meteorpad is down - what can be done to bring it back up? - meteor

I was trying to access to retrieve a particular example, which would help with my current development task.
I kept trying to log onto meteorpad , but it appears to be down.
Does anyone know who to contact to bring this site back online?

Mike Risse.
Have you posted to the Meteor forum to ask?


Drupal 7 - Server Error 500 when adding a Filter to views

For some reason when I try adding a filter to any view that I have, I receive the Server Error 500.
In Google Chrome I get
In Firefox I get this this.
To be detailed, I have a view that currently displays published articles. All Articles are translated into Spanish and English. I am trying to add the filter: Content:language and set it to user current language.
When I save, the page refreshes and the temporary changes notice is shown. I try saving a second time and the Server Error comes up. This happens for both web browsers.
Could it be a that I have to enable a read/write for a certain file? If so, I don't know which file to look for.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me ? I have been at it for about 13 hours...
After taking the advice from #Rainfall in the comment, I found another post on Drupal's forum with the solution/ patch for this issue.
Here is the post with the solution
Comment #9 gave a patch that worked for others and it worked for me too. More in depth info on the issue is there as well.

Linkedin sharing page keeps spinning

I’m trying to use the shareArticle API on a website for a client, whatever parameters I’m giving the share page keeps spinning, it seems to be a parsing issue but I’m not able to figure it out.I’ve also tried to use the share button API but it’s not better.
This is the URL I’m trying to share (but every URL from the site seems to be having the same issue) :
Any idea what might be wrong?
Here’s the source code to generate the share button:
$postURLLinkedin = urlencode(home_url() . "?p=" . get_the_ID());
$linkedin_share = '<li><a class="sb-linkedin" href="'.$postURLLinkedin.'&title='.urlencode($postTitle).'&source='.urlencode(home_url()).'&summary='.urlencode($postSummary).'" onclick=",\'\', \'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600\');return false;" title="Partager sur Linkedin"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a></li>';
If you load the url in your linkedin profile and then make sharing works again. It's not the right thing to do but I is saving me yet.
We need a fix for this, as I pass me the same. The link you want to share are created dynamic. The share is loaded and never get to share. With all browsers I have the same problem.
I just checked and its working fine. Though I didnt share it, but I was at the last step of sharing.

How do I Implement Globalization and Localization in ASP.NET

Suppose if someone opens my site from India it should show Indian time of if someone opens this site from US it should display their local time.
How can i do it.
Plz help me out
Thanks in advance
Your question should provide more detail and describe what you have already tried.
The best/easiest way is javascript - good option that leads to what I might guess is a middle ground for you here: How to get client date and time in ASP.NET?
If you don't want to use javascript you can try and determine it from the request headers, but this is less likely to consistently work. Found this in an answer that strangely also linked the first link above:

How do I view wordpress themes without logging in?

Many times I want to show a client how their site is progressing or show someone my current work on a theme to get feedback. I would like a way to send a link possibly with ?theme=.... in the URI that doesn't require a log in.
Currently I have to log in to show the client or others to show progress and get feedback.
Any known ways of doing this?
This could solve you problem.
Works with a sidebar which you could set temperarly
this one works with ?preview_theme=my-theme

How to create a dynamic image that updates when requested?

So I'm trying to make my own forum signature generator for some friends, and I've gotten most of the work done. My real issue now is refreshing the information when the image is requested from my server.
I have almost no clue how to even go about it, so I'm sorry if my question is poorly written. Basically, I'm looking for someone to push me in the right direction on how to have the image refresh from the datasource when it gets requested, but only if it has been more than 5 minutes to prevent an overload.
Thank you. I'll post code here, as I try to make it work once I get my start.
You will have to create a new HTTP handler. Check out this msdn post.
