Clickable hyperlink in QTextEdit - qt

I want to use QTextEdit (in read-only mode) to show a clickable hyperlink, I used to do
QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit;
QTextCursor cursor(textEdit->document());
cursor->insertHtml("<a href=\"\" >Google</a>");
this code will show Google as hyperlink but unable to click.
And if I used
QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit;
QTextCursor cursor(textEdit->document());
QTextCharFormat linkFormat = cursor.charFormat();
cursor.insertText("Google", linkFormat);
then nothing happen. "Google" is just normal text.
Please help me insert clickable hyperlink to QTextEdit.

Using QTextBrowser is simpler (as suggested by another answer). However, if for some reason you want to use QTextEdit, try to change the text interaction flags using setTextInteractionFlags().
I think you have to enable the Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse flag.
See Qt::TextInteractionFlag and QTextEdit::textInteractionFlags

To have clickable hyperlink in QTextEdit, you can use
QTextCharFormat::setAnchorHref to set the link for some text
QWidget::mousePressEvent to capture mouse press event
QTextEdit::anchorAt to obtain the link
Here's the minimal working PyQt example,
import sys
from PyQt5.Qt import QDesktopServices, QUrl, QApplication, QColor, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit
class MyWidget(QTextEdit):
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
self.anchor = self.anchorAt(e.pos())
if self.anchor:
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e):
if self.anchor:
self.anchor = None
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
editor = MyWidget()
cursor = editor.textCursor()
fmt = cursor.charFormat()
address = ''
cursor.insertText("Hello world again", fmt)

As far as I've tried, when using QTextEdit + Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse I'm able to click on links, but no action is taken (i.e., link is not open). The only action possible is to right-click on the link and select Copy Link Location.
As mentioned, one option is using QTextBrowser. In this case you have to set the QTextBrowser::openExternalLinks property too, in order to open the link using the default browser, otherwise it will be open in the text-browser widget.
Another option, given you have a read-only text, is to use a QLabel with rich format, and using the QLabel::linkActivated signal to open the URL
QObject::connect(label, &QLabel::linkActivated, [](const QString & link) {

You can use QTextBrowser instead of QTextEdit if it read only text.

In order for setTextInteractionFlags() to work the openExternalLinks property needs to be set. Since this property is not available on QTextEdit, here is a little hack to enable it.
auto &clist = edit->children();
for each (QObject *pObj in clist)
QString cname = pObj->metaObject()->className();
if (cname == "QWidgetTextControl")
pObj->setProperty("openExternalLinks", true);
This does not address the mouse cursor, so you will still need to override mouseMoveEvent.


Monospaced detailedText in QMessageBox

I've been using a QMessageBox to display the outcome of a statistical test. It's nice, because I can put a summary result in the informative text, then the full result in the detailed text. The trouble is, the full result is a table, so I'd like it to be monospaced so that it looks right, and QMessageBox doesn't use a monospace font in the detailed text area.
So I'm looking at either subclassing QMessageBox, or subclassing QDialog to make something that looks like a QMessageBox but uses a monospace font in the detailed text area. I'm a bit rusty at the moment, and having a hard time figuring out which is the better option. Could I subclass QMessageBox, just add my own QTextEdit and my own "show detailed text" button, and leave the QMessageBox detailed text area and button hidden? Or is there some easier way to do this?
You can use html text in the fields of a QMessageBox, that would be the easiest way. As a hint, try putting
in your QString.
Any other customization of the message box will probably imply a subclass, though.
I did not find better than this:
setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { font-family: monospace; }");
It's a bit hacky because (1) it uses stylesheets, which may conflicts with your way of styling your widget and (2) it relies on the fact that the detailed text is in a QTextEdit and is the only such element, which is not officially ensured by the API. But it works. :D
Here is a working example, based on the answer of Lithy:
import sys
from PySide2.QtCore import *
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
table_text = '\
Name Flower\n\
------ -------\n\
Violet Yes\n\
Robert No\n\
Daisy Yes\n\
Anna No\n\
class Widget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent= None):
super(Widget, self).__init__()
warning_text = 'warning_text'
info_text = 'info_text'
pt = 'colour name'
msg = QMessageBox()
# print all children and their children to find out which widget
# is the one that contains the detailed text
for child in msg.children():
print(' {}'.format(child.children()))
pname = 'QMessageBox'
cname = 'QTextEdit'
"""{} {} {{ background-color: red; color: black; font-family: Courier; }}""".format(pname, cname))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
You can use html text in the detailedText of a QMessageBox using this hack:
QString html_formatted_text;
QMessageBox mb;
// Find detailed text widget
auto te = mb.findChild<QTextEdit*>();
if (te) {

How to set animated icon to QPushButton in Qt5?

