How to get a logarithmic distribution from an interval - scale

I am currently trying to cut an interval into not equal-width slices. In fact I want the width of each slice to follow a logarithmic rule. For instance the first interval is supposed to be bigger than the second one, etc.
I have a hard time remembering my mathematics lectures. So assuming I know a and b which are respectively the lower and upper boundaries of my interval I, and n is the number of slices:
how can I find the lower and upper boundaries of each slice (following a logarithmic scale)?
In other word, here's what I have done to get equal-width interval:
for (i = 1; i< p; i++) {
start = lower + i -1 + ((i-1) * size_piece);
if (i == p-1 ) {
end = upper;
} else {
end = start + size_piece;
//function(start, end)
Where: p-1= number of slices, and size_piece = |b-a|.
What I want to get now is start and end values, but following a logarithmic scale instead of an arithmetic scale (which are going to be called in some function in the for loop).
Thanks in advance for your help.

If I have understood your question, this C++ program will show you a practical example of the algorithm that can be used:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
void my_function( double a, double b ) {
// print out the lower and upper bounds of the slice
std::cout << a << " -- " << b << '\n';
int main() {
double start = 0.0, end = 1.0;
int n_slices = 7;
// I want to create 7 slices in a segment of length = end - start
// whose extremes are logarithmically distributed:
// | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |6 |7|
// +-----------------+----------+------+----+---+--+-+
// start end
double scale = (end - start) / log(1.0 + n_slices);
double lower_bound = start;
for ( int i = 0; i < n_slices; ++i ) {
// transform to the interval (1,n_slices+1):
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// +-----------------+----------+------+----+---+--+-+
// start end
double upper_bound = start + log(2.0 + i) * scale;
// use the extremes in your function
// update
lower_bound = upper_bound;
return 0;
The output (the extremes of the slices) is:
0 -- 0.333333
0.333333 -- 0.528321
0.528321 -- 0.666667
0.666667 -- 0.773976
0.773976 -- 0.861654
0.861654 -- 0.935785
0.935785 -- 1


Like Bezout's identity but with Natural numbers and an arbitrary constant. Can it be solved?

I'm an amateur playing with discrete math. This isn't a
homework problem though I am doing it at home.
I want to solve ax + by = c for natural numbers, with a, b and c
given and x and y to be computed. I want to find all x, y pairs
that will satisfy the equation.
This has a similar structure to Bezout's identity for integers
where there are multiple (infinite?) solution pairs. I thought
the similarity might mean that the extended Euclidian algorithm
could help here. Below are two implementations of the EEA that
seem to work; they're both adapted from code found on the net.
Could these be adapted to the task, or perhaps can someone
find a more promising avenue?
typedef long int Int;
Int // returns the GCD of a and b and finds x and y
// such that ax + by == GCD(a,b), recursively
eea(Int a, Int b, Int &x, Int &y) {
if (0==a) {
x = 0;
y = 1;
return b;
Int x1; x1=0;
Int y1; y1=0;
Int gcd = eea(b%a, a, x1, y1);
x = y1 - b/a*x1;
y = x1;
return gcd;
Int // returns the GCD of a and b and finds x and y
// such that ax + by == GCD(a,b), iteratively
eea(Int a, Int b, Int &x, Int &y) {
x = 0;
y = 1;
Int u; u=1;
Int v; v=0; // does this need initialising?
Int q; // quotient
Int r; // remainder
Int m;
Int n;
while (0!=a) {
q = b/a; // quotient
r = b%a; // remainder
m = x - u*q; // ?? what are the invariants?
n = y - v*q; // ?? When does this overflow?
b = a; // A candidate for the gcd - a's last nonzero value.
a = r; // a becomes the remainder - it shrinks each time.
// When a hits zero, the u and v that are written out
// are final values and the gcd is a's previous value.
x = u; // Here we have u and v shuffling values out
y = v; // via x and y. If a has gone to zero, they're final.
u = m; // ... and getting new values
v = n; // from m and n
return b;
If we slightly change the equation form:
ax + by = c
by = c - ax
y = (c - ax)/b
Then we can loop x through all numbers in its range (a*x <= c) and compute if viable natural y exists. So no there is not infinite number of solutions the limit is min(c/a,c/b) ... Here small C++ example of naive solution:
int a=123,b=321,c=987654321;
int x,y,ax;
for (x=1,ax=a;ax<=c;x++,ax+=a)
y = (c-ax)/b;
if (ax+(b*y)==c) here output x,y solution somewhere;
If you want to speed this up then just iterate y too and just check if c-ax is divisible by b Something like this:
int a=123,b=321,c=987654321;
int x,y,ax,cax,by;
for (x=1,ax=a,y=(c/b),by=b*y;ax<=c;x++,ax+=a)
while (by>cax){ by-=b; y--; if (!y) break; }
if (by==cax) here output x,y solution somewhere;
As you can see now both x,y are iterated in opposite directions in the same loop and no division or multiplication is present inside loop anymore so its much faster here first few results:
method1 method2
[ 78.707 ms] | [ 21.277 ms] // time needed for computation
75044 | 75044 // found solutions
75,3076776 | 75,3076776 // first few solutions in x,y order
182,3076735 | 182,3076735
289,3076694 | 289,3076694
396,3076653 | 396,3076653
503,3076612 | 503,3076612
610,3076571 | 610,3076571
717,3076530 | 717,3076530
824,3076489 | 824,3076489
931,3076448 | 931,3076448
1038,3076407 | 1038,3076407
1145,3076366 | 1145,3076366
I expect that for really huge c and small a,b numbers this
while (by>cax){ by-=b; y--; if (!y) break; }
might be slower than actual division using GCD ...

