Tracking login in user time on page on Wordpress - wordpress

I have a simple informative website built in Wordpress. Users must login befor they can view pages ,I would like to track the time each user is viewing each page. Is there a simple plugin or JavaScript I can use to make a database of this information.

Would something like the following suffice?


How to set a login page to see the website in wordpress?

i'm a beginner and I'm trying to set a login page on my website build in wordpress. Searching on google I don't find a solution for my issue. There are a lot of plugins that customize the login page in wp-admin to acces at the backend. What I'm trying to do is different. I'd like to put a login page at my website (home page) and after the user has insered the credentials, he can see everything on the website. I don't know how to start. Every suggests are appreciate. Thank you in advance
If you're ok with using WP users table and auth systems you could put template content inside a conditional to check if users are logged in.
It isn't elegant but it would get you what you want.

Login to wordpress website using an existing google

I have a wordpress site.
currently I don't have any login/registration page/form in our website.
I need to create a login page where user can login using an existing google account. it should be the only way to login to our website. Please note, I'm not talking about login page to wordpress admin pages...I'm talking about login page for website.
1) user goes to my website
2) click login link
3) navigates to goole sign in page
4) sign in
5) back to the website , the user is logged in
Is there any WP plugin for such case.
TIA, Anna
Bear in mind that the login page for the WP admin pages is the default login screen for users as WP understands them. I don't know what you expect logged-in users to be able to do or see, but you'd have to manage that access at a different level if you're not using the WP users.
If you just want commenting but with Google logins (and others) I'd recommend Disqus.
You need to sign up with Google for this: There are several options there like using Google+ log-in, etc.
I haven't seen a wordpress plug-in for it, and even if there is, you'd probably have to register with Google somewhere in the above link because they need to give your specific website permission.
If you want to cut to the chase, look at this link which talks about installing the google button using HTML

UMBRACO - Adding Google Analytics e-commerce code to Umbraco transaction confirmation

From what I understand, to track successful e-commerce transactions using Analytics, you need to insert the tracking code into a 'thank you for your order' type confirmation page/template.
I'm pretty new to UMBRACO CMS and can't seem to find this confirmation page anywhere. There's just a template for a re-direct to SagePay which is the payment gateway. Also, the site doesn't seem to be using any kind of e-commerce 'package'.
Anybody have an idea where I need to go or what I need to do to successfully implement the GA e-commerce tracking to Umbraco?
A couple of questions.
When a user has completed an order on your site, what would be the url where he gets the order confirmation displayed?
A common way of using Umbraco is to dynamically change the template of a page, by adding it to the url, so that might be what is going on here. An Example.
The content tree would look like this:
- Home
- - News
- - Cart
Now the cart page would have a url of /cart.aspx as default. But you could access the same page, with a "confirmation" template by using a url like /cart/confirmation.aspx. in this case, there would be no "confirmation" content page, but there would be a "confirmation.master" template in your "settings" section in the Umbraco backend. And that would probably be the place to insert your google tracking code.

Make login form in wordpress

I did a login form with this link
When I login it redirects to the page of the profile, but I wanted to stay on the same page with a user's session! Is it possible?
I have knowledge in PHP, but it is the first time I am using wordpress and I'm not used to.
There are a couple of good login redirect plugins that can be set to return users (based on role, for example) back to the referral page, or to a predetermined page, instead of to the dashboard.
Here's one I've used a few times, it's got some great options

Adding multiple facebook page tabs from single facebook application using php

I have created a facebook application.
Now i want that using this application i need to add multiple pagetabs in a page.
and all of this i want to do in php
I have completed following steps
1) Logged in to facebook using my php script and got authenticaticationc code for managing pages.
2) Retrieved the list of pages i have in loged in users profile.
Now i don't know how to add a page tab in facebook programmatically.
I know there is a manual option and that is in applications settings to add a page tab
but I want to add it Programmatic using php.
Any help will be very appreciated.
Applications are allowed to have one Page Tab. So if you need to have multiple tabs for same app on single page where is no way to achieve this.
If you desire to add tabs for other applications you just need to issue POST with page access_token (from accounts connection of user who is admin of that page) request to:
You need either repeat that step for every APPLICATION_ID you want to be added as tab or Batch requests. Read more on page tabs creation in documentation for page object
