Make grunt-eslint use globally installed eslint plugin - gruntjs

Calling grunt-eslint causes a Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react' error that doesn't happen when calling eslint directly from the command line.
I have eslint-plugin-react installed globally.
Is there an easy way to make grunt eslint behave the same way as eslint?

Assuming you don't want to install the node module locally for some reason, I can think of two options. 1. Use grunt-exec within your grunt file to run eslint, or 2. As per the answer in the link below setup a symbolic link to your global node modules folder:
How to use grunt-html installed globally?


No valid exports main found on npm (tailwind css)

i am learning tailwind css and in tutorial they write a command like this npx tailwindcss-cli build css/tailwind.css -o build/tailwind.css
and it build a different folder name "tailwind.css" in same directory
but in my case it gives a error
No valid exports main found for 'C:\Users\HHH\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_npx\4952\node_modules\tailwindcss-cli\node_modules\postcss'
I don't have any idea what it means and whats wrong with the setup.
please help.
I find the solution.
Just install the current node.js and reinstall the specific version.
download here
After that install it and everything works fine.
Note: It works in when you follow the tailwindcss cli method.
follow first part of video

How to create new content types using Drush commands in Drupal 8

I know the export and import option is available but I have 5 environments, So each and every time after implementing new things on dev env I don't want to do export and import on other envs instead using pipeline I will execute the drush commands to implement the required changes on other envs by executing required Drush commands.
The problem is that on Drupal the config import/export is the best way to do that.
The config export doesn't not only export content type configuration, but the entire website configuration.
So thoses commands help you be iso between environments.
If your probleme is about ouverriding some config values between environments, the module Config Split can help you on it.
With no config import, I would solve it with installing a module of your own, which runs your special code.
Create a module my_custom_contenttype
Make a hook_install() (my_custom_contenttype_install())
Run this drush command (uninstall before, if you want to install it again - do it more than one time):
drush pm:uninstall my_custom_contenttype; drush pm:enable my_custom_contenttype;
function my_custom_contenttype_install(){
// Add content type if it not exist
You could do this using manually-managed configuration. Either by:
Creating a custom module and including your configurations in custom_module/config/install, and using "drush en" to install the module
By using an existing custom module and using a post_update hook to install the configuration.
We do this on a number of sites, and loading and installing the configurations is just complex enough that we built a helper module to do it. You can pull this module in with composer and use update hooks to activate it, or you can look at the installConfig function here and use it a as a template. (the module has a helpful readme, too).

Getting started with 2SXC Bootstrap 4 Instant Theme

I've installed Bootstrap 4 Instant Theme on my dev machine, which has DNN installed. I can get the theme up OK.
I've installed Node.js and that looks OK.
I've run npm ci in the app/theme folder, and that seems to have run OK. There is a webpack.config.js file in the folder.
I don't get the "run webpack" instruction!
When I make changes to the _variables.scss file and save and then refresh my page, I don't get the theme updates.
The Client Resource Management was already disabled.
I've cleared the cache and restarted the application.
What am I missing, or what is missing from the documentation that it assumes I know?
Just to be sure: did you compile the scss? As Bootstrap 4 uses SASS, the scss need to be compiled in order to take effect.
npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
cmd is enough to run the command. I use a .bat with this to quick compile.
run npm run webpack from commandline.
I have extended the instructions and explained the step better. I hope you were able to move on by now.
João Gomes, thx for your quick answer =)

Use gulp locally outside node

I would like to use gulp in my Wordpress project. Is it possible to execute gulp functions outside a node JS project?
I'm running on OSx, but couldn't find anything on the internet about it. Or do I'll have to use another lib like Grunt?
Yes, the main language of your project doesn't affect whether or not your can include some node.js dependencies and run them. You will need to have gulp installed and have a gulpfile.js in your project, and then you can run it.
You could install gulp globally on the server (npm install -g gulp), but I recommend creating a package.json file (using npm init) in your project, so that your node.js dependencies are tracked in your version control, and installing gulp with npm install --save gulp (inside your project's directory). Since gulp won't be installed globally in that case, you will need to use "$(npm bin)"/gulp from a directory inside your project to run it.
I use Yeti Launch from the Zurb foundation for the same setup (no node installed on my Mac).
When you run it, it will create a Foundation frame but you can do the following:
Stop the project it creates from within its interface,
Delete the files it creates and replace with yours
Leave the project it shows in the interface
Leave the "node_modules" folder it creates
Start the project again
This will run your Gulp file.
The only issue is installing node modules. For this, I look at any error messages it gives regarding missing modules and copy these into the "node_modules" folder from Github
The short answer is no. Gulp is distributed as a npm package and has node.js as a dependency BUT that doesn't mean you can't use it outside of a node.js project.
The only real need for Gulp on a wordpress project would likely either be at the theming layer or if you were doing a custom plugin. Assuming you are making a theme, some of them use Gulp extensively.
I've used the Roots ecosystem's Sage theme successfully on a number of projects. It has node/npm dependencies but they are all included if you use the theme. Check out their Gulp file - it's probably close to what you are philosophically looking for.

Find/reduce scss errors in media query mixin

We've been working with Neat framework for 6 months and love it.
However suddenly we have a critical problem with one of their excellent mixins which we are entirely dependant on for media queries.
Here's a link to the file.
Heres the docs for the mixin.
We've called it in our sass files almost 300 times so its pretty essential, although we mostly only use the first parameters e.g. media( max-width $small-screen)
Although we have also used it in some of the Refills navigation modules which use it in a more advanced way
Don't know what the error is because gulp-sass and browser-sync crash without sending error messages to the console like it normally does with the way we have it set up.They only crash when this mixin is loaded. Don't know what causes the error
If I start removing the mixin we get error reporting back and gulp-sass doesn't crash any more. ALthough we get errors from all the files that call the mixin.
I've also tried the following
Completely deleting the node_modules directory and doing a fresh npm install
Doing a npm uninstall of gulp and gulp-sass, then a fresh npm install
Doing a global install of node-sass, and doing a global uninstall of node-sass.
Doing a npm rebuild node-sass from within the node_modules/gulp-sass directory
Does anyone have any suggestions/ ideas / solutions ?
