How to execute a query in eval.xqy file with app-server id - xquery

I need to run query with importing modules from pod.
Without importing modules if I run simple query with Database Id using below, it is working.
let $queryParam := fn:concat("?query=",xdmp:url-encode($query),"&eval=",$dataBaseId,":123")
let $url := fn:concat($hostcqport,"/eval.xqy",$queryParam)
let $response := xdmp:http-post($url, $options)[2]
If I have import modules statements then it is throwing Error(File Not Found).
So I tried getting the app-server id and tried passing that instead of database-id as below,
let $queryParam := fn:concat("?query=",xdmp:url-encode($query),"&eval=",$serverId,":123")
let $url := fn:concat($hostcqport,"/eval.xqy",$queryParam)
let $response := xdmp:http-post($url, $options)[2]
How to pass the server-id to make the query executing against particular app-server.

Is this MarkLogic 8 or earlier (I ask because rewrite options on 8 allow for dynamic switching of module databases before execution (among lots of other amazing goodies). This may be what you want because you can look at the query parameters at this point and build logic into the rewite rules.
Otherwise, Can you explain in more detail what you are trying to accomplish in the end. By the time your code ran, it was already executed in the context of a particular App server - so asking to execute against a another app server by analysing the query parameters is a bit too late (because you are already using the app server).
[edit] The following is in response to the comments since provided. This is a messy response because the actual ticket and comments are still not a completely clear picture. But if you stitch them together, then a problem statement does now exist for which I can respond.
The original author of the question confirmed via comments that they are "trying to hit an app server on a different node than the one that you actually posted to"
OK.. This is the response to that clarification:
That is not possible. Your request is already being processed by a thread on the node that you hit with your http request. Marklogic is a cluster, but it does not share threads (or anything else for that matter). Choices are:
a redirect to the proper node
possibly use the current node to make the request on your behalf.
But that ties up the first thread and the thread on the other node and has the HTTP communication overhead - and you need to have an app server listening for this purpose.
If this is a fire-and-forget type of situation, then you can hit any node and save the data/request in a document in the DB using a URI naming convention that indicates what app server it is for, and by way of insert triggers (with a URI-prefix for their server id), pick up the request from the DB and process it.


How to make async requests using HTTPoison?

We have an app that deals with a considerable amount of requests per second. This app needs to notify an external service, by making a GET call via HTTPS to one of our servers.
The objective here is to use HTTPoison to make async GET requests. I don't really care about the response of the requests, all I care is to know if they failed or not, so I can write any possible errors into a logger.
If it succeeds I don't want to do anything.
I have checked the official documentation for HTTPoison and I see that they support async requests:
However, I have 2 issues with this approach:
They use flush to show the request was completed. I can't loggin into the app and manually flush to see how the requests are going, that would be insane.
They don't show any notifications mechanism for when we get the responses or errors.
So, I have a simple question:
How do I get asynchronously notified that my request failed or succeeded?
I assume that the default HTTPoison.get is synchronous, as shown in the documentation.
This could be achieved by spawning a new process per-request. Consider something like:
notify = fn response ->
# Any handling logic - write do DB? Send a message to another process?
# Here, I'll just print the result
spawn(fn ->
resp = HTTPoison.get("")
end) # spawn will not block, so it will attempt to execute next spawn straig away
spawn(fn ->
resp = HTTPoison.get("")
end) # This will be executed immediately after previoius `spawn`
Please take a look at the documentation of spawn/1 I've pointed out here.
Hope that helps!

Firebase Transactions null or not updating the first time thru

I have clients connecting to the database with javascript.
I also have code running on my server and I'm trying to do a transaction following example as shown here:
Here's a simplified structure of my data
resource : "room1"
printer : "printer1"
counter : 15
The web client would write a request to their own node under "users".
The server is watching for those request and updates the counter for that resource.
If i have the transaction watching for child added I get null for counter so I can't increment the number. If I also watch for child modified the I will get the correct counter value.
I understand from the documentation that the value in transaction can be null but I'm not sure how I can fix my use case to do what I need.
Basically I don't want the client touching the counter, I want the server to read and update that value.
I've gone thru this post
Firebase runTransaction not working
but I'm not clear on how to structure my code to deal with this.

Openresty: making two asynchronous tasks

I am working on a issue with the design of a service which is basically redirection.
The request link I get will contain some params (
I need to do two tasks on this link
I need to format the link and redirect user to another domain with
some params passed( depending on the value of ,say,
param1, This step should be as fast as possible
I need to save the link details to my DB after some processing.
I am planning to do this with nginx+lua(openresty)+(Redis or Mongodb?) combination.
As the two are unrelated task I am planning to split it, to do both asynchronously.
As the first task in a redirection, ngx.redirect("/link") seems apt for the case.
But the documentation says redirect call will terminates the processing of the current request
How can I make these two tasks independent and redirection will happen as fast a possible and should not wait for the completion of the second task.
Can I make storing done by another thread and how give this job to another thread?
Yeah of course you easlt can, first of all you have to perfecctly understand the Order of lua module directive, then for make you Mongodb process in a ceperate thread you have to call in with ngx.location.capture($url), where $url is the url in your location block :
location redirect/handling {
... //
content_by_lua_file url/to/your/code/forRedirectHandling
location mongo/save {
content_by_lua_file url/to/mongodbHandlingdCode
The ngx.location.capture() will point to your second location block and make your code in another thread (nginx worker).
Pls see the openresty documentation for know wich directive to use (access_by_lua, log_by_lua...)
hope this help :)

