Home page of Wordpress website not showing up - wordpress

Really a newbie question here, since I just started working with Wordpress.
How do I get to the home page of my Wordpress website!? I am hosting a Wordpress website on my personal shared server, and when I go to www.nishantkelkar.org/wp-admin/about.php, it shows the typical admin panel that I'm used to seeing on Wordpress. Then I went about and created some test content (a Hello world post), and said "Publish". It says "Your post has been published" and gives me a link. When I click that link, I get redirected to the index page with an index of all my files in that folder! - http://www.nishantkelkar.org/?p=10&preview=true.
Am I doing something wrong? I just want to be able to see my freshly created content!

It appears as though you need to set your DirectoryIndex to index.php but it is difficult to say from just the information you provided.


why WordPress website showing readme page on my home page

I am facing a problem if i am opening my website with domain name it keep showing the readme page of how to install wordpress and if i am opening shop from wordpress dashboard the shop page open and website's other pages work properly only home page is showing readme page. Its really complicated to explain. if you understand so.
can any one help me to solve this problem.
I have tried many things to solve by getting backup and reuploading the website but the hosting i have that not have the feature to getting backup and now i cant make changes in public html files and i have watched youtube videos get the solution but there is not a single one video bout that.

[code][/code] tags changes the posted code

I wanted to add codes to my wordpress.com hosted blog in a code friendly way. So I found this page since I can't use plugin. https://en.support.wordpress.com/code/posting-source-code/. First this worked as promised. But later I checked the blog's code it has been change some codes replaced with symbols like below one <servlet> I don't understand the reason for this because for a time it works as it promised. Below is how they looks in the blog site.
What I want is to show codes in a friendly way in my blog since I can't install plugins in my blog.
This is a known issue with the new Calypso editor on WordPress.com. There is an open GitHub issue for it here.
If you make sure to only edit the page in the traditional WP-Admin interface your code should not be changed.
Edit: The on-page edit link only goes to Calypso now, so to edit a post in WP-Admin, add /wp-admin to the end of your site URL and type it in your browser. Then go to Posts ->All posts (or Pages) to edit existing content.
Some older accounts still show a link to WP-Admin when you click on My Site(s), but if your account doesn't, you need to use the direct link.

New wordpress dev site setup but all inks point to homepage

I've got a live Wordpress site that is working fine. Time for a few updates, so the guy hosting this site for us has created a new subdirectory, 'newdev', and copied the live site into it.
He said he's updated the database, and in my Dashboard-->Settings-->General, the WordPress Address (URL) has been updated to http://newdev.thecyclery.net.au (while the live site URL is http://thecyclery.net.au.
I find that I can open the homepage of the dev site OK, but if I click any links, it takes me to that page on the live site. E.g, I'm on http://newdev.thecyclery.net.au, then click 'Ride' and it takes me to http://thecyclery.net.au/ride
If I manually enter the URL for sub-pages (e.g. http://newdev.thecyclery.net.au/ride) it directs back to the DEV homepage.
I really need to be able to see my dev pages so I know that the work I'm doing is working and displaying correctly... Any suggestions?
Thanks, I hope I've provided enough info!!

Can a NonWordpress Page on a Wordpress Based Site Cause Issues with Permalinks

I have a website built with Wordpress that has been having permalink issues. A few days ago, I had added a simple file, named qr.php, that I dropped in at the root level (where the wp-content and wp-upload folders reside). It has a script that redirect to pages outside of my website depending on what type of device the user is using. Basically, some one on a Apple device gets redirected to an itunes page, and droid user to the droid app store, etc.
Could this non Wordpress page be causing issues? I have had static or html pages in amonst my root level files before, and never had an issue. I feel like the redirects may change this.
Rather than using the qr.php(cutom redirect file) in your wordpress site. You can use a plugin which will help to redirect the external links.
Some of the plugins which might help you to achieve your purpose are Device Redirect - WordPress Phone &Tablet Redirect , RedirectPlus - Wordpress Mobile Redirect Plugin.
See the screenshots, try demo and check whether it fits your requirement.
No, it dont cause any issue with permalink..
I am also using a wordpress website : abc.com and a php based software integrated to admin folder on root.. And I can access easily abc.com and abc.com/newfolder/abc.php

How to change wordpress domain name when site has asp.login page for portal in a separate directory?

My client wants to change his Wordpress site's domain name (from info.safetyalert.com
to safetyalert.com).
On the server there are two directories: info.safetyalert.com
(where the user is redirected when they type www.safetyalert.com into browser) and
safetyalert.com, which contains the old site which is not rendered with the exception of a login.asp page for customers that directs them to a "non-Wordpress" portal for submitting reports which is in turn linked to a database (you can see the Login link at the upper right hand corner when accessing the Wordpress home page).
My question is: In which files would I need to edit to make safetyalert.com permanent (and not changing to info.safetyalert.com in the address bar) when users goto the Wordpress site, but without affecting/crashing the login.asp page and the database in the other directory?
My previous attempts have resulted in a loop. I can provide additional info if needed. Any help is greatly appreciated!
login to admin panel of http://info.safetyalert.com/, and go to Settings > General, then change the URL (ie from http://info.safetyalert.com/ to http://www.safetyalert.com ), then you problem is solved.
