R and odbcDriverConnect() to connect R to teradata - r

I am trying to connect R to Teradata and am not sure what the input items are to the RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(). There is a teradataR package, but it is only used with R versions 3 and under, which I neither have nor want to switch to. Below is a list of the input parameters to get ODBCDriverConnect to work. "Connection" I believe is most important. I need to get an address for a driver that I don't even know if I have. This is what I need most help with. How do I get a driver for Teradata to connect to R? IT at my work is not sure how to do this. Also, if anyone knows of another way to connect Teradata to R (some other package?), please let me know.
connection = ""
believeNRows = TRUE
colQuote, tabQuote = colQuote
interpretDot = TRUE
DBMSencoding = "",
rows_at_time = 100
readOnlyOptimize = FALSE
Thank you for your help!

I was able to connect R to Teradata using RODBC package. Here is how to do it if you are working on a pc and have a Teradata driver.
Set up DSN:
Go to: control panel-> administrative tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) -> User DSN tab -> click add-> select Teradata driver (or whatever driver you will be using. ie. could be sql) and press finish.
A box will pop up that needs to be filled in. The following fields need to be filled:
Name: Can be any name you would like. I chose TeraDataRConnection, for example.
Name or IP address (DBC name or address): Mine for example is: Databasename.companyname.com. I looked to see how Microsoft access was connected to the database and in doing that, found the DBC address.
Username: username that you use to connect to database.
Password: password use to connect to databases (if you don't put your password in here, you will have to manually type it into R every time you connect.
In R:
Download RODBC package
ch=odbcConnect("TeraDataRConnection", uid="USERNAME HERE",pwd="PASSWORD HERE")
If you want to confim you are connected, you can type in this code to see the tables:
That's it!

I am able to connect to Teradata and created a Shiny app which reads data from it.
Firstly we need to install RODBC package in our R. Prerequisite of it is R (≥ 4.0.0) version. No admin access is required to upgrade R even in enterprise laptops.
Follow below steps to successfully setup connection.
Create ODBC Data Sources to connect to Teradata. The connection should be either in 64bit or 32bit, depending on R software.
Use below code snippet to get the data into reactive variable
data <- reactive({
ch <- odbcConnect(dsn = "DSNName", uid = "username", pwd = "password")
sqlQuery(ch,paste('select * from emp ')
DSNName - Name of DSN connection created
You can use data() to display and use the value stored in it.


When connecting R to Microsoft SQL Server, do you have to use a DSN?

I want to connect R to SQL Server so I can export some R data frames as tables to SQL Server.
From a few online tutorials, I've seen they use the RODBC package, and it seems that you first need to create an ODBC name first, by going to ODBC Data sources (64-bit) > System DSN > Add > SQL Server Native Client 11.0> and then insert your specifications.
I have no idea how databases are managed, so forgive my ignorance here.. my question is: if there is already a database/server set up on SQL Server, particularly also where I want to export my R data to, do I still need to do this?
For instance, when I open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I see the following:
Server type: Database Engine
Server name: example.server.myorganization.com
Authentication: SQL Sever Authentication
Login: organization_user
Password: organization_password
After logging in, I can access a database called "Organization_Division_DBO" > Tables which is where I want to upload my data from R as a table. Does this mean the whole ODBC shebang is already setup for me, and I can skip the steps mentioned here where an ODBC needs to be set up?
Can I instead use the code shown here:
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Server = "example.server.myorganization.com",
Database = "Organization_Division_DBO",
UID = "organization_user",
PWD = "organization_password")
dbWriteTable(conn = con,
name = "My_R_Table",
value = ) ## x is any data frame I have in R
I note that on this page they use a similar code to above (what is port number?) and also there is some mention "that there is also support for DSNs", so I am a little confused. Also, is there any advantage/disadvantage over using the ODBC package over the RODBC package to do this?

Julia ODBC connection produces pop-up in Jupyter

This is my first time using Julia and I've written a test script to connect to a database as follows:-
using ODBC
db = ODBC.DSN("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;");
However, when I execute the code in Jupyter, I get a pop-up each time as shown below. I would like to be able to login automatically using windows authentication and not have to manually enter the login details. Can someone help?
Shoudn't it be True vs Yes:
Also I think you shoud define an ODBC data source in your system and use it's name (e.g. MyDSN) in connection string:
db = ODBC.DSN("DSN=MyDSN;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;");
I found the answer, which is to pass the prompt parameter as follows:
using ODBC
db = ODBC.DSN("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=Yes;";prompt=false);

SQL Server 2017 ODBC via Rstudio or R on SSMS gets connected only to master database

I have been working on SQL Server 2017 via R (on Rstudio as well as R on SSMS) and i am unable to connect to a specific database. I mention the database name in the connection prompt but, it gets connected only to the master database. Is there something that I am missing while connecting?
The syntax I use for connection is:
conn = "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=;Uid=uid; pwd=pwd;Database = mydb"
I am trying to use both RevoscaleR as well as ODBC() package in Rstudio to connect to a specific database but, it still gets connected to master database. Using RStudio connections pane, if i try to explore the other databases, it shows only dbo schemas and no other schemas even if they exist. Can someone help me in figuring out what might have gone wrong?
Most likely the login you use (the uid) is not authorized for that particular database (it is not created as a user in that database).
Some example code you can run in SSMS as - for example - sa:
--switch over to the database in question
USE mydb
The above code creates a user in the database in question with the same name as the login.
Hope this helps!

R connect to database

Sorry but I am failing at a very simple task right now.
I have the following database information:
database name
User ID
I want to build a connection with the RODBC package.
According to the results of my google search i should do
conn<-odbcConnect(dsn, uid=***, pwd=***)
what is "dsn"? is this even the right way?
dsn is Data Source Name, which is a shortcut you may define on your machine to store key information about the connection. How you set up a DSN varies depending on your operating system.
I write scripts that run on multiple machines, so rather than use a DSN, I use odbcDriverConnect, via something like
odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver=[driver]; server=[server]; database=[database]; uid = [User ID]; pwd = [password]")
You'll need to know your driver name to make this work. Where to find this will depend on your operating system, as well as the flavor of SQL you are using.

odbcDriverConnect issue trying to connect to an Access Database in R

I am using R 32 bit and am having an issue trying to get the odbcDriverConnect function to work when trying to connect to an Access database. I have successfully connect to the database using odbcConnect, but am also trying to learn how to use the odbcDriverConnect function.
My code is
scallopdata<-odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=S://adv/Scallop Central/2014 RSARR/2014 RSA Database_9_3_2014.mdb;
When I run the code, I get an error message of
ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed. Could not find file S://adv/Scallop Central/2014 RSARR/2014 RSA Database_9_3_2014.mdb.
I click the OK button which takes me to a Login box. I select the Database... button. This brings me to a Select Database box where I can select the same database that is specified in the Dbq section of code. Once I select the correct database and click OK I am connected to the database.
I am hoping to use the odbcDriverConnect function so that I do not have to set up a new odbc DSN for each database I would like to access. This may just be me not fully understanding the function.
If any one can provide so insight, it would be very helpful.
