How to specify custom reporter with JSHint - jshint

I'm using JSHint (in grunt tasks) on a project and currently have it setup to use "jshint-stylish" as the reporter. It's defined in the jshint.js file as seen in the following code
module.exports = {
options: {
reporter: require('jshint-stylish'),
but I'd like to use my own custom reporter. How do I define the reporter to identify the custom reporter?

Using the structure identified in, I figured out that my relative path was incorrect. Important to note: don't include the extension when identifying the reporter. And the require statement isn't needed in this case either.
module.exports = {
options: {
reporter: './example/folder/src/reporters/my_reporter',


stylelint ignore rule for specific folder/file

I looked at stylelint's docs and only saw a way to disable stylelint for running on for specific files/directories but what I really want is a way to disable specific rules) for specific files/directories. Is there a way to achieve that? I don't want to use stylelint-disable within the files.
In the future, you'll be able to use the overrides configuration property. In the meantime, you can work around this missing feature by using the extend configuration property and by running stylelint twice.
Create a second config that extends the more limited main config and turns on additional rules:
extends: "./.stylelintrc.json",
rules: {
"unit-whitelist": ["px"]
Or you can create a second config that extends a full main config and turns off rules:
extends: "./.stylelintrc.json",
rules: {
"property-no-unknown": null
It will require two npm tasks to run it, though:
stylelint "**/*.css"
stylelint "special/**/*.css" --config .extended-stylelintrc.js
Or it can be combined into one:
stylelint "**/*.css" && stylelint "special/**/*.css" --config .extended-stylelintrc.js
In that case, you can not use the ignoreFiles option
or .stylelintignore?
You can provide a glob or array of globs to ignore specific files.
For example, you can ignore all JavaScript files:
"ignoreFiles": ["**/*.js"]

Grunt , Babel setup for Es6 with external helper

Hi there I have been forced to come here due to every resource out there on the topic is very poor and incomplete.
Not only on the babel site but every single post out there is not complete and informative enough.
I tried to reach out at the babel forum and no replies.
I am trying to convert my prototype libraries to Es6 and convert to the most leanest possible code. So no bloaty duplicated generated code and if possible no bloaty requirejs and whatever browserify generates.
I have tried to make a project with grunt and babel directly, configure the external-helpers plugin according to the babel documentation.
It fails to include the relevant helper code and fails to include the import module code altogether.
ie a babel config like
options: {
sourceMap: false,
presets: ['es2015'],
"plugins": ["external-helpers"]
dist: {
files: {
'build/<%= %>.js': ['src/<%= %>.js']
The main project file has an import like
import Button from './ui/buttons/Button';
The module code looks like this as if the export is placed underneath extra code is generated for that.
export default class ShareButton {}
produces an output like this
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _Button = require('./ui/buttons/Button');
var _Button2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_Button);
No source of the module or the helper object is included.
I searched hard for how to deal with external-helpers and it suggests it has to be imported into a separate file ie something like this to generate only the helper functions needed
babel-external-helpers -l createClass > src/helpers.js
But any resource regards to this fails to go as far as to how to import that into the project.
If I use the transform-runtime plugin, it produces a massive polyfill that cannot be disabled so a bug and not so useful for what I need.
"plugins": [
["transform-runtime", { "polyfill": false, "regenerator": false }]
If I use browserify / babelify it makes a royal mess and duplicates code still.
A config like
options: {
"transform": [["babelify", {
"presets": ["es2015"],
"plugins": ["external-helpers"],
sourceMap: false
dist: {
files: {
'build/<%= %>.js': ['src/<%= %>.js']
Produces code like this still with the external helper missing and duplicated code not relevant to the helper. ie
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Is within every module in the generated file.
If I export the classes like this at the bottom of every file
export default class {}
Duplicated code is generated like
var _class = function _class() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, _class);
exports.default = _class;
In terms of filesize that doesn't include bloaty wrapping code like
It seems concatting all the prototype classes files together to bundle in one file is the winner still.
So trying to port the library but keep it similar and bundle it together into one file.
Hopefully this is concise enough and there is a simple solution.
FYI browsers do not understand tabs and 4 spaces. I had to edit this post in my editor to get the code blocks working ! It would be nice to have a markup like other places like "```" ?
Let me know thanks.
I'm using rollup with babel now. Rollup produces a clean output as umd mode. Browserify is really bloaty in itself.
There is just a problem with polyfills being converted. I have to concat external ones in like for WeakMap.
I had a problem trying to use the generated Iterator and finding a polyfill for that so I have to code loops a particular way it doesn't generate Iterators.
The polyfill generation in babel is still too bloaty and crazy. It's pretty terrible. So I concat in minified polyfills that are very small and it's used globally.
I was running into something very similar. Was tired of trying to do it the "right way" and ended up just creating which simply manipulates the string output.

