There is a website where you can play roulette, you can put on the colors only (red, black = double, green = 14x)
The rolls are computed by the following way:
There is a serverSeed EVERY 24 hours its different
This is a precomputed value generated some time in the past.
Seeds are generated in a chain such that today's seed is the hash of tomorrow's seed. Since there is no way to reverse SHA-256 we can prove each seed was generated in advance by working backwards from a precomputed chain.
There is a lotto and round_id too but they are given only the serverSeed is hidden until next day.
$server_seed = "39b7d32fcb743c244c569a56d6de4dc27577d6277d6cf155bdcba6d05befcb34";
$lotto = "0422262831";
$round_id = "1";
$hash = hash("sha256",$server_seed."-".$lotto."-".$round_id);
$roll = hexdec(substr($hash,0,8)) % 15;
echo "Round $round_id = $roll";
This is how rolls are generated with making a new hash everyround as the round ID increments by 1 every roll, the serverSeed and the lotto remains the same whole day.
There is also a history page on the website where you can check every rolled color and number in the past.
My Question: Is there anyway to compute the next roll by the already rolled numbers? (I dont talk about reversing the SHA256 serverSeed or anything like that!!!)
But really isnt any math in this?
I know its MIGHT be all random but i cant imagine this is random.
Here are the yesterday's rolls where you can see the Round IDs too.
I saw the rolls a lot of time repeat sometimes but sometimes its not... I cant believe it doesnt have any math in it.
>>>> LUCK? OR MATH? <<<<
Waiting for answers...
The method is an example of "KDF in Counter Mode" as defined in NIST SP 800-108, with SHA256 as "PRF". As far as i know this method is considered a secure random number generator. So the answer is "There is no math in it, repetitions are just luck".
I have recently been looking into Bitcoin and the proof of work system.
In this system, when mining, a user has a "challenge string" that they need to concatenate with the CORRECT "proof string"(nonce) and hash, the outcome of that hash starts with a prefix of leading zeros and that's how they verify the block.
My question is, when combining that "challenge string" and the CORRECT "proof string"(nonce), why does the corresponding hash of those values start with the prefix of zeros? How does that work?
The combination of "Challenge string" and "proof of string" is sent to a hashing function, which is a one way function and results in a "random string" (The condition on "random string" is that it should have x number of zeroes in the beginning. The difficulty of guessing increases day to day, which is nothing but x increases).
The job of a Miner is to guess the "proof of string" until the condition on the "random string" is met.
So, it is a pure guessing game. GPUs are very good at generating random numbers very quickly. That is why miners around the world are using top class GPUs to mine the bitcoin transactions.
Not specific to Bitcoin but Bitcoin uses the same mechanism, see for a description of how Proof Of Work "works" and why it works that way.
The short answer is that you are creating a hash collision ( and the more leading zeros there are the more difficult it is to create the collision.
In Bitcoin, the difficulty is algorithmically chosen based on the compute on the bitcoin network. This typically only goes up, but should the compute go down the dificulty will also go down. The algorithm adjusts dificulty to keep transaction verification time around 10 minutes.
To impress two (german) professors i try to improve the game theory.
AI in Computergames.
Game Theory: Intelligence is a well educated proven Answer to an Question.
This means a thoughtfull decision is choosing an act who leads to an optimal result.
Question -> Resolution -> Answer -> Test (Check)
For Example one robot is fighting another robot.
This robot has 3 choices:
-move forward
-hold position
-move backward
The resulting Programm is pretty simple
randomseed = initvalue;
while (one_is_alive)
choice = randomselect(options,probability);
We are using pseudorandomness.
The test for success is simply did he elimate the opponent.
The robots have automatically shooting weapons :
struct weapon
struct life
Now for some Evolution.
We let 2 robots fight each other and remember the randomseeds.
What is the sign of a succesfull Roboter ?
struct {
list_of_opponentrandomseed; // the array of the beaten opponents.
Now the question is how do we choose the right strategy against an opponent ?
We assume we have for every possible seed-strategy the optimal anti-strategy.
Now the only thing we have to do is to observe the numbers from the opponent
and calculate his seed value.Then we could choose the right strategy.