Frame the solution using Dynamic programming

Given a bag with a maximum of 100 chips,each chip has its value written over it.
Determine the most fair division between two persons. This means that the difference between the amount each person obtains should be minimized. The value of a chips varies from 1 to 1000.
Input: The number of coins m, and the value of each coin.
Output: Minimal positive difference between the amount the two persons obtain when they divide the chips from the corresponding bag.
I am finding it difficult to form a DP solution for it. Please help me.
Initially I had to tried it as a Non DP solution.Actually I havent thought of solving it using DP. I simply sorted the value array. And assigned the largest value to one of the person, and incrementally assigned the other values to one of the two depending upon which creates minimum difference. But that solution actually didnt work.
I am posting my solution here :
bool myfunction(int i, int j)
return(i >= j) ;
int main()
int T, m, sum1, sum2, temp_sum1, temp_sum2,i ;
cin >> T ;
cin >> m ;
sum1 = 0 ; sum2 = 0 ; temp_sum1 = 0 ; temp_sum2 = 0 ;
vector<int> arr(m) ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
cin>>arr[i] ;
if(m==1 )
cout<<0<<endl ;
cout<<1<<endl ;
else {
sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), myfunction) ;
// vector<int> s1 ;
// vector<int> s2 ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
temp_sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
if(abs(temp_sum1 - sum2) <= abs(temp_sum2 -sum1))
sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum1 = 0 ;
temp_sum2 = 0 ;
cout<<abs(sum1 -sum2)<<endl ;
return 0 ;
what i understand from your question is you want to divide chips in two persons so as to minimize the difference between sum of numbers written on those.
If understanding is correct, then potentially you can follow below approach to arrive at solution.
Sort the values array i.e. int values[100]
Start adding elements from both ends of array in for loop i.e. for(i=0; j=values.length;i<j;i++,j--)
Odd numbered iteration sum belongs to one person & even numbered sum to other person
run the loop till i < j
now, the difference between two sums obtained in odd & even iterations should be minimum as array was sorted earlier.
If my understanding of the question is correct, then this solution should resolve your problem.
Reflect as appropriate.

How to share work roughly evenly between processes in MPI despite the array_size not being cleanly divisible by the number of processes?

