Node.js externs for closure compiler? - google-closure-compiler

Firstly: The "official" (?) node.js externs are located here:
But i can't use it because the high amount of warnings (and errors sometimes) that are generated. For example: The declaration of "process" module is very "thin"; Only has one property defined on his prototype, besides not inherit from EventEmitter, so i can't register callback when, for example, i want to do a clean job on process SIGINT (process.on('SIGINT', callback)).
When i mix several externs files declaring the core modules of node.js, more and more warnings and errors are raised (i always respect the deps tree between externs). For example: If i include the events.js and stream.js externs files, an error is raised because the "event" global var is redeclared: Once in events and again in stream.
So: What am i doing wrong?
The closure compiler that i am using is the latest git, whit --new_type_inf and --env flags activated, among others.

For example: If i include the events.js and stream.js externs files, an error is raised because the "event" global var is redeclared: Once in events and again in stream.
This highlights the core of the problem - and why they are not well maintained. The compiler doesn't recognize that these variables are in fact NOT global. The compiler currently does not have a method to correctly interpret externs as modules. The were originally contributed and consumed by a fork of the project that could understand externs as modules.
I am currently working on adding support to the compiler for this and hope to some day soon be able to completely rewrite this answer.
In the mean time, you might be able to work around some of this by adding #suppress {duplicate} annotations to the files. However keep in mind that they will still be global types.
If you wish to improve the files (like having process properly extend EventEmitter), I will happily review pull requests for such changes.


What is "inlining" means in Next.js "env" document?

I'm searching of 'env' concept at static build file in Next.js but can't understand what is "inlining" meaning in this context. Could someone give me more specific example?
This loads process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ANALYTICS_ID into the Node.js environment automatically, allowing you to use it anywhere in your code. The value will be inlined into JavaScript sent to the browser because of the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. This inlining occurs at build time, so your various NEXT_PUBLIC_ envs need to be set when the project is built.
It means that when the build tool generates the source code to send to the browser, it will replace the instruction to read an an environment variable with a string representing the value of that environment variable at the time the build happened.

When referencing a .Net Standard project within a Xamarin solution, does all the code from the project get compiled into the app

Apologies if this sounds like a silly question. I'm not very experienced with how things are linked/bundled/assembled under the hood.
Before I begin, I'd like to say that I've tried reading documentation (such as to find the answer, but was unable to.
If I have a Xamarin.Forms solution and I reference a .Net Standard project:
Question 1: Does all the code from this project get compiled and included into the app such that it may be disassembled later, or is it only code from classes that I actually make use of that gets included?
Bit more elaboration:
For example, I may have a School class that expects an IStudent (inject via DI), and a Student class that implements IStudent. Both of these exist in the .Net Standard project that I reference in the Xamarin.Forms project. However, if I only actually make use of the Student class (by registering it with type IStudent in my IoC container), will the code from School get included in the built app as well?
Question 2: If all the code from the project does get included, is there a way to forcefully specify which classes to include/exclude by way of some configuration setting, attributes, 3rd-party library, or something else?
As far as i know everything in the NETStandard project get compiled and shipped with the app.
If you want to remove unused code from compiled assemblies you have to use the linker.
To link everything, you have to select "Sdk and User Assemblies".
The linker tries to dont strip away mthods and fields you are using, but often is too aggressive (for example, methods referenced only by reflection will be stripped).
Luckily there are few methods where you can fine-tune the linker behaviour and make it work. Some link to elaborate on:
Linker in iOS and Android
Official doc about the linker config:
Useful blogposts:

