I have a Page that displays a list of Members in a group, but I need to change the sort of the group members. I though the esiest way would be to add a relation editor to the pagetype with the sort order added via a Data Extension
Here is my extension on Group
class MyGroup extends DataExtension {
static $many_many_extraFields = array(
'Members' => array(
'SortOrder' => "Int"
On the Page I have the following:
if($this->GroupID != 0 && Permission::check("APPLY_ROLES")) {
$group = Group::get()->byID($this->GroupID);
$fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.Members", array(
new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder')
When I try to sort the Members I get an error
Uncaught SS_DatabaseException: Couldn't run query:
UPDATE "" SET "SortOrder" = 1 WHERE "" = 12 AND "" = 18
I'm not sure why GridField isn't getting the Columns
You can define the sort order on the list you use for the gridfield
If you want to sort them manually, have a look at https://github.com/silverstripe-australia/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions or https://github.com/UndefinedOffset/SortableGridField.
Both modules give you the possibility to sort the entries with drag and drop.
I am using search api and Solr, When I echo the result variable , it gave me the following results
stdClass Object
[entity] => 442415
[_entity_properties] => Array
[search_api_relevance] => 1
[search_api_excerpt] =>
[search_api_item_id] => 442415
In views i added ( custom text field, that is global variable), With this nid 442415, i will do certain node load operation and finally,
i will get price for the specific product. This code block will execute inside the foreach.
Please guideme,
which hook i should use , _views_post_execute or _views_pre_render ?
How to assign new value in to which variable and how to print that in tpl
Finally, i want to display the price on each item
This link resolved my problem.
Solution approach
function mymodule_views_pre_render(&$view) {
if($view->name == 'my_view') {
foreach($view->result as &$row) {
$row->_entity_properties['nothing'] = 'new value';
print $row->_entity_properties['nothing'];
I've been searching all over the place and couldn't find a solution. I want to join two tables in SilverStripe. It's very simple:
class Module extends DataObject {
static $has_one = array(
'Website' => 'Website'
class Website extends DataObject {
static $has_many = array(
'Modules' => 'Module'
I want to join these two, and get all the attributes in one DataList. The leftJoin() function won't do anything, and it's mentioned in their website that
Passing a $join statement to will filter results further by the JOINs performed against the foreign table. It will not return the additionally joined data.
I tried to use raw query
DB::query('SELECT * FROM "Module" LEFT JOIN "Website" ON "Website"."ID" = "Module"."WebsiteID"');
but all I got was this
MySQLQuery Object ( [handle:protected] => mysqli_result Object ( [current_field] => 0 [field_count] => 19 [lengths] => [num_rows] => 5 [type] => 0 ) [currentRecord:protected] => [rowNum:protected] => -1 [queryHasBegun:protected] => )
Anyone has any idea how to do that? Thanks!
I found a way around. It's not the perfect solution for joining two tables, especially when there are a lot of attributes, but it does give me what I want for now.
$modules = Module::get();
$list = new ArrayList();
foreach($modules as $module) {
$website = Website::get()->filter(array(
'ID' => $module->WebsiteID
$array = array("mName" => $module->Name,
"mDes" => $module->Description,
"wName" => $website->Name);
You indeed cannot get the joined data through the default ORM. If you, however, choose to decide to use the DB::Query(), you can easily fetch them as an array.
An example:
$items = DB::Query("
FROM Module
LEFT JOIN Website ON Website.ID = Module.WebsiteID
if($items) {
$i = 0;
foreach($items as $item) {
$moduleTitle = $item['Title'];
$websiteURL = $item['URL'];
This option is faster than the workaround you suggested. If you need an ArrayList because you want to use the data in a template, build the ArrayList yourself, or use a snippet like this.
I need to import a list of terms into my taxonomy from a source I loaded in the database.
The problem is I allready have this taxonomy on my site (loaded wihtout migrate) with terms that are used by reference in other content, so I got to keep existing term and update them or create the new ones.
To link my taxonomy source and the existing taxonomy I have an unique code for each term, so I added a code field to my vocabulary and filled it for each existing term.
I am currently able to create and update terms with my current Migration class, but if the name of my term on the site and the name of the term in my source is different, the import will create a new term instead of updating its name even if the code is the same.
Here my Migration Class :
class TotoMigration extends Migration {
private $list_term = array();
public function __construct($arguments) {
$this->softDependencies = array('TotoParent');
// get data from the custom table containing the new terms to create or update
$query = db_select('toto', 'f')
->fields('f', array(
'CODE', // code
'LIBLONG', // name
'PARENT', // parent
$this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query);
$this->destination = new MigrateDestinationTerm('toto_tax');
$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName,
'CODE' => array('type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 5,
'not null' => TRUE,
'description' => 'Code',
$this->addFieldMapping('name', 'LIBLONG');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_code', 'CODE');
$this->addFieldMapping('parent', 'PARENT')
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'))
// create a list of existing toto terms with code => tid
$list_term = db_query("select fc.field_code_value, ttd.tid
from taxonomy_term_data ttd
left join taxonomy_term_hierarchy tth on tth.tid=ttd.tid
left join field_data_field_code fc on fc.entity_id = ttd.tid
where ttd.vid=10
and tth.parent!=0;")->fetchAllKeyed();
public function prepareRow($row) {
// Always include this fragment at the beginning of every prepareRow()
// implementation, so parent classes can ignore rows.
if (parent::prepareRow($row) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// if the destination is not mapped in migrate we tell him where to go
if (!isset($row->migrate_map_destid1) && isset($list_term[$row->CODE])) {
$row->migrate_map_destid1 = $list_term[$row->CODE];
I then load the import with drush (and --update option).