how to use the example of scrapy-redis

I have read the example of scrapy-redis but still don't quite understand how to use it.
I have run the spider named dmoz and it works well. But when I start another spider named mycrawler_redis it just got nothing.
Besides I'm quite confused about how the request queue is set. I didn't find any piece of code in the example-project which illustrate the request queue setting.
And if the spiders on different machines want to share the same request queue, how can I get it done? It seems that I should firstly make the slave machine connect to the master machine's redis, but I'm not sure which part to put the relative code in,in the or I just type it in the command line?
I'm quite new to scrapy-redis and any help would be appreciated !
If the example spider is working and your custom one isn't, there must be something that you have done wrong. Update your question with the code, including all relevant parts, so we can see what went wrong.
Besides I'm quite confused about how the request queue is set. I
didn't find any piece of code in the example-project which illustrate
the request queue setting.
As far as your spider is concerned, this is done by appropriate project settings, for example if you want FIFO:
# Enables scheduling storing requests queue in redis.
SCHEDULER = "scrapy_redis.scheduler.Scheduler"
# Don't cleanup redis queues, allows to pause/resume crawls.
# Schedule requests using a queue (FIFO).
SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS = 'scrapy_redis.queue.SpiderQueue'
As far as the implementation goes, queuing is done via RedisSpider which you must inherit from your spider. You can find the code for enqueuing requests here:
As for the connection, you don't need to manually connect to the redis machine, you just specify the host and port information in the settings:
REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'
And the connection is configured in the ċ
The example of usage can be found in several places:

BizTalk TPE continuations and uncompleted activities

Within my BizTalk 2010 solution I have the following orchestration that’s is started by the receipt of a courier update message. It them makes a couple of call to AX's WCF AIF via two solicit-response ports, a Find request and an Update request.
For this application we are meeting audit requirements through use of the tracking database to store the message body. We are able to link to this from references provided in BAM when we use the TPE. The result for the customer is nice, they get a web portal from which they can view BAM data of message timings etc. but they can also click a link to pull up a copy of the message payloads from the tracking db. Although this works well and makes use of out-of-box functionality for payload storage it has led to relatively complex jobs for the archiving of the tracking db (but that's another story!).
My problem relates to continuation. I have created the following Tracking Profile:
I have associated the first of the orchestration's two solicit response ports with the continuation RcvToOdx based on the interchange Id and this works, I get the following single record written to the Completed activity table:
So, in this case we can assume that an entry was first written on receipt in the inbound message, with the TimeReceivedIntoBts column populated by the physical file receive port. The FindRequestToAx column was then populated by the physical WCF send port. Because this was bound to the RcvToOdx continuation Id and used the same interchange Id and the previously mentioned file receive message, the update was made to the same activity. Notification of the resulting response was also updated to the same activity record - into the FindResponseFromAx column.
My problem is that I would also like BAM to record a timestamp for the subsequent UpdateRequestToAx. Because this request will have the same interchange Id as the previous messages I would expect to be able to solve this problem by simply binding the AxUpdate send port (both send and receive parts of it) to the same continuation id, as seen in the following screen grab:
I also map the UpdateRequestToAx milestone to the physical Ax_TrackAndTraceUpdate_SendPort (Send) and the OrchestrationCompleted milestone to Ax_TrackAndTraceUpdate_SendPort (Receive)
Unfortunately, when I try this I get the following result:
Two problems can be seen from the above db screen grab:
1. Date for the update send port was inserted into a new activity record
2. The record was never completed
I was surprised by this because I'd thought since they update port was enlisted to use the same continuation, and the single InterchangeId was being used by all ports for the continuation Id then all the data milestones would be applied to a single activity.
In looking for a solution to this problem I came across the following post on Stack Overflow suggesting that the continuation must be closed from the BAM API: BAM Continuation issue with TPE. So, I tried this by calling the following method from an expression shape in my orchestration:
public static void EndBAMContinuation(string continuationId)
OrchestrationEventStream.EndActivity(CARRIER_ORDER_ACTIVITY_NAME, continuationId);
I can be sure the method was called ok because I wrapped the call with a log entry from the CAT framework which I could see in debug view:
I checked the RcvToOdx{867… continuation Id against the non-closed activity and confirmed they matched:
This would suggest that perhaps the request to end the continuation is being processed before the milestone of the received message from the UpdateAx call?
When I query the Relationsips tables I get the following results:
Could anyone please advise why the UpdateToAx activity is not being completed?
I realise that I may be able to solve the problem using only the BAM API but I really want to exhaust any possibility of the TPE being fit for purpose first since the TPE is widely used in other BizTalk solutions of the organisation.
To solve this problem I created a 2nd continuation in the TPE.
"RcvToOdx" continuation for the Find and "OdxToUpdate" continuation for the update - source is InterchangeId on the initial receive port - UPS_TrackAndTrace (same as for other "RcvToOdx" continuation), dest Id is the InterchangeId mapped to update send port.
