Cascading microservices using Meteor - meteor

I've been looking into scaling Meteor, and had an idea by using the Meteor Cluster package;
Create a super-service*, which the user connects to, containing general core packages to be used by every micro-service (api, app, salesSite, etc. would make use of its package),
The super-service then routes to the appropriate micro-service (e.g., the app), providing it with the functionality of its own packages.
(* - as in super- and sub-, not that it's awesome... I mean it is but...)
The idea being that I can cascade each service as a superset of the super-service. This would also allow me to cleverly inherit functionality for other services in a cascading service style. E.g.,
unauthedApp > guestApp > userApp > modApp > adminApp,
for the application, where the functionality of the previous service are inherited to the preceding service (e.g., the further right along that chain, the more extra functionality is added and inherited).
Is this possible?
EDIT: If possible, is there a provided example of how to implement such a pattern using micro-services?
[[[[[ BIG EDIT #2: ]]]]]
Think I'm trying to make a solution fit the problem, so let me re-explain so this question can be answered based on the issue rather than the solution I'm trying to implement.
Basically, I want to "inherit" (for lack of a better word) the packages depended on needed functionality, so that no code is unnecessarily sent through the wire.
So starting with the core packages, which has libraries I want all of my services to have, I then want to further "add" the functionality as needed. Then I want to add page packages if serving a page-based service (instead of, say, the API service, which doesn't render pages), then the appropriate role-based page packages, etc., until the most specific packages are added.
My thought was that I could make the services chain in such a way that I could traverse through from the most generic to most specific service, and that would finally end with a composition of packages from multiple services. So, for e.g., the guestApp, that might be the core packages + generic page packages + generic app packages + unauthApp packages + guestApp packages, so no unneccessary packages are added.
Also with this imaginary pattern I'm describing, I don't need to add all my core packages to each microservice - I can deal with them all within the core package right at the top of the package traversal I've discussed above and not have to worry about forgetting to add the packages to the "inherited" packages.
Hope my reasoning here makes sense, and I hope you guys know of a best practice for doing this. Thank you!

Short answer:
Yes! That's a good use to a microservice architecture.
Long answer:
Microservices don't necessarily provide you an inheritence mechanism as in OOP. You should consider microservices as independent "functions" which take in an input and respond with an output/action. Any microservice can depend on another to complete its own task.
And then, you "compose" necessary microservices in order to achieve the final output/action.
You can have one or few web facing "frontend" services that use a mix of few other backend microservices whose ports are not open to the public network.
The drawback with a microservice would be its "minimum footprint". The idea with microservices is around some main benefits:
Separate core services so that they can be "maintained" independently
Separate core services so that they can be "replaced" independently
Separate core services so that they can be "scaled" independently
But then, each microservice, being a node/meteor app, will have its minimum cpu/ram footprint even when they are just idle and waiting for a connection.
Furthermore, managing a single monolithic app, or just a few "largish" services is much easier, from a devops standpoint, than managing tens of individual deployments.
So with all engineering decisions, the right answer would imply some kind of "balance".
Edit: reference to inheritence
As per the OP's comment, the microservices can indeed be referenced from a parent code as either functions or classes and be composed (functions) or inherited from (classes) because after all the underlying functionality are DDP endpoints.
If you are using the cluster package from meteorhacks
// create a connection to your microservice
var someService = Cluster.discoverConnection("someService");
// call a normal meteor method from that service
var resultFromSomeService ="someMethodFromSomeService");
So as with any piece of javascript code, you can wrap the above piece of code in a function or a class with its constructor and all and inherit from it, exposing its interfaces as you desire.


Clean Architecture (DDD) Why are domain objects (DB Entitites) and DbContext in separate projects?

