Woocommerce composite products - woocommerce

I am struggling to get composite products to display the way I want in this situation. I am also using product bundles.
Basically I want to display dumbbells for sale on a page, I need an option to either buy them individually (1kg, 2kg, 3kg... 10kg, not a problem) or two options to buy sets containing 6 (1kg-6kg) or all 10 of the individual dumbbells for a fixed price.
I have got very close using product bundles but even with the fixed price for the set it still creates a dropdown box to pick a specific dumbbell and whatever is picked has no outcome because the price is fixed. This is confusing for the customer so I just need that drop down box not to appear, any ideas on how to structure it?
I need the stock of individual dumbbells (for example the 1kg-6kg set) to each decrease by one if the set is purchased.


Wordpress Woocommerce Sorting

I'm looking for a way to sort the products in our website via most sales (popularity) but I also want to push a few specific and newer products to the top because otherwise it takes ages for users to find them.
There are the two following options
custom/default order
The issue is that with the custom/default option, it sorts all products that don't have a set priority by the alphabet and not by sales.
Is there a way to use the default sorting but use the popularity sorting unless a priority is set?

WooCommerce - 1 (One) product in 2 (two) categories with different price

I have two main categories i.e. Buy and Rent, and both having the same products. Now I want to show different prices for the buy category and a different one for the rent category for all products. Is there any way to do that?
You can't set the prices differently in woocommerce for different categories. You really have a few options:
Don't make rent and buy categories. Make them attributes or variations on products and use conditionals.
Use hooks at pretty much every stage of checkout to adjust the pricing based on a cookie or temp variable. This will be a nightmare for reporting.
Make separate products. You can use hooks to update the inventory levels on the sale/rental of the offsetting product if total inventory is an issue.

Woocommerce reduce inventory programmatically when related variation is purchased

Ok, will do my best to explain the problem.
I am selling limited edition prints on my site. They come in multiple sizes, and they also come framed and unframed.
Right now, I set up each product to have 2 attributes: size & frame.
Within the variations, I have 4 options
11x17 unframed
11x17 framed
20x30 unframed
20x30 framed
The problem occurs with the inventory. There are 10 total 11x17 prints, but since I have to enter a stock quantity for each variation, I have to do something like this:
11x17 unframed 10qty
11x17 framed 10qty
Which makes it seems as though there are 20 total prints, instead of 10.
Ideally, I'd want to keep inventory based on attribute, not variation, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.
I am unable to set up the Frame as an add-on product because the cost of the frame goes up, as the size of the print goes up.
I am wondering, if there is a way to programmatically reduce the stock of other variations, when one variation is purchased. So, when someone purchases the "11x17 unframed", the "11x17 framed" stock is reduced -1 at the same time.
All of the products on the site are exactly the same, so I wouldn't mind hard-coding the specific variation names in the code.
Not sure if something like this is doable, but I would hugely appreciate any insights.
This is the closest example I could find to customizing how stock is handled:
Reduce WooCommerce Item Inventory By Attribute Value
Thanks in advance,

WooCommerce Use Pricing Tables as Product Variations

I'm attempting to emergency-revamp my print company's website after the guy "developing" the site for me simply disappeared off the face of the planet last week, leaving me with no site and potentially countless thousands in lost revenue (not happy isn't close). All goes well until I came across this issue and for the life of me I can't find any answer's anywhere to it:
Creating a tabbed table containing sizes and prices in Wordpress... easy (this is not a stereotypical pricing table)
Integrate woocommerce into the chosen theme...easy
Now, making each price an individual "add to cart" button - major rage quit imminent.
I have no interest in making a product for every single conceivable variation as it's simply not necessary should I be able to get the tabbed table working as described. Having to do so would probably give me heart failure as I would then have to create yet more un-necessary graphics. My customers just want to be able to see the price, click the price (and thus "add it to cart"), purchase, done.
Here's the tabbed table in question in case everything I've just type makes zero sense: http://www.protradeprinting.com/canvasprints/
ANY suggestions would be a big help.

How can I add an option with a checkbox to add an additional fee to a product?

I have a bit of a specific need to fill here. My client sales tennis lessons. He wants to be able to have an option on the form that I have created (Gravity Forms) that allows a customer to select a box that allows an additional student for the class. Not only does it allow the additional student, but it needs to charge an extra $10.00 for said student and have the availability to increment the number of students. Currently I have it set up like this (look towards the bottom) I would like to simplify it to have just the one check box and the increment number box as I already have on the site. Can anyone help me?
