As per this piece of documentation, there is the ability to access topicality, something I really require when analyzing the response.
However, in all of the other examples, there is no presence of this field. In my own playing around, I also have not seen this field present.
What am I misunderstanding here?
Can anyone actually explain, in layman's terms, what is a real-world use case for the set operation's options?
While I fully understand what set with merge does, as well as merge beeing a boolean and mergeFields being an array of fieldPaths, I cannot think of cases in which mergeFields might be of any use.
I also understand the fact that mergeFields basically acts like a mask for the object passed to the set operation, but I still cannot think of how is it so useful that it actually got implemented within the SDK.
Can someone shed some light?
After looking through the documentation, there seem to be two reasons why you might want to use one vs the other:
mergeFieldPaths/mergeFields trigger an error when passing in field values that don't currently exist on the document while merge will add in those fields if they don't exist. The error is good for safety purposes if you're concerned about typos/writing to incorrect field paths.
This one is just a guess, but the documentation indicates mergeFieldPaths/mergeFields ignores AND leaves fields untouched while merge ONLY leaves other fields untouched. It's possible there's some performance advantage to using mergeFieldPaths/mergeFields esp for documents with a ton of fields. The difference might be direct access vs still needing to look at unspecified fields to identify the matches in some way.
SetOptions Reference
Okay, since I tried to add structured data with Schema, several errors have occurred to me, and now that I have removed the wordpress plugin, they are still there, and there are even more problems, I have been trying to fix them for a long time and I just can't.
I will leave the following problems on the list:
In structured data, the type of value is not correct.
In products, the score scale could not be determined and the value of the "reviewCount" property must be positive.
In products, the "priceValidUntil" field is missing, the "review" field is missing, the "url" field is missing, the "sku" field is missing, no international identifier has been provided, such as a GTIN, MPN or ISBN, missing the "description" field
I do not know if the problem is solved by changing the code in my wordpress, but I do not know how it is changed, uninstall the plugin all in one schema and it is not cured.
Image of Error with links in sites
Image of Errors With Structured Data
Image of Errors Ands Warnings eith products
Image of my Performance in Google Search Console
Good question. This is typical for schema markup and structured data that gets added in by a plugin. I stopped using the plugin and now add my own structured data. If you add your own, you have full control and can make these easy fixes.
Sounds like you know what code needs to be changed/added but cannot access it because the plugin added it somewhere in your HTML.
In this case I'd suggest leaving the existing code as is. Create your new structured data (the correct codes) and also add that in. There is no issue with having multiple sets so Google will ignore the data with errors.
There is a simple plugin that will add your scheme to the head of your posts or pages. Generating your structured data is also easy. Here is a guide for how to do all of this.
Hope this helps.
I'm using tdlib and currently trying to create another user's profile screen like this one:
There is usually a field on this screen called "Notifications" containing information on whether or not notifications for given user are muted and if so then for how long. All other fields seem easy to retrieve, but this one is a head-scratcher for me.
All other field are stored in User entity, but what am I supposed to do with this one? Call createPrivateChat only to get one field (namely notificationSettings)? This seems like overkill to me. Isn't there easiest ways to get this? In this issue sapelkinAV states that "chatID is equals UserId". Is it correct? Even if so it might just be an internal thing that we shouldn't rely on, and I can't find neither proofs nor restrictions on abusing this "feature".
If it is fine, than I could use getNotificationSettings and pass notificationSettingsScopeChat as scope parameter. Would it be the right solution? Any thoughts and advices are appreciated!
Official answer (obtained from TDLib bot):
Your usage of createPrivateChat is absolutely correct. To get correct NotificationSettings you need to get information about the corresponding chat.
So I ended up doing exactly that.
Call createPrivateChat only to get one field (namely notificationSettings)?
The Symfony documentation says:
Using Real or Keyword Messages This example illustrates the two
different philosophies when creating messages to be translated:
$translated = $translator->trans('Symfony2 is great');
$translated = $translator->trans('symfony2.great');
< snip >
The choice of which method to use is entirely up to you, but the "keyword" format is often recommended.
So when would you use 'Real' messages?
You really have to decide for yourself. It's a bit a matter of taste and a bit a matter of your translation workflow.
Real messages are good when you don't want the overhead of maintaining an additional translation file (for the origin language). Furthermore, if you forget to translate some of the messages, you'd still see a valid message in the origin language. It's also somewhat easier to translate from an original message rather than a keyword.
Keywords are better when messages are changing often, especially with long texts. You abstract away the purpose of a message from the actual text.
EDIT: there's one more scenario when you could argue that real messages are better than keys - when your website only supports one language but with multiple variations - like en_GB, en_US. Most of the messages will be the same, only few will vary. So most of the messages could be left as they are, and only the ones which are actually different between GB and US put into a translation files. It would require much less work compared to an approach with using keys (of course, assuming your messages don't change very often).
One usecase for the real format I could come up with is when messages are created by users via the UI — it would be silly to force them to come up with keywords for each phrase they want to translate.
I haven't had such a need yet, so I always use the keyword format.
For the most part I agree with #Jakub Zalas' answer, however, the last line is a bit off.
Keywords are better when messages may ever change - not just when changing often. This is outlined as well in the docs themselves:
The second method is handy because the message key won't need to be changed in every translation file if you decide that the message should actually read "Symfony2 is really great" in the default locale.
If the message changes and you haven't used a key but the message as key you have to change any code using this message to reflect that change. More places to change are more potential bugs. We have the ability to build in leverage by using message keys.
Real messages has no big interest. IMO you can use them if you are sure your application will always be mono-language and you want to gain a few minutes in development.
Keyword trans has the interest that if you have to translate your website, you'll see immediately if a translation is missing.
To facilitate translations, I personnaly use JMSTranslationBundle
I'm designing a REST API that supports HTTP GET parameters. In most cases I only accept one value for a parameter. But how should I handle duplicate parameters?
For example, Stack Overflow accepts a GET param tab:
Duplicate parameters are allowed, passing both values is correct:
What should I do? Just go with the first value, thus silently ignoring other values (what SO does) or return an error stating only one value is allowed? In the latter case, what error should I return with what status code (409 Conflict, perhaps)?
I agree with VKSingla that this is a design decision, therefore there is no correct answer only opinions in this matter.
If you ask me I would make a 'strict' API and just throw an error (I would make sure that it is a clear error and not just a random code which doesn't help the user). I prefer this strict approach because if usercode is adding the same param twice it will likely be a bug somewhere in the users code. Revealing this bug as early as possible helps the user finding the bug asap.
If you choose to go with ignoring the other parameters then make sure that the user knows this behavior. For example document 'all duplicate parameters after the first will be ignored'. Undocumented 'magic behavior' like this can make code pretty damn hard to debug.
This is a design decision. Its your API design on how you want it to function.
If you choose to ignore any one , then the question is which one ?
So, it is simply a conflict. or else
your API can respond with combined data, but the request for that should be like this,featured
Also refer this question Extra Query parameters in the REST API Url