram-Schmidt Process is translated into this piece of code as the implementation

Trying to understand Gram-Schmidt process from this explanation:
The steps of the calculation make sense to me. However the Python implementation included in the same article doesn't seem to be aligned.
def normalize(v):
return v / np.sqrt(
n = len(A)
A[:, 0] = normalize(A[:, 0])
for i in range(1, n):
Ai = A[:, i]
for j in range(0, i):
Aj = A[:, j]
t =
Ai = Ai - t * Aj
A[:, i] = normalize(Ai)
From above code, we see it does dot product for V1 and b, however the (V1,V1) part is not done as the denominator (refer to below equation). I wonder how below equation is translated into code residing in the for loop?
This is what the code does exactly
Basically it normalize the previous vector (column in A) and project the current one to it and to be subtracted by the current one.
Normalization happens with every vector for neat calculation.
The V2 equation above doesn't normalize the previous vector hence the difference.
Try this vectorized implementation.
Also I would suggest to go through David C lay book for theory.
def replace_zero(array):
for i in range(len(array)) :
if array[i] == 0 :
array[i] = 1
return array
def gram_schmidt(self,A, norm=True, row_vect=False):
"""Orthonormalizes vectors by gram-schmidt process
A : ndarray,
Matrix having vectors in its columns
norm : bool,
Do you need Normalized vectors?
row_vect: bool,
Does Matrix A has vectors in its rows?
G : ndarray,
Matrix of orthogonal vectors
Gram-Schmidt Process
The Gram–Schmidt process is a simple algorithm for
producing an orthogonal or orthonormal basis for any
nonzero subspace of Rn.
Given a basis {x1,....,xp} for a nonzero subspace W of Rn,
v1 = x1
v2 = x2 - (x2.v1/v1.v1) * v1
v3 = x3 - (x3.v1/v1.v1) * v1 - (x3.v2/v2.v2) * v2
vp = xp - (xp.v1/v1.v1) * v1 - (xp.v2/v2.v2) * v2 - .......
.... - (xp.v(p-1) / v(p-1).v(p-1) ) * v(p-1)
Then {v1,.....,vp} is an orthogonal basis for W .
In addition,
Span {v1,.....,vp} = Span {x1,.....,xp} for 1 <= k <= p
Linear Algebra and Its Applications - By David.C.Lay
if row_vect :
# if true, transpose it to make column vector matrix
A = A.T
no_of_vectors = A.shape[1]
G = A[:,0:1].copy() # copy the first vector in matrix
# 0:1 is done to to be consistent with dimensions - [[1,2,3]]
# iterate from 2nd vector to number of vectors
for i in range(1,no_of_vectors):
# calculates weights(coefficents) for every vector in G
numerator = A[:,i].dot(G)
denominator = np.diag(,G)) #to get elements in diagonal
weights = np.squeeze(numerator/denominator)
# projected vector onto subspace G
projected_vector = np.sum(weights * G,
# orthogonal vector to subspace G
orthogonalized_vector = A[:,i:i+1] - projected_vector
# now add the orthogonal vector to our set
G = np.hstack((G,orthogonalized_vector))
if norm :
# to get orthoNormal vectors (unit orthogonal vectors)
# replace zero to 1 to deal with division by 0 if matrix has 0 vector
# or normazalization value comes out to be zero
G = G/self.replace_zero(np.linalg.norm(G,axis=0))
if row_vect:
return G.T
return G
G = np.array([[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])
array([[ 0.5 , -0.8660254 , 0. ],
[ 0.5 , 0.28867513, -0.81649658],
[ 0.5 , 0.28867513, 0.40824829],
[ 0.5 , 0.28867513, 0.40824829]])

Compiling A Mexfile using R CMD SHLIB

I am trying to import a number of Fortran 90 codes into R for a project. They were initially written with a mex (matlab integration of Fortran routines) type compilation in mind. This is what one of the codes look like:
# include <fintrf.h>
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)
! MEX file for VFI3FCN routine
! log M_{t,t+1} = log \beta + gamma (x_t - x_{t+1})
! gamma = gamA + gamB (x_t - xbar)
implicit none
mwPointer plhs(*), prhs(*)
integer nlhs, nrhs
mwPointer mxGetM, mxGetPr, mxCreateDoubleMatrix
mwPointer nk, nkp, nz, nx, nh
mwSize col_hxz, col_hz, col_xz
! check for proper number of arguments.
if(nrhs .ne. 31) then
call mexErrMsgTxt('31 input variables required.')
elseif(nlhs .ne. 4) then
call mexErrMsgTxt('4 output variables required.')
