Restore database in Firebase - firebase

If I deleted my app on Firebase, then after a week I want to restore it, is that possible? I understand that there is a note that it will be permanently deleted after confirming.. Thanks!

Firebase keeps backups of the data in your Realtime Database. If you accidentally delete data from your database, you can reach out to Firebase support and ask for the data to be restored.
You can also check out Announcing Automated Daily Backups for the Firebase Database

If you delete your project, dont worry. You have 30 days for recovery in Google Cloud Platform. Then you will receive a email with a link for this. some ID

I am sorry but the answer is no.
the rollback is available only with firebase hosting.
for the future you should download a backup by simply clicking on 'Export Data' in your project root.


Can not initialize existing firebase project from CLI because it tells me I do not have firestore enabled

I am using firebase CLI to initialize a local firebase project directory from an existing firebase project. This existing project does have firestore with 100% certainty (there is tonnes of data in it). It is definitely firestore and not real time db.
I am running..
firebase init firestore
Then I pick the existing project from the list, and I get...
Error: It looks like you haven't used Cloud Firestore in this project before. Go to to create your Cloud Firestore database.
Is there potentially a permission issue here?
I came here looking for the answer to this question and whilst your issue may be different, I found that I had no default resource location set for my firebase project.
In the firebase console go to cog icon > project settings > general. the fourth option down is 'Default GCP resource location'. This was not set, so editing it (pencil icon) and clicking done (There was only one option for me) fixed the issue.
Discussion around this topic can be found here:

How can I delete the crash logs from Crashlytics?

Is there a way in Google Cloud Platform to delete all the crashlytics logs that are present? I did some testing and now would like to delete them.
This is not possible, however if you write in to Firebase Support, they can delete all of your crash logs associated with a particular build.

Firebase storage: should I delete artifacts files in my firebase storage?

I have understood that each time i deploy a firebase cloud function, firebase automatically save some data in firebase storage. I would like to know excatly which data is saved and if it is safe to delete, or any suggestion on what to deleate.
I have a small project with 200MB of cloud storage used for user data and 10 cloud functions doing a variety of task. At the begining of October, I did few firebase deploy action and now I see a whooping 900MB of us.artifacts data. See below the screeneshot from firebase and google cloud. It looks like I have 256 items there with a mysterious .dms extension (disk image) and I really do not understand what this exaclty is, if i need to keep it or not.
I am currently considering to remove all these file and run a fresh firebase deploy but not sure if this is going to create any problem
Many thanks to anyone who can shine a bit of light here?
As suggested in the comments, you can remove the files and that would not cause any issues.

Firebase back-up

I use Firebase for an Android project and I have some data into a database. I want to know if there is any possibility to save/make a back up to the structure of data. I ask this because somehow, I deleted the project and I had to do all again.
If you just deleted your project, you may still be able to restore it from the Resources pending deletion page in the Google Cloud Platform console with the process shown here.
If that doesn't work, reach out to Firebase support to see if they can help you recover it.
Note that both of these are dependent on the time that has passed since you deleted the project, so time is of the essence.

In Ionic or cordova platform, how to sync and retrieve database from iCloud

I have build an app using ionic framework, and the data uses sqlite database and stores in app /documents folder.
Now I want to know is it possible to sync the database into iCloud, so the user can retrieve the data automatically if they reinstall the app or use a new device.
I did search for some solution, some suggest sync to remote database using such as pouchDB or parse. But as for our company policy, we cannot store app data into any other remote place exclude iCloud.
Any ideas? Thank you so much.
As far as I know, iCloud automatically backs up data on the user's local storage. You don't need to do anything extra.
I might be wrong, but soome people seem to have problems with it doing that
Check out this page
Default: cloud
Allowed values: none, local, cloud.
Set to cloud to allow web storage data to backup via iCloud. Set to local to allow only local backups via iTunes sync. Set to none prevent web storage backups.
