AEM 6.1 anonymous read access to /etc was removed. How to handle this? - adobe

There's a code like this in my project to read some configuration from /etc/my-config-path:
Resource res = resource.getResourceResolver().getResource("/etc/my-config-path");
On AEM 5.6.1 it works correctly since anonymous user has access to entire /etc. On AEM 6.1 res is null since anonymous user has no access to /etc.
I can see two possible solutions:
Give anonymous user read permission to /etc/my-config-path explicitly
Use repository.loginAdministrative(null); to access the resource with admin permissions (but I see some people not recommending this approach on AEM 6.1).
What is your thoughts on this?

In AEM 6.1 access to /etc by default to admin was removed. I posted a solution here, describes how to create a service user.


Disable directory listing in artifactory

I need to Disable directory listing in .
Any suggestions ?
I tried to search for result in google but didn't find any
I only found a way that you can block the connection to the URL but this isn't what i need
If you are looking to disable the directory-listing for particular users, then you can achieve this by adding providing the repository path exclude-pattern at the permission target end.
In the below example, I have enabled anonymous user access only to specific packages, Please refer below steps for the same:
I have created a PyPI local repository, deployed python packages into it as shown in the below screenshot:
After this, created a permissions target to restrict access to a specific folder called st-fraud-infra to the anonymous user. Hence added st-fraud-infra/** as a exclude pattern, kindly refer to the below screenshot for the same:
Add anonymous users from the Users tab and provided appropriate permissions based on your requirement.
Once you saved the permission target while accessing the Artifactory through the anonymous user, I could not see the excluded folder which is st-fraud-infra.

How to manage access permission in alfresco

Hello Everyone thank's in advance for your help.
I am trying to configure access permission in alfresco and now stuck in a scenario
It would be great help if someone defines proper way to achieve this functionality
now my problem is
I want to create a site (which will be accessible by all user)
then will create folder and sub folder in that site (i am ready to customize content type of those folder if required)
now i want to configure alfresco in such a way that specific set of user can access specific folder and it's content
for example
This is list of user
And this is folder structure
Now how to configure it in such a way that
user1 can access Data->Exam
user2 can access work and all it's child folder
user3 can access Data and all it's child folder
user4 can access Design and all it's child folder and
user5 can access Data->Work, Design->art,Work->W1 folder
Note that i am using CMIS api to generate this folder structure
so is there any way to achieve this by java code only ?
i have read about managing permission but not sure about using it just because when i have tried to provide permission to folder it allow to add only single user
but in my case i want to make group of user and want to make the folder accessible by that particulate group.
Thank you so much for you time :)
If you want to use a group, you'll need to create the group in Alfresco using either the admin console or the Alfresco API. CMIS cannot manage users or groups.
Once your users and groups are in place, you can use CMIS to assign them to ACLs. However, the challenge is that you may need to disable or "break" ACL inheritance to do exactly what you want. You cannot disable ACL inheritance with the CMIS API. You'll have to do it in the UI or through the Alfresco API.
With your users and groups in place and with your folders configured to inherit or not inherit parent permissions as needed, you can now add users and groups to your folders. With CMIS, you can add as many users or groups as you need to a given folder. It is not limited to a single user or group. This page has some examples on using Access Control Entries (ACEs) which make up Access Control Lists (ACLs).
I think that Jeff Potts answer is great i will only add few thing's you can look to this post it will give you an answer how to work with ACL How to get Acls of a document.
You can also use the allowable action in any Folder (or document) it will look like this :
Action a = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT;
object = session.getObjectByPath(idObject); // In case it's a folder
if (object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions().contains(a)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;// You can do it
Only remember that you can get the allowable action from String (In case you want work with few of them)
String canCreateFolder= Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
the most importante Action that you have to use :
can_create_folder = Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
can_create_document = Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT.value();
can_update_folder = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_update_document = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_delete_folder = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
can_delete_document = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
Hope that helped you.

Alfresco - Start Replication Job as User (from Dashlet)

I created a Dashlet in Alfresco Share with an Overwiew of the Replication Jobs. I changed the permissions in the Replication Definition Webscripts from admin to user. As Admin i can start the Replication Job from the Dashlet.
Is it possible to adjust the permissions, that a Site Manager or User can start the Replication Job? I still got a "Access Denied Problem".
Where do i have to look at?
No, all the Replication Job WebScripts explicitly require admin privileges so it is not possible to do this out-of-the-box.
If you really want to achieve this then your only option would be to override the relevant WebScripts (essentially copy/paste the defaults) and change the *.desc.xml files to change
to be
However, that would make them available for any user to run. You would need to further edit the WebScripts to make checks that the user is a member of a specific group.
I changed the authentication to
<authentication runas="admin">user</authentication>
That helped for me.

User cannot create file using WebDav with Alfresco

I am using WebDav to copy and paste multiple files into Alfresco.
The problem is that I can only do this with administrator IDs.
When I try to create new files or update existing files as a non-administrator
user, I get the following error:
HTTP Status Code: 403 caused by: 03300303 Access Denied. You do not have the appropriate permissions to perform this operation.
Is there anyway to allow non-administrator IDs to create/update files?
The Alfresco WebDAV support uses identical permissions to the rest of Alfresco. Nothing special - it's just one of the number of different ways you can interact with the nodes stored in your Alfresco repo.
As such, the user you log in as needs to have both read and write permissions to the folder in question. Typically, that means they need to be a member of the site you want to write to, and need to have permissions higher than Consumer.
As long as the user has write permissions to where you want to write to, they'll be able to make changes using WebDAV.

How do I setup KnowledgeTree with a publicly accessible folder?

I've been asked to setup KnowledgeTree ( for a client of mine. KnowledgeTree seems to do user-authenticated DMS very well, but they want the option of having a folder that has world public-read access so they can share links to this folder with the rest of the world.
The only problem is that for the life of me I simply cannot figure out how to make KT do this. I have read in the docs about anonymous access and setting access for an "everyone" role but KT won't let me create a role of everyone.
I'm using the Community Edition of KT v3.6.3
I came across your post while looking for an answer to the very question you're asking. I figured out the answer last night and feel the right thing is to share it with you and others who may be struggling with this as we did.
Log in as an Administrator
Navigate to the "DMS Administration" area
Go to System Configuration
Go to General Settings
Scroll to Session Management
Allow Anonymous log in
Create the public directory
Edit the directory's permissions to include the role named "Everyone"
If you follow these steps, all documents in the public directory will be accessible without requiring a username and password.
Hope this helps
If public access doesn't need to be via KT, consider enabling the WebDAV feature in KT.
If you have a Linux-based web server, you can then use davfs2 to mount the specific KT folders as local folders on the web server. I use davfs2 to provide document access via my wiki. This can probably be done on Windows using similar tools/techniques.