Hi all, I have an array of length N, and I'd like to divide it as best as possible between 'size' processors. N/size has a remainder, e.g. 1000 array elements divided by 7 processes, or 14 processes by 3 processes.
I'm aware of at least a couple of ways of work sharing in MPI, such as:
for (i=rank; i<N;i+=size){ a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK }
However, this does not divide the array into contiguous chunks, which I'd like to do as I believe is faster for IO reasons.
Another one I'm aware of is:
int count = N / size;
int start = rank * count;
int stop = start + count;
// now perform the loop
int nloops = 0;
for (int i=start; i<stop; ++i)
a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK;
However, with this method, for my first example we get 1000/7 = 142 = count. And so the last rank starts at 852 and ends at 994. The last 6 lines are ignored.
Would be best solution to append something like this to the previous code?
int remainder = N%size;
int start = N-remainder;
if (rank == 0){
for (i=start;i<N;i++){
a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK;
This seems messy, and if its the best solution I'm surprised I haven't seen it elsewhere.
Thanks for any help!
If I had N tasks (e.g., array elements) and size workers (e.g., MPI ranks), I would go as follows:
int count = N / size;
int remainder = N % size;
int start, stop;
if (rank < remainder) {
// The first 'remainder' ranks get 'count + 1' tasks each
start = rank * (count + 1);
stop = start + count;
} else {
// The remaining 'size - remainder' ranks get 'count' task each
start = rank * count + remainder;
stop = start + (count - 1);
for (int i = start; i <= stop; ++i) { a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK(); }
That is how it works:
# ranks: remainder size - remainder
/------------------------------------\ /-----------------------------\
rank: 0 1 remainder-1 size-1
tasks: | count+1 | count+1 | ...... | count+1 | count | count | ..... | count |
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
task #: rank * (count+1) | rank * count + remainder |
| |
task #: rank * (count+1) + count rank * count + remainder + count - 1
# tasks: remainder * count + remainder
Here's a closed-form solution.
Let N = array length and P = number of processors.
From j = 0 to P-1,
Starting point of array on processor j = floor(N * j / P)
Length of array on processor j = floor(N * (j + 1) / P) – floor(N * j / P)
Consider your "1000 steps and 7 processes" example.
simple division won't work because integer division (in C) gives you the floor, and you are left with some remainder: i.e. 1000 / 7 is 142, and there will be 6 doodads hanging out
ceiling division has the opposite problem: ceil(1000/7) is 143, but then the last processor overruns the array, or ends up with less to do than the others.
You are asking for a scheme to evenly distribute the remainder over processors. Some processes should have 142, others 143. There must be a more formal approach but considering the attention this question's gotten in the last six months maybe not.
Here's my approach. Every process needs to do this algorithm, and just pick out the answer it needs for itself.
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
#define NR_ITEMS 1000
int i, rank, nprocs;;
int *bins;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
bins = calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
int nr_alloced = 0;
for (i=0; i<nprocs; i++) {
remainder = NR_ITEMS - nr_alloced;
buckets = (nprocs - i);
/* if you want the "big" buckets up front, do ceiling division */
bins[i] = remainder / buckets;
nr_alloced += bins[i];
if (rank == 0)
for (i=0; i<nprocs; i++) printf("%d ", bins[i]);
return 0;
I know this is long sense gone but a simple way to do this is to give each process the floor of the (number of items) / (number of processes) + (1 if process_num < num_items mod num_procs). In python, an array with work counts:
# Number of items
# Number of processes
# Items per process
[NI/NP + (1 if P < NI%NP else 0)for P in range(0,NP)]
Improving off of #Alexander's answer: make use of min to condense the logic.
int count = N / size;
int remainder = N % size;
int start = rank * count + min(rank, remainder);
int stop = (rank + 1) * count + min(rank + 1, remainder);
for (int i = start; i < stop; ++i) { a[i] = DO_SOME_WORK(); }
I think that the best solution is to write yourself a little function for splitting work across processes evenly enough. Here's some pseudo-code, I'm sure you can write C (is that C in your question ?) better than I can.
function split_evenly_enough(num_steps, num_processes)
return = repmat(0, num_processes) ! pseudo-Matlab for an array of num_processes 0s
steps_per_process = ceiling(num_steps/num_processes)
return = steps_per_process - 1 ! set all elements of the return vector to this number
return(1:mod(num_steps, num_processes)) = steps_per_process ! some processes have 1 more step
How about this?
int* distribute(int total, int processes) {
int* distribution = new int[processes];
int last = processes - 1;
int remaining = total;
int process = 0;
while (remaining != 0) {
if (process != last) {
else {
process = 0;
return distribution;
The idea is that you assign an element to the first process, then an element to the second process, then an element to the third process, and so on, jumping back to the first process whenever the last one is reached.
This method works even when the number of processes is greater than the number of elements. It uses only very simple operations and should therefore be very fast.
I had a similar problem, and here is my non optimum solution with Python and mpi4py API. An optimum solution would take into account how the processors are laid out, here extra work is ditributed to lower ranks. The uneven workload only differ by one task, so it should not be a big deal in general.
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys
def get_start_end(comm,N):
Distribute N consecutive things (rows of a matrix , blocks of a 1D array)
as evenly as possible over a given communicator.
Uneven workload (differs by 1 at most) is on the initial ranks.
comm: MPI communicator
N: int
Total number of things to be distributed.
rstart: index of first local row
rend: 1 + index of last row
Index is zero based.
P = comm.size
rank = comm.rank
rstart = 0
rend = N
if P >= N:
if rank < N:
rstart = rank
rend = rank + 1
rstart = 0
rend = 0
n = N//P # Integer division PEP-238
remainder = N%P
rstart = n * rank
rend = n * (rank+1)
if remainder:
if rank >= remainder:
rstart += remainder
rend += remainder
rstart += rank
rend += rank + 1
return rstart, rend
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(sys.argv[1])