! get the size of the input array.
nk = mxGetM(prhs(5))
nx = mxGetM(prhs(7))
nz = mxGetM(prhs(11))
nh = mxGetM(prhs(14))
nkp = mxGetM(prhs(16))
col_hxz = nx*nz*nh
col_xz = nx*nz
col_hz = nz*nh
! create matrix for the return arguments.
plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nk, col_hxz, 0)
plhs(2) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nk, col_hxz, 0)
plhs(3) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nk, col_hxz, 0)
plhs(4) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nk, col_hxz, 0)
call vfi3fcnIEccB(%val(mxGetPr(plhs(1))), nkp)
subroutine vfi3fcnIEccB(optK, V, I, div, & ! output variables
alp1, alp2, alp3, V0, k, nk, x, xbar, nx, Qx, z, nz, Qz, h, nh, kp, &
alpha, beta, delta, f, gamA, gamB, gP, gN, istar, kmin, kmtrx, ksubm, hmtrx, xmtrx, zmtrx, &
nkp, col_hxz, col_xz, col_hz)
use ifwin
implicit none
! specify input and output variables
integer, intent(in) :: nk, nkp, nx, nz, nh, col_hxz, col_xz, col_hz
real*8, intent(out) :: V(nk, col_hxz), optK(nk, col_hxz), I(nk, col_hxz), div(nk, col_hxz)
real*8, intent(in) :: V0(nk, col_hxz), k(nk), kp(nkp), x(nx), z(nz), Qx(nx, nx), Qz(nz, nz), h(nh)
real*8, intent(in) :: alp1, alp2, alp3, xbar, kmin, alpha, gP, gN, beta, delta, gamA, gamB, f, istar
real*8, intent(in) :: kmtrx(nk, col_hxz), ksubm(nk, col_hz), zmtrx(nk, col_hxz), xmtrx(nk, col_hxz), hmtrx(nk, col_hxz)
! specify intermediate variables
real*8 :: Res(nk, col_hxz), Obj(nk, col_hxz), optKold(nk, col_hxz), Vold(nk, col_hxz), tmpEMV(nkp, col_hz), tmpI(nkp), &
tmpObj(nkp, col_hz), tmpA(nk, col_hxz), tmpQ(nx*nh, nh), detM(nx), stoM(nx), g(nkp), tmpInd(nh, nz)
real*8 :: Qh(nh, nh, nx), Qxh(nx*nh, nx*nh), Qzxh(col_hxz, col_hxz)
real*8 :: hp, d(nh), errK, errV, T1, lapse
integer :: ix, ih, iter, optJ(col_hz), ik, iz, ind(nh, col_xz), subindex(nx, col_hz)
logical*4 :: statConsole
! construct the transition matrix for kh --- there are nx number of these transition matrix: 3-d
Qh = 0.0
do ix = 1, nx
do ih = 1, nh
! compute the predicted next period kh
hp = alp1 + alp2*h(ih) + alp3*(x(ix) - xbar)
! construct transition probability vector
d = abs(h - hp) + 1D-32
Qh(:, ih, ix) = (1/d)/sum(1/d)
end do
end do
! construct the compound transition matrix over (z x h) space
! compound the (x h) space
Qxh = 0.0
do ix = 1, nx
call kron(tmpQ, Qx(:, ix), Qh(:, :, ix), nx, 1, nh, nh)
Qxh(:, (ix - 1)*nh + 1 : ix*nh) = tmpQ
end do
! compound the (z x h) space: h changes the faster, followed by x, and z changes the slowest
call kron(Qzxh, Qz, Qxh, nz, nz, nx*nh, nx*nh)
! available funds for the firm
Res = dexp(xmtrx + zmtrx + hmtrx)*(kmtrx**alpha) + (1 - delta)*kmtrx - f
! initializing
Obj = 0.0
optK = 0.0
optKold = optK + 1.0
Vold = V0
! Some Intermediate Variables Used in Stochastic Discount Factor
detM = beta*dexp((gamA - gamB*xbar)*x + gamB*x**2)
stoM = -(gamA - gamB*xbar + gamB*x)
! Intermediate index vector to facilitate submatrix extracting
ind = reshape((/1 : col_hxz : 1/), (/nh, col_xz/))
do ix = 1, nx
tmpInd = ind(:, ix : col_xz : nx)
do iz = 1, nz
subindex(ix, (iz - 1)*nh + 1 : iz*nh) = tmpInd(:, iz)
end do
end do
! start iterations
errK = 1.0
errV = 1.0
iter = 0
T1 = secnds(0.0)
if (errV <= 1D-3 .AND. errK <= 1D-8) then
iter = iter + 1
do ix = 1, nx
! next period value function by linear interpolation: nkp by nz*nh matrix
call interp1(tmpEMV, k, detM(ix)*(matmul(dexp(stoM(ix)*xmtrx)*Vold, Qzxh(:, subindex(ix, :)))) - ksubm, kp, &
nk, nkp, col_hz)
! maximize the right-hand size of Bellman equation on EACH grid point of capital stock
do ik = 1, nk
! with istar tmpI is no longer investment but a linear transformation of that
tmpI = (kp - (1.0 - delta)*k(ik))/k(ik) - istar
where (tmpI >= 0.0)
g = gP