For cracking the random generator we can use the manual method :
or the brute Force :
It depends on the algorithm used to generate the (pseudo) random numbers. If the pseudo random number generator algorithm is known, you can guess the seed by observing a number of states (robot moves). This is similar to brute force guessing a password, used for encryption, as, some encryption algorithms are known as stream ciphers, and are basically (sometimes exactly), a one time pad that is used to obfuscate the data. Now, lets say that you know the pseudorandom number generator used is a simple lagged fibonacci generator. Then, you know that they are generating each number by calculating x(n) = x(n - 2) + x(n - 3) % 3. Therefore, by observing 3 different robot moves, you will then be able to predict all of the future moves. The seed, is the first 3 numbers supplied that give the sequence you observe. Now, most random number generators are not this simple, some have up to 1024 bit length seeds, and would be impossible for a modern computer to cycle through all of those possibilities in a brute force manner. So basically, what you would need to do, is to find out what PRNG algorithm is used, find out all possible initial seed values, and devise an algorithm to determine the seed the opponent robot is using based upon their actions. Depending on the algorithm, there are ways of guessing the seed faster than testing each and every one. If there is a faster way of guessing such a seed, this means that the PRNG in question is not suitable from cryptographic applications, as it means passwords are easier guessed. AES256 itself has a break, but it still takes theoretically 2 ^ 111 guesses (instead of the brute force 2 ^256 guesses), which means it has been broken, technically, but 2 ^ 111 is still way too many operations for modern computers to process in a meaningful time frame.
if the PRNG was lagged fibonacci (which is never used anymore, I am just giving a simple example) and you observed that the robot did option 0, then, 1, then 2... you would then know that the next thing the robot will do is... 1, since 0 + 1 % 3 = 1. You could also backtrack, and figure out what the initial values were for this PRNG, which represents the seed.
I've written a simple A* path finding algorithm to quickly find a way through a tile based dungeon in which the tiles contain the information of walls.
An example of a dungeon (only 1 path for simplicity):
However now I'd like to add a variable amount of "Bombs" to the algorithm which would allow the path-finding to ignore 1 wall. However now it doesn't find the best paths anymore,
for example with use of only 1 bomb the generated path looks like the first image here:
Edit: actually it would look like this:
While the correct path would be the second image
The problem is that "Closed Nodes" now interfere with possible paths. Any ideas of how to tackle this problem would be greatly appreciated!
Your "game state" will no longer only be defined by your location, but also by an integer representing the number of bombs you have left. If you're following the pseudocode of A* on wikipedia, this means you cannot simply implement the closedSet as a grid of booleans. It should probably be implemented as, for example, a hash map / hash set, where every entry holds the following data:
x coordinate
y coordinate
number of bombs left
By visiting a certain position in the search process, you'll no longer mark just that position as closed. You'll mark the combination of position + number of bombs left as closed. That way, if later on in the same search process you run into a position where you're at the same location, but have more bombs left, you will not ignore it as closed but will actually continue searching that possibility.
Note that, if the maximum possible number of bombs is relatively low, you could also implement the closedSet as an array of boolean grids, where you first index by number of bombs, then by x and y coordinates to find out if a specific position is closed or not.
Doesn't this mean that you just pretend to not have any walls at all?
Use A* to find the shortest path from start to end and then check how many walls you'd have to go through. If you have enough bombs, you can use the path. Otherwise, try the next longest path and so on.
By the way: you might want to check for questions like this one.
You need to tweak the cost function to cost something for a bomb, then run the algorithm normally with an infinite cost for a second bomb. To get the bomb approximately halfway, play about with cost function, it should probably cost about the heuristic A-B distance times the cost for an empty tile. If you have two bombs, half the cost and of course then use of three bombs costs infinite.
But don't expect very good results. A* isn't designed for that kind of optimisation.
I'm trying to find 2 different plain text words that create very similar hashes.
I'm using the hashing method 'whirlpool', but I don't really need my question to be answered in the case or whirlpool, if you can using md5 or something easier that's ok.
The similarities i'm looking for is that they contain the same number of letters (doesnt matter how much they're jangled up)
plaintext 'test'
hash 1: abbb5 has 1 a , 3 b's , one 5
plaintext 'blahblah'
hash 2: b5bab must have the same, but doesnt matter what order.