SBT - watch different sources depending on Task

In a cross Scala JS server / client project, I want changes of some sources to restart the server and other sources to trigger the packaging process, but without the restart. Different tasks will not help because they will simply do one or the other and I want both at the same time.
In more detail:
I've got a Scala.js crossProject. I'm using the following to ensure the server can serve the built JavScript:
val app = crossProject.settings(...)
lazy val appJS = app.js
lazy val jsFile = fastOptJS in(appJS, Compile)
lazy val appJVM = app.jvm.settings(
(resources in Compile) +=,
(resources in Compile) +=".map").toFile,
(resources in Compile) += (packageJSDependencies in(appJS, Compile)).value
If I run ~ appJVM/compile:packageBin::packageConfiguration then changes to the JavaScript source are immediately compiled and placed in the appJVM target/classes dir, so a refresh of the browser gets my new code - brilliant.
However, I would also like to use the sbt-revolver plugin to restart the server if I edit server-side code. But there's the rub - if I use ~ ;appJVM/compile:packageBin::packageConfiguration;appJVM/reStart then changes to the client side source restart the server, which I don't want. But if I remove the client side project from the transitive watch then it no longer notices if I change the client side project.
Is there a way to define watchTransitiveSources differently per task?
~ is actually a command that watches the transitive sources of the base project and then synchronously runs everything passed as an argument to it when those change, before re-running the original input (including ~). It does not make any information about what has changed available to those command line inputs (difficult to see how it could).
Consequently the solution I came to is to write a new watch command. It also needs to watch all sources, but then conditionally choose what to do based on which files have changed.
I've hacked something ugly as anything together that does this, but will look at making it more legible, general, tested and a Plugin. However, in the meantime anyone trying to follow my path can use this public gist:
Are you sure you are using sbt-resolver not sbt-revolver ?
Because the second one allows controlling the triggered resources using
watchSources - defines the files for a single project that are
monitored for changes. By default, a project watches resources and
Scala and Java sources.
watchTransitiveSources - then combines the
watchSources for the current project and all execution and classpath
dependencies (see .scala build definition for details on interProject

Where do I properly put my constants in Meteor

I usually follow the unofficial Meteor FAQ on how to structure my codebase, but I can't figure out where I should put my global constants.
To give an example: I have some database entries with a constant GUID that I need to reference in many points of my app. So far I just attached the constants to the relevant collection, such that in collections/ it would say:
#MyCollectionWithGuids = new Meteor.Collection "myCollectionWithGuids"
#MyCollectionWithGuids.CONSTANT_ID = "8e7c2fe3-6644-42ea-b114-df8c5211b842"
This approach worked fine, until I need to use it in the following snippet, located in client/views/, where it says:
Session.setDefault "selectedOption", MyCollectionWithGuids.CONSTANT_ID
...which is unavailable because the file is being loaded before the Collections are created.
So where should I put my constants then, such that they are always loaded first without hacking in a bunch of subdirectories?
You could rely on the fact that a directory names lib is always treated first when it comes to load order.
So I would probably advise you to organize your code as follow :
In your particular use case this is going to be okay, but you might find cases when you have to use lib in your client directory as well and as the load order rules stack (subdirectories being loaded first), it will be loaded BEFORE the lib folder residing in your project root.
For the moment, the only way to have full control over the load order is to rely on the package API, so you would have to make your piece of code a local package of your app (living in the packages directory of your project root).
It makes sense because you seem to have a collection and a view somehow related, plus splicing your project into a bunch of collaborative local packages tends to be an elegant design pattern after all.
Creating a local package is really easy now that Meteor 0.9 provide documentation for the package.js API.
I would put your collection definitions in a lib directory. File structure documentation explains that all files under the lib directory get loaded before any other files, which means your variable would be defined when you attempt to access it in your client-side code.
Generally speaking, you always want your collections to be defined before anything else in your application is loaded or executed, since your application will most likely heavily depend upon the use of the collection's cursor.

What are some use-cases for Meteor.isClient?

The docs on are very lacking for this check. I've seen elsewhere that it is useful for setting up helper functions in a Handlebars (and the new Spacebars?) JS. But where else would a Meteor.isClient check be required?
It's useful whenever you have shared code between the client and the server. For example, the default code that comes with any new meteor project puts all of the javascript into a single file. Template definitions won't work on the server, so they need to be wrapped within a Meteor.isClient check. Of course in a larger project, you can easily separate these sections into their respective /client and /server directories. However, you could still have utility functions, or methods defined in a shared directory. In those cases you may again find that some portions of the code only make sense when executed in one of the two environments.
They are critical for small apps where all of the code exists in a single file. Larger apps tend to use them only for things like meteor methods which can have a single definition but work differently depending on the environment.