Determine position of number in a grid of numbers centered around 0 and increasing in spiral

I've got the following grid of numbers centered around 0 and increasing in spiral. I need an algorithm which would receive number in spiral and return x; y - numbers of moves how to get to that number from 0. For example for number 9 it would return -2; -1. For 4 it would be 1; 1.
25|26|... etc.
24| 9|10|11|12
23| 8| 1| 2|13
22| 7| 0| 3|14
21| 6| 5| 4|15
This spiral can be slightly changed if it would help the algorithm to be better.
Use whatever language you like. I would really appreciate mathematical explanation.
Thank you.
First we need to determine which cycle (distance from center) and sector (north, east, south or west) we are in. Then we can determine the exact position of the number.
The first numbers in each cycle is as follows: 1, 9, 25
This is a quadratic sequence: first(n) = (2n-1)^2 = 4n^2 - 4n + 1
The inverse of this is the cycle-number: cycle(i) = floor((sqrt(i) + 1) / 2)
The length of a cycle is: length(n) = first(n+1) - first(n) = 8n
The sector will then be:
sector(i) = floor(4 * (i - first(cycle(i))) / length(cycle(i)))
Finally, to get the position, we need to extrapolate from the position of the first number in the cycle and sector.
To put it all together:
def first(cycle):
x = 2 * cycle - 1
return x * x
def cycle(index):
return (isqrt(index) + 1)//2
def length(cycle):
return 8 * cycle
def sector(index):
c = cycle(index)
offset = index - first(c)
n = length(c)
return 4 * offset / n
def position(index):
c = cycle(index)
s = sector(index)
offset = index - first(c) - s * length(c) // 4
if s == 0: #north
return -c, -c + offset + 1
if s == 1: #east
return -c + offset + 1, c
if s == 2: #south
return c, c - offset - 1
# else, west
return c - offset - 1, -c
def isqrt(x):
"""Calculates the integer square root of a number"""
if x < 0:
raise ValueError('square root not defined for negative numbers')
n = int(x)
if n == 0:
return 0
a, b = divmod(n.bit_length(), 2)
x = 2**(a+b)
while True:
y = (x + n//x)//2
if y >= x:
return x
x = y
>>> position(9)
(-2, -1)
>>> position(4)
(1, 1)
>>> position(123456)
(-176, 80)
Do you mean something like this? I did not implement any algorithm and the code can be written better but it works - that's always a start :) Just change the threshold value for whatever you wish and you'll get the result.
static int threshold=14, x=0, y=0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int yChange=1, xChange=1, count=0;
while( !end(count) ){
for (int i = 0; i < yChange; i++) {
if( end(count) )return;
for (int i = 0; i < xChange; i++) {
if( end(count) )return;
for (int i = 0; i < yChange; i++) {
if( end(count) )return;
for (int i = 0; i < xChange; i++) {
if( end(count) )return;
public static boolean end(int count){
return false;
System.out.println("count: "+count+", x: "+x+", y: "+y);
return true;