g = gN
end where
tmpObj = tmpEMV - spread((g/2.0)*(tmpI**2)*k(ik), 2, col_hz)
! direct discrete maximization
Obj(ik, subindex(ix, :)) = maxval(tmpObj, 1)
optJ = maxloc(tmpObj, 1)
optK(ik, subindex(ix, :)) = kp(optJ)
end do
end do
! update value function and impose limited liability condition
V = max(Res + Obj, 1D-16)
! convergence criterion
errK = maxval(abs(optK - optKold))
errV = maxval(abs(V - Vold))
! revise Initial Guess
Vold = V
optKold = optK
! visual
if (modulo(iter, 50) == 0) then
lapse = secnds(T1)
statConsole = AllocConsole()
print "(a, f10.7, a, f10.7, a, f8.1, a)", " errV:", errV, " errK:", errK, " Time:", lapse, "s"
end if
end if
end do
! visual check on errors
lapse = secnds(T1)
statConsole = AllocConsole()
print "(a, f10.7, a, f10.7, a, f8.1, a)", " errV:", errV, " errK:", errK, " Time:", lapse, "s"
! optimal investment and dividend
I = optK - (1.0 - delta)*kmtrx
tmpA = I/kmtrx - istar
where (tmpA >= 0)
div = Res - optK - (gP/2.0)*(tmpA**2)*kmtrx
div = Res - optK - (gN/2.0)*(tmpA**2)*kmtrx
end where
subroutine interp1(v, x, y, u, m, n, col)
! Linear interpolation routine similar to interp1 with 'linear' as method parameter in Matlab
! v - function values on non-grid points (n by col matrix)
! x - grid (m by one vector)
! y - function defined on the grid x (m by col matrix)
! u - non-grid points on which y(x) is to be interpolated (n by one vector)
! m - length of x and y vectors
! n - length of u and v vectors
! col - number of columns of v and y matrices
! Four ways to pass array arguments:
! 1. Use explicit-shape arrays and pass the dimension as an argument(most efficient)
! 2. Use assumed-shape arrays and use interface to call external subroutine
! 3. Use assumed-shape arrays and make subroutine internal by using "contains"
! 4. Use assumed-shape arrays and put interface in a module then use module
! This subroutine is equavilent to the following matlab call
! v = interp1(x, y, u, 'linear', 'extrap') with x (m by 1), y (m by col), u (n by 1), and v (n by col)
implicit none
integer :: m, n, col, i, j
real*8, intent(out) :: v(n, col)
real*8, intent(in) :: x(m), y(m, col), u(n)
real*8 :: prob
do i = 1, n
if (u(i) < x(1)) then
! extrapolation to the left
v(i, :) = y(1, :) - (y(2, :) - y(1, :)) * ((x(1) - u(i))/(x(2) - x(1)))
else if (u(i) > x(m)) then
! extrapolation to the right
v(i, :) = y(m, :) + (y(m, :) - y(m-1, :)) * ((u(i) - x(m))/(x(m) - x(m-1)))
! interpolation
! find the j such that x(j) <= u(i) < x(j+1)
call bisection(x, u(i), m, j)
prob = (u(i) - x(j))/(x(j+1) - x(j))
v(i, :) = y(j, :)*(1 - prob) + y(j+1, :)*prob
end if
end do
end subroutine interp1
subroutine bisection(list, element, m, k)
! find index k in list such that (list(k) <= element < list(k+1)
implicit none
integer*4 :: m, k, first, last, half
real*8 :: list(m), element
first = 1
last = m
if (first == (last-1)) exit
half = (first + last)/2
if ( element < list(half) ) then
! discard second half
last = half
! discard first half
first = half
end if
end do
k = first
end subroutine bisection
subroutine kron(K, A, B, rowA, colA, rowB, colB)
! Perform K = kron(A, B); translated directly from kron.m
! K -- rowA*rowB by colA*colB matrix
! A -- rowA by colA matrix
! B -- rowB by colB matrix
! rowA, colA, rowB, colB -- integers containing shape information
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: rowA, colA, rowB, colB
real*8, intent(in) :: A(rowA, colA), B(rowB, colB)
real*8, intent(out) :: K(rowA*rowB, colA*colB)
integer :: t1(rowA*rowB), t2(colA*colB), i, ia(rowA*rowB), ja(colA*colB), ib(rowA*rowB), jb(colA*colB)
t1 = (/ (i, i = 0, (rowA*rowB - 1)) /)
ia = int(t1/rowB) + 1
ib = mod(t1, rowB) + 1
t2 = (/ (i, i = 0, (colA*colB - 1)) /)