QPushButton can have icon, but I need to set animated icon to it. How to do this?
I created new class implemented from QPushButton but how to replace icon from QIcon to QMovie?
This can be accomplished without subclassing QPushButton by simply using the signal / slot mechanism of Qt. Connect the frameChanged signal of QMovie to a custom slot in the class that contains this QPushButton. This function will apply the current frame of the QMovie as the icon of the QPushButton. It should look something like this:
// member function that catches the frameChanged signal of the QMovie
void MyWidget::setButtonIcon(int frame)
And when allocating your QMovie and QPushButton members ...
myPushButton = new QPushButton();
myMovie = new QMovie("someAnimation.gif");
// if movie doesn't loop forever, force it to.
if (myMovie->loopCount() != -1)
Since I had to solve this problem for a project of mine today, I just wanted to drop the solution I found for future people, because this question has lots of views and I considered the solution quite elegant. The solution was posted here. It sets the icon of the pushButton every time, the frame of the QMovie changes:
auto movie = new QMovie(this);
connect(movie, &QMovie::frameChanged, [=]{
This also has the advantage, that the icon will not appear, until the QMovie was started. Here is also the python solution, I derived for my project:
#'hide' the icon on the pushButton
animated_spinner = QtGui.QMovie(":/icons/images/loader.gif")
def updateSpinnerAniamation(self):
#'hide' the text of the button
Once you want to show the spinner, just start the QMovie:
If the spinner should disappear again, then stop the animation and 'hide' the spinner again. Once the animation is stopped, the frameChanged slot won't update the button anymore.

How to draw over QLabel in Qt

I have to create one screen in Qt in which I have to show a remote having lots of buttons in it and when user clicks some button on actual remote, corresponding button in the image get highlighted. So what I have done is, I have used QLabel and set the remote image as background image and then I have put small rectangular label for each button and filled them with semi transparent color and when user click button in actual remote label color changes, but by using this method lot of labels are getting used making code looking inefficient, so I was thinking of drawing on QLabel (which has a remote as background image) over buttons.
Can anybody suggest me, which API of Qt should I use, and how to follow up on this?
I believe QGraphics is the correct route for a completely custom graphical interface, but if you want to try something that doesn't require you to change too much of your existing approach, you can do a widget with a custom paint event:
This is written in PyQt but you can easily translate to Qt
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class LabelButton(QtGui.QWidget):
clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, labelStr, pixStr, parent=None):
super(LabelButton, self).__init__(parent)
self.label = labelStr
self.pix = QtGui.QPixmap(pixStr)
def paintEvent(self, event):
super(LabelButton, self).paintEvent(event)
rect = event.rect()
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
painter.drawPixmap(rect, self.pix)
pos = (rect.bottomLeft()+rect.bottomRight()) / 2
painter.drawText(pos, self.label)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
def handleClick():
print "CLICK"
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
widget = LabelButton("A Text Label", "myImage.png")
This is a rough example. You can get more fine tuned with the drawing of the text. This widget takes a label string, and a picture path, and will paint the picture as the background, and the text as a label. You can do any number of things with this custom widget in both the paint event, and with custom signals and events.
I have used this code to Draw over Image in Label:
Image is loaded in Ui and the Code is as follows In paintevent
void ColorTab::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e){
ui->lbl_capture_img->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored);
ui->Lbl_color_tab_WG->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored);
Cap_Image = QImage(ui->lbl_capture_img->pixmap()->toImage());
Lbl_Image = QImage(ui->Lbl_color_tab_WG->pixmap()->toImage());
QPainter painter_Lbl(&Lbl_Image);
QPainter painter_Cap(&Cap_Image);
QPen pen(Qt::white, 5, Qt::DotLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);

How can I change the QStyle properties in PyQt4?