Mathematically Find Max Value without Conditional Comparison

----------Updated ------------
codymanix and moonshadow have been a big help thus far. I was able to solve my problem using the equations and instead of using right shift I divided by 29. Because with 32bits signed 2^31 = overflows to 29. Which works!
Prototype in PHP
$r = $x - (($x - $y) & (($x - $y) / (29)));
Actual code for LEADS (you can only do one math function PER LINE!!! AHHHH!!!)
----------Original Question-----------
I don't think this is quite possible with my application's limitations but I figured it's worth a shot to ask.
I'll try to make this simple. I need to find the max values between two numbers without being able to use a IF or any conditional statement.
In order to find the the MAX values I can only perform the following functions
Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Add, NOT, AND ,OR
Let's say I have two numbers
A = 60;
B = 50;
Now if A is always greater than B it would be simple to find the max value
MAX = (A - B) + B;
10 = (60 - 50)
10 + 50 = 60 = MAX
Problem is A is not always greater than B. I cannot perform ABS, MAX, MIN or conditional checks with the scripting applicaiton I am using.
Is there any way possible using the limited operation above to find a value VERY close to the max?
finding the maximum of 2 variables:
max = a-((a-b)&((a-b)>>31))
where >> is bitwise right-shift (also called SHR or ASR depeding on signedness).
Instead of 31 you use the number of bits your numbers have minus one.
I guess this one would be the most simplest if we manage to find difference between two numbers (only the magnitude not sign)
max = ((a+b)+|a-b|)/2;
where |a-b| is a magnitude of difference between a and b.
If you can't trust your environment to generate the appropriate branchless operations when they are available, see this page for how to proceed. Note the restriction on input range; use a larger integer type for the operation if you cannot guarantee your inputs will fit.
Solution without conditionals. Cast to uint then back to int to get abs.
int abs (a) { return (int)((unsigned int)a); }
int max (a, b) { return (a + b + abs(a - b)) / 2; }
int max3 (a, b, c) { return (max(max(a,b),c); }
Using logical operations only, short circuit evaluation and assuming the C convention of rounding towards zero, it is possible to express this as:
int lt0(int x) {
return x && (!!((x-1)/x));
int mymax(int a, int b) {
return lt0(a-b)*b+lt0(b-a)*a;
The basic idea is to implement a comparison operator that will return 0 or 1. It's possible to do a similar trick if your scripting language follows the convention of rounding toward the floor value like python does.
function Min(x,y:integer):integer;
abs:=d*(1-2*((3*d) div (3*d+1)));
Result:=(x+y-abs) div 2;
Hmmm. I assume NOT, AND, and OR are bitwise? If so, there's going to be a bitwise expression to solve this. Note that A | B will give a number >= A and >= B. Perhaps there's a pruning method for selecting the number with the most bits.
To extend, we need the following to determine whether A (0) or B (1) is greater.
truth table:
0|0 = 0
0|1 = 1
1|0 = 0
1|1 = 0
!A and B
therefore, will give the index of the greater bit. Ergo, compare each bit in both numbers, and when they are different, use the above expression (Not A And B) to determine which number was greater. Start from the most significant bit and proceed down both bytes. If you have no looping construct, manually compare each bit.
Implementing "when they are different":
(A != B) AND (my logic here)
try this, (but be aware for overflows)
(Code in C#)
public static Int32 Maximum(params Int32[] values)
Int32 retVal = Int32.MinValue;
foreach (Int32 i in values)
retVal += (((i - retVal) >> 31) & (i - retVal));
return retVal;
You can express this as a series of arithmetic and bitwise operations, e.g.:
int myabs(const int& in) {
const int tmp = in >> ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1);
return tmp - (in ^ tmp(;
int mymax(int a, int b) {
return ((a+b) + myabs(b-a)) / 2;
//Assuming 32 bit integers
int is_diff_positive(int num)
((num & 0x80000000) >> 31) ^ 1; // if diff positive ret 1 else 0
int sign(int x)
return ((num & 0x80000000) >> 31);
