Error messages: result.rejectvalue 3rd argument - spring-mvc

in the following code what is the point of the third argument to rejectValue ?
errors.rejectValue("descriptions", "second_lang_desc_required", new String[] { secondLang.getCode() }, null );
I have this in the message value : Description in second language of application required {0} but this is exactly waht I see in the JSP, no replacement

According to Spring doc the purpose of the third argument is to provide a string array of arguments for replacing vars in messages.
In other words and telling from your code example its exactly what you expected it to be.
I guess you already checked if secondLang.getCode() is different from null. If so please have a look at whether or not you are using the latest release of org.springframework.
It is working in 4.2.4 but I remember having had to use a workaround before switching to 4.2.4 (Yes, of course - a clever guy would check change history and would 'know' instead of assuming, but I never claimed to be one, did I?)


How to locate the method using an error message string?

I would like to know where is this error code located in the AOT. Would like to know the path to understand the structure and develop custom code.
Transaction has been selected, for settlement, although settlement type: none was selected
I generally use one of two methods to locate message strings.
Provided the cross reference is updated (it should be in dev) use the "Label editor" to to search for then string, see this answer.
Put a breakpoint in top of info.add method, disable CIL if needed, then rerun to get the error message invoking the debugger, see this answer.

Programmatically add key mappings in Atom

I'm creating several commands programmatically and want to avoid having to add key mappings for them explicitly in keymap.cson.
The Flight Manual page for Keymap Manager shows an add method. It doesn't give an example of how to actually use this method, so my guess is that this should work:
However, this does not appear to work. When I run this in the developer console, I get this message:
Encountered an invalid key binding when adding key bindings from 'atom-text-editor' 'custom:my-command'.
I got this message even if I changed alt to ctrl.
What does the correct method call on atom.keymaps look like.
I agree, the docs are not detailed enough. However, through trial and error, I managed to figure it out:
atom.keymaps.add('foo', {
'atom-text-editor' : {
'alt-1': 'custom:my-command',
'#': 'application:about'
// etc
atom.keymaps.add(source, bindings, priority);
The source argument is not the same as what is referred to as the selector in Atom speak. Instead, it's an identifier that can be used to remove the keybindings, should you wish to (except it seems they haven't actually implemented a remove method!).
Instead, the selector should go inside the bindings argument, as shown above.

Stack Trace Error for RefTableId field assignment

I created a new table and added a new Integer field (called RefTableId) with an EDT of the standard RefTableId type. Writing NewTable.RefTableId = tableNum(SomeTable); compiles but during run time I get this stack trace error: "Error executing code: Wrong argument types in variable assignment."
I've even tried NewTable.RefTableId = 0; This still fails. And yes, I've triple checked that it is indeed an integer field.
The solution is really stupid, the line before the assignments was reading .data() out of a FormListItem object that had invalid data in it. Instead of showing an error for that line, it skips over it and fails the assignment lines below. It makes no sense to me since I wasn't using any information from that FormListItem object to populate any field data with, yet still caused that to fail for some reason. I'm going to mark this one in the "Bang Head Here" category.
If the code is in a class, be sure to do a compile of all super classes as well as a compile forward (child classes). Remember to do an incremental CIL.
If it still fails do a full compile (axbuild).

assertTextPresent equivalent in phpunit

I'm trying to test for the presence of a string somewhere in a long webpage. Using PHPUnit's assertRegExp if the string is not found it prints out the entire page and then finishes with matches PCRE pattern "/xxxxxx/". According to the documentation I should be able to specify a message a third that will be printed out if the test fails. That message is printed, followed by the full page source. What I'd like to do is just print the message. Using Selenium in my previous apps I used assertTextPresent and it would just print out confirmation that the text was/was not found, without filling my screen.
I have tried wrapping the assertRegExp in a try-catch but it didn't change anything.
You could try assertContains() instead of assertRegexp().
PHPUnit is responsible for printing out the failed text, and this differs from one assert method to another. It just might work.
If it does not, open an issue at PHPUnit's issue tracker about PHPUnit printing too much out.
I am using the getBodyText() method to get all page content and than I use assertTextPresent() to check the presence of pattern.
$this->assertTextPresent($this->getBodyText(), 'text to find');
The solution has been positivly tested with latest phpunit 4.7.
I use assertTrue(stripos($haystack, $needle) !== false, 'Failed assertion message');

Error while compiling botan sample example in Qt

I am trying to find out the error for two days but still haven't got this unknown reason figure out.
I have configured and compiled Botan library. Everything goes ok but when try to write this sample code to be run..
S2K* s2k = get_s2k("PBKDF2(SHA-256)");
SecureVector<byte> key_and_IV = s2k->derive_key(48, passphrase).bits_of();
SymmetricKey key(key_and_IV, 32);
it says error: 'class Botan::PBKDF' has no member named 'set_iterations'
How can I solve this problem ?
The Botan docs for v1.11.1 report that the function get_s2k() has been deprecated, recommending that you use get_pbkdf() instead.
According to the docs, get_sdk(algospec) just returns the result of a call to get_pbkdf(algo_spec) which will give you a pointer to an instance of the class Botan::PBKDF.
First things first then, your code needs to be something more like:
PBKDF *s2k = getpbkdf("PBKDF2(SHA-256)");
Unfortunately without knowing what you want to do with s2k I can't help any further, as the docs have no reference to a public member function of PBKDF called set_iterations(). You're getting the error you mention because Botan::PBKDF really does have no member named set_iterations. You need to read the docs, work out what the purpose of set_iterations() was in your now deprecated example and hence how to achieve that purpose in the newer version of the library.
Possibly you missed your library header... as your error message says: 'has no member named...'