ja = int(t2/colB) + 1
jb = mod(t2, colB) + 1
K = A(ia, ja)*B(ib, jb)
end subroutine kron
My initial plan was to remove the mexFunction subroutine and compile the main Fortran subroutines using the R CMD SHLIB command but then I run into the Rtools compiler not knowing where to find the ifwin library even though I have the library in my intel fortran compiler folder.
So my first question is:
1) Is there a way for me to tell rtools where to find the ifwin library and any other library I need to include? Or is there a way to include the dependency libraries in the R CMD SHLIB command so the compiler can find the necessary libraries and compile?
2) If the answer to two is no, can I some how use the compiled version from Matlab in R. I can compile the file as is in matlab using the mex Zhang_4.f90 command with no errors.
3) Is there a way of setting up an environment in Visual Studio 2015 so I can compile Fortran subroutines for use in R using the Intel compiler?
When I take out the mexFunction subroutine and try compiling the rest of the code, I get the following error:
D:\SS_Programming\Fortran>R CMD SHLIB Zhang_4.f90
c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/gfortran -O2 -mtune=core2 -c Zhang_4.f90 -o
use ifwin
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'ifwin.mod' for reading at (1): No
such file or directory
make: *** [Zhang_4.o] Error 1
Warning message:
running command 'make -f "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-34~1.2/etc/x64/Makeconf" -f
OBJECTS="Zhang_4.o"' had status 2
I don't think there is any other way then rewrite the code to not use IFWIN. Unless you manage to use Intel Fortran for R (that might require recompiling the whole R distribution...). Matlab is tied to Intel Fortran, that's why the code worked there.
You have to adjust the code anyway, you cannot use it as it stands.
Just get rid of the AllocConsole() calls and the print statements. You will need to use the R routines to print to console. See

passing a function to a function SML

Below is SML code to compute a definite integral using the trapezoidal method given input f=unary function, a & b=range to take integral under, and n=number of sub-intervals to divide the range into.
fun integrate f a b n =
let val w = (b - a) / (real n)
fun genBlock c = let val BB = f c
val SB = f (c+w)
in (BB + SB) * w / 2.0
fun sumSlice 0 c acc = acc
| sumSlice n c acc = sumSlice (n-1) (c+w) (acc + (genBlock c))
in sumSlice n a 0.0
Problem is I can't figure out for the life of me how to define a function (say X cubed) and feed it to this function with a,b, and n. Here's a screenshot of me trying and receiving an error:
In this picture I define cube x =xxx and show it works, then try to feed it to the integrate function to no avail.
The error message is pretty specific: integrate is expecting a function of type real -> real but you defined a function, cube, of type int -> int.
There are a couple of things you can do:
1) Add a type annotation to the definition of cube:
- fun cube x:real = x*x*x;
val cube = fn : real -> real
And then:
- integrate cube 0.0 5.0 5;
val it = 162.5 : real
2) You can dispense with defining cube as a named function and just pass the computation as an anonymous function. In this case, SML's type inference mechanism gives the function x => x*x*x the intended type:
- integrate (fn x => x*x*x) 0.0 5.0 5;
val it = 162.5 : real

Unclassified statement at (1) in a mathematical expression

My first Fortran lesson is to plot the probability density function of the radial Sturmian functions. In case you are interested, the radial Sturmian functions are used to graph the momentum space eigenfunctions for the hydrogen atom.