int flip(int x)
return x ^ 1;
int max(int a, int b)
int diff = a - b;
int is_pos_a = sign(a);
int is_pos_b = sign(b);
int is_diff_positive = diff_positive(diff);
int is_diff_neg = flip(is_diff_positive);
// diff (a - b) will overflow / underflow if signs are opposite
// ex: a = INT_MAX , b = -3 then a - b => INT_MAX - (-3) => INT_MAX + 3
int can_overflow = is_pos_a ^ is_pos_b;
int cannot_overflow = flip(can_overflow);
int res = (cannot_overflow * ( (a * is_diff_positive) + (b *
is_diff_negative)) + (can_overflow * ( (a * is_pos_a) + (b *
return res;
This is my implementation using only +, -, *, %, / operators
using static System.Console;
int Max(int a, int b) => (a + b + Abs(a - b)) / 2;
int Abs(int x) => x * ((2 * x + 1) % 2);
WriteLine(Max(-100, -2) == -2); // true
WriteLine(Max(2, -100) == 2); // true
I just came up with an expression:
(( (a-b)-|a-b| ) / (2(a-b)) )*b + (( (b-a)-|b-a| )/(2(b-a)) )*a
which is equal to a if a>b and is equal to b if b>a
when a>b:
a-b>0, a-b = |a-b|, (a-b)-|a-b| = 0 so the coeficcient for b is 0
b-a<0, b-a = -|b-a|, (b-a)-|b-a| = 2(b-a)
so the coeficcient for a is 2(b-a)/2(b-a) which is 1
so it would ultimately return 0*b+1*a if a is bigger and vice versa
Find MAX between n & m
MAX = ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ( ((n/2) - (m/2)) * ( (2*((n/2) - (m/2)) + 1) % 2) ) )
Using #define in c:
#define MAX(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ( ((n/2) - (m/2)) * ( (2*((n/2) - (m/2)) + 1) % 2) ) )
#define ABS(n) ( n * ( (2*n + 1) % 2) ) // Calculates abs value of n
#define MAX(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ABS((n/2) - (m/2)) ) // Finds max between n & m
#define MIN(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) - ABS((n/2) - (m/2)) ) // Finds min between n & m
please look at this program.. this might be the best answer till date on this page...
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a,b;
printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
b = (a+b)-(a=b); // this line is doing the reversal
printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
If A is always greater than B .. [ we can use] .. MAX = (A - B) + B;
No need. Just use: int maxA(int A, int B){ return A;}
(1) If conditionals are allowed you do max = a>b ? a : b.
(2) Any other method either use a defined set of numbers or rely on the implicit conditional checks.
(2a) max = a-((a-b)&((a-b)>>31)) this is neat, but it only works if you use 32 bit numbers. You can expand it arbitrary large number N, but the method will fail if you try to find max(N-1, N+1). This algorithm works for finite state automata, but not a Turing machine.
(2b) Magnitude |a-b| is a condition |a-b| = a-b>0 a-b : b-a
What about:
Square root is also a condition. Whenever c>0 and c^2 = d we have second solution -c, because (-c)^2 = (-1)^2*c^2 = 1*c^2 = d. Square root returns the greatest in the pair. I comes with a build in int max(int c1, int c2){return max(c1, c2);}
Without comparison operator math is very symmetric as well as limited in power. Positive and negative numbers cannot be distinguished without if of some sort.
It depends which language you're using, but the Ternary Operator might be useful.
But then, if you can't perform conditional checks in your 'scripting application', you probably don't have the ternary operator.
using System;
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
float a = 101, b = 15;
float max = (a + b) / 2 + ((a > b) ? a - b : b - a) / 2;
#region GetMaximumNumber
/// <summary>
/// Provides method to get maximum values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values">Integer array for getting maximum values.</param>
/// <returns>Maximum number from an array.</returns>
private int GetMaximumNumber(params int[] values)
// Declare to store the maximum number.
int maximumNumber = 0;
// Check that array is not null and array has an elements.
if (values != null &&
values.Length > 0)
// Sort the array in ascending order for getting maximum value.
// Get the last value from an array which is always maximum.
maximumNumber = values[values.Length - 1];
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return maximumNumber;