I'm sure I can read up on how they're created and break it down and reverse it, but I am just wondering if what I'm talking about occurs.
I'm wondering because I haven't found a match of what I'm explaining (I created a PoC to run threw random words / letters till it recreated a similar match), but then again It would take forever doing it the way i was dong it. and was wondering if anyone with real knowledge of hashes / encryption would help me out.
So you can do it like this:
create an empty sorted map \
create a 64 bit counter (you don't need more than 2^63 inputs, in all probability, since you would be dead before they would be calculated - unless quantum crypto really takes off)
use the counter as input, probably easiest to encode it in 8 bytes;
use this as input for your hash function;
encode output of hash in hex (use ASCII bytes, for speed);
sort hex on number / alphabetically (same thing really)
check if sorted hex result is a key in the map
if it is, show hex result, the old counter from the map & the current counter (and stop)
if it isn't, put the sorted hex result in the map, with the counter as value
increase counter, goto 3
That's all folks. Results for SHA-1:
011122344667788899999aaaabbbcccddeeeefff for both 320324 and 429678
I don't know why you want to do this for hex, the hashes will be so large that they won't look too much alike. If your alphabet is smaller, your code will run (even) quicker. If you use whole output bytes (i.e. 00 to FF instead of 0 to F) instead of hex, it will take much more time - a quick (non-optimized) test on my machine shows it doesn't finish in minutes and then runs out of memory.
This is a Vigenere cipher-text
The index of coincidence gave a shift of six (6): I know this is right (I used an online Java applet to decrypt the whole thing using the key 'QUARTZ').
However, in this question we are only told the first and last two letters of the Key - 'Q' and 'TZ.'
So far I have split the ciphertext into slices using this awesome applet. So the first slice is 0, k, 2k, 3k, 4k; the second is 1, k + 1, 2k + 1, 3k + 1; et cetera.
My idea was to calculate the highest-frequency letter in each block, hoping that the most frequent letter would give me some clue as to how to find 'U,' 'A' and 'R.' However, the most frequent letters in these blocks are:
KeyPos=0: Q,4 T,3 E,3, J,3
KeyPos=1: C,4 U,3 Y,3
KeyPos=2: N,4 O,3 R,3 D,3 B,2
KeyPos=3: V,4 D,3 Z,3
KeyPos=4: H,6 X,6 M,3 G,3
KeyPos=5: M,4 T,4 N,3 G,3
Which yields QCNVHM, or QUNVHM (being generous), neither of which are that close to QUARTZ. There are online applets that can crack this no problem, so it mustn't be too short a text to yield decent frequency counts from the blocks.
I guess I must be approaching this the wrong way. I just hoped one of you might be able to offer some clue as to where I am going wrong.
p.s. This is for a digital crypto class.
Interesting question...
I don't have a programmatic solution for cracking the original ciphertext, but I was able to solve it with a little mind power and some helpful JavaScript.
I started by using this page and the information you supplied. Provide the ciphertext, a key length of 6 and hit initialize. What's nice about the approach here is that unknowns in either the plaintext or key are left as hyphens.
Update the key, adding only what you know Q---TZ and click 'update plaintext'. At this point we know:
Here's where I applied a bit of brain power. You start recognizing bits of the plaintext. the, now and off make an appearance. At the end, there's ght - this made me think the prior letter is likely a vowel. For example light or thought. I replaced the corresponding hyphen with u and clicked update keyword to find what letter would have produced that combination. The matching letter turns out to be F. I think updated the plaintext to see the results. They didn't look promising. So I tried i instead which resulted in:
Now we're getting somewhere. At the start I see something that might be usual, and further in I see int--cept and near the end w--nesd-- at mi--ight. Voila. Filling in the letters for wednesday and updating the keyword yielded QUARTZ.
... So, how to port this approach to code? Not sure about the best way to do that just yet. The idea of using the known characters in the key, partially decrypting the ciphertext and brute forcing the rest is appealing. But without a dictionary handy, I'm not sure what the best brute-forcing method would be...
To be continued (maybe)...
An algorithm wouldn't just consider the most frequent letters but the frequency pattern of the whole alphabet. Technically you compute the index of coincidence for each possible shift and consider the maximal ones.