Chrome downloads aspx instead of render, IE works -

Whenever I try visiting an aspx file in Chrome, the browser will download the file. When I open it in IE, it will actually render that page. I'm not sure what changed with Chrome as this was working, then half way through the day decided to stop working.
I've tried following aspnet_regiis -i with no success. Other aspx pages render without issue. I've been poking around IIS trying to find something that might indicate an incorrect setting, but cannot find anything in particular.
I've done plenty of Googling without any helpful results.
I'm not sure what other information to provide at this time, so please let me know if I can provide any specific information to help.


Desactivating a setinterval function?

I have absolutely no idea why, but on 2 websites (2 websites that I professionnaly work on, and they havent been hacked or compromised), my Chrome console keeps clearing every 500ms.
Which is pretty annoying.
I desactivated all extensions. Tried private browsing. It's the same thing.
I uninstalled chrome as well as my extensions. Same.
When I try to reproduce it on someone else's computer, I cannot.
When I use another Chrome session the issue does not happen.
I have absolutely no idea how to get rid of this or what is the exact cause of the issue.
The code running is :
setInterval(function(){console.clear();'Console was cleared by browser extension.');},500);
Since I unfortunately do not seem to find the reason, my only question will be : would there be a way to desactivate that code or postpone the setinveral to a bigger number?
Thanks !
In Chrome, on the developer tools, click on the settings icon, and tick the the "Preserve Log" option so the console is not cleared.
If your websites happen to be ecommerce (Magento specially) I'll advice you to check your code well for unknown js. This is one of the "symptoms" of the Magecart credit card skimmer. Preserve log option

Google Maps Custom Icons will not load in any Browser

I used a tutorial to make some custom icons in Google Maps API for some local places. When I am in Dreamweaver and testing on my local server, the icons appear just fine. However, when I upload to my host and try to pull the page up on any browser (safari, chrome, canary, firefox), the images do not load. The placeholders for those images do show, though. I cannot understand what the issue is as I have reloaded and rechecked the code hundreds of times. Any help with this would be appreciated. As the code is very long, I have only included some snippets and the address where it is loaded.
To see the page, go to
I tried to load the code using the forum rules, but no matter what, it would not allow me to put the javascript in this post!
Please let me know if you can help me! This is the last piece of the puzzle I need to load this website! I am a newbie coder so I have made a lot of beginner mistakes!
Edited to add:
Thank you for your help. When I renamed the folder, it was fixed. For some reason, it did not like the folder name "icons". Perhaps this has something to do with Google's API
I get the following errors when I load your page:
Since those are the images you are using to create your custom icons they all fail to generate and won't appear on the map. Make sure you are hosting your images correctly and it should work fine.

ASP.Net FileUpload control causes google chrome to crash and show broken data

I am working on an page that contains a fileupload server control (not async fileupload).
I recently noticed that whenever that control is on the page and any postback occurs, the page crashes and stops me strange and broken data like in the screenshot attached!!
I also noticed that is happening in any webkit based browser (e.g safari, chrome, etc..)
Strangely, the problem is only occurring when am running this page online, but when am debugging it locally, this problem doesn't occur!!
Any ideas??
Note: The following link [ ] is a screen of how the crash looks like, and i remember something now, i used to get this screen sometimes while am browsing through or !! hope this helps :S
Turns out this whole problem was caused by the compression module referenced in the web.config file.
As a permanent solution however, I changed all FileUpload controls to AsyncFileUpload, gaining both a solution and an easier way to navigate and work.
Thanks everyone ;)

CSS seems to be not working in a subdomain?

I developed a website using code igniter, styled it with CSS, locally it works fine but online it looks like css is not loaded it picks up the old css style. I checked the link but it's correct. What gives?
Without more information (such as seeing the site in question), I can't give you a direct answer, but I can give you some pointers.
My suggestion is to use a tool like Firebug (in Firefox) or Chrome's Developer Tools, etc. These tools allow you to see full details of all requests being made by the browser.
(the exact instructions will differ according to the tool you're using, so I'll assume Firebug for simplicity).
Open your page in the browser, with Firebug open, and look at Firebug's "Net" tab (And make sure that the option below the tab is set to "All"). This will list all requests that are made by the browser.
The key thing for you is to look for any 404 errors. Since you say your CSS isn't working, it's a pretty good bet that your stylesheets are failing to load. The 404 errors listed in Firebug will show you why they're failing to load.
If you hover over the filenames, Firebug will expand it to show you the full URL that it attempted to load. This will almost certainly show you that you've got something wrong in your configuration, and it's trying to load the stylesheets (and possibly other files too) from the wrong location. This should show you what's going wrong and give you a enough clues to be able to work out how to fix it.
Hope this helps you solve the problem.

why does Webresource.axd attempt to 'download' when I reference it in this URL?

I have someone doing a penetration test on a site and they are trying to exploit WebResource.axd
I'm confused because whenever I try his URL I either get it trying to download to a text file in IE or displaying as text on FF
He says that it is giving him an alert with 16146 in it, I can't fix it because I can't even duplicate it.
I have customErrors defined within web.config, everything is going to the same concise error page. I kind of get how you COULD exploit this file but I just want to know what I managed to do that causes it to come across text.
Use something like Fiddler to see what's being served up. It's likely to be the content-type header that's causing IE to try and download the page.