I understand the need for abstraction and separating concerns and unit tests, however, it seems to me that separating entities and context into 2 projects is slight overengineering?
I could be missing something really, but is this because you want to be open for different ORM-s?
Much thanks for the clarification.
The main reason I prefer to have Infrastructure in a separate project, rather than just a separate folder, from the domain model (Core project) is simple: enforcing my design via the compiler.
I have a design rule, which is basically the Dependency Inversion Principle. Don't depend on low level implementations (such as those found in Infrastructure), instead depend on abstractions (interfaces). Also, don't have your abstractions depend on details; have details depend on abstractions. The details of how and which infrastructure is being used for a given abstraction are in the Infrastructure service implementations.
Abstractions say what; implementations say how.
What: I need to send an email.
ISendEmail interface
How: I want to do it using the SMTP protcol
SmtpEmailSender class (implements ISendEmail)
How: I want to do it using a SendGrid API
SendGridEmailSender class (implements ISendEmail)
So, in a single project, how would you ensure that the implementations depend on the interfaces, and not vice versa?
How would you ensure your domain classes didn't directly reference or use Infrastructure types?
I'm not aware of a way to do this.
But if you put them in separate projects, and you have the implementation details project depend on the abstractions-and-models project, you now have solved the problem. The compiler WILL NOT ALLOW the Core project to reference anything in the Infrastructure project, because it would create a circular dependency.
This constraint helps developers do the right thing and keeps them falling into the pit of success even if they don't completely grok how the dependency inversion principle works or why it's important.
And I've never found 3 projects (Core/Infra/UI) to be overengineering for any non-demo app I've built for real work. It's only 3 projects.

Starting point for PACT-JS newbie

I found PACT in some videos from youtube and looks great and quite interested to start POC for my team.
I've read previous questions and try to follow the examples in Pact-JS, but still had some confusion on very basic stuff, so excuse my noob questions.
1. Which repo do I need to refer as official repo?
I assumed ones under Pact-foundation organization are official, but some links in document usually go to different ones.
2. What do I need and from which repo for all the parts of PACT working?
For the start, I think I need PACT_JS.
Mock service.
Do I need either pact-node or pact-mock-service-npm, or both as well for mock service?
If I want to use broker, then this will need.
I think those 3 are the parts I need to use. Is it correct?
3. If there are multiple teams involved, does 1 shared mock server need/help or not really matter? I'm not clear the benefit of stand alone mock server. is the official top-level JS repo.
a) That's correct:
b) You won't need to explicitly include it soon (I'm in the process of an API uplift which should simplify usage), but currently you will need to pull in pact-node to do provider verification
c) If you want to share via a broker, head to for details (this is not strictly necessary, but recommended)
You won't need the standalone mock service if you use Pact JS. It is designed to be used in cases where there is no language support for Pact (in this case, JS wraps this under the hood for you)
I would check out the end-to-end example which contains all that you'll probably need, including integration to a Broker.

ASP.NET infrastructure in MediatR handlers

I prefer to keep my handlers free from ASP.NET infrastructure that is very hard to test (yes, even in ASP.NET Core). But sometimes it happens and you have a dependency like UserManager (I'd like to know one day why it's not an interface), HttpContext, etc. and unit-tests are turned into a mocking-hell.
I tried using integration testing to deal with it by creating a TestServer and having all the ASP.NET infrastructure initialized for every api call. It works quite well but sometimes seems like an overkill if I want to test simple logic of my handler. And while it solves technical problem of mocking ASP.NET infrastructure, it keeps architectural problem (if you consider it so) of having ASP.NET infrastructure into your handlers.
I'd like to know what are the recommended approaches to deal with it?
I feel your pain. I stumbled across a fantastic blog post from Jimmy Bogard that handles this problem by using what Martin Fowler calls Subcutaneous Tests. I will leave the deep explanation to those experts but in a nutshell subcutaneous tests simply avoid all the difficult to test aspects of the UI.
Shameless plug: I am currently in the process of writing up a wiki that demonstrates these patterns in a sample end-to-end project on github. It's not difficult to follow but is probably too much code to post for a SO answer.
To Summarize:
If you are using MediatR correctly your controllers should be very thin which makes testing them pointless.
What you want to test are your handlers.
However, you want to test your handlers as part of your real world pipeline.
To Solve:
Wrap the http request in a transaction.
Build a test fixture that mimics the applications Startup.cs
Setup a test db server to execute queries and commands against but also is reset after each test.
That's basically it. Everytime you run an integration test against one of your handlers:
The hosting environment is mocked but your application is started up in a real world test.
Your query or command is wrapped in a transaction mimicking your DbContext.
The handler is executed against a real database and then reset.
I would add more code examples to my answer but between the blog post and the wiki I provided, it is much easier to follow the code examples there.
Edit 8/2021:
Stick with the source. Jimmy Bogard keeps the contoso university project current on his github page. Another great and a little more advanced example is the modular monolith project by Kamil Grzybek. That also is updated regularly on his github page.
Mediatr or no, you should always try to have only very basic pass this along logic in your controllers and call injected business logic classes from there to do the actual work. As you inject them with interfaces to this business logic, your controllers' dependencies are easily mocked in your unit tests, and your tests can focus on if they implement those interfaces properly and do only the basic work of routing input/output. And your actual business logic can be tested even easier.
For those classes that are static, for instance for reading the web.config settings, one strategy that I like a lot is make an interfaced wrapper class around them. While ConfigurationManager is static, I can still just write a regular class with an interface that I put methods or properties on to read a specific setting (preferably semantically named) from the Configuration Manager. Now I can easily mock any configured setting (or absence of it) in my test by just mocking the interface and setting up different return values.
I'd say it depends on the level of confidence you want to get in the end. If you want to make sure the whole system works as expected, then integration tests using a TestServer are probably the way to go.
One advantage of MediatR, though, is it allows you to decouple your business logic from the application using it, which is why at the very top level, let's say in controllers, there's no logic but just a delegation to the mediator.
That being said, you're right that sometimes your logic needs information from the hosting application. An example would be the user making the request, which is accessible in the HTTP context.
In that case, if you want to avoid having to set up a test HTTP server to test your logic works, you could represent that information in an abstraction and your handler would then take a dependency on that abstraction. Your tests could then mock that dependency while using the real system for everything else.
Does that make sense?