I must be missing something, if anyone got a clue it will be welcome.
After many tries, the problem reside in the fact the module Migrate does not support Creating content and Updating content in the same migration class (I even read it will sometime claim to update content and just do nothing).
So the solution is pretty simple, create 2 classes :
One for Creating content
One for Updating content
Your Creating class will be the same.
Your Updating class will need to have a systemeOfRecord set to DESTINATION :
$this->systemOfRecord = Migration::DESTINATION;
So it knows to only update and not recreate the content, it will keep current fields not mapped and update fields mapped that are not part of the MigrateSQLMap :
$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName,array(...));
The tricky part will be to find corresponding nid/tid of your content so you can map it to your imported data and then to separate data used to update or create content.
I'm managing the DataObject class 'trainer' with ModelAdmin. A trainer has a many_many relation to my other class 'language'.
On my 'trainer' class I'm manipulating the 'searchableFields' function to display a ListboxField in the filters area.
public function searchableFields() {
$languagesField = ListboxField::create(
return array (
'Languages' => array (
'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
'title' => 'Sprachen',
'field' => $languagesField
That works like expected and shows me the wanted ListboxField. The Problem is, after selecting 1 or 2 or whatever languages and submitting the form, I'm receiving
[Warning] trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
Is it possible here to filter with an many_many relation? And if so, how? Would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
Full Error Message: http://www.sspaste.com/paste/show/56589337eea35
Trainer Class: http://www.sspaste.com/paste/show/56589441428d0
You need to define that logic within a $searchable_fields parameter instead of the searchableFields() which actually constructs the searchable fields and logic.
PHP would be likely to throw an error if you go doing fancy form stuff within the array itself, so farm that form field off to a separate method in the same DataObject and simply call upon it.
See my example, I hope it helps.
/* Define this DataObjects searchable Fields */
private static $searchable_fields = array(
'Languages' => array (
'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
'title' => 'Sprachen',
'field' => self::languagesField()
/* Return the searchable field for Languages */
public function languagesField() {
return ListboxField::create(
Yes, it's possible. You just need to override two methods - one in Trainer data object and one in TrainerModelAdmin. First one will make a field, second one will do filtering.
Trainer Data Object:
public function scaffoldSearchFields($_params = null)
$fields = parent::scaffoldSearchFields($_params);
// get values from query, if set
$query = Controller::curr()->request->getVar('q');
$value = !empty($query['Languages']) && !empty($query['Languages']) ? $query['Languages'] : array();
// create a field with options and values
$lang = ListboxField::create("Languages", "Sprachen", Language::get()->map()->toArray(), $value, null, true);
// push it to field list
return $fields;
Trainer Model Admin
public function getList()
$list = parent::getList();
// check if managed model is right and is query set
$query = $this->request->getVar('q');
if ($this->modelClass === "Trainer" && !empty($query['Languages']) && !empty($query['Languages']))
// cast all values to integer, just to be sure
$ids = array();
foreach ($query['Languages'] as $lang)
$ids[] = (int)$lang;
// make a condition for query
$langs = join(",", $ids);
// run the query and take only trainer IDs
$trainers = DB::query("SELECT * FROM Trainer_Languages WHERE LanguageID IN ({$langs})")->column("TrainerID");
// filter query on those IDs and return it
return $list->filter("ID", $trainers);
return $list;
I needed to to add / update field collections to node entities without updating the node entities. I tried two ways listed in https://www.drupal.org/node/1842304 and http://alexrayu.com/blog/saveupdate-field-collection-without-nodesave but none of them seems to be working exactly the way I want.
I tried as follows:
$node = node_load($nid);
$field_collection_item = entity_create('field_collection_item', array('field_name' => 'field_college_rating_data'));
$field_collection_item->setHostEntity('node', $node);
$field_collection_item->field_text1['und'][0]['tid'] = $form_state['input']['field_text1']['und'];
$field_collection_item->field_text2['und'][0]['value'] = $form_state['input']['field_text2']['und'];
It added a field collection but it updates the node.
I also tried to alter the field collection form submit and used custom submit handler as follows:
function own_custom_field_collection_submit($form,$form_state) {
$field_collection_item = field_collection_item_form_submit_build_field_collection($form, $form_state);
drupal_set_message(t('The changes have been saved.'));
$form_state['redirect'] = $field_collection_item->path();
I have copied this code from core field collection module to change the default argument to "TRUE" in the save function. It added the field collection but didn't associated with the parent node.
I need to save the field collection separately since my node entity form is very large with 50 to 60 fields and field collections and I don't want to update it as many times as I add / update any field collections to the node.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You have to pragmatically relate your field collection to the host entity by the following code.
$field_collection_item = field_collection_item_form_submit_build_field_collection($form, $form_state);
$host_entity = $field_collection_item->hostEntity();
$lang = 'und';
if (isset($host_entity->nid) && isset($host_entity->vid) && isset($lang) && isset($field_collection_item->item_id) && isset($field_collection_item->revision_id)) {
$query = db_select('field_data_field_text1', 'fd');
$query->addExpression('max(fd.delta)', 'total_row');
$query->condition('fd.entity_id', $host_entity->nid);
$max_delta = $query->execute()->fetchField();
if (isset($max_delta)) {
$max_delta = $max_delta + 1;
} else {
$max_delta = 0;
'entity_type' => 'node',
'bundle' => '{node_type}',
'entity_id' => $host_entity->nid,
'revision_id' => $host_entity->vid,
'language' => $lang,
'delta' => $max_delta,
'field_text' => $field_collection_item->item_id,
'field_text_revision_id' => $field_collection_item->revision_id
Replace your content type and field type in { } and then you just have your field collection relate to your host entity.