Grunt Pleeease: Extend existing source map

I write Sass and use grunt-pleeease to inline #includes etc.
Unfortunately pleeease inlines its source map and ignores the existing one.
The source map file from sass is in the same folder as the css I pass to pleeease (main.css and
Is there a way to tell pleeease to use the existing source map and extend it?
I've also run into this problem. Currently, the pleeease grunt task doesn't write out the external source map even if you select the correct options. You can edit the task to make it do this anyway. I've submitted a pull request to the project on GitHub for this fix.
Note that I still had to specify the in and out options (pleeease gets the location of the original source map from the css file's sourcemap comment; you can specify this manually also using the prev option for sourcemaps, just note that you have to set that option to the contents of the sourcemap file, not the path of the sourcemap will be of use there):
pleeease: {
dist: {
options: {
in: 'build/styles/styles.css',
out: 'public/styles/styles.min.css',
sourcemaps: {
map: {
inline: false,
sourcesContent: true
files: {
'public/styles/styles.min.css': 'build/styles/styles.css'
Until this fix is implemented into the master branch and published on NPM, you can use the GitHub address of my pull request branch in your package.json to get the fix (please note that I will eventually remove this branch if my pull request is accepted or the fix is achieved in some other way):
"grunt-pleeease": "zeorin/grunt-pleeease#sourcemap-external",

Grunt cssmin rebasing a relative URI?

I'm currently setting up grunt-usemin for our project but I'm running in a small issue with the cssmin task.
Our project depends on a few external libraries, some which bring a long some extra assets (like images or fonts). The problem is these libraries do not have the same folder structure.
This is an example of the different folder structures
| |--style1.css
| +--image1.png
| +--style2.css
In the index.html all the stylesheets are referenced and put inside a build block. As such, when the usemin task executes, the stylesheets of the libraries are concatenated in one minified file and put inside the output folder. The corresponding assets (images) are copied over to this output folder as well and flatened in the img folder. The output folder structure looks like
As you can guess, the concatenated stylesheets has (in this example) two different relative URIs:
This is causing an issue where some of the images cannot be found. I need a solution to rebase all relative URIs to the out folder. I tried using the target and root options of the cssmin task but to no avail. Could someone point me to a correct configuration of this task or to another Grunt task that could achieve what I'm looking for?
Thanks in advance!
I have a grunt file in C:\web\project and CSS files in C:\web\project\www\css. The following snippet is from my grunt file and it rebases URLs correctly for me.
var cssFiles = [
// ...
cssmin: {
concat: {
options: {
keepBreaks: true, // whether to keep line breaks (default is false)
debug: true, // set to true to get minification statistics under 'stats' property (see test/custom-test.js for examples)
noAdvanced: true, // set to true to disable advanced optimizations - selector & property merging, reduction, etc.
//relativeTo: ''
noRebase: false, // whether to skip URLs rebasing
root: 'www'
nonull: true,
src: cssFiles,
dest: 'www/temp/application.css'
minify: {
options: {},
nonull: true,
src: ['www/temp/application.css'],
dest: 'www/temp/application.min.css'
// ...
grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin:concat', 'cssmin:minify']);
Can you post your gruntfile to compare it?
Related reading:
look in the cssmin documentation/options:
rebase: set to false to skip URL rebasing
That solves the issue.

Watching multiple "file arrays" in gruntjs

So in my config file, I'm statically defining the css files to watch, along with some html partials. (eventually I will minimatch with exclusions .. I'm just going with first pass right now)
Originally I was storing these in the grunt config object, but struggled to get the output I wanted, so I moved them out of the initConfig method and into the wrapping function:
Original pass:
cssFiles: [ ... list of files ... ],
htmlFiles: [ ... list of files ...],
watch: {
reload: {
files: ['<%= cssFiles.concat(htmlFiles).join(",") %>']
I tried several variations of this (with and without join), as an example.
Current "Working" version:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var cssFiles = ['someFile.css',...'lastFile.css'],
htmlFiles = [ ... ];
watch: {
reload: {
files: cssFiles.concat(cshtmlFiles)
I feel like I should be able to do this without having to move my array's out of the grunt config (although I don't know WHY I feel they should stay there ... I guess I just haven't seen many Gruntfile's with code outside of initconfig)
I'm using a system that stores all the paths I need in a single config object, like so:
pathTo: {
distcss : './dist/css/master.css',
srcstyles : './lib/styles/**/*.scss',
vendor : './lib/vendor'
// tasks...
Then, I load those in via underscore templates like in your first example. If your project is structured in a good way then usually just having one minimatch pattern is enough. All my CSS ends up in lib/styles, and any misc. third party stuff is usually in lib/vendor as that is managed through Bower.
With the right directory structure and pattern you shouldn't need a large array of paths. A sample JavaScript project could look like this:
└── src
├── app
└── tests
Then your minimatch pattern to lint your application and test code would just be lib/src/**/*.js, for example.
But what works for you works for you; if you've written a system that you're happy with, regardless of whether you've seen it elsewhere or not, there's no reason to change it. :-)