Usage of Dependency Injection other than writing unit test friendly programs

What is the any use of Dependency Injectors except writing unit test friendly programs?
I have used it in several projects and I like this approach. However I was wondering what is the real use of this pattern? Give me just one use but with proper explanation and code if possible.
Plenty of information if you Google it. From Wikipedia:
Because dependency injection doesn't require any change in code behavior it can be applied to legacy code as a refactoring. The result is more independent clients that are easier to unit test in isolation using stubs or mock objects that simulate other objects not
under test. This ease of testing is often the first benefit noticed when using dependency injection.
Dependency injection allows a client to remove all knowledge of a concrete implementation that it needs to use. This helps isolate the client from the impact of design changes and defects. It promotes reusability, testability and maintainability.
Dependency injection can be used to externalize a system's configuration details into configuration files allowing the system to be reconfigured without recompilation. Separate configurations can be written for different situations that require different implementations of components. This includes, but is not limited to, testing.
Reduction of boilerplate code in the application objects since all work to initialize or set up dependencies is handled by a provider component.
Dependency injection allows concurrent or independent development. Two developers can independently develop classes that use each other, while only needing to know the interface the classes will communicate through. Plugins are often developed by third party shops that never even talk to the developers who created the product that uses the plugins.

When to choose Enterprise Application Integration Middleware?

I work in a software company that delivers a software product. Many times we must integrate with other applications. 70% of the time we integrate with a single application. Currently we do not use middleware (MuleESB, Biztalk, ...) in these situations: the data conversion, transport conversion, etc is handled inside the applications.
Wouldn't it be better to ALWAYS use a middleware solution? (no matter if your integrating with 1 or more systems) This way, all the customizations (data formatting, restructuring, transport conversions) of both parties, can be handled by the middleware, instead of by the applications.
Logically this seems to me the right approach. But I ask myself: Is middleware in the case of two applications justifiable?
In practical terms, you will always be using a "Middleware" solution, either custom or packaged.
I'd look at it this way, rather than requireing a "middleware" package, I'd focus on making the app itself integration friendly by using a consistent and as-standard-as-practical API for exchanging data.
Then the decision on what "middleware" to use is more driven by the circumstance on site. If the customer has only one app to integrate, then a simple custom solution might be perfectly serviceable. If they have 5 apps and defined processes for each, then a package makes more sense.
I don't always use middleware, but when I do, I use BizTalk. ;)
I found this to be a useful read when considering appropriate architecture. If you get a chance to see Richard Seroter's "Decision Framework" presentation, you should.
Wiki site on Publish subscribe pattern shows an interesting comparison between how publish subscribe relates to client server.
