MVC6/ASP.NET core published to iis 404 on controller endpoints -

I have managed to publish an MVC6 website to IIS, but it seems to be only serving the static files in wwwroot. As soon as I make a request to a MVC controller endpoint I get a 404.
What other steps do I need for the backend code to run? I see that in the web.config it is executing the web.cmd file in approot, but this doesn't seem to be running.
Edit Running the web.cmd directly - i.e. using the self-host ability - works fine on the server where the app is deployed.

I had a similar issue to this (404 on every page except for root) and while initially it looked like an IIS configuration issue or a problem with httpPlatformHandler, after running web.cmd manually I was able to find some issues with my connection string.
After fixing these issues I was able to run the site through IIS without any hassles.


ASP.NET Core RC2 403.14 Forbidden error

I am trying to set up an ASP.NET Core test website on my Windows 10 machine. I followed the steps found in the ASP.NET Core documentation (, but when I browse to the site, I get a 403.14 Forbidden error. I can Run the app through Visual Studio, fine and everything is rendered as expected, but when I Publish the site, the error appears. A few other items:
The root of the site is pointing to the wwwroot folder of the published output as it should be.
I can place a static file in the wwwroot folder and access it through the browser fine. Problem only seems to happen when browsing to MVC code. When enabled, directory browsing works fine as well.
Routing, controllers, and views are set up correctly. I can Run and Debug the site in VS fine with an instance of Kestrel running.
I am trying to access the site via port 80 on a test URL specified in my hosts file (I am hosting a number of other sites fine on the same machine already with this common config).
The app pool is configured correctly using No Managed Code.
The IIS instance has full file permissions to the folder.
I am thinking I have something messed up in my installation (I had a previous install of HttpPlatformHandler installed previous to the RC2 where it was replaced by AspNetCoreModule). Any thoughts?

ASP.NET WEB API 2 Works Locally But Not On Production Web Server

I've developed a new WEB API 2 that works great locally, however when I upload the same code to my production server (Arvixe in this case) all I get is a 404 when I call it. I've spent HOURS searching the web, reading forums, etc.. and have been able to find no resolution, so I'm asking here as my last effort.
I'm currently only testing with the default project that gets created when you do New Project > ASP.NET Web API 2 Empty Project in Visual Studio. This creates an empty project with a single ValuesController. You should be able the JSON response by called /api/values, but this doesn't even work.
I'm using Fiddler to test the API locally and on the web server.
http://localhost:1993/api/values <--- works great
but <--- returns 404
Note: I created a subdomain "api" in this case, but everything for the code for the API is unchanged from when it was created.
Why in the world does this work locally but not on the production web server?
That the server returns 404 (Not Found) may indicate a lot of things. However you can check using the following step:
Add a simple text document like readme.txt to your a folder sub-domain, and try to get access to that. If you can't access to that file, it means that the subdomain is not configured properly.
Publish the webservice using the "Publish" functionality, so that all DLLs will be copied.
After that,try to reach the Web ApI again.
Hope that help.
"Note: I created a subdomain 'api' in this case, but everything for the code for the API is unchanged from when it was created."
Above comment of your's is suspicious, you should publish your WEB API application in the root directory. Like if is pointing to "MyExample" folder, then application should be published on "MyExample" folder.
After that you will be able access your api with{controller}/{action}
Just a simple suggestion which I'm sure you have already considered, but have you opened the http port 80 on the server's firewall?
Also stick a plain old html file in the root of your project and see if the server serves it up.
in your case, since you create a subdomain of 'api', you should try
note that if you're using database for the function, you should change the connectionString in your web config
Please verify the .net framework on you hosted domain that may be old one.
Web api 2 is supposed on 4.5 framework.
One reason for web api 2 method working OK on local machine but not on production server is that the method you are calling is working on local machine but not on remote server. In such a case you will receive message 404 or 500, and you would be lost why this routing is failing.
Why a method would fail on remote server, well there may be many reasons. For me, I was querying database in my method and my connectionString was not set for remote server.
One way of resolving it would be to put some very simple code in that particular method and test that routing is working. Then check your original code for errors reasons.

Changing "Project Url" causes ASP.Net Web app to not be debuggable

I have an ASP.NET Web Application project that I am using to host a WCF Data Services (OData) project.
I went and changed the url from:
after I did that I created a Virtual Directory for the new project URL.
Now when I run I get this error:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.
I clicked help but it was no help (was IIS 6 level instructions, I have IIS 7). I did some googling and it was all fairly generic responses.
How can I get this working again? (Aside from revert to my old Url. Reverting works but I changed it for a very good reason.)
Your virtual directory need to point to the same scr directory you were originally debugging against.
Also, make sure the virtual directory is configured for Windows Authentication, which is required for debugging.
I had to go to my website in IIS and add a folder under it called v1. After I did that it all worked perfectly.

How to make Asp.Net ignore my physical directory?

I'm creating my first FubuMVC application. I've got a physical folder Demo and a route that should handle the "/demo" url. For some reason, when I try to debug it in Visual Studio, it issues a permanent redirect to "/demo/", and then returns HTTP Error 404.20 - Not Found (No default document). When I route the same action to /demostuff, everything works just fine. I noticed that my application startup scripts are fired on the first request, but it's somehow not routed to Fubu's HttpHandler.
I'm using IIS Express.

Getting 404 error in IIS when calling asp page

I have a problem with my 4.0 application. When I call it on the server, it works, but when I call it from outside the server, it gives me a 404 error.
The link I call the application from is the good one. Other 4.0 applications are working fine when called from outside the server. The other applications are in another folder though, but I do not see why it would work under a folder and not another one. There is no IP restrictions on the applications.
Anyone got that error int eh past?
The app is configured as an 4.0 application. it is stored in a virtual directory.
This link works:
this link does not :
A coworker and me found the answer. It's because the server I called on my url was supposed to have a rule redirecting the browser to the right url. So IIS7 on my test server was setted up right.
Theres several things to check.
That is even going to your server. Put a file in the root directory 'test.txt' that IIS lists as the root folder for your site. ensure you can get to it.
Once you verify your root site folder WORKS for ex., then ensure you have a virtual directory /phonebook that contains a folder phonebook within it.
Seems overkill to be having to folders named phonebook. Try taking one of them out and pointing your web application to your
c:\whatever\phonebook\phonebook folder.
Make sure port 443 is bound to your app if you're using https, that could be your problem.