In order to produce these radial functions, one needs to first produce some polynomials called the Gegenbauer polynomials, denoted
where a and b should be stacked atop each other. One needs these polynomials because the Sturmians (let's call them R_n,l) are defined like so,
R_n,l(p) = N pl⁄(p2 + k2)l+2 Cn - l - 1l + 1(p2 - k2⁄p2 + k2),
where N is a normalisation constant, p is the momentum, n is the principle quantum number, l is the angular momentum and k is a constant. The normalisation constant is there so that when I come to square this function, it will produce a probability distribution for the momentum of the electron in a hydrogen atom.
Gegenbauer polynomials are generated using the following recurrence relation:
Cnl(x) = 1⁄n[2(l + n - 1) x Cn - 1l(x) - (2l + n - 2)Cn - 2l(x)],
with C0l(x) = 1 and C1l(x) = 2lx, as you may have noticed, l is fixed but n is not. At the start of my program, I will specify both l and n and work out the Gegenbauer polynomial I need for the radial function I wish to plot.
The problems I am having with my code at the moment are all in my subroutine for working out the value of the Gegenbauer polynomial Cn-l-1l+1(p2 - k2⁄p2 + k2) for incremental values of p between 0 and 3. I keep getting the error
Unclassified statement at (1)
but I cannot see what the issue is.
program Radial_Plot
implicit none
real, parameter :: pi = 4*atan(1.0)
integer, parameter :: top = 1000, l = 50, n = 100
real, dimension(1:top) :: x, y
real increment
real :: a=0.0, b = 2.5, k = 0.3
integer :: i
real, dimension(1:top) :: C
increment = (b-a)/(real(top)-1)
x(1) = 0.0
do i = 2, top
x(i) = x(i-1) + increment
end do
Call Gegenbauer(top, n, l, k, C)
y = x*C
! y is the function that I shall be plotting between values a and b.
end program Radial_Plot
Subroutine Gegenbauer(top1, n1, l1, k1, CSub)
! This subroutine is my attempt to calculate the Gegenbauer polynomials evaluated at a certain number of values between c and d.
implicit none
integer :: top1, i, j, n1, l1
real :: k1, increment1, c, d
real, dimension(1:top1) :: x1
real, dimension(1:n1 - l1, 1:top1) :: C1
real, dimension(1:n1 - l1) :: CSub
c = 0.0
d = 3.0
k1 = 0.3
n1 = 50
l1 = 25
top1 = 1000
increment1 = (d - c)/(real(top1) - 1)
x1(1) = 0.0
do i = 2, top1
x1(i) = x1(i-1) + increment1
end do
do j = 1, top1
C1(1,j) = 1
C1(2,j) = 2(l1 + 1)(x1(i)^2 - k1^2)/(x1(i)^2 + k1^2)
! All the errors occurring here are all due to, and I quote, 'Unclassifiable statement at (1)', I can't see what the heck I have done wrong.
do i = 3, n1 - l1
C1(i,j) = 2(((l1 + 1)/n1) + 1)(x1(i)^2 - k1^2)/(x1(i)^2 + k1^2)C1(i,j-1) - ((2(l1+1)/n1) + 1)C1(i,j-2)
end do
CSub(j) = Cn(n1 - l1,j)^2
end do
end Subroutine Gegenbauer
As francesalus correctly pointed out, the problem is because you use ^ instead of ** for exponentiation. Additionally, you do not put * between the terms you are multiplying.
C1(1,j) = 1
C1(2,j) = 2*(l1 + 1)*(x1(i)**2 - k1**2)/(x1(i)**2 + k1**2)
do i = 3, n1 - l1
C1(i,j) = 2 * (((l1 + 1)/n1) + 1) * (x1(i)**2 - k1**2) / &
(x1(i)**2 + k1**2)*C1(i,j-1) - ((2(l1+1)/n1) + 1) * &
end do
CSub(j) = Cn(n1 - l1,j)**2
Since you are beginning I have some advice. Learn to put all subroutines and functions to modules (unless they are internal). There is no reason for the return statement at the and of the subroutine, similarly as a stop statement isn't necessary at the and of the program.