I'd like to change the QStyle::PM_TabBarTabHSpace property for a PyQt application. I read the Qt document for QStyle, but I'm not sure how to set this correctly in PyQt.
Non-working code:
style = QStyleFactory.create('Cleanlooks')
style.PM_TabBarTabHSpace = 5 # 5 pixels?
This code runs, but it doesn't change the padding on the tabbar tabs. I tried using stylesheets to change the tabbar padding, but that ruins the graphics drawing, so that none of the default look-feel stuff gets drawn (I don't want to reimplement all the ui drawing).
I think I might need to use QProxyStyle, but I can't find any examples of how to use this in PyQt4. Edit: It seems that PyQt doesn't have QProxyStyle, as from PyQt4.QtGui import QProxyStyle fails.
Can someone please post an example of changing the value of PM_TabBarTabHSpace? Thanks.
Edit Here is a skeleton code. Changing the PM_TabBarTabHSpace value doesn't do anything. :(
from PyQt4.QtGui import (QApplication, QTabWidget, QWidget,
QStyle, QStyleFactory)
def myPixelMetric(self, option=None, widget=None):
if option == QStyle.PM_TabBarTabHSpace:
return 200 # pixels
return QStyle.pixelMetric(option, widget)
style = QStyleFactory.create('Windows')
style.pixelMetric = myPixelMetric
app = QApplication('test -style Cleanlooks'.split())
# Override style
tab = QTabWidget()
tab.addTab(QWidget(), 'one')
tab.addTab(QWidget(), 'two')
QStyle.pixelMetric(...) is built-in class method. You can not set via function pointing. Because, it is in C code. You can test it with adding
def myPixelMetric(self, option=None, widget=None):
print 'Debug, i am calling'
in your myPixelmetric function. You need to subclass Style object to achieve this. Here is an example:
class MyStyle(QCommonStyle):
def pixelMetric(self, QStyle_PixelMetric, QStyleOption_option=None, QWidget_widget=None):
if QStyle_PixelMetric == QStyle.PM_TabBarTabHSpace:
return 200
return QCommonStyle.pixelMetric(self, QStyle_PixelMetric, QStyleOption_option, QWidget_widget)
app = QApplication('test -style Cleanlooks'.split())
This code snippet will work, but it is ugly. I prefer using stylesheets over manipulating Style.

How to set image on QPushButton?

I want to set an image on QPushButton, and the size of QPushButton should depend on the size of the image. I am able to do this when using QLabel, but not with QPushButton.
So, if anyone has a solution, then please help me out.
What you can do is use a pixmap as an icon and then put this icon onto the button.
To make sure the size of the button will be correct, you have to reisze the icon according to the pixmap size.
Something like this should work :
QPixmap pixmap("image_path");
QIcon ButtonIcon(pixmap);
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton;
button->setIconSize(QSize(65, 65));
You can also use:
button.setStyleSheet("qproperty-icon: url(:/path/to/images.png);");
Note: This is a little hacky. You should use this only as last resort. Icons should be set from C++ code or Qt Designer.
You may also want to set the button size.
QPixmap pixmap("image_path");
QIcon ButtonIcon(pixmap);
I don't think you can set arbitrarily sized images on any of the existing button classes.
If you want a simple image behaving like a button, you can write your own QAbstractButton-subclass, something like:
class ImageButton : public QAbstractButton {
void setPixmap( const QPixmap& pm ) { m_pixmap = pm; update(); }
QSize sizeHint() const { return m_pixmap.size(); }
void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e ) {
QPainter p( this );
p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_pixmap );
You can do this in QtDesigner. Just click on your button then go to icon property and then choose your image file.
This is old but it is still useful,
Fully tested with QT5.3.
Be carreful, example concerning the ressources path :
In my case I created a ressources directory named "Ressources" in the source directory project.
The folder "ressources" contain pictures and icons.Then I added a prefix "Images" in Qt So the pixmap path become:
QPixmap pixmap(":/images/Ressources/icone_pdf.png");
Just use this code
QPixmap pixmap("path_to_icon");
QIcon iconBack(pixmap);
Note that:"path_to_icon" is the path of image icon in file .qrc of your project You can find how to add .qrc file here
In case anybody needs a PyQt version of the first answer:
class PictureButton(QAbstractButton):
def __init__(self, picture, parent):
def setPicture(self, picture):
self.picture = picture
def sizeHint(self):
return self.picture.size()
def paintEvent(self, e):
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.picture)